Tragedy, Treachery, Terrorism, Trib Tech, & Tumultuous Tempests
Tumultuous Tempests
In the US, Winter Storm Ulmer, a powerful late winter storm dubbed a “bomb cyclone,” left blizzards, floods and tornadoes in its wake after hitting Mountain and Plains states, before pushing east into the Midwest and the Great Lakes Region early Friday. Nebraska suffered its worst flooding in 50 years. A Nebraska farmer was killed after the tractor he was in got carried away by floodwaters. A Colorado state trooper died after being struck by an out of control vehicle while he was assisting a driver that slid off the road. So far, 19 locations in the Midwest have set new flood crest records. Over 300 river gauges were in flood stage in the central US.
Even before this latest storm, Red Mountain Pass in Colorado was said to remain closed for the foreseeable future due to over 60 feet of snow and debris covering the roadway. CDOT described it as “historic, incredible, and daunting.” Highway 550 was already covered by 20-30 feet of snow before crews needed to trigger more avalanches to add to it.
Cyclone Idai has caused severe flooding throughout Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. At least 31 people are dead in Zimbabwe and dozens are missing.
In the UK, Storm Gareth hit this week with heavy rain, flooding, and strong winds of 75 mph. Three climbers died in an avalanche on Ben Nevis in Scotland. Six crew members were airlifted from a stricken French fishing boat off Lands End in “atrocious” six meter waves (20 feet) and storm-force winds. The storm, caused by a deep area of low pressure, is the third named storm this year after Storm Erik in February and Freya earlier this month. Then number four, Storm Hannah, hit on Saturday.
In parts of Indonesia, flash flooding killed at least 50 people and injured 59. The number of victims is expected to rise as rescuers search for survivors. In a separate incident, seven people were killed when a landslide crushed two houses.
Tragedy in Nigeria affecting the poor and innocent
In Nigeria, a building collapsed that housed residents and a primary school. The death toll is listed as 20, with 45 injured, though there are claims that 100 children attended the school, and some locals believe there are bodies under the ground. Supposedly the building had been marked as unsafe, but developers repainted it and rented out the space, illegally including a school. Building collapses are frequent in Nigeria where regulations are poorly enforced and construction materials are often substandard. A 2016 study revealed corruption in the construction sector is all encompassing: from consultants, contractors, to government agencies as well as those who serve as the regulatory agencies of government.
Thou Shalt Not MURDER
California’s Governor Newsome will sign an executive order halting death penalty executions, citing “moral concerns.” So, it’s okay to kill babies but not execute heinous murderers on death row. We have DNA testing today to prove one’s guilt or innocence. The sixth commandment in the Bible translated “Thou shalt not kill” refers to murder. In the Hebrew, the word is “ratsakh”—MURDER” (unlawful killing resulting in bloodguilt).
In Florida, Rose Alcides Rivera stabbed her 11-year-old daughter 15 times, falsely believing the child was having sex with men just “because she smiled different.”
Lovers of Self; Without Natural Affection; Proud; Boastful; Haughty; Brutal
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats have defended Infanticide 18 times in the last 40 days.
Comedy Central’s Broad City creator Ilana Glazer praised Planned Parenthood supporters, New York Democrat lawmakers, and journalists for achieving its to-the-moment-of-birth abortion law. “Your work is making the world a better place, in real time,” Glazer said.
Founder of “Children of God for Life,” Debi Vinnedge, speaking to a packed hall in Rome, said aborted babies are still being used in vaccine production today. She spoke of the “barbaric” practice of ensuring babies were aborted alive so their organs might be harvested without anesthetic. Speaking to the legality of aborted fetal research, she explained that it has been “federally funded in the US since 1993, when President Clinton signed it into law after intense lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry.”
She said “it’s a huge market worth billions of dollars,” and pointed out that such research and vaccine production is filling the pockets of “universities, biotech companies, the pharmaceutical industry and, of course, Planned Parenthood who was caught in an undercover sting discussing how they ensure obtaining intact organs for sale.”
