22 May 2023

Trump Has Become the Left’s Whipping Boy

Former President Donald Trump must have a record of being sued the most number of times. He has, at all times, a small army of lawyers. Right now, there are four major investigations against him. The total number of investigations during his political career is so numerous, I could not find a running count.

Everyone that simply works for Trump invites the risk of legal trouble. It’s so insane that some of his lawyers needed their own lawyers. Many of the people around him have had their life destroyed by politically motivated criminal investigations.

We don’t allow cops to follow drivers around until they find they violate a traffic law. I had an officer once tell me that it’s impossible for him to avoid committing some minor violation while driving. The rules of the road are set for safety reasons. Going 5 MPH over the speed limit will not get you pulled over.

Trump has reached the point where if he goes 2 MPH over the limit, we will see flashing lights behind him. I knew Trump was going to be found guilty in the lawsuit by E. Jean Carroll. She claims that Trump sexually abused her in the mid-1990s and defamed her when he said she lied about the attack. He was acquitted of rape in the civil trial but ordered to pay $5 million in damages.

Trump was basically found guilty of being a womanizer who says crude things about women. This is not a crime. If he didn’t rape her, there was no damage. The defaming claims also fall apart because the jury agreed that she was lying. Unless the former president was represented by the law firm of Mo, Larry, and Curley, this should have been an easy victory for the Trump camp.

Carroll should have had her case dismissed when she went on CNN and freaked out Anderson Cooper, proving she is not right in the head. She waited nearly 30 years and didn’t say a word when Trump was running for the presidency in 2016. Her case is valid now because Trump is a whipping boy.

If a family sued Trump, saying he helped Hitler plan the holocaust, he would probably lose. Never mind that Trump was born in 1946, people love to hate him, and common sense and facts no longer matter.

Manhattan is a staunchly Democrat borough, and the former president is widely loathed in New York. Trump said that the city is probably the worst place in the United States for him to get a fair trial. He also blamed the Judge for his loss.

“What else can you expect from a Trump-hating, Clinton-appointed judge, who went out of his way to ensure the result of this trial was as negative as it could possibly be,” said Trump.

I find the whole process of going after Trump is dangerous to our nation. He was impeached twice, and both events are like nothing. If Ron DeSantis became our next president and the Democrats regained the House, he might get impeached a couple of times himself.

We will be in a state of civil war if we reach the point where you can counteract a loss in a New York court by going to a Republican judge in Arkansas. One of the darkest days for our legal system was in the days of Jim Crow. In the South, a white man that killed a black man would rarely be convicted by an all-white jury. We are rapidly heading back to a point where you’re guilty or innocent based solely on if the jury likes you or not.

Now that the template for how to attack a whipping boy is set, the liberal media are creating more of them. U.S. Rep. George Santos, who faced outrage over a litany of fabrications about his heritage, education, and professional pedigree, has been attacked by the press. I think Santos is a bit of a scoundrel, but I don’t like how the liberal media are going after him like a pack of wild dogs would go after a wounded deer. Their obvious motive is to set themselves above voters in deciding who gets to represent the American people.

Yahoo News is a radical leftist news rag, but it does have one helpful function. I can track who is the latest conservative/Republican target. One day I counted 12 articles attacking Trump. A few days ago, Tucker Carlson was in the hot seat with five articles. Democrats must be the most moral people on planet Earth because Yahoo has very few negative stories about them.

We generally have it good right now. The day will quickly come when hatred from the left is so bad, all Christians will need to conceal their faith.

“Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake” (Luke 6:22).

— Todd

End of All Flesh?

Jesus’ words of fearsome times to come have reverberated from the Mount of Olives since the hour He looked down upon the Temple while answering His disciples’ question about the end of the age. None of those words more encapsulated just how horrific things would be leading up to His return to planet Earth.

“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened” (Matthew 24:2).

Like most who study Bible prophecy, I’ve thought the world’s nuclear arsenals would bring humankind to the brink of total annihilation as described here by the Lord. This, of course, could still be the case. Just one of America’s nuclear-equipped submarines, it is said, has more firepower within its hull than all of the explosives detonated in World War II—including the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Can you imagine what devastation all-out nuclear war could unleash?

So, it isn’t a far stretch to believe that Jesus, the greatest of all prophets, could have been talking about nuclear devastation in our present time on this judgment-doomed sphere.

While that could still be the case, I was reminded this past week that nuclear war isn’t the only methodology that might bring humanity to the point that all flesh will be in danger of being completely destroyed. The scientific geniuses amongst our numbers are proving more and more to have the same reprobate mindset as the general population of rebels who have turned their backs to God. And even more troubling, many among those of the scientific community are observably “evil men [and women] and seducers” who continue to grow worse and worse.

We have witnessed, I believe, an effort by that community to join in the globalist intention to bring the planet into a sustainable configuration—the carbon footprint-controlled New World Order championed by England’s newly coronated king.

We remember the one-world-order Georgia Guidestone edifice inscribed with an expression of the desire to bring the earth’s population down to a “sustainable” five hundred million. Its strange destruction and removal—with almost no notice of that removal by the usually avid, pro-sustainable, climate-change champions of international media—hasn’t been addressed by way of explanation since.

It seemed that the COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccine-mandate hoopla were somehow involved in the monument’s declaration. The evidence continues to mount that the effort to eliminate human flesh from the population count remains with us to this late hour. Science, which we are told we must trust, doesn’t seem to be on the side of continuation of humanity.

Consider the following:

Late on January 29, 2023, eminent MIT Professor and respected expert on drug safety analytics, Dr. Retsef Levi, placed a video on his Twitter. In it, he calls for the immediate suspension of all mRNA injections. Here are his words introducing the video:

“The evidence is mounting and indisputable that mRNA vaccines cause serious harm including death, especially among young people. We have to stop giving them immediately!” (“Worldwide Phenomenon of Sudden Deaths: The Level of Denial and Deception Is Mindboggling,” Jonathan Brentner, https://harbingersdaily.com/worldwide-phenomenon-of-sudden-deaths-the-level-of-denial-and-deception-is-mindboggling/)

But even the unleashing of virulent pestilences, with, some believe, the complicit efforts of those within America’s clandestine cabals, doesn’t tell the entirety of suspected intrigue involved.

Now a potential evil feared to threaten human life itself is developing—and at a pace that terrifies even some of the scientific community who are working on the creation of the AI technologies.

In late March, no lesser mortal human beings than Goldman Sachs equity research took a deep dive into the implications of AI for the world (and beyond). The magnum opus led readers through the evolution of AI… Their shocking conclusion: AI will lead to one-third of a billion layoffs (at least) in the US and Europe. Think of it as the mobilization of the service sector. The safety risks around AI are huge, and we think there is a more than 50/50 chance AI will wipe out all of humanity by the middle of the century. (“There’s A Greater-Than-50% Chance AI Wipes Out All of Humanity by 2050, One Advisory Finds,” https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/theres-greater-50-chance-ai-wipes-out-all-humanity-2050-one-advisory-finds.)

More and more, the scientists involved in this burgeoning thing called artificial intelligence are warning of the unknowns that will occur when machine melds with human. We wonder if those responsible for the future of AI are intent on making the global elite “become as gods”—as the serpent promised Eve in the Garden of Eden.

Perhaps this is what Jesus meant, at least in part, when he said the words quoted above:

“And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”

So we can be assured that it will not be the end of all flesh. Jesus will preempt Satan’s ability to devour the whole human race. We believe that this preemption—the Rapture of His Church—might take place at any moment! Then, God will Himself control the attempts of Satan to eliminate the human race during the seven years of hell on earth.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
