Rapture Plan B (Our Story) :: By Sandy Howard

Back in December of 2012 an article was posted on Rapture Ready titled: Out of Office – Raptured.” The reason I said “an article was posted” instead of “my article was posted” is because I felt like then, and still believe today that this article was greatly inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Please do not misunderstand, I am not saying that this one was the “article of all articles” or that it was in a “Top Ten” league or something. However, how many times throughout history has God used an “unknown” to accomplish something for His glory? So, with that said, I want to tell you a story of two believers. Actually, two separate stories that sort of merged into one plan, a plan we believe was directed and orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.

Before I tell you this story, though, I want to tell you without going into details that could distract from the story, both people involved have been attacked by the enemy in some severe, and sometimes painful heartbreaking, supernatural ways that could only equal interference, distraction and discouragement in an effort, we believe, to sabotage or derail this effort.

That means, to us anyway, that the enemy must be nervous about this and wants to stop it. We feel that’s another good reason to gird ourselves with the armor of God and keep on keeping on! I also need to tell you that the battle has not been one-sided. Praise His holy Name! For example, here’s a quote from Walter, my friend who is part of this story:

Sandy, the more I worked on this, the more I realized how amazing God is. The answers to prayer were stunning and timely – and so many times that it was almost ridiculous! I thought I was well studied in the Word, but this whole effort has blessed me and grown me…because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day. (2 Timothy 1:12). He is so very much still in charge of the big picture, all the while being a personal God. He wants us to walk with Him. That’s what it all boils down to. It’s not just about “what” we do, but “why” we do it. He looks at the motives of our hearts.

One more thing before I continue on: Walter and I would like to state unequivocally that neither of us is campaigning for any type of acclaim, fame, notoriety, monetary gain or praise. Our only motive in telling this story is an effort and a passionate desire to promote the kingdom of God by encouraging believers to be watchmen on the wall in each of our “little worlds” of influence, in these last days. And possibly even more important—to leave a legacy and witness for those lost souls who find themselves left behind after we are taken up in the Rapture.

So, first…my story (Sandy):

One day in early December of 2012 when I was driving home from work listening to Christmas music on the radio and not thinking of anything except the music, the Holy Spirit was speaking to me so clearly that I thought He was in the car with me physically, and I was prompted to write an article titled, “Out of Office – Raptured.”

I don’t know how to describe that experience except to say that I knew it was the Holy Spirit’s nudging. I was so excited when that sentence scrolled thru my mind that I could hardly contain myself on the remainder of the drive home. All I had then was the title, but after I got home, the body of the article began scrolling across my mind like I was watching a lighted ticker tape news billboard in my head.

I tried to say to myself that I would wait until morning to type it up when I would have more time to concentrate on it as I knew that I had so much to do before bedtime. But I could not focus on the TV program I was watching during dinner or on the conversation with my husband or on my bookkeeping work.

So I finally said, “Okay, I’ll stop what I’m doing and type this article.” That was about 10:00 pm and I was so amazed at how it seemed that the words flowed out of me almost as if they were all running together. I have to say that I was also amazed because this was one of the first few articles I had submitted to Rapture Ready. And, although an avid reader, I had never been a writer at all until a few months before. So, I was amazed also that RR actually posted it to their website the next day. I’m saying that to point out that I don’t believe that was a coincidence either.

I hesitate to post the entire original article here because, although it would be relevant of course, I am afraid that it would make this article too long and thereby prevent readers from reading all the way to the end. The link to that article can be found below. (That’s a bit of honest human nature that just crossed my mind.)

Throughout that article I expressed a desire to find a way to leave behind a message via an auto reply email, for example to people who find themselves left behind after I and others “disappear” in the Rapture. My desire was (and still is) that people would find this message and know the truth of what happened and what will happen to them in the ensuing seven-year Tribulation here on earth.

I wanted to send people a loving message in hopes that they would find Jesus and find help via Internet websites so that they could endure and survive and lead others to Christ during that awful time.

I received so many responses to that article I could hardly keep up with replying to them all. Most responses were from people who also wanted to find ways to leave behind a message somehow, for people left behind. One of the responders was a man named Walter, who like so many others, related to me the types of methods he had thought of to leave subtle messages behind for others, like posting folders on his desktop including articles and personal notes and he expressed his own desire to leave an auto reply of some sort that would begin automatically sending out the message after a certain amount of inactivity.

