Network of Gay Priests: Hated Benedict, Love Francis :: By Geri Ungurean

I wrote this article two years ago. Due to the recent news of Pope Francis supporting gay marriage and a place for practicing homosexuals in the RCC, I felt that it was a good time to bring this piece out once again.

I have edited this down to a shortened version, but (as always) will publish the links, so that those readers who wish to read articles in their entirety may do so.

A warning to readers: prepare to be shocked and sickened. I apologize here for some of the content from St. Sebastian’s Angels. Sometimes I think that God intends for us to be shocked.

Original Article from September, 2018: St. Sebastian’s Angels: A Network of Gay Catholic Priests

As a writer, it takes a lot to shock me.

As I began to research about gay priests and cover-ups, along with Pope Francis being urged to resign – I stumbled upon a website that was shocking; I thought for sure that this could be fake news.

When I began the original search, I heard in my spirit (not audibly, of course) the word “networking.” At first, I thought that this was just in my own mind – something that I had thought about. But after I used that word in my search of gay priests, I knew that this had to have come from the Holy Spirit.

St. Sebastian’s Angels came up immediately. What I was reading was so disgusting and depraved, I immediately thought that this might not be true. But as I vetted the information and dug into many sources, I realized that I had stumbled on something so big and so evil, I almost backed away from it.

St. Sebastian’s Angels

Before I show the reader parts of this evil and disgusting website, I want to show you an article from “The American Conservative.” This will give you some background about this demonic group of depraved individuals.


The Only Way Through Purgatory

The first time I ever heard the truth about Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, D.C., finally exposed as a sexual predator years into his retirement, I thought I was listening to a paranoiac rant.

It was the early 2000s, I was attending some earnest panel on religion, and I was accosted by a type who haunts such events — gaunt, intense, with a litany of esoteric grievances. He was a traditionalist Catholic, a figure from the church’s fringes, and he had a lot to say, as I tried to disentangle from him, about corruption in the Catholic clergy. The scandals in Boston had broken, so some of what he said was familiar, but he kept going, into a rant about Cardinal McCarrick: Did you know he makes seminarians sleep with him? Invites them to his beach house, gets in bed with them …

At this I gave him the brush off that you give the monomaniacal and slipped out.

That was before I realized that if you wanted the truth about corruption in the Catholic Church, you had to listen to the extreme-seeming types, traditionalists and radicals, because they were the only ones sufficiently alienated from the institution to actually dig into its rot. (This lesson has application well beyond Catholicism.)

What a great point that is. The truth is, if you wanted to get a clearer picture of what was actually happening inside the Catholic Church regarding the scandal, you’d have been better off reading traditional sources. A long time ago — back at the beginning of the scandal — a tiny outfit called Roman Catholic Faithful exposed the “St. Sebastian’s Angels,” (NSFW) a group of gay priests who shared nude photos and engaged in pornographic banter. Here’s what Catholic World Report had to say about RCF’s work:

By autumn of 1999, the St. Sebastian’s Angels site had attracted the participation of 55 active members. At that point the site was brought to the attention of Steve Brady, the founder of a group known as Roman Catholic Faithful, based in Springfield, Illinois. Brady copied material from the Angels site–including six web pages and thousands of email messages–onto his own computer files. On January 14, 2000–after his series of appeals to the American hierarchy had failed to produce any response–Brady brought all that material from the Angels site into public view by copying it onto his own Roman Catholic Faithful site.

As the news about the homosexual priests’ website quickly spread through the American Catholic Church, the reaction was decidedly mixed, with opinions breaking down along predictable liberal/conservative lines. A few US bishops, presented with clear evidence about the nature of the site, took prompt, corrective action.

