Disastrous Deluges, Deceivers, Depravity & What Disney Did; But First—Descriptions of Deliverance
In Nigeria, where Christians are constantly being murdered by Islamists, a report of a miracle. According to a report by Barnabas fund: while waiting with fear to meet the same fate as their husbands who had refused to renounce Christianity and convert to Islam, several mothers were told by their children that Jesus had appeared to them in the night and reassured them that “all will be well.” The next day when the terrorist Boko Haram group lined several captives up and ordered them to convert to Islam or die…
Mysteriously, before a single shot went off, the captors began screaming about snakes and dropped their weapons. Some fled while others died instantaneously as if overcome by an unseen force. When one of the adults attempted to pick up a weapon left from a fleeing terrorist, one of the children said, “You don’t need to do that. Can you not see the men in white fighting for us?”
Extreme Weather
Another uplifting occurrence: In Kentucky, members of Mt. Zion Baptist Church are thanking God after 40 preschoolers and 10 staff members were unharmed after a tornado ripped the roof off their church. The staff gathered all the children together and sang Bible songs. Video shows concrete, etc., inside cribs and on the floor.
In the central US, a historic snowy winter ended with a “bomb cyclone” and massive snow melt causing historic flooding, and the disaster continues to unfold. Forecasters warn the floods will likely continue through May and could worsen in the coming weeks. Several people have died; an entire town in Missouri was evacuated due to a levee breach; other levees are in danger of breaching; and Nebraska is underwater with 74 cities and 65 counties under a state of emergency, the most widespread destruction ever seen in the state’s history. Ranch and farm losses could total $1 billion, and there’s not much hope for replanting crops anytime soon.
People had little time to try and save their livestock; 700 hogs died in just one Nebraska farm alone, so the death toll for livestock is likely to be astounding. Besides Nebraska and Missouri, record flooding occurred in Iowa, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota; and flood warnings have been issued in Illinois. Record flooding along the Missouri River has impaired treatment of drinking supplies in Kansas City, raising health concerns.
In Indonesia, the death toll after torrential downpours last weekend triggered flash floods and mudslides has climbed to over 100, with dozens missing and 12,000 people displaced. Hundreds of homes and buildings have been destroyed.
Cyclone Idai, which has affected Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi is considered one of the worst tropical cyclones on record to affect Africa and the Southern Hemisphere as a whole. The long-lived storm has caused catastrophic damage, leaving over 700 people dead and hundreds more missing. Mozambique was the hardest hit with 90% of Beira destroyed. There are fears that the death toll could reach 1,000 there. Numbers are expected to rise in all three southeastern African countries as flood waters recede and efforts to recover bodies continues.
Two cyclones battering Australia: Cat 4 Tropical Cyclone Trevor made a second landfall in the Northern Territory early Saturday bringing torrential rains and winds of up to 250km/h (155 mph). Cat 3 Tropical Cyclone Veronica is currently spinning very close to the northwest coast of Australia. Wind gusts in excess of 70 mph have been clocked in Port Hedland and Karratha on Sunday.
In Indonesia, a 5.5 earthquake triggered a landslide last Sunday, March 17, killing at three people, injuring 182 and damaging hundreds of homes.
This Sunday, March 24, a 6.1 quake occurred off the coast of Indonesia.
A 6.3 quake occurred off the coast of Vanuatu on March 20. A 6.1 quake hit Columbia on March 23. It was 70 miles deep with no reported deaths. There were several quakes over 5.0 in diverse places.
Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano had its largest eruptions in years, sending a plume of ash over two miles high. Burning fragments of the volcano’s dome fell over a radius of a mile and a half. Over the past few weeks, the volcano has become more active, prompting authorities to repeat warnings to keep a distance of about seven miles away from the summit. Even then, Monday’s eruption caught residents off guard.
In Russia, volcanic eruptions on the Kamchatka Peninsula delayed and canceled flights in the Aleutian Islands this week.
Mozambique, hardest hit by Cyclone Idai, is facing “a major humanitarian emergency.” Hundreds of thousands are in need of shelter, food and water. Cases of cholera and typhoid (transmitted by water contaminated with feces) were reported. There has been an increase in malaria (from malarial mosquitoes breeding in the stagnant water). Other illnesses have also been reported.
America has been engulfed by an opioid epidemic for nearly two decades, and today, more people are dying as a result than ever before. From 1999 to 2017, almost as many Americans died of an opioid overdose as died fighting in World War II. While it is more critical now than ever before that we draw attention to this epidemic, the media — and cable news in particular — have continually ignored the magnitude of the issue.
