Obama is No Ordinary Weakling :: by Geri Ungurean

I received a letter to the editor in an email today.  I must say that it did hit me hard, and I didn’t see it coming. Many of us mourn for our once great country.  But make no mistake about it;  God’s will was done when Obama became our president.  I believe that he is part of a Righteous Judgment against us by a Holy God.

Could the Lord look past the many millions of slaughtered unborn babies?  Would he wink at the SCOTUS redefining marriage, and permitting gay marriage across our land?  The answer is obvious.

He answered our sin with His judgment.

Could America be great again?  Only if a miracle was to happen and believers repented of their complacency; and a move of the Holy Spirit was to wake up  millions upon millions of unbelievers, who would call upon the Name of Lord and be saved. A National repentance would then be in order.

Certainly God can do anything He wants to do.  Do I think that this will happen?   I’m sorry to tell you that I do not. I believe that America is being judged and has been found unworthy of God’s blessings and protection any longer. I speak of our nation – not the children of God. We are safe in His hand.

This letter to the editor,  written by 80 yr. old Reis R. Kash of Springfield, Oregon and submitted to the Register-Guard of Eugene, Oregon speaks for itself.
The letter appeared in the newspaper on March 19, 2014.

“Obama is No Ordinary Weakling”

“Those who compare the bare chested conqueror of the Crimea with the metrosexual ruler of the US find our Emperor weak to the point of deserving ridicule, miss the essential strength of President Obama.

It’s no ordinary weakling who can turn a once- respected country into an international joke; reduce Congress to a gaggle of sniveling sycophants; turn the world’s finest medical system into a failed third rate socialist nightmare with a stroke of his pen; shatter our Constitution without attempted recourse by the sons and daughters of frontiersmen and pioneers whose blood was used to write that inspired document; and turn the people of our once-united states into a herd of competing minorities who, like suckling pigs, are each afraid to lose his place on the government teat should he raise his voice to protest the ruin of our country.

So don’t denigrate the nonentity ruler who has overcome his uncertain ancestry and ludicrous incompetence to do what no other King or dictator has been able to do in our 237 year history: He has destroyed America.”

Reis R Kash
Springfield OR

“The Lord is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah. The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:16-17).

