Practical Ways to Share What I Know :: By Lisa Heaton

This segment, Elevate Your Voice: Part Two, is part of the How Do I Share What I Know? series. You don’t need to have read the other sessions to follow along since all are stand-alone topics. If you would like to read Part One, the Rapture Ready article, “Fear Keeps Me Silent,” catch up here. While viewing is not necessary to follow along with the article, the following ten-minute video is a quick introduction to the topic and a way for me to connect with other like-minded believers.

Watch me first:

In part one of Elevate Your Voice (Fear Keeps me Silent), we focused on various elements of fear and how it’s the greatest obstacle for most of us in sharing what we know. The next most difficult obstacle is knowing how and what to say. I can’t express how inadequate I’ve felt in telling others, and I’m one of the biggest talkers around. This is different, like nothing I’ve ever had to do. To tell someone you care about that life as they know it doesn’t exist anymore is tough on several levels. For one, we want to protect them, but mostly, the scope of it all makes it intimidating to try and put into words.

Why people don’t listen

If we begin there, considering why people refuse to listen to the facts of what’s happening in our world, then that will help us in our approach and give us understanding of just how imperative our delivery of the information is. In the intro video, I shared a few stories of how I said too much when trying to warn people early on. Each had to do with my delivery. Sure, I was telling truth, but I told too much truth all at once and came off sounding like a nut job.

Another reason they each have ignored my warning is that they don’t want to face the reality of where we are. Since one isn’t a believer at all, he would have to believe there is a God he’s accountable to if what I say is true. Sadly, he will likely be regretting that choice to be his own god when millions of believers leave here to go celebrate the wedding supper of the Lamb. Another one is a young mom with what she sees as a lifetime ahead of her. The final one doesn’t want to let go of a world that’s comfortable. Her life is filled with good things as a recently retired woman: a grandbaby and new freedom to serve at a church she loves. It’s more reassuring for people to believe I’m a fanatical nut, to listen to the ten and not the two; otherwise, they would have to alter their lives and get involved.

Be a two, not a ten

I recently read in Numbers 13 and 14 the account of Israel’s first attempt at entering the Promised Land. They sent in twelve spies to view the land; then after forty days, the spies came back with a mixed report. Ten spies spoke from a place of fear, saying that the Israelites were no match for the inhabitants of the land. The ten were sincere in their report and truly believed the giants in the Promised Land were unassailable. Just because their belief was sincere, however, didn’t make them accurate. Two spies spoke from a place of faith, knowing their God would go ahead of them and make the way. First, Caleb tried to rally the people and assure them Israel would certainly prevail. Only Joshua supported Caleb’s report. Ultimately, who would the people choose to believe? The ten. That’s what’s happening now in a couple of ways.

First, a point we covered in Accept Your Role, since most pastors are silent, the people refuse to listen to the few Christians who are sounding the alarm, choosing instead to hear the majority of pastors who pretend this isn’t happening, that our nation and world aren’t in serious trouble as we spiral out of control and under the control of a nearly-here global government.

Another two vs. ten scenario is how the globalists control the narrative through the mainstream media, government, and medical industry, so people are led to believe lies by authorities and reporting agencies they’ve been taught to trust. Like the story I shared in part one, someone I love laughed at me and asked if I think I’m smarter than Dr. Fauci. That’s everyone else’s line of thinking, that the powers that be are smarter than us, so we should listen to them. For the life of me, I don’t understand how anyone could choose to believe a government run by politicians who have proven themselves to be liars, cheaters, and greedy opportunists over time. Most know we can’t trust them in everyday matters, yet some blindly believe the politicians can suddenly be trusted with their health.

We’ve been taught to trust our doctors. How many times do we see “consult with your physician” before we make everyday life decisions, even down to our diet? If our doctors are going along with the Big Pharma narrative, so likely will we. Well, not we –you and I – we know better, but we’re just two with no medical degree. Their sway over people is monumental, making them the ten. That’s exactly why the enemy has aligned the medical community to follow the vaccination and pharmaceutical narrative over these past decades. This is all one great big set-up. But to convince people who don’t see that is nearly impossible. The ten far outweigh the two in this case.