Apostasy in the Churches
Raging Pro-Abortion Women “Pastors.” These so-called pastors are in the United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, Episcopal Church, Unitarian Universalist Association, Christian Church (Disciple of Christ) and Unity Church.
Churches are renting out spaces during the week to keep going. Factors to be considered are that we are in the times of rampant denial of the faith, plus false preachers abound which causes Bible-believing Christians to flee. At White Rock United Methodist Church in Dallas, Texas, they’re teaching Tai Chi in one space, Zen meditation in another, and yoga in another. Leila James, who has been a member for 44 years and is the daughter of a preacher, embraced the idea. She said she and others enjoyed the yoga class so much, and we thought “Well, this is the way church should be. We should be able to have other aspects of our lives here.”
Zen meditation seeks self-enlightenment and comes from Buddhism. Buddhists don’t believe in heaven or hell; they believe in reincarnation; and see no need to be saved from one’s sins.
Tai Chi comes from the Taoist religion which believes in a universal energy called chi. Taoists believe in many gods and dead ancestor worship.
Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice connected to Hinduism. Every movement in yoga involves worshiping a Hindu god. The mantra “so’ham” that people repeat in yoga to help them meditate means “I am the universal self.”
Any practice that worships nature (Mother Earth—Gaia), a god within oneself, or any pagan god is absolutely unbiblical, to put it mildly.
Days of Lot Returned
In Arlington County, Virginia, not even kindergarteners are exempt from pro-transgender messaging. The Washington Post earlier this month featured an article about Ashlawn Elementary School, which hosted a male crossdresser who goes by the name “Sarah” who read books about transgender children to a room full of kindergarteners. A letter sent home to parents mentioned nothing about the crossdresser or opting their children out of this perversion. In one of the books, the children are told that children can have a “girl brain but a boy body” or “a boy brain and a girl body.” Any parent with a modicum of sanity should have removed their child from this perverted indoctrination, permission or not.
Disney has rehired James Gunn after firing him months ago over resurfaced tweets he made between 2008 and 2012 of the most offensive nature imaginable, in which he obsessively joked about child rape and abuse. He associated at least once with a man who was convicted for having child porn, and admitted accepting videos from him. Disney has become demented, so he’s right up their alley to make movies for children. They had to know about those tweets and likely only fired him because they were later exposed. But after a firestorm of protests from people who obviously don’t care about his perverted darkness, they rehired him.
He has apologized, but anyone who entertains the thought about him having second chances should think about the fact that he tweeted this perversion as a middle-aged man; regardless, he should never again be involved with anything to do with children.
Also, while we’re on the subject of Disney, as of this week it owns Fox’s movie and television studios. It has also gained the FX and National Geographic cable channels. It does not own Fox’s news network, though. That will be rebranded as FoxCorp.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all: Regarding the two men who say Michael Jackson sexually molested them when they were children, Barbara Streisand says, “His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has.” She added, “You can say ‘molested’ but those children, as you heard say, they were thrilled to be there. They both married and they both have children, so it didn’t kill them.” The Left have lost their ability to reason, and she’s obviously at the top of the list.
Sex with children, child weddings at Philadelphia mosque: A young girl now 17, says she first became a child bride at 14. “At the time I was a virgin. It was going to be my first marriage of course.” It didn’t last. In 2016, she was married off to a man over twice her age who began sexually assaulting her and her 10-year-old sister.
Those traveling to and from the San Antonio International Airport will not be able to enjoy the Christian-owned Chick-Fil-A’s sandwiches because the city council voted against including the restaurant. The Left has been trying to destroy Chick-Fil-A since Dan Cathy came out in opposition of same-sex marriage.
Popular video hosting site Vimeo removed the account of Fairview Baptist Church in Oklahoma, which hosted a conference criticizing homosexuality. The account was later restored, but video of the conference was not.
Google barred a Christian video on same-sex marriage from advertising on YouTube after its employees were offended by it. The video said gay people are welcome as Christians but are called to follow Christian teachings on sex and marriage.
A British Catholic commentator is under investigation for using the wrong pronoun in a tweet to describe a transgender. Caroline Farrow says the mother of the transgender reported her to police for using the wrong pronoun. This is coming soon to the US if Democrats get their way. If Farrow refuses to be interviewed by police for the “criminal action” she will be placed under arrest. Her children and family are also being harassed for their mother’s alleged “crime.”