Ex-Planned Parenthood director and now pro-life supporter, Abby Johnson, said, “We were ‘trained’ how to sell abortion to Christian women.” She wrote of her experience in her book UnPlanned, which has been turned into a movie scheduled for release March 29th.
The Society for Protection of Unborn Children says “It’s not safe to assume all money given to Comic Relief (from Red Nose Day) will go to causes we approve of. Charity Projects has a record of supporting all major UK-based promoters and providers of abortion, such as International Planned Parenthood Federation.” Red Nose Day was on Friday in Britain and will be on May 23 in the US.
Hopefully good news: In Ohio, Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a major victory to taxpayers when it ruled that the state may defund Planned Parenthood.
Effeminizing Males/Masculinizing Females: Going Against God’s Plan for Mankind
In Sweden’s summer job program, they’re steering male teenagers towards “traditionally female professions” and females to males’ jobs in an effort to “break” traditional gender roles. “It’s about breaking gender patterns as early as possible, and this is a way for us to work with it,” says Mohamad Hassan, chairman of the labor market board.
Days of Lot Returned: LBGTQ etc. Agenda
Homosexual presidential candidate Peter Buttigieg claims he’s a Christian but attacks Vice President Pence’s faith for supporting President Trump, whom Buttigieg calls a porn-star president. He has some nerve! He’s living with a man and is influencing others to believe that God approves of the homosexual lifestyle, when God detests— it in the Old Testament—and the New. Romans 1:18-32 and Jude 1:7 couldn’t be any clearer in its condemnation.
Warning: Being drowned in the depths of the sea can’t even compare to what’s coming for those who cause children to fall into sin (Matt 18:6-10).
HIGHWAY TO HELL: Screenshots from a private Facebook group “Parents of Transgender Children” exposes conversations surrounding practices of “packing“ and “tucking“ for supposedly transgender children as young as 5. Conversations involve parents expressing confusion at their child’s lack of interest in prosthetic penises. “My kid doesn’t seem that miffed about not having a penis, which frankly throws me off a bit,” one reads. Others ask for recommendations for best “age- appropriate” fake penises for their young children, as well as for “stand-to-pee” (STP) devices.
Too much, too little, too late: Houston Public Library is apologizing after a man charged for sexually assaulting a child was allowed to entertain children at Drag Queen Storytime. He never completed a background check before being allowed to participate in the program. Background check or not, this is an ABOMINATION.
Wyley Simpson, who was born female, had her breasts removed, took testosterone treatments and sports a beard and deeper voice. Wylie met a gay man on the gay dating site Grindr, who proceeded with the relationship despite learning Wylie still possessed female genitalia. The couple thought Wyley couldn’t become pregnant due to the testosterone. But Wyley did; now they have a baby. Wyley said, “I am a man, and I am actually pregnant.” No, Wylie, you’re not a man. All the hormone treatments in the world won’t change your gender.
An Ohio high school student was suspended for posting Bible verses at school in response to a bevy of flying LGBTQ pride flags. She noticed during the day that teachers began taking the Bible verses down. The next day she was accused of targeting the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance organization (GSA). Gabby said she didn’t know what GSA meant, but “saw there were people in my school that needed help. They don’t need to be living in the confusion of wondering if they should be gay, bi, lesbian, trans — anything like that. And I know that God is the only way that they can be healed by that, and that’s why I did it,” she said.
A radical LGBT ‘Equality Act’ will be introduced in the US House. This includes employers having to recognize the claimed gender of the employee and allowing transgenders to use the bathroom they identify with. This puts women and children in danger. Conservatives have long warned that the legislation’s true purpose is not to protect homosexual or gender-confused Americans from tangible harm, but to force other Americans such as photographers, florists, and bakers to participate in same-sex “weddings,” and to force employers and businesses to accommodate cross-dressing, same-sex cohabitation, and sex-change treatments regardless of their own values or policies.
