Our Inner Emotional World :: By Lucie Kirouac

As I’ve been led to talk about emotions, I realize how broad and difficult the topic is. My purpose is to help and encourage all of you—but even more so—my suffering spiritual family whom I truly love and care for.

We have been created in God’s image; therefore, we are emotional beings. It can be very confusing to discern which feelings and emotions come from the Spirit of the Lord or from ourselves—or from the enemy. God has given societies ABSOLUTES to abide by for their right and healthy functioning as well as specific rules of conduct for their well being.

In our secular world, just about everything is RELATIVE! Man has made himself the center of the universe and whatever “feels good and right” to him, is the way to go! Belonging to the enemy, he destroys himself and all that God has created and ordained.

Emotions and feelings are inseparable. The Bible has much to say about the emotions we experience. Our minds and bodies are greatly influenced by the fall of man into sin. Our emotional world is therefore tainted by our sin nature. Considering what life can throw at us, we need guidelines to make proper decisions. Allowing emotions to control us can be detrimental to our stability—if not downright dangerous. Acting upon impulses and desires can lead to our destruction.

Our salvation and faith should NEVER be based on emotions. Our minds and reason must control our emotions. WHO then should be in control of our emotions? Man has proven to be a poor manager of his inner-world. Christ came to deliver us from our own destructive ways by taking upon Himself our sin that separates us from Him.

In doing so, He reconciled us unto Himself so that we can enjoy an intimate relationship with Him. His desire is to be our great Shepherd, to lead each of us in the right direction. By submitting our bodies, MINDS and souls to Him, our emotions become His and the Lord is free to take us where He