Last Sunday, Omar Abu Laila (another young Muslim raised with hatred for Israel) killed 19-year-old Israeli soldier Sgt. Gal Keidan, also father of 12 Achiad Ettinger, and seriously wounded soldier Alexander Dvorsky in a stabbing and shooting rampage. Sweets were distributed in Gaza to celebrate the terror attacks. CNN, MSNBC, and The Guardian in Britain didn’t bother reporting the attack. Laila was killed in a gun battle with Israel’s IDF two days later. “Palestinians” clashed with the IDF during their search. The terrorist is being hailed by “Palestinians” as a hero and martyr deserving of a military salute.
In Pakistan, a Muslim student, Khateeb Hussain, stabbed Associate professor Khalid Hameed to death over what he considered an “un-Islamic welcome party” at the college. The killer was averse to the event being organized because he viewed the mingling of male and female pupils at the function as “un-Islamic.” Yet there was barely a mention of this in the news.
ISIS has called on its followers to retaliate for the terror attack against Muslims in New Zealand last week, calling on ISIS supporters to “take vengeance for their religion.”
Rep. Ilhan Omar and the land of the pirates: Omar falsely calls Israel “a terrorist nation” but doesn’t see the murders of citizens in her home country of Somalia by Muslim terrorists as worth mentioning: such as the recent blowing up of the Makkah Hotel killing over 30 and wounding 90.
A federal grand jury in New Mexico has indicted five Muslims who trained children to carry out school massacres and for other conspiracies to commit murder and kidnapping. These Islamists say the 3-year-old who died at their camp would be resurrected as Jesus, at which point he would tell the terrorist group which corrupt government institutions they should destroy or convert to Islam. Anyone with a grain of sense should see that their version of Jesus is not the real Jesus. And the mainstream media is ignoring their ties to Democrats.
Hatred of the Jewish People and Israel
House Democrats brought in a Soros group to allegedly “fix” anti-Semitism; it made anti-Semitic jokes. Bend the Arc is a leftist anti-Jewish group linked to George Soros. Bringing them in was like bringing in the KKK to moderate a discussion about tolerance.
Israel’s PM Netanyahu is expected to address the AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) policy conference on Tuesday after meeting with President Trump, who may sign a directive to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Anti-Israel Democrats running for president said they would not attend.
In Massachusetts, “Expel the Jew,” “Heil Hitler,” and other Hitler salutes were among the anti-Semitic slurs found defacing dozens of headstones at a Jewish cemetery. Also included were “Oh vey, this is MAGA country.” FYI to Neo-Nazis or any group who may even have done this as a stunt to further divide and take down this nation – or make people think Trump supporters identify with white supremacists: the answer is a huge NO we don’t!
Antisemitism is becoming an increasingly prominent issue in Europe. In the wake of a rise in the number of antisemitic incidents, especially in Europe, the problem was discussed by Ambassador Danny Danon and UN ambassadors from the European Union at a special meeting at the headquarters of the EU delegation to the UN.
Video: “Palestinians” teach their children hatred and lies against the Jews/Israel from generation to generation. Watch this short video of a 13-year-old repeating what she’s been taught.
A delegation of extremist European politicians including a German neo-Nazi leader, met with Hezbollah’s foreign affairs chief to express support for the Lebanese terrorist organization’s fight against Israel.
The anti-Israel UN Human Rights Council is at it again, voting for an arms embargo against Israel and prosecution of Israelis for alleged war crimes at the Gaza border. The audio was cut of the speaker who tried to rebut the lies against Israel during the debate.
Hatred of Christianity
A bestselling author is warning that Christians are in real danger of persecution in America. And this warning comes from a surprising source, a prominent secular Jew. David Horowitz argues in his new book “Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America,” that secularists and leftists want to turn the nation into a godless, heathen society where religion has absolutely no role.
Political leaders, public figures and media-nites everywhere continue to fall all over themselves to condemn the mosque attacks in New Zealand. The bizarre aspect of the coverage was not, in fact, the attention paid to a heinous crime committed in New Zealand, but the absolute silence surrounding the simultaneous massacre of scores of Christians by Muslim militants in Africa and their homes burned.