I corresponded and spoke with Steve Brady in 2002, and met him at the national bishops’ conference in Dallas that year. He was just an ordinary Catholic who was sick and tired of the sexual corruption in his church, and the lies from the hierarchy. One of the members of the St. Sebastian’s group was a South African bishop:

By virtue of his rank, Bishop Reginald Cawcutt is the most visible of the 55 regular members of the Angels site. In part because of his rank, and in part because of his adamant defense of the site and criticism of Steve Brady, the bishop has been the main focus of media attention. In an email response to this reporter’s January request for an interview, Bishop Cawcutt said that his involvement in the Angels site was an outgrowth of his work as chairman of the South African bishops’ committee on AIDS. He explained:

Naturally enough this got me involved with ministry also to gay people. Both of these ministries are totally known and quite public–to my fellow bishops as well as to the general public. Somehow the group of gay priests heard about me and invited me to discuss gay-related matters with them–hence I joined the “newsgroup”–quite openly letting the members know I was a bishop. I did not try to hide anything.

Bishop Cawcutt declined to be interviewed, however, because he claimed that Roman Catholic Faithful had been guilty of “quite an illegal action of someone breaking into this confidential group’s support of each other.” He charged that Brady had “picked out only the spicy bits” from the material on the Angels site. The bishop lamented that the public exposure of the site would probably lead to “gay-bashing,” and refused to be “an accomplice” to that campaign.

“I have consistently promoted celibacy in the group,” Bishop Cawcutt claimed in his email message to this reporter. But that claim is difficult to reconcile with the tone and content of some of his email postings on the site. In October 1999, for example, the bishop wrote: I suppose the issue really is celibacy and not gay sex. I am off the belief that we have all been screwed up by holy mother church. I do not think that sex is the ultimate in sin anyhow–and not always a matter for confession either–even for celibates–come on–the good old book also says dirty thoughts are grievous stuff and always matter for confession–come come now!!!

If you look at the site, which is archived, be prepared to be revolted. You will see that Cawcutt was lying in his public response, and trusting that people would assume the best about him and his intentions, and wouldn’t think the worst about a bishop. But Steve Brady had proof.

Notice too that Bishop Cawcutt was worried that people learning what he and his fellow gay priests in the group were actually doing would lead to “gay-bashing” — and that Brady, by telling the truth in public, would be aiding and abetting gay-bashing. If Uncle Ted’s #MeToo moment starts producing other stories about closeted gay bishops using their power to sexually abuse or harass other priests and seminarians, you will start seeing liberal commenters, in both the Catholic and secular media, telling us that the real problem here is gay-bashing.

If they report on it at all, that is.

Catholic World Report‘s account of the St. Sebastian’s affair highlighted the official Catholic media’s attempt to cover Cawcutt’s shame:

In a March 19 column entitled “Bigotry is an affront to our faith,” Gunther Simmermacher, the managing editor of the Cape Town archdiocesan newspaper, The Southern Cross, wrote:

A South African bishop seems to have an outfit of right-wing US Catholics running scared. How else would one account for the deviousness of the Roman Catholic Faithful (RCF) which disseminated what amounts to slanderous innuendo about Bishop Reginald Cawcutt, auxiliary in Cape Town, and in doing so employed illegal means. To accomplish this, they hacked into an internet forum on homosexuality in which Bishop Cawcutt, at the request of an Australian priest, participated as part of his ministry.

The CWR piece has a long section about how the American Catholic media spun the story too. And look at this:

Brady said his decision to publicize the Angels site was made two months after the papal nuncio in the United States declined to look into the matter, and after five cardinals rebuffed his efforts.

“The papal nuncio is the first official I contacted, in November 1999,” Brady said.

I talked to a priest in the nuncio’s office, and I explained exactly what we had, and that were looking for assistance and guidance. He said he’d pass it on to the nuncio and reminded me that what they (the Angels) were doing was legal. I never heard from him again. He said he’d get back to me if the nuncio was interested. They weren’t interested.

Brady then contacted Cardinals John O’Connor of New York, Bernard Law of Boston, James Hickey of Washington DC, Anthony Bevilacqua of Philadelphia, and Francis George of Chicago. He reports the results:

Cardinal George is the only one who responded. He faxed to me a response, and then I had a phone conversation with him and told him how to access the site. He said he thought that it might be an occasion of sin if he looked at it. That really bothered me. How can our moral leaders deal with stuff like this without looking at it?


