Disconnected, a Loner, & Loving It :: By Edwin Tan

As I continue on the path less traveled, a song that marked my first year in school resonates within the confines of my cerebral cortex.

Walking with Jesus,
Walking every day, walking all the way.
Walking with Jesus,
Walking with Jesus alone.

Walking in the sunshine,
Walking in the shadows,
Walking every day, walking all the way,
Walking with Jesus, walking with Jesus alone.

Fifty-six years later, the words of this sing-along piece describe a lifestyle so transformed by the power of Christ through the workings of the Holy Spirit. I am, without doubt, on the same trajectory where remnant believers in the Body of Christ are concerned. It appears to be a case of a hard road amidst a spartan setting. Really?

“For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not mixed with faith to those who heard it” (Hebrews 4:2).

The bulk of people I grew up with did hear the Good News. Some simply shrugged off the truth, but others appeared to believe in the Living Word. These folks were regular churchgoers, and some even held positions in man-made committees tasked with catering to the needs of those sitting in the pews.

Whether it be those who claim to be Christians and those who are not – there is that propensity for a communication breakdown in the event there was a crossing of paths. Mention the word ‘rapture,’ and everything goes beyond a storm in a teacup. Speechless indifference if not a tirade of repudiation – maybe even outright mockery in the form of bad-tasting jokes.

Then there are those who resort to a pseudo-intellectual argument based on half-baked teachings. It could be allegorical interpretations or purely apostate chatter based on the likes of the prosperity gospel, replacement theology, and church growth dogmas.

They will cling to the world and extoll the virtues of putting on the fallen nature.

On this note, there is mockery and denial of Scriptural truth. To these individuals, the Good News is old news, very much likened to the fairy tales which have almost eluded their mental lexicons. So much so that they put their weight on a litany of misleading narratives. When challenged, they would display angst as if their personal pride was gravely wounded!

A mature believer would not engage in a heated debate that is of no benefit to the soul, especially when personal emotions come into play. Let the Lord decide what is the appropriate course of action. If He chose me to talk to a specific person or group of people – the Holy Spirit will be present with all the enabling and empowerment.

I am ready to go when He tells me to do so, but nothing has really happened in this respect. He has a myriad of means at His disposal when it comes to speaking to specific individuals. He chooses certain people for a specified task. We may not be called for something that crosses our mind, but He will give us something other than what our brain tells us to do.

“But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills” (1 Corinthians 12:11).

Here is how things are going for me – it is all about listening to His voice. As a loner, I am being of use to His Kingdom and Glory. Exhortations, removing wool coverings that blind many, and leading others to Christ – all through the keyboard on my Android. Everything that is written is through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. With this in mind, there is considerable time devoted to meditating on the Living Word. Ideas could pop up, but before hitting the keyboard, they need to be polished up with Scripturally sound material from the Bread of Life.

It is way over three fruitful years as a regular contributor to Rapture Ready. My lifestyle has indeed undergone a makeover which I truly cherish with each passing day. There is an enervating and enthralling package that comes with this God-ordained makeover. Aside from the staple in the form of Jan Markell’s Understanding the Times, J. D. Farag’s Prophecy Update, and the contributors to Rapture Ready – a lot more has been added on recently.

Most noteworthy would be the Hope for Our Times app.

Tom Hughes does a great job with his cutting-edge updates, and there are a lot of insights into current-day warp-speed happenings by way of featured guests. The app also has links to articles that have a bearing on the prophetic picture. These are primarily non-mainstream sources like Breitbart, Zero Hedge, and Gateway Pundit.

A lot of stuff here is written by secularists, but it is not difficult for anyone well-versed in Bible Prophecy to piece it all together.

Of late, Harbingers has got me on their mailing list. The articles are truly one of a kind; I would say they are tailored to the hearts and minds of remnant believers like yours truly.

So the Heavenly Father has richly blessed me with material that focuses on eternity. I cannot think of any better alternative in the light of the times we all live in. So much so that loneliness does not seem like a stumbling block anymore. It works the other way, far from the distractions of the fallen planet and tuned to the Blessed Hope frequency!

“He who heeds the word wisely will find good, And whoever who trusts the Lord, happy is he” (Proverbs 16:20).



Contact me at edwinuk13@gmail.com