Rapture Forums Down

A few people sent us notes that said Rapture Forums’ forum is down with this message:

Rapture Forums

Sorry, the forums is currently unavailable. The forums is now down permanently.

The main site will remain up and active as always.


If someone figures out what is going on please let us know.

Mystery Solved:

Sorry, the forums is currently unavailable. It’s time for me to take a break from the forums. The forums is now down until further notice.

Over the past 2 years time, I have seen a continuous rise in abusive comments and behaviors toward the site, an alarming rise in the total disregard for the forums rules, and other numerous behaviors that are detrimental to the site. I have come to the conclusion that it is time to shut the forums down for a while.

For those who were not part of the problem, I am sorry for such short notice.

The main site will remain up and active as always.