In Britain, an Iranian national seeking asylum has had his 2016 application turned down after saying he’d be persecuted for his new Christian beliefs in his home country. Britain’s Home Office asylum rejection letter said the claimant’s suggestion that Christianity was peaceful was ‘inconsistent’ due to images of ‘violence’ and ‘revenge’ in the Bible.
London’s Muslim mayor is defending the arrest of a Christian preacher for preaching on a London street. A Muslim complained, and the preacher was arrested for breach of peace after refusing to “go away.” A Muslim man was trying to humiliate the preacher and was being aggressive towards him. He was saying, “No. Allah is the right way.” But the Muslim was not arrested. Mayor Sadiq Khan said, “I expect the police to take this matter seriously.” He added: “It’s always been clear that freedom of speech is critical and must be protected but also the police must be able to investigate when allegations are made of a ‘criminal offense’.”
Traitorous Times
First, the good news: President Trump signed an executive order on Thursday requiring colleges that receive federal funding to comply with the First Amendment’s protection of free speech. Good luck trying to reign in those brainwashing and brainwashed individuals.
Mueller’s investigation has ended without any charges of collusion or conspiracy with Russia. But in their mad quest for full return of power, the left vows that investigations will continue.
Students harassed two Border Patrol agents at the University of Arizona during an event for criminal justice majors. The agents were speaking to a classroom of students when protesters converged on the room and compared the agents to the Ku Klux Klan and called them “murder patrol.”
The secrets to the deep state coup to prevent Trump from winning the 2016 election and then to overthrow his government are slowly being revealed. To no one’s surprise, the plot leads back to Democrat causes donor, the anti-American George Soros.
New research reveals that Google built biases into its search results that influenced the 2018 midterm elections – possibly costing Republicans three congressional districts.
A federal judge has done the right thing in declaring that the FBI’s search for Peter Strzok’s records were inadequate. The notorious Strzok texted to the girl he was having an affair with regarding the deep state dirty doings to try to keep Trump from being elected. He texted: “There’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk.” Strzok reportedly oversaw the FBI’s ruination of former National Security Adviser, General Michael Flynn; covered up for Hillary; and is suspected of being responsible for using the unverified dossier to obtain a FISA warrant in order to spy on Trump’s campaign.
Judicial Watch has uncovered five more classified emails on Hillary Clinton’s private server. And a newly uncovered Clinton email exchange describes a plan to thwart U.S. ‘Jewish Leadership.’
UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who has been unsuccessfully trying to negotiate a Brexit deal to leave the EU, may be overthrown in a coup. Senior ministers moved to oust her and replace her with her deputy, David Lidington.
Globalist Agendas
Indoctrination of the children
American children are being thoroughly indoctrinated into Marxism, globalism and sexual hedonism in the public school system. The Christian worldview has been completely stripped which, ironically, was the first reason for mandatory education so American children would know how to read the Word of God. Listen to the interview at the above link with Alex Newman, who is a leading expert on the indoctrination and dumbing down of American children through Common Core curriculum and UN globalism propaganda within government schools.
Activists for normalizing pedophilia are on the move. Public acceptance of adult sex with children is the next domino poised to fall in identity politics. It’s being sustained, among other things, by the rapid sexualization of children in the media and in K-12 education.
“Climate Change Hoax: Global Government Ruse and Depopulation Agenda
Google removed Patrick Moore from its search result that lists co-founders of the environmental group Greenpeace after Moore criticized its bogus climate-change agenda—ruse for global governance and elimination of 5/6 of the population of humans.
The Left is determined to implement its big lie. From Alex Newman of The New American: A radical Obama-appointed federal judge temporarily blocked oil exploration across some 300,000 acres of land in Wyoming. The reason: The Trump administration did not properly consider the hypothetical impacts of CO2 emissions on “climate” when granting permission to explore for energy there. Newman said, “I guess we’ll just cook our food, heat our homes, and power our transportation grid with rainbows and fairy dust? All for a giant hoax. America is in big trouble if we don’t bring this monster to heel, folks.” Read more here.
In France this weekend, police fired tear gas at yellow vest protestors in Paris. Clashes also broke out in other French cities in this 19th weekend of protests against Emmanuel Macron’s government. Military units were deployed in Paris for the first time to back up the police. The protests were initially sparked by rising fuel prices due to Macron’s climate change policies.
Some are fighting back against the abortion agenda, but not hard enough—since life begins at conception.
In New Mexico, the state Senate voted down legislation that would have forced doctors and nurses to participate in abortions.
In Florida, U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz advocated for the passage of tougher abortion restrictions and for federal funding for faith-based pregnancy centers.