With the deck of mass deception stacked against us, how do we break down the barriers and get through to others to help them see truth? For one, don’t do things the way I did. Build a bridge with people and take them over it more slowly. Mostly, don’t come off sounding like a nut like yours truly. You’ll find with some friends and family members that you’ll only get one shot to tell them anything at all, so be prepared and know your topic, as well as your audience.

Mechanics – the “how-to” of sharing what you know

If this is your first end-of-the-world scenario, you may need a little help in getting your bearings. That concept, this being our first end-of-the-world scenario, has helped Kim and me tremendously. When one or the other of us has blown it in a conversation with a friend or family member, we remind ourselves this is our first starring role in a last-days blockbuster movie. We give ourselves grace for sure, but we also challenge ourselves to get better at our task. Like a screen actor would, we rehearse our lines.

As you learn what’s going on, take notes and prepare some one-liners to have in your pocket. That’s what we call our preparedness, having something in our pocket as a conversation opener and as a response to questions and skepticisms we know we will face. We also consider our audience and where they are coming from. The opener you use will be determined by the person you’re dealing with and the circumstances of the conversation.

Based on the stories I’ve shared, you see that your delivery matters as much as your content. Yes, you should research and learn facts, but what you do with those facts makes all the difference in how someone receives your information. Here are a few things to consider as you get started:

Rehearse your lines

Practice a sentence or two, non-threatening or non-confrontational statements that can open a conversation most anywhere. Unless you’re sitting down for coffee with a friend willing to listen, you may only have room for one or two statements.

Know your audience

You can’t assume everyone has your history with or grasp of the Bible. Most, even Christians, have little to no understanding of prophecy, so be careful how you use even the word prophecy early on to prevent someone from shutting down. Many see prophecy as some farfetched concept when we know it’s God’s mercy and love that tells the end from the beginning. Just because that’s true doesn’t help your listener to understand that at first. For some, all the “prophets” out there giving outlandish predictions taint the concept of prophecy in God’s Word.

This isn’t about us and how we like to do things. This is about our audience and what they need to receive what we have to say. If our initial approach is off-putting, then we’ve lost our listener. Nothing we say, no matter how true, will be received if we don’t open the conversation in a way that invites the listener to want to know more. Begin with statements that assume the person sees what’s going on. When we make statements that suppose they are blind, their defenses will rise, and receptivity will be lost.

We will look at conversation openers and try to keep them generic enough so that you can use them with various audiences in mind, Christians, non-Christians, and those of whom you’re not sure. Consider these below, then think of a few of your own openers and begin to practice. Learn to use different openers based on who you’re talking to. A conversation with a friend in your Bible study class will need to differ greatly from what you would say to your unsaved neighbor. Remember, it’s better to share a few direct facts rather than to make broad, wild statements like, “The vaccine is going to kill everybody!”

Sample openers

Questions are great openers. Let your words rest on the hearer. Give space for them to speak. Don’t assume you need to fill an awkward silence. Their response will allow you to gauge where the person is to help you know your direction.

“What do you think of these past two years?”

Their answer will determine if they see the truth. You will be able to tell if they are fearful or maybe looking for some answers.

“Isn’t it sad how so many Christians are living in fear over the virus just like the world?”

If you don’t know if the person is a believer, you can change Christians to people, which will allow you to share the reason you feel peace and hope in a world so filled with fear.

“Do you believe in the rapture?”

This would be more Christian-specific and need not be an argument over pre-trib, mid-trib, etc. No matter their beliefs on timing, the set-up for the tribulation is clearly underway and should be your main point.

“We can see with the way things are going, Jesus will be coming soon.”