A coalition that includes politically conservative women, feminists and lesbians are petitioning the government to scrap “gender identity” in the legislation being considered in Congress as it puts females in danger of male predators who take advantage of mixed sex accommodations.
The Pentagon has finally implemented Trump’s transgender military ban, and the Left is angry about it.
The world’s first genderless AI voice: Researchers launched a neutral-sounding ‘Q’ that’s neither male nor female to fight alleged bias in smart assistants. Q is a composite of dozens of voices of people who identify as non-binary. The goal is to get the biggest makers of voice assistants to add a gender-neutral option to their platforms.
Licentious; Fierce; Without Self Control
Languishing evidence in over 100,000 sexual assault cases around the US has been sent for DNA testing with money from a New York prosecutor and federal authorities, spurring over 1,000 arrests and hundreds of convictions in three years. Another 155,000 or more sex assault evidence kits still await testing, and thousands of results have yet to be linked to suspects. Many who’ve been identified can’t be prosecuted due to legal time limits and other factors.
Doctrines of Demons
Poland’s powerful Catholic church admitted Thursday that nearly 400 of its clergy had sexually abused children and minors over the last three decades, reflecting findings published by a charity focused on abuse in the church.
In Israel, IDF soldiers were forced to shoot a terrorist from Hebron when he ran towards them with a butcher knife, attempting to stab them. The terrorist was the local postman!
The Israeli military uncovered a covert terror network set up by Lebanon’s terror group Hezbollah on the Syrian side of the Golan in order to carry out attacks against Israel.
Israeli Border Police captured members of a terrorist cell near Jerusalem.
Three ISIS fighters emerged from the group’s last holdout Friday in eastern Syria, pretending to surrender, but when they reached US-backed Kurdish forces, they blew themselves up, killing six people.
In Christchurch, New Zealand, Brenton Tarrant, a man with a manifesto against Muslim immigration, has been arrested for shootings at two mosques which left 49 mosque worshipers dead. It’s a terrible act, but the mainstream media (as expected) is going on and on about it to suit their agenda. Yet, they don’t do this when other religious groups are targeted, especially Christians. For example:
Those same outlets have been mostly silent on the slaughtering of Christians in Nigeria by Muslim herdsmen. Those attacks have resulted in 120 dead and 140 homes burned to the ground. And this is just the latest tip of the iceberg of what has been ongoing.
Hatred of the Jewish People and Israel
In Georgia, Jewish parents are furious over a map of the terror state “Palestine” replacing Israel featured at middle school multicultural night. From Barack Obama to Bernie Sanders to Rashida Tlaib to Ilhan Omar, American Jews have turned a blind eye to the anti-Semitism from the left. As a result, anti-Semitism is now normalized in the US. Religious Jews favor the Republican Party, but non-religious Jews (the majority) favor the Democrat Party. There are also liberal-left Jews in Israel. It’s frustrating and hard to understand; but we are to remember this lest we should boast: The Bible tells us they’re blinded in part until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. His everlasting covenant with them still stands (Romans 11).
Some Minnesota Democrats are reportedly looking for someone to launch a primary challenge against Rep. Ilhan Omar (Dem Minn.) after her recent string of anti-Semitic comments, which drew condemnations from both sides of the political aisle. Jewish community leaders in Minnesota are still outraged by it.
In the wake of the anti-Semitism scandal involving Rep. Ilhan Omar that rocked the Democrat Party last week, Omar’s close friend and fellow Muslim representative Rashida Tlaib was discovered following a page that posts images depicting Jews as rats, vampires, Nazis, plotters of the 9/11 attacks, etc.
Jewish millennials have launched “Jexodus,” encouraging their Jewish peers to leave the Democrat Party after the Rep. Ilhan Omar controversy. Democrats failed to properly address her rampant anti-Semitic remarks and instead voted for broad anti-hate legislation to skirt the issue.
