Star Wars, the stunningly popular movie series, pales in comparison to the real-life drama taking place at this late hour in human history. And because its impact on human history will be profound, describing this war in such terms is not exaggeration.
The battle taking place is more than a supernatural conflict. Rather, it is a spiritual drama that is beyond comparison in the annals of national political intrigues.
This conflict might be called the sequel to the commentary I wrote some years ago. Its title was “Prayer Wars.” It was at a time when believers in Jesus Christ were faced with what was then considered the most important election, certainly in the memories of those who faced it. It was in the days surrounding the 2016 election.
Below is what I wrote at that time, with only a very few edits. The war that is raging at present is more intense, more violent, more necessary to win than even the 2016 election. The truth found within this commentary hasn’t changed, because the Lord does not change.
Again, here is what was written then:
Never in American history has there been in presidential politics a time that more fits within the descriptive given in Ephesians 6:12 than the time we are currently experiencing. That spiritual battle describes succinctly, in my opinion, the time that has led up to where America and planet earth stand at this moment.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
For decades, it has been as if the dark, hellish forces of the ages have been turned loose against this nation, which has been so openly blessed by Heaven. The cultural and social “progress” thought to have been made, according to those who want to detach America from the Judeo-Christian mooring the founding fathers provided, are threatened by a significant challenge. We the people of God just might have decided we don’t wish that progressive agenda to proceed further. Thus, the war is on in a way perhaps unseen in the annals of US presidential elections.
We as God’s people are told how to fight such warfare as that in which we are presently engaged. We are to “put on the whole armor of God” (Ephesians 6:11).
The Bible provides a description of that spiritual armor with which we are supposed to adorn ourselves in order to wage war against this most powerful and wicked enemy force. Once we are fully, spiritually armed, we are told we are to be “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” (Ephesians 6:18).
How well most Christians these days have fully armored up is in question. The dumbing-down by the godlessness of the secular world and—even more troubling—by the compromising churches of recent times, has taken a heavy toll. However, the one weapon mentioned in the apostle Paul’s spiritual-battle preparation of Ephesians chapter 6 is in play during this war for the survival of this once-great republic.
I am believing that the core of the people in this nation who hold to the truth of the Word of God are “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit” that the Lord will intervene in this war that is raging. It is a “prayer war,” to be sure.
I’m aware of the seminary and other positions that say 2 Chronicles 7:14 was only for Israel and doesn’t apply to America. But, the God of Heaven does not change. Jesus Christ, who is God, is the same yesterday, today and forever, the Scripture tells us. I am trusting, therefore, that that great promise given to Israel during their direst time of need applies equally to those of this day and time who are “called by His name.”
Although the nucleus of God’s people who hold fast to the Heavenly Father’s precepts and promises might be a dwindling number, we are still here in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. We are engaged in this “prayer war” for a restoration of sanity in America’s government, society, and culture.
We are praying specifically that the evil forces that are raging to make this nation into a state totally apart from all godliness will be, at least on an interim basis, kept from their luciferian goal. I say “on an interim basis” because Bible prophecy plainly foretells that the satanic, globalist forces will for a time one day achieve establishment of a one-world order as Antichrist’s platform of power. It will happen. It’s just a matter of time.
Meantime, however, while the Church of Jesus Christ is here, thus the Restrainer (the Holy Spirit) resident within that Body holding back evil, it is right and proper—and I believe expected—that God’s people, called by His name, are to pray the prayer of 2 Chronicles 7:14.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
Millions, I’m convinced, are even at this late hour praying this prayer to the best of our ability. I believe movements and revelations of corruption within the political processes of late reflect directly the Lord’s attentiveness to the genuine prayers of His spiritually attuned prayer warriors.
If America is again—like in the 2016 presidential election—to be so blessed by a positive answer to those prayers by Heaven’s throne room, I believe it will mean that the battle as described in Ephesians chapter 6 will, after the election, intensify even more than if God’s answer is otherwise. And it will, in that case, be this nation’s final dispensation of liberty, if there is not a turning back to God in a major way.
The war of the ages as this Church Age dispensation moves into its final stages will be fought most effectively by God’s people in the prayer closets of America. Let’s be sure to put on the whole armor before engaging in the battles we face.