I’ve said this to a perfect stranger standing in line waiting for BBQ. I live in the Bible Belt, so it’s easy to assume that most people in my area have at least some experience with Christianity, so I begin conversations with most as if I assume they are believers. They may think I’m crazy, but at least they hear the name of Jesus, a seed planted for a later date.

“I’m not sure I would be able to deal with all that’s going on in this world if I didn’t have Jesus in my life.”

“You can’t look at this world and not see the Book of Revelation coming to life.”

“Based on all we’re seeing, we know Jesus could come back at any time. We need to make sure we’re right with Him.”

“They keep trying to tell us that things will get back to normal. We can see that’s not the case. Things are only going to get worse just like the Bible tells us will happen in the last days.”

“I know people have been saying this for years, but the end is really near. We can’t watch what’s happening in this world and not see it.”

If you’ve read Daybreak, you can work this into the conversation and offer to send them the link for the free Daybreak download: This book will allow the reader to learn about the rapture and the end-times players through an exciting fiction story.

“Isn’t it sad how fearful everyone is these days? It’s not just food shortages and fuel prices that we’re all dealing with; we’re looking at financial collapse.”

With anyone you speak with, you can mention rising prices and coming global food shortages since that’s affecting us all. That’s an easy segue into how the Bible says this is exactly what will happen in the last days. Yes, there have always been famines, but a global crisis is unique to the end of the age.

“Look, I know how crazy I’ll sound, and I have to be okay with that since what I need to tell you matters, but all this upheaval in the world is exactly as the Bible says it will be here at the end.”

I often open with the “I know I’ll sound crazy” phrase just to head them off at the pass. We do sound crazy. Biblical prophecy coming to pass, or at least the set-up for what we’re told will happen during the tribulation, seems crazy. Own your “crazy” and tell anyway.

“So, what do you think of the media today?”

Do they see that we’re not being told the truth? If not, this is your opportunity to direct them to some truth speakers, pastors, and teachers who are warning of what’s to come.

Some follow-up statements might include:

“I find I don’t fear now. I did early on, but I’ve found a new sense of peace in Jesus. That may not be something you’ve considered, but if you would like to know more, I would love to share.”

“Things are changing daily, like we’re on shifting sand. I know I can’t put my hope in our government. The only One I can trust in is Jesus, my solid foundation.”

“Fear is always from the enemy. We know that it’s the truth that sets us free. When we’re standing on truth, we’re not going to be consumed by fear. It matters that we listen to truth-tellers, or we might stay in a place of paralyzing fear.”

“We see what’s coming for those left behind, but we know our hope is in Jesus, that He’s coming back to rescue us.”

“With all the deception we see around us, we as believers have to seek the truth. Because so many pastors aren’t telling what’s going on, we have to study the Scriptures ourselves and seek out truth-tellers.

Then, you can leave the conversation by saying:

“I’ve been reading/watching some trusted pastors and teachers that really make sense of much of what’s going on. May I send you some links to check out?”

Bear in mind, what you tell your Christian friends may be ignored or even ridiculed. Put yourself in their position. You are likely only one of the “two” who are telling the truth when “ten” others are relaying the false narrative being spread by governments, the medical establishment, and most news outlets. Like the Israelites, other believers will choose to believe the ten over the two. Still, your warning is vital. As things get even crazier and more of what you’re saying happens, like food shortages and financial collapse, the people you’ve warned will see with ever-widening eyes and may contact you to ask questions.

If you know the person you’re talking to isn’t a Christian and that they’re not open to hearing about your faith, then don’t be that guy! You know, the guy who’s shouting on the corner, “The world is ending and you’re gonna burn!” A gentle conversation with an unbeliever can reap such a blessed harvest, even if you don’t know you’ve made an impact. Maybe you’re just a seed planter in this person’s life. Whatever the outcome, your job is to give them a reason to think and to hopefully open their eyes to the truth of what’s going on.