According to a Pew study in which 1,006 adults 18 years old and older were interviewed, only 12% of the Americans thought Israel is an important foreign policy partner. Germans were also asked which country they view as the most important foreign policy partner. No significant number mentioned Israel.
In Poland, a fringe newspaper with national distribution ran on its front page an article that instructs readers on “how to recognize a Jew” using “names, anthropological features, expressions, appearances, character traits, methods of operation” and “disinformation activities.” The text also reads: “How to defeat them?”
Political representatives in Germany rejected a resolution to urge Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government to reverse its anti-Israel voting record at the UN. Merkel voted with regimes like the Islamic Republic of Iran 16 times in 2018 to condemn the Jewish state.
The spiritual leader of Qatar’s royal family has called for a Muslim holocaust against Jews, prompting concern about security of Israelis, Jews, Americans and other non-Muslims during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Qaradawi said in a 2009 speech, “I will shoot Allah’s enemies—the Jews—and they will throw a bomb at me, and thus, I will seal my life with martyrdom. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Allah’s mercy and blessings upon you.” Same God of the Bible? Not on your life!
The “Palestinian” Red Crescent Society hosted a conference sponsored by the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement against Israel on Saturday.
Hatred of Christianity
In Washington State, the Democrat-controlled legislature passed a law last year that requires insurance plans to cover abortion if they also cover maternity care. It has no religious exemptions. It was signed by Dem Gov. Jay Inslee who is running for president. Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of Cedar Park church is fighting this, as the law violates the congregation’s constitutionally protected freedom of religion and displays hostility toward religious groups that oppose abortion. “Washington’s attack on people of faith is intentional. It represents the kind of deliberate religious persecution that our country was founded to prevent,” the suit says.
250 scientists signed a petition warning against cancer from wireless tech including in-ear headphones.
In California, a fourth child has been diagnosed with cancer at a San Joaquin County elementary school, and parents believe it’s due to radiation caused by a cellphone tower. The towers are spread throughout the community, but it’s this particular one that parents say needs to go. “We had a doctor tell us it’s 100 percent environmental, the kind of tumor that he has,” said Monica Ferrulli.
A US warship has essentially been quarantined at sea in the Persian Gulf for over two months due to an outbreak of a viral infection, parotitis, similar to mumps.
Mumps and other outbreaks have forced U.S. detention centers to quarantine over 2,000 migrants who crossed the border into the US. The numbers of immigrants in custody with contagious diseases have spiked in the past year.
A mystery illness has been traced to the bloody ritual practiced by Muslims. 10 British men who participated in this ritual became infected with human T-cell leukemia virus type 1. Most people infected with the virus never develop symptoms, but some develop terrible illnesses, like a deadly blood cancer or a debilitating nervous system condition. Ashura is a Shi’ite Muslim ritual where the men flagellate themselves with whips and chains and cut their children with knives to lament the death in battle of (our former president’s namesake) Hussein ibin Ali, grandson of Muhammad, in 680 AD while battling other Muslims for control.
As we have often seen these days, when heavy rains hit places that have previously been plagued by severe drought, flooding results. Zimbabwe’s severe drought damaged crops; no doubt the flooding did even more damage. Over 5 million people will require food aid in Zimbabwe alone.
Ongoing conflict in Africa could exacerbate the magnitude and severity of food crises in five countries and regions that already have some of the world’s greatest emergency food needs. Nearly early 25 million Africans are food insecure, with over 6 million suffering at “emergency” or “catastrophe” levels.
According to the Global Hunger Index in 2018, 17 countries were listed as most affected by hunger and malnutrition, at this link. It is estimated that over 800 million people don’t have enough food to eat. Conflicts play a large part in a number of countries.
Islamization of the Nations
Watch this video of Sharifa Alkhateeb, the late managing editor of International Institute for Islamic Thought’s American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, speaking in 1989 of using US schools to spread Islam. She starts with a Muslim prayer, then speaks English. She had worked in US schools from elementary through college.
