Prayer and Praise
Do you want in on an open secret that can change your life for the better? Do you want to know a key component to being joyful no matter what life throws your way? Do you desire to be content even when your world seems to be spinning into a mess of chaotic clutter?
As a child of God, you’ve been given key gifts that will help you stay consistently content time and time again. These gifts, if practiced, will bring both peace to your heart and a greater sense of trust in the One who created your heart.
What’s the secret? I have two simple words for you that pack a powerful punch: Prayer and Praise. This dynamic duo can shake things up and change your life. If you haven’t tapped into the power of prayer and praise, you’re missing a key factor in experiencing greater joy and peace.
Prayer and praise are two of the greatest privileges and highest honors we can access as believers. They are given to all of God’s children and they’re yours for the taking. Prayer and praise are very special, precious gifts that will put a lift in your step and add an extra dimension of happy to your heart.
Both can powerfully change perspective. Both can alter attitudes. Both can add a layer of gratitude and compel a more Christ-like nature. Prayer and praise change the way we look at others and can change the way others look at us. When put into practice, the act of both can have a profound effect on changing the way we see personal circumstances, as well as how we address those circumstances outside of ourselves.
Engaging in prayer and praise is always time well spent. Both propel us in the right direction. Both have the ability to put us in a right frame of mind. Both contribute to our witness and walk. Both make us stronger and bring confidence as we face each new day.
Worshipping our Heavenly Father through praise puts us in a more positive place and allows us to be a more effective instrument in God’s orchestra. Praise motivates and uplifts the heart. It takes the focus off self and turns the focus onto the Savior. It lifts to new heights and brings encouragement. It furthers faith and grows grace. It releases joy into the heart that can’t help but overflow into the hearts of others. It strengthens the soul and nourishes the mind. It powerfully reminds how incredibly powerful our Savior is. It is a gift God’s given to open our eyes to His most awesome nature so we can stand in awe of Him and give reverence that’s due Him.
Like praise, prayer draws us closer to our Savior and allows us to fully focus on the very One who deserves our attention. Prayer puts God in the driver’s seat. It draws us in and keeps our heart’s motives in check. It is a beautiful reminder of God’s great love and His desire to draw us closer to Himself. Prayer gives strength, brings comfort, and reminds us Who is in control. Prayer encourages us to slow down and sit in His presence while we wait for His answers. It tightens our relationship and fosters our faith. It beautifully expresses our brokenness in His completeness.
Friend, accepting Jesus into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior is the biggest key to changing your life. And once you’ve done that, prayer and praise are key to staying close to your Father so He can prepare you to be a powerful instrument in your witness and walk.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and Psalm 150:1-6 beautifully encourage this practice:
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Psalm 150:1-6 “Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
I encourage you today to make prayer and praise a part of your daily life.
When your focus is praise and prayer, your Heavenly Father is exalted and you are better able to trust, to grow, to appreciate and to see the Savior in all of His awe and majesty. And your Savior is beyond amazing and most worthy of your prayers and your praise!