I know I’m not supposed to, but I can’t help but feel the weight of responsibility for a person’s salvation after a conversation. We all feel that. Ultimately, though, we share what we know and leave the response up to the person and up to the Spirit to follow along in that person’s life and grow planted seeds. The fact is, many, maybe even most, won’t listen. You’ll think you’ve failed, but what farmer plants a seed then stands back feeling disappointed over the mound of dirt? He allows God to water and bring sunshine upon that seedling. As the world spins out of control, that seed may grow, and the person may then be open to the Gospel.

There will also be seeds that will grow when a soul is left behind in crushing regret after the rapture. One thing that helps me as we draw closer to the rapture is to know that seeds we plant here may be what leads to a tribulation saint’s decision to follow Jesus, someone who might reach thousands more than we ever could. No, we don’t want them to have to suffer what’s to come, but our conversations now very well may lead to open eyes and an open heart when what we’ve warned of actually arrives. Never underestimate the power of a seed or the power of the Seed Grower.

Know When Enough is Enough

In the words of the great “theologian” Kenny Rogers: “You’ve gotta know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, know when to walk away, know when to run.”

Jesus didn’t chase people down. He simply said, “Follow Me,” then allowed them to make their choice. The more I’ve talked to people over these past two years, the clearer the Lord has been in His encouragement to me. He gave me the imagery of washing my hands of the people I’ve talked to into His hands. In doing that, I’m not indicating that I’m done with them, only handing them over to the only One who can open eyes and hearts. I don’t have to carry them with me after that conversation. I walk away from that mound of dirt and planted seed knowing what the person chooses to do with it is handed over to Jesus, our Living Water.

Even Paul knew when to walk away. This was said of Paul while speaking in Ephesus in synagogues:

“But when some were becoming hardened and disobedient, speaking evil of the Way before the people, he withdrew from them and took away the disciples, reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus” (Acts 19:9).

Final encouragement

“For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say” (Luke 12:12).

None of us will ever have all the right answers or responses to questions, but we can be sure the Spirit will give a willing watchman the words our listener needs to hear. It may be something that seems so simple as speaking the name of Jesus to an unbelieving heart that eventually changes the course of a life. Or it may be a warning now over what the person will see months from now. Whatever the case, we trust and speak as the Spirit leads. Then we dust off our feet, and our hands into His, and we move on.

One of my greatest mistakes has been believing that “they,” the globalists in charge of the calamity we’re facing, are the winners. They may seem to be winning round after round, but we have the playbook (the Bible) and know where they’re trying to take us. Knowing truth keeps us free even when we’re daily losing personal freedoms. Stay in the Word, your only source of truth and comfort and encouragement. Choose faith over fear every day, every minute of this battle raging around you.

Fear says, “We are no match for them.”

Faith says, “They are no match for Him.”

Stay the course, believer. Keep your head up, watching for our Blessed Hope.

In Him,



Introduction and other entries on this topic: How Do I Share What I Know? Series

It’s always free! Daybreak, Last Days of Light helps the reader learn more about the rapture and the players in this last-days world through the lens of an exciting, non-threatening fiction story. The Daybreak ebook is provided here: Daybreak Free Download. Share it as one means of telling what you know.

About Daybreak:

In this ripped-from-the-headlines action adventure, Paige discovers the world isn’t what she thinks it is. After an urgent phone call from her dad, she sets out on a mission to find the absentee father who walked out of her life only weeks after her mother’s untimely death.

Wyatt, the soldier her father sends to protect her, sounds just like her dad, raving of conspiracies and warning of impending doom. This team, these loyal-to-her-father men, will stop at nothing to locate their leader.

Nothing about Paige’s life will ever be the same after that knock on her door and Wyatt’s two-minute warning.

About Lisa:

As an author, Lisa Heaton is a storyteller with a heart for truth. Her greatest desire in her fiction and nonfiction work is to challenge the reader to discover the truth of who Jesus is and who they are to Him. Now, here as we wait for the any-minute arrival of Jesus for His church in the rapture, Lisa’s latest mission is to warn the lost and wake the found and to help others discover their unique voice to share the truth of our times. More at and Daybreak.Team.