In Walter’s case, unlike most others, he told me that he was really interested in trying to find some way to figure out how to make this work using technology. I of course, responded back to him with encouragement and prayers for his success and asked him to please let me know if he ever figured it out.

A few months later, out of the blue, I received another email from Walter saying that he was still trying to figure this out and would keep in touch if he did.

Now, for Walter’s story:

Hi Sandy, remember me? I want to let you know that things are finally in place for my app. I went through months of unbelievable nonsense shortly after talking to you last fall. It would be a novel if I tried to explain…just horrible. And I’m still being attacked by the enemy this past week – but greater is He that is in me!

So what I did is write an app for the iPhone. I call it, Rapture Plan B.

Not to over-share but I would like to give you the highlights of the process. You and I had joked about the possibility of using technology to notify our left behind friends when the Rapture happens. I’d really forgotten about that quickly and not put much more thought to the idea, figuring there wasn’t anything I could do.

Well on December 31, 2012 my wife and I were getting ready to have a small get together with church friends to usher in the New Year. My wife was busy preparing food and cleaning the house most of the day. Our guests were to arrive at 7 pm. At 6 pm I slipped upstairs into the bedroom, shut the door and curtains – hoping to take a quick snooze so that I would be less grumpy if our guests were still around after midnight. As I was about to lie down I was suddenly hit with clear words in my spirit that I was to write an app for iPhone for the Rapture. I kid you not. I know I heard the Holy Spirit. Not one ounce of doubt. My mind had suddenly been quieted and I was very awake – and kind of overwhelmed.

Most of the app concept/functionality/appearance was “downloaded” to me right then and there in a few seconds as I lay with my head down. Yet I didn’t even own any kind of smartphone…and I’d actually never touched an iPhone or a Mac. Never really wanted to! Anyway, I’m a graphics designer and computer programmer, so I had the skill set to do it…but it was still way more effort than I could have imagined.

When I last wrote you, I was only a few days away from sending the app for approval when all hell broke loose with satanic interference deluxe! It took 4 months and then an “encouraging word” from Donna Wasson to get me back at it. (Sandy: note another, “I don’t believe this is a coincidence” coming up here!) I had talked to Donna about being discouraged and hardly told her anything about the app. Just that I was trying to get one done about the Rapture and how it was on hold while I took care of nonsense. She wrote back and basically hit the nail on the head with what the app was about. Stunned me!

As of January, the app is finished. Not bragging but the code is borderline amazing. There were 900 Internet text searches in less than a minute. And so many answers to prayer while doing it… I think 2013 was the toughest year of my life. I probably put 1,000 hours into this by now on top of the other things I had to overcome.

Not sure if I already said this to you, but do you realize this app couldn’t have been written until a couple of years ago? I feel that His calling us up is not only imminent, but impending. We’ve gone past ‘storm watch’ to ‘storm warning’ now.

So, there you have it—our story. I don’t know and I don’t think Walter does either, what happens next. We do not know exactly what the future holds but we do know who holds the future. For my part, I am so honored to have been used by God in this way and to have played a very, very small part in this story.

My prayer is that many believers will download the app to iPhones and iPads, and that it will bless and encourage many believers in the days to come (and benefit many people after we have gone to be with our Bridegroom). Here is a small sampling of what can be found on this app:

Plan B – After the Rapture

An internet “web check” function can be run to help confirm that it may have happened.

Eighteen world news websites are checked for key phrases.
Two Christian websites are checked for inactivity.

An algorithm analyzes the web check results on a scale of 0 to 7.

This indicator level is normally expected to be at or near zero before the Rapture.

A “trigger” level of 7 is attained when at least 16 separate and consistent worldwide Rapture indicators are found.

If the Rapture event horizon has been crossed, this app can provide helpful information to those who are left behind. The first link below shows you what the app looks like and the second link is a link to the app.



Now, I ask you, is that amazing or what? God loves us SO much that He has even provided a way for us to witness to people after we are raptured! Please come quickly Lord Jesus, I am so ready to go Home!

