The Word of God Is… :: By Jim Towers

“The Word of God is swift, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword….” That is why I’ve incorporated scripture into my screenplay. It is imperative that people should know what scripture has to say about the times in which we live.

Humanity has drifted away from their creator, and we can see the results either as God’s retribution or as man-made folly; even so, we are living in a state of uncertainty and fear in these turbulent times.

With life at a standstill and lives thrown out of whack, many people are all too ready to listen to man-made answers to our dilemmas when they should be searching the scriptures. There are answers being floated out there, but they are errant man-made ideas and philosophies that brought us to where we are today.

But, “The word of God is swift and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).

Having been an evangelical-type Christian for all my “born again” life, I’ve learned to utilize the word of God in my conversations with the lost. People really don’t care to hear other men’s thoughts or philosophies they’ve already formulated their own. But they cannot refute the word of God, and so I have used scripture to convince and convict those who haven’t heard it. All in all, the objective of my proposed movie is to inform and warn people of the soon-to-be rapture of the church and God’s coming judgment through the tribulation period, and many will tell you that films (movies) are the most powerful medium known to man.

It doesn’t matter what my characters say, or how they say the words or narrative – if you will – it only serves to move the storyline along. The words (lines) in the movie will soon be forgotten, but the Word of God remains forever in the hearts and minds of men. You can take them at face value or try to ignore them, but once they have gone out, you must deal with them – one way or another.

Among the scripture verses mentioned are:


Joe picks up his OLD RAGGEDY BIBLE lying nearby; and turning the pages, he stops at the place where he begins reading…


“For men shall be lovers of their own selves,

covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,

disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false

accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those

that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers

of pleasures more than lovers of God….”

I also incorporate Matthew chapter 24 among other nuggets of truth.

In my evangelical story, the character, Joe, is a widowed and retired professor of Biology who has taken in a former student named Tom who is down on his luck. Tom is an ardent reader of various websites who aspires to become a world-famous writer. While sitting at the dining room table, Joe and Tom are conversing….

The dialogue goes like this:


If you really want to know about spiritual things,

then I suggest you peruse the rapture ready website.

The contributing writers are all committed Christians

and there is a man named Terry James who experienced

a near death experience and wrote about it in one of his

many books … During that experience, he saw with his

blind eyes – family and loved ones who had passed on

and are now in heaven……You can also check out another

website…. dropzonedelta .com …. warriors following



I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m still skeptical of all this

religious stuff.


Your professors have been filling your head with empty

man-made ideas; you need to begin reading the word of God,



The aim of this thought-provoking film is to convince and convict the viewer of their need to repent and to receive Christ as Savior.

If you like what I’m attempting to do, then join with me in putting this film together in any way you can. I’m in need of producers and looking for professional actors, DP and crew as well. We will be filming interiors in Naples Florida and exteriors in Miami and Miami Beach.

Apprenticeships are available.


Jim Towers

You can write me with your thoughts and/or visit my website for more information.