Evangelical leader Laurie Cardoza-Moore, special envoy to the UN for human rights and anti-Semitism, is calling on the Dept of Justice to investigate Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s ties to Muslim Brotherhood , considered a terrorist organization.
Muslim Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, in a speech to terror-tied CAIR last month. In the video that has just began making the rounds, she declares, “The Muslims are here!”
Under Islam’s brutal Sharia Law, women are basically just property and treated harshly—to put it mildly. A number of women’s rights activists in Saudi Arabia are being put on trial, having been detained for a year without charges.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
The US State Dept has declared the Golan Heights “Israeli-controlled territory” as opposed to what previous administrations consistently referred to as “occupied territory.” In addition, the report does not refer to the “West Bank” and Gaza Strip as “under occupation,” language used by all previous US administrations in reference to Judea and Samaria and all the territories, including Jerusalem. This will surely incense the heathen who want to destroy Israel. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled; God knows the end from the beginning and is no doubt using this president to fulfill it.
In Israel, Hamas now claims the two rockets fired from Gaza toward Tel Aviv on Thursday night were launched by mistake during routine maintenance work. Israel targeted 100 Hamas facilities in response to the rocket fire. If it was a mistake, why is it said the Hamas facilities had been evacuated prior. Reuters and even the New York Times said the buildings had been evacuated.
Israel accused the “Palestinian” Authority of inciting a religious war on the Temple Mount after a Palestinian Molotov cocktail attack on an Israeli police station on the holy site sparked a riot.
Last Friday was International Women’s Day. Hamas as usual, took the opportunity to use women (and their children) as human shields while attacking Israel’s border. They “praise” them as martyrs as if these women do this willingly. Some do, but likely not most.
Iran’s Foreign Minister arrived in Iraq for a major visit by the Iranian president. Iran seeks closer ties with Iraq that will undermine the US role in the country, and it also seeks to spread Iran’s ambitions throughout the region.
Satellite images taken by Israeli intelligence shows a new missile factory being constructed in Syria, raising additional suspicion of Iranian involvement in missile production in the country. The factory is being built eight kilometers from the border with Lebanon in an area controlled by the Syrian regime and in the vicinity of Russian SAM (surface-to-air missile) deployment.
Israel issued a formal complaint to the UN Security Council over Hezbollah’s recently revealed “Golan Project,” which has positioned operatives along Israel’s northern border. Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, stated that Israel “will not ignore the conversion of Syria and Lebanon to a military front against us and will act with force against the aggression from Tehran,” referring to Hezbollah’s Iranian backers.
Iran launched a massive ‘way to Jerusalem’ exercise involving 50 drones that are based on a US Sentinel drone the Iranians captured in 2011. It was the strongest exercise of its kind to date.
The EU is accusing Russia of preventing Ukrainian ships from reaching port, and is imposing sanctions. Russia says it will respond to the sanctions but didn’t specify what actions it would take. Russian leadership needs control of certain waterways for its evil agenda.
New World Order (NWO) Globalist Agenda
Border Disorder
Nearly 750 illegal aliens were arrested last weekend crossing into Arizona from the US southern border. There has been a 230% increase this year of arrests at the Yuma sector of Arizona.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers arrested a 32-year-old woman attempting to smuggle meth and fentanyl from Mexico into the US. Dog sniffers alerted officials that she had it hidden inside her body; afterwards, she removed it herself. We need not ask where she had it hidden.
California’s Emerald Triangle is a hub of Mexican drug cartels, also involving Guatemalans who transport the drugs. Humboldt County is the epicenter. This invading army is exporting its erosion of law to all parts of the country. California politicians who claim to care so much for the environment/nature don’t seem to care about the water resources used by the illegal cannabis farms, effect on the Redwood forests and elimination of the blacktailed deer, nor do they seem to care about so many people going missing. Do an online search if you doubt any of this. Dave Hodges will be further exploring the corruption that may involve a lot more than anyone realizes.
Germany is covering up violent migrant crime to protect Merkel’s open borders agenda.