In Maine, Democrat Gov. Janet Mills has proposed new legislation that will even allow people who are not doctors to perform abortions. That ought to make for some lawsuits in the future should that occur.
Killing the Elderly and Mentally Disabled
The Connecticut legislature is considering an assisted suicide bill that would allow doctors to kill allegedly willing mentally disabled patients without fear of liability.
A Dutch environmentalist legislator has suggested restricting surgeries for patients older than age 70 by allowing hospital geriatricians to decide whether or not to operate and continue to provide treatment.
Kings of The East Communist Agenda
Chinese Pres. Xi Jinping is using “charm” tactics on Italy, but “Trojan horse” has been mentioned in Europe circles. China’s pres. wants to dominate the world. Italy signed on to China’s “Belt & Road” Initiative—China’s $6 trillion scheme to link East and West with its “claim” of enhancing flow of goods. China has invested all over Europe, but this move is said to legitimize a project that risks China colonizing Europe—establishing political control.
Europe is gradually being taken over by Islam, but it acts oblivious. Globalists think that, once the West is destabilized using immigration that includes Muslims, that they can then control those Muslims. They obviously don’t understand Islam’s Quran commands—world domination for Islam.
Communist China is continuing to force religious people into internment camps to “re-educate” them. There are reports of torture. The push to “Sinicise religion” – introduced by President Xi Jinping in 2015 – is an attempt by the officially atheist party to bring religions under its absolute control and into line with Chinese culture.
Islamization of the Nations
Could this be food tampering? From Pamela Geller: Tyson has a troubled history with its large Muslim migrant workforce. Now it’s recalling over 70,000 pounds of chicken because they may be contaminated with pieces of metal. Has terrorism been ruled out? Is it even being looked at? terror-tied CAIR has targeted them in the past. What kind of metal? Shrapnel? Would they tell us? Years ago this was left on a wall at Tyson: “All Americans Must Die.”
New Zealand’s prime minister even ordered the Muslim call to prayer all across New Zealand which declares that the Muslim god is greater/greatest and Muhammad is his prophet. This was followed by two minutes of silence. She even donned a hijab in support of Islam, and news anchors and armed police officers wore hijabs in solidarity with Islam. Don’t they realize that the hijab is forced on women in Islam? In other capital cities such as London, the “Allahu Akbar” prayer also rang out in memory of the victims.
The number of far-right terror cases the authorities are faced with is “absolutely dwarfed” by the number of Islamist terrorist cases, according to Britain’s Security Service. But those don’t merit unending coverage by the mainstream media because it doesn’t fit their agenda.
Sharia Law, anyone?
In Pakistan: “One would think the home invader who broke into the home of a mentally disabled Christian and beat him would be the one arrested. But this is Islam.” One neighbor’s claim that he overheard the Christian insult Mohammad, and two men busted in and beat him mercilessly, and also attacked family members who tried to save him. Soon a mob gathered outside; and this severely beaten, mentally disabled Christian was arrested.
Orwellian Society
Online tools which track user behavior for advertisers have been found on a swathe of EU public health websites and government websites. These trackers could compromise sensitive data about people. Most of the trackers were developed by Google.
For part of today, I could not access Jack Kelley’s Grace Thru Faith website. Also, for part of this week, the website 4conservative.com was shut down.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
“Palestinians” in Gaza resumed nighttime border chaos against Israel this week, setting off small explosions, lighting tires on fire and pointing lasers at Israeli security forces. An explosive device that was carried by a cluster of balloons launched from Gaza was found in a field in Israel on Sunday, the morning after violent protests along the security fence. Israel’s Air Force struck two Hamas positions in Gaza in response to “the multitude of explosive devices that were thrown and exploded during the night” by rioters.
Russia will deploy nuclear-capable strategic bombers to the Crimean Peninsula in response to the US rolling out missile defense systems in Romania. Russia also reiterated a grave warning to the US, saying it will not tolerate American military intervention to topple the Socialist Venezuelan government with whom it is allied. Dictators of a feather flock together.
Iranian leaders announced on Monday the construction of two new nuclear plants.
Iraq, Syria and Iran held a tripartite meeting in Damascus to discuss opposition to the US role in Syria. This comes as the US indicates it may not withdraw from Syria and may maintain residual troop levels. The goal of Iran now will be to try to find a way to spread instability in eastern Syria, hoping to convince the US to leave. It also wants to pressure Iraq to call for US troops to leave Iraq.