Brady and his colleagues at Roman Catholic Faithful say that the 1998 pedophilia case involving Father Rudy Kos in Dallas–and the response of the diocese to that case–played a role in convincing them that the American hierarchy would not be willing to deal directly with actively homosexual priests. “The Rudy Kos case said it all,” Brady says. The Dallas diocese gave clerical faculties to a sexual predator, he recalls, and then sought to divert attention from reports of his transgressions. “And the victims were treated as enemies of the Church.”

“You would think some bishop somewhere would have stood up and said the cover-ups have to stop,” says Brady. “Everyone knows the cover-ups are going on, continually. You’ve got to laugh or cry.”

There you have it: Everybody knows. Stephen Brady said those words in a September 17, 2001, article in Catholic World Report. This was about four months before the scandal broke big out of Boston. And here we are, 17 years later, with Cardinal Ted McCarrick exposed at last, and people saying, yeah, everybody knew.

To a lot of people, Steve Brady was a crank. He was definitely on the edge. He closed RCF in 2010, and not long before he did, he urged his fellow Catholics to start attending Society of St. Pius X chapels. But Steve Brady, whatever he lacked in theological sophistication or smooth prose, was right about the things he saw, and he was onto this story for the reason Ross Douthat points out today: because he was alienated enough from the institution to actually dig into its rot.

Douthat explains why it will be harder for more #MeToo stories about bishops, officials in monastic orders, seminary heads, and other power-holders in the Catholic institution to come out.

But that makes it incumbent on everyone else in the “everyone knows” orbit — meaning not just journalists covering Catholicism, but bishops and priests and church officials who are tired of being tacitly compromised themselves, as so many people around McCarrick must have been — to make it as easy as possible for these stories to be told. And without worrying, either, about whether the stories make either side of Catholicism’s civil war look good (McCarrick was a famous liberal, but the next case might be a conservative), or what the revelations mean for debates about gay men in the priesthood or priestly celibacy or anything else.

Surprised, not because I think Father Martin would in any way approve of what McCarrick and others have done, but because if these stories start being told publicly, truthfully, and completely, it is going to be devastating for church liberals who want the Catholic Church to affirm homosexuality. You can’t properly tell the story of abusers like McCarrick without telling the story of how networks of sexually active gay priests — who haven’t been coerced into sex — work together within the institutional Catholic church. – source

Brethren, I bolded the last paragraph of the article in light of the fact that Pope Francis has just affirmed homosexuality in the Catholic Church. You will see as you read on that the members of St. Sebastian’s Angels ‘despised’ Pope Benedict XVI because he was conservative and held to the RCC’s stand on homosexuality.

From from July 19, 2002

The fallen angels of “St. Sebastian’s”

The continuing saga of a depraved Website

On July 17th, the Vatican Information Service reported that Rome had accepted South African Bishop Reginald Cawcutt’s resignation. This announcement marked the first major consequence to result from the audacious behavior of dozens of priests on an Internet site and chat-room known as St. Sebastian’s Angels.

When Steven Brady of Roman Catholic Faithful (RCF) first exposed this site several years ago, it seemed too outrageous to be true. Featured on St. Sebastian’s Angels were names, photos and email addresses of openly homosexual priests, a disturbing selection of pornographic images, and a forum for participants to discuss anything from their open rejection of Church teaching to their perverse activities and fantasies.

Like Bella Dodd’s accounts of the communist infiltration of the Church,1 the exposure of St. Sebastian’s Angels was one of those events nearly too shocking to accept, but impossible to ignore. What was once held in the arena of conjecture and speculation was now on display for the world. Stories once susceptible to being dismissed as “conspiracy theories” had become a part of history.

How could things have gotten this bad? Could the Catholic Church really have fallen so far from the days of banning from ordination those with perverse inclinations? Not only were these individuals no longer screened or removed, they had become so secure in their position and sure of their invulnerability as to announce and celebrate their depravity to the world.

Read rest of article HERE.

I want to make some things very clear to the reader. I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ. I am in no way affiliated with the Catholic Church, which I consider to be a cult. I am a Jewish believer in Yeshua. The Catholic (cult) is works-based and therefore can have nothing in common with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In His Gospel we are saved by Grace through faith. 

