I Will Still Vote for Trump :: by Geri Ungurean

When the Trump video from 11 years ago came out yesterday- my first inclination was to throw up my hands and say “I’m not voting at all.” Echoes of the #neverTrump people resounded in my mind.

Then it dawned on me that we are all sinners. Those of us who have repented and placed our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ have been forgiven and are saved. I still think (I could be wrong) that Trump has not come to the Lord with a broken heart to be saved; but I do know that the Arm of the Lord is not too short to reach even Donald Trump.

I have been praying that Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, will take this opportunity to share the love and forgiveness of our Lord with Donald Trump.  I see it as a perfect time for Pence (a true brother in Christ) to explain to Trump about sin, and how it separates us from our Holy God – and how an unregenerate soul is bound for hell.  Please pray for Mike Pence. Please pray for Donald Trump.

Bill and Hillary Clinton

The video of Trump was used to take eyes off of the Clintons and make them seem tame in comparison to the vulgar words of Trump.  Be not deceived, brethren:

1.     Bill Clinton is a serial rapist

2.     Hillary Clinton has not held Bill accountable for his sexual crimes and conquests, and therefore does not care about his victims (women)

3.     Hillary Clinton is a criminal who should be in jail.

4.     Hillary sold arms to ISIS and to cover this up, she allowed 4 Americans to be slaughtered in Benghazi so that her gun running operation would not be revealed.

5.     Hillary Clinton is a good friend of George Soros and a Globalist herself.

6.     Hillary Clinton is a rabid Jew hater and would like to see Israel destroyed.

7.     Hillary Clinton is close with the Muslim Brotherhood and has been for years.

8.     The Clinton’s “Pay to Play” in their foundation is criminal.

9.     Hillary Clinton plans to flood our country with Muslim migrants – many of whom may be members of ISIS.

10. Hillary Clinton is a great friend to Planned Parenthood and has voted for partial birth abortion to be legal, right up to the day before delivery.


To forgive is hallmark in a Christian’s life. Forgiveness is also a choice. If we depend on our emotions, we will forever find ourselves in turmoil.  One may ask “Why not forgive the Clintons?”   To that I say that I have righteous anger at both Hillary and her husband. Should I still forgive them?  I can forgive them and pray for them, but I will certainly not vote for Hillary Clinton!

God is in Control

November is not far off. Only the Lord knows the outcome of the elections.  He will allow that which will further fulfill His prophetic Word.  He isalways in control.

Remember David

The Lord called David  a man after God’s own heart, yet David broke all of God’s commandments. How can this be?  It is the result of the brokennessof David when he realized that he had sinned against God. God saw this remorse and brokenness in David.  That is what He looks for in His own – godly repentance. Man looks at the outside of another – God looks at the heart.

Brethren, I do hope that I have expressed my thoughts clearly in this piece.  The devil is so sly and cunning.  Please go before God and ask Him what you should do.

“Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.”  (Psalm 51:1-4)  A Psalm of David

My prayer is that Donald Trump would get on his knees and feel the weight of his sin. I pray that he would repent and be saved. He must have an experience with God to understand his own sinfulness. Who are we to judge whether this will happen or not? Isanything  too difficult for our God?