In socialist Venezuela in the national blackout, desperate Venezuelans are swarming sewage drains in search of water. Their dictator president denies the blame, but his critics call it a product of corruption and incompetence. The citizens don’t even have basic necessities, including no medicine for the repercussions that will come from using this water.
In Democrat Socialist France, the Champs-Elysees avenue in Paris burned on Saturday as “yellow vests” ran amok, looting shops and torching businesses. One commentator noted: “The French way seems to be that you vote for the gov’t to take over large aspects of the economy – then occasionally erupt in quasi-organized mob violence so that they allocate more resources to you…. never stopping to so much as consider that they might be better off NOT putting the gov’t in charge of so many things… I have zero sympathy for them.” He has a valid point.
Same pattern in the fall of nations who turn against God: “I will give children [those unqualified to be leaders]to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them… children are their oppressors, and [haughty] women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people” (Isaiah 3:4, 12-13).
Beto O’Rourke, a Democrat Leninist socialist who is running for president, has an interesting history as exposed by Reuters. While a teenager, O’Rourke acknowledged that he belonged to the oldest group of computer hackers in U.S. history. He also stole long-distance phone service for his dial-up modem, mused about a society without money. And last but so very far from least, he wrote a murder fantasy in which the narrator was in ecstasy after deliberately driving over children on the street because their happiness was his right not theirs. He said, “My one and only goal in life became the termination of everything that was free and loving.”
Speaking of Beto, he actually said he was “born to be president,” saying, “Man, I’m just born to be in it.” Even the liberal Washington Post noticed his narcissism. He also said, “America needs to address slavery and segregation.” What? Where? Watch this video.
Ocasio-Cortez, who blasted capitalism as irredeemable at the South By Southwest festival in Austin last weekend, says she’s not worried about the rise of workplace robots. She said, “We should be excited about automation, because what it could potentially mean is more time educating ourselves, more time creating art, more time investing in and investigating the sciences, more time focused on invention, more time going to space, more time enjoying the world that we live in because not all creativity needs to be bonded by wage.” She’s either a globalist shill or the most brainwashed and common-sense lacking woman on earth; we suspect both.
Also, speaking Ocasio-Cortez: New Zealand’s prime minister offered thoughts and prayers as they work to bring justice against the attacker(s). Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocked the power of prayer, saying, “What good are your thoughts and prayers when they don’t even keep the pews safe?” Instead, she said thoughts and prayers were simply a political device of the NRA.
Divide and Conquer
Part of the global government agenda is to divide the nation against itself to take it down and then rebuild it their way from the ashes. Republicans are getting sick of it and of being attacked; and some are fighting back. Last week, a student got in trouble on “America Day” for wearing a Trump sweatshirt and holding up a MAGA flag. After the incident, Trump supporters rallied behind her and other students who were targeted. This week, more incidents are showing up in the news.
(1) In Florida, a 14-year-old student, who wore a MAGA hat on “Hat Day,” was angrily told by a bus school aide to take off his hat; she then removed it herself and taunted him with it.
(2) This one shows several incidents, some recent. In one of the recent ones, a student who wore a MAGA flag around his shoulders during “Spirit Week” was approached by an assistant teacher who wrapped the flag around the student’s head; and it was claimed that she called him sexist and racist. Whether that happened before the video began to be recorded is not stated. The liberal Newsweek called it “a playful incident.”
(3) In Oklahoma, a student wore a MAGA hat on his head and a Trump-themed flag as a cape for a school fundraising event that allows students to wear headgear to school. A black student knocked the hat off of the head of this white student, and ripped the flag from him, then calls the white student the N word. If the white student had used that word, we’d never hear the end of it.
(4) This one shows a few incidents, but highlights the one of a man wearing a MAGA hat who was refused a drink from a bartender in New York City (both bartenders behind the bar were upset about it, but the male bartender refused him the drink). An argument ensued (warning: curse words) in which the bartender admitted it was because of his hat. The man called the bartender a “soy boy” (meaning weak male), and ended up kicked out of the bar.