When I began researching homosexuality among priests in the Catholic Church, I NEVER thought that I would land on the most vile and corrupt information regarding the depth of sexual sin among many priests in Catholicism.

I approached the Lord several times while writing this piece, asking Him how much of this I should actually post in the article. I feel that the Lord spoke to my heart and advised me to simply place a “link” with a very large WARNING to the reader. You will see this warning further down in this article.

The foul language of these men in their chatroom, and the nudity shown is so completely disgusting. I would recommend that if you do not want to see this, then don’t click the link!

I want the reader to understand where Pope Benedict XVI stood on homosexuality and specifically in regards to the priesthood. I have furnished two separate links – one for Cardinal Ratzinger before he was Pope Benedict, and another link to clearly show that when he became Pope Benedict, his views did not change.

This excerpt from the Gay Priest’s chatroom gives the reader a glimpse at how these men loathed Cardinal Ratzinger (he wasn’t pope at this time) but his views were well known, especially by the gay priests. Also, notice how this man speaks of gay priests, cardinals, bishops and even popes, and how he will make trouble for the Vatican:

An email from a member of St. Sebastian’s Angels to the group:

Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 22:03:00 +0200
From: “Reg C” <>
Subject: Ratzinger and other minor problems….

“Hi guys

Kill him? pray for him? why not just f** him??? any volunteers – ugh!!! [DELETED]. You told us ages ago about the possibility of a letter from him – can YOU give us any update? Certainly bishops of the world have not yet received anything like this – certainly not anything to do with gay students or whatever. I do not see how he can possibly do this – but… If he does, lemme repeat my statement earlier – that I will cause lotsa sh*t for him and the Vatican. And that is a promise. MY intention would be simply to ask the question what he intends doing with those priests, bishops (possibly “like me”) and cardinals (and I might as well put in popes) who are gay. That should cause sh*t enough. Be assured, dear reverend gentleman, I shall let you know the day any such outrageous letter reaches the desks of the ordinaries of the world.

“Hey, thanks guys for all the confidence in proposing me to be the guy with the tiara-wonder if they would allow one in pink? Talking about pink – I see the new favoured marble colour of the newly cleaned up St Peter’s is pink! We have just restored our cathedral here in Cape Town to its original – and guess what the original colour is/was – pink – and that’s what it is now – so stuff you, uncle Ratz!!! I drove my 91-year-old mother past it today – and her comment on the colour: “why did you have to paint it pink???” Oh well – not everything sons do pleases their mothers.” [end of email]

Brethren, I am trying to connect the dots here and I am wondering if Pope Benedict XVI was forced to resign because of the ever-growing presence of gay priests, bishops and cardinals. (emphasis mine)

And think about this – who does the conclave vote in as their new Pope? None other than Francis – the first Jesuit EVER to be pope, and a Leftist/Socialist who tells gays: “Who am I to judge? You were made that way.” (emphasis mine)

Just food for thought, brethren.

Click to read:

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger  on the Priesthood and Homosexuality  

Click here to read:

Pope Benedict XVI on the Priesthood and Homosexuality   


What follows will offend, disgust, and disturb you. Why would we want to do that? Because love demands it! We are called as followers of Christ to “speak the truth in love,” but truth and love may not be separated. All our philosophies and theologies aside, we must never forget that we as a church exist for the salvation of souls. ALL SOULS! Human weakness is reality and provides an opportunity for grace to manifest itself, but when weakness is lauded, protected, and promoted, it is then unrepentant and virile and becomes the most destructive form of evil!

Pope Paul VI once said the smoke of Satan had entered the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is the domain of the priest and the bishop. We make no accusations concerning any individual, but simply bring this darkness into the light so that the light may deal with it. Jesus spoke to Pontius Pilate and said, “The reason I was born, the reason I came into the world is to testify to the truth. He who seeks the truth hears my voice!” We pray that this truth, painful as it is, will help us hear that voice.

Fr. G. (One of the clergy guiding RCF)

The following message was sent to “Angel” members by a priest who is guiding RCF in these matters. 

