War! :: By Layne Dewlen

OK, you guys, ATTENTION! You, in the back of the room, quiet! You’ve all been gathered here today for a very important council of war preparation.

It has come to the attention of our General, Jesus the Christ, that there has been a lot of playing around for quite a while now, and the General says it has to stop.

There has been way too much playing church, playing at reading and study of your war manual, the Bible, playing at communication with headquarters, probably better known by you Privates as prayer, and playing around at enlisting others into our army. This playing at being a soldier must stop NOW! This war is very serious. You have chosen to enlist in the Lord’s army, AND WE ARE GOING TO WIN!

However, for a long time, we here in America have been behind the front lines. We haven’t stared into the very face of the enemy; we’ve had it pretty soft, and many of you have become soft. Yes, we’ve helped many on the front lines in the past, and the General commends you for that, BUT the General says those times have come to an end. We are being called to the front! We’re going to see this war up close and personal! Are you ready? That was mighty weak! I say again, are you ready? That’s better!

You have been given the best of training for the task that awaits you. Some of you have had training for many years; it will be up to you to help those new recruits who haven’t had as much. Make sure you set a good example for them.

Now is the time for each one of you to do a thorough check of your equipment and make sure you understand everything needed to perform your position in this army! As far as equipment is concerned, check all your armor as per Ephesians Chapter 6 in your manual; make sure your communication equipment is in good working order, that your manual is with you at all times. Here’s hoping you have much of it committed to memory.

As far as what is needed to perform in your position is concerned, check and make sure the power of the Holy Spirit is alive and well in you; otherwise, you’re not going to make it. Understand whose you are, who the General is that we are fighting under, and what to do when you’ve done everything you know to do, again found in Eph.6 of the manual.

And, I hope you have studied the leader of the other side and his army, understanding his maneuvers. You older ones can be a big help to the newer ones in this area.”

Now, DON’T FEAR! We haven’t lost a true soldier of the cross yet. Which reminds me, we need to make sure that everyone here is a true soldier of the cross; it’s almost too late, but ask yourself…

Am I a soldier of the Cross—
A follower of the Lamb?
And shall I fear to own His cause,
Or blush to speak His name?

Must I be carried to the skies
On flowery beds of ease,
While others fought to win the prize
And sailed through bloody seas?

Are there no foes for me to face?
Must I not stem the flood?
Is this vile world a friend to grace,
To help me on to God?

Since I must fight if I would reign,
Increase my courage, Lord!
I’ll bear the toil, endure the pain,
Supported by Thy Word. – (by Isaac Watts)

Is everybody here a soldier of the cross? Then let’s go in the power and might of our God! We are more than conquerors through Christ, our General!

There literally is nothing to fear but fear itself! This is WAR! Don’t give an inch of ground to the enemy; don’t turn to run from him either. Take a look at your armor; you have no protection for your back! If we live, we will be with Christ; if we die, we will be with Christ!! In this army, there is no losing.

Hallelujah!  Amen!

