Snopes Says Abortion Does Not Kill Babies :: By Geri Ungurean

Sometimes I feel like my head will explode……… too?

I have written about Snopes in the past, and was quickly put in FB jail. Evidently, FB hired Snopes as their fact checker. OY!

There are still Christians using these Leftists to fact check for them. You may as well write to the NY Times and ask them if something is true or not!  Seriously – it’s the same thing.

Abortion was the leading cause of death in 2018. Most of us read this and it is true. came out with an article about Snopes and how they said that abortion was NOT the leading cause of death last year. Wait till you see Snopes’ rationale.


Snopes Claims Abortion Isn’t the Leading Cause of Death Because Babies Don’t Die in Abortions

Snopes has become more of a left-wing ideology proponent than a fact checker.

The site recently ran a piece attacking the assertion that abortion is the leading cause of death in the world, a statistic reported by, Breitbart and other conservative outlets.

The statistic came by comparing data from Worldometers, an independent site that collects and reports data from governments and other reputable organizations. Breitbart contrasted the abortion numbers to other causes of death, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, traffic accidents and suicide, and found that abortions far outnumbered every other cause.

The site estimated there were 41.9 million abortions in the world in 2018.

But Snopes argued that abortions are “medical procedures,” not a cause of death.

According to its report:

“Stating that abortion is the “leading cause of death” worldwide (as opposed to a medical procedure) is a problematic pronouncement because that stance takes a political position, one which is at odds with the scientific/medical world. The medical community does not confer personhood upon fetuses that are not viable outside the womb, so counting abortion as a “cause of death” does not align with the practices of health organizations such as WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) …” source

This is when I was sure my head would explode!  

The “Life” or “Death” of a baby is NOT a political issue! It is a Moral issue – but the Left have no morals, and they have NO regard for human life (unless of course it’s their own).

It’s a “medical procedure”? I wonder how the baby likes the medical procedure which burns him/her……tears them apart; and if they are born alive, they are left in a cold dark room to scream themselves to death. I wonder how the baby feels about the “medical procedure” when they feel that sharp object crushing their skulls right before they are pulled from their mother? They take the dead child to the lab to see which “parts” of the child will bring in the most money.


Now that we’ve established that Snopes is a heartless Left-wing idiot site, I will show the reader an article I did on them months ago….actually years ago, but I’ve reposted it a few times.

Still Using Snopes to Fact Check? PLEASE Just say NOPE to SNOPES

****This is a reprint of an article I wrote over a year ago. I will probably be put in FB jail again – the first time I shared this I was in jail after just 3 shares!  

It horrifies me when Conservative Christians come to me and say, “I fact checked this on SNOPES and they said it’s not true.”

Just say NOPE to SNOPES! 

This Leftist outfit, run by an ultra-liberal couple, is definitely not the place for Conservatives to go for verification of facts. May I just say that if you want to be lied to, then Snopes is for you!  Talk about Fake News – Snopes is the place where left-wing fake news is verified and news stories from Conservative sites are vilified.

Where is the discernment?

Actually, it is just as shocking to me when Conservatives are duped by rag websites like Snopes. Many years ago, before I knew what this outfit was about, it only took me a few times before it was clear to me that I was dealing with lefties. At that point I began to research Snopes. My suspicions were confirmed when I read that the couple who ran this cesspool of misinformation were died-in-the-wool Liberal Democrats.


Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just a Failed Liberal Blogger

Popular myth-busting website Snopes originally gained recognition for being the go-to site for disproving outlandish urban legends – such as the presence of UFOs in Haiti or the existence of human-animal hybrids in the Amazon jungle.

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton, and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligence” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)

Her columns apparently failed to impress her readership, oftentimes failing to get more than 10-20 shares.

After blogging for the Inquisitr, Lacapria joined Snopes, where she regularly plays defense for her fellow liberals.

She wrote a “fact check” article about Jimmy Carter’s unilateral ban of Iranian nationals from entering the country that looks more like an opinion column arguing against Donald Trump’s proposed Muslim ban.

Similarly, Lacapria — in another “fact check” article — argued Hillary Clinton hadn’t included Benghazi at all in her infamous “we didn’t lose a single person in Libya” gaffe. Lacapria claimed Clinton only meant to refer to the 2011 invasion of Libya (but not the 2012 Benghazi attack) but offered little fact-based evidence to support her claim.

After the Orlando terror attack, Lacapria claimed that just because Omar Mateen was a registered Democrat with an active voter registration status didn’t mean he was actually a Democrat. Her “fact check” argued that he might “have chosen a random political affiliation when he initially registered.”

Lacapria even tried to contradict the former Facebook workers who admitted that Facebook regularly censors conservative news, dismissing the news as “rumors.”

In that “fact-check” article, Lacapria argued that “Facebook Trending’s blacklisting of ‘junk topics’ was not only not a scandalous development, but to be expected following the social network’s crackdown on fake news sites.” The opinion-heavy article was mockingly titled: The Algorithm Is Gonna Get You.

Lacapria again played defense for Clinton in a fact-check article when she claimed: “Outrage over an expensive Armani jacket worn by Hillary Clinton was peppered with inaccurate details.”

One of the “inaccurate details” cited by Lacapria was that, “The cost of men’s suits worn by fellow politicians didn’t appear in the article for contrast.” She also argued the speech Clinton gave while wearing the $12,495 jacket, which discussed “raising wages and reducing inequality,” wasn’t actually about income inequality source

Research to Vet Stories

As a writer, I must vet any major story before I publish it on my Word Press. It’s not that difficult. You find credible Conservative websites and do a word search using your search engine on the topic of which you are researching. After your word search, place a comma and then type in one of your trustworthy Conservative sites.

Have you noticed that since Obama gave away the internet, when you use a search engine, it immediately takes you to liberal rag websites?

This will help you:

Go to   <(click here for the best Conservative site online! They have ALL of the Conservative websites listed for you! Search for TRUTH there!

Fake news is everywhere. There are even websites which are known to be satirical. I can’t tell you how many times I see people posting articles from “The Onion,” and I have to tell them that it’s political satire. At least these websites are up front about their tongue-in-cheek phony articles!

Brethren, we are not battling flesh and blood. The left-wing liberals are serving their master, Satan. We must be as wise as serpents, yet as harmless as doves. Learn the devil’s traps and snares; and more importantly, learn how to avoid them!

Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ! That is why we are still here!

And don’t forget: JUST SAY NOPE TO SNOPES!

How Can I Be Saved?

Shalom b’Yeshua


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