“To:_______________. Re: St. Sebastian’s Angels. “Roman Catholic Faithful” is an organization made up of Catholic Priests, Sisters and Laity who are trying to protect, preserve, and promote the Faith in “this present evil age.” We have been monitoring a website, which presents itself as a “chat room” for homosexual priests and bishops. We have a rather large amount of material, and your E-mail address was found there. We accept fully the teaching of the Church that the state of being homosexual is not a sin. However, we also accept the teaching that the physical expression of homosexual desires is a seriously sinful action and an unacceptable expression of what the Church has called ‘an objective moral disorder.’

“We are not accusing you personally of any crime or sin; however, the chat room is a scandal, and we have learned that the only response to such darkness is to draw it into the light. The existence of the Chatroom with recorded pictures and messages will be made available to the Church and to others. We do not do this for the sake of bringing scandal but because the Church itself has not shown itself to be capable of dealing with these issues.

“Given time, we poor, weak human beings can come to accept almost anything, but the darkness still hates the light! We sincerely pray for you and encourage you, if the need is there, to seek God’s mercy in the sacrament of Confession and counseling and the assistance of those in authority. You are a priest forever, and like all priests, on the day of your ordination or religious profession, you freely assumed the cross and the joy of celibacy. We pray that you and all priests may be faithful to that commitment.” (signed) Fr. G.



Warning: foul language

One of the priests who received the letter responded.
Here is his response:


You talk about bringing things into the light. I suggest YOU step out of the “darkness” of your anonymity and into the “light” of recognition.

PLEASE do that … and I will show you a brand of “darkness” you will not soon forget! You a__holes are SO TOUGH when you can hide in the shadows.

Step forward and show yourself, tough man, PLEASE step forth and show yourself.

With heartfelt regard,

(Father) John [last name deleted by RCF]



Exhibit One

Gay Religious Brothers and Clergy
of the Roman Catholic Church


A Private List


An excerpt from the site opening page follows:
(Current as of 12/21/99)

53 members

Age Level:
Adults only


This is a support group for Gay Religious Brothers and Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church. It seeks to be an area where men in orders and/or vows can share their lives and talk about their problems, concerns, joys and sorrows. It also seeks to be that place of spiritual as well as relational friendships. It understands that the Roman Catholic Church is struggling with the issue of homosexuality and the teachings of Christ as understood by the Roman Catholic Church. This list does not engage in this topic unless it is a personal issue for one of the members of the list. It does encourage the Roman Catholic Church to seek the “sensum fidelium” in an ongoing and open discussion and a prayerful consideration of all Roman Catholics in this necessary and important topic. Before I will approve membership, you must send an E-mail to me at the address listed. If you know someone already on the list, that will be helpful too.


At several areas throughout this section, you may be linked to pages or photographs that may contain EXPLICIT nudity and language. We apologize for any distress this may cause the viewer; but after prayerful consideration, we have found that it is absolutely necessary to illustrate the very serious nature of offenses, many of which are being committed by active Catholic priests (or former priests).


The above warning is why I have chosen to offer links for those who wish to see for themselves the filthiness of the priests in this group instead of posting this filth directly on my page. Their language to one another in their “chatroom” makes one wonder why these men ever wanted to become priests. The only answer I can come up with is that they would have access to one another as gay men.

Click here ONLY if you have read the WARNING above:

Saint Sebastian’s Angels Photos and contact info of some members

Saint Sebastian’s Angels emails and chatroom

Brethren, the Catholic Church has never represented the true followers of Christ. There are many who have come out of the Catholic church and never looked back. It’s the institution that is loathsome – not the people.

Now, the pressure is on Pope Francis to resign. After reading this article, I believe that we will watch the news unfolding with a new understanding of the EVIL that lurks within the Vatican. source

Brethren, not only did Pope Francis not resign – he has affirmed homosexuality and gay marriage and is inviting the practicing homosexuals into the church in good standing.

Are we looking at the False Prophet spoken of in God’s Word?

How Can I Be Saved?

Shalom b’Yeshua


Articles at