(5) In Roxsbury, New Jersey, a teacher hung an anti-Trump flag in his classroom. After complaints, school officials said it wasn’t political indoctrination.
(6) In Austin, Texas, a young woman sporting black eyes said she and her friends were out on March 2nd celebrating Texas Independence Day, and were assaulted inside of a bar for wearing MAGA hats. She began to record one of the assaulters outside the bar, and was accused of escalating the incident.
(7) Report begins at 1:30 mark: An 81-year-old man wearing a MAGA hat was attacked in a New Jersey grocery store.
Traitors: Global Government’s Puppets
President Trump vetoed a measure from Democrats and 12 Republican (RINOs) that revoked his declaration of a national emergency to secure the border wall. Congress will now need a two-thirds majority in both chambers to override him, which is unlikely to happen. We pray so.
PUPPET POLITICIAN(S): Preface to the video: “If you care about the future of America, then take 22 minutes out of your day and watch this video. If it doesn’t scare the hell out of you, then no offense, but you deserve to live in AOC’s future America.”
Reaping what it’s sown? New York City is careening closer to all-out financial bankruptcy for the first time in 40 years as tax-fleeced businesses and individuals flee en masse, and city public spending surges into the stratosphere.
The Justice Dept and Hillary Clinton’s legal team “negotiated” an agreement that blocked the FBI from accessing emails on Clinton’s homebrew server related to the Clinton Foundation, according to a transcript of recently released testimony from last summer by former FBI special agent Peter Strzok. Also, Lisa Page admitted in testimony that the Obama Justice Dept told the FBI not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information. The goal of the DOJ was to “make sure they hear no evil, see no evil — they had no interest in pursuing the truth.”
A dark money group with ties to George Soros and senior Democrat Dianne Feinstein gave $2 million to an organization that contracted Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele to investigate the president and create the now-infamous Trump-Russia dossier.
We’re nearing the end of the Special Prosecutor’s case against the president, though it’s plain to anyone with clear vision that, in the words of former anti-Trump FBI investigator Peter Strzok, “there’s no there there.” With a fervor verging on hysteria…Democrats in the House have determined to construct yet another investigation. They’ll spend another two years and millions more taxpayer dollars. Deliberately failing to record his achievements, they (and paid media shills) have stirred up an anti-Trump fever that is leading to violence against Trump supporters.
Surveillance Society and Beast Technology
WHAT’S UP WITH ALL THIS? From a March 14 Report: Following the Verizon outage Tuesday morning, the Gmail and YouTube issue Tuesday night, and a “server configuration change” that took down Facebook and Instagram for hours on Wednesday, Apple has decided to join in on the fun with an outage of its own. According to the System Status dashboard on Apple’s site, virtually every iCloud service is currently experiencing issues, including Contacts, Drive and Mail.
Facebook is reportedly under criminal investigation. Federal prosecutors are probing Facebook’s data-sharing partnerships, reportedly subpoenaing data from smartphone manufacturers.
In-car monitoring: Surveillance tech will make your car less private. Everything you do in your car may soon be noticed.
Chinese company Huawei is embedding itself into cable systems that ferry nearly all of the world’s internet data; the US fears espionage will result.
The Defense Research Agency is seeking artificial intelligence tools capable of human-like communication and logical reasoning that far surpass today’s tech. Included in the agency’s portfolio are efforts to create computers with common sense and link military systems to the human body. Valerie Browning, director of DARPA’s Defense Sciences Office, said, “The grand vision for the AI Next campaign is to take machines and move them from being tools—perhaps very valuable tools—but really to be trusted, collaborative partners.
One-World Religion
Dave Hodges discusses Pope Francis’ holding private meetings in an effort to create a one-world religion which will complement the coming one-world government that the UN has publicly stated they’ll install by 2030.
“Their tongue and their doings are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his glory. The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves. Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings. Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him” (Isaiah 3:8-11).