In Afghanistan, at least 50 members of the Afghan security forces have surrendered to the Taliban terrorists in a fight for control. The Taliban intends to restore brutal Sharia Law. Some 100 Afghan personnel who are part of the interior ministry’s border police attempted to flee into Turkmenistan but were prevented from entering. Provincial council chairman Abdul Aziz Bik said, “These soldiers have been fighting against the Taliban for years; and if they give up, they will be killed by Taliban.”
One World Government
On this week’s episode of The Gunn Show, Alex Newman, author and star columnist at The New American, discussed what the media isn’t telling you about the 4th UN Environmental Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, in which they called for a “New World Order.”
Beast System Technology
The Vatican hosted a workshop on the future of robotics at the end of February.
The ‘Peace’ Deal
Kuwait’s foreign minister said of the long-awaited US peace proposal, “We hope the plan will take into account the situation in the region and all the relevant parties.” One day soon enough they will get a “covenant with many” confirmed (Daniel 9:27).
The Tribulation, antichrists and a false messiah (revised since the original post)
Certain rabbis in Israel continue to claim the Messiah’s coming is near. Some rabbinic experts ascribe great importance to the supermoon that appeared on Purim this week. It was also the first supermoon on the spring equinox in 19 years. Rabbi Mattityahu Glazerson says Purim is especially auspicious for the arrival of the Messiah, or soon after. As we know, they don’t recognize Jesus as the Messiah and will be fooled by the Antichrist during Daniel’s 70 week (aka the Tribulation); but they will come to realize their mistake midway through this 7-year timeframe.
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, founder of the Temple Institute and member of the self-appointed new Sanhedrin (which is not officially recognized), said that if the Jews today were given the opportunity to jumpstart the Temple service, it would require a mere four hours to do so. Little do these rabbis know that this third temple is going to be desecrated by the Antichrist (who will have confirmed a false peace covenant with them and others).
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel is part of an extremist group that follows the oral traditions of the Talmud, which is not the authoritative Word of God. They want the world to follow what they call the Noahide Laws, which in reality are not associated with Noah. On the surface they sound fine, until you look deeper into what this group of Talmud followers believes.
For example, Christians would be under penalty of death as idolaters since we believe in Jesus as our Savior. Listen here to Rabbi Ariel calling for these killings (actually it’s beheading when you read their literature). And we know that’s exactly what will happen to those who turn to Christ during the Tribulation who refuse to take the mark of worship of the Antichrist. If you read about the Noahide Laws or watch videos about them online, you must be very careful. A lot of what’s out there is anti-Semitic.
[I’ve revised this section since I’ve subsequently realized that one of the links I posted (a 5-part series on the Noahide Laws Deception) contains some things that sound anti-Semitic. One of them was in the Masonic connection. Though it sounds like there may be a connection, the presentation referenced Judaism itself rather than the Talmud followers supposedly associated with this organization. Another of the videos claims that Revelation 17’s harlot woman is Jerusalem. I don’t agree with this. “The great city that reigns over the kings of the earth” was Rome in John’s day. I did watch a substantial part of the series I previously linked to, but then developed some health concerns that I had to address; therefore, I didn’t finish watching the videos].
Even if this extremist Jewish group that follows these so-called Noahide Laws is not in any type of control during the Tribulation, the Antichrist could still be a Noahide advocate.
The Institute of Noahide Code is a UN-accredited NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) dedicated to spreading awareness of the Seven Noahide Laws, which it claims all peoples of the world are obligated to follow.
In 1991, President George H. W. Bush signed into law a historic Joint Resolution of both Houses of Congress recognizing the Seven Noahide Laws as the “bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization.”
Other world leaders have joined the call for further observance and knowledge of these laws. For example, Herman Van Rompuy, former president of the European Union wrote (in July, 2014) that he seeks greater “dissemination of the universal values known as the Noahide Laws.”
On the Noahide.org site: UN NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Reps Pledge to Follow Noahide Laws: A conference advocating for the acceptance and adherence to the Noahide Laws was held on December 22, 2010. The event’s title was “Unity, Youth and World Peace.” Presenters included Joop Theunissen, Deputy Chief of the NGO branch of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen of the Institute of Noahide Code. Deputy Chief Theunissen signed a proclamation pledging to keep the Noahide Laws.
“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years” (Revelation 20:4)
Come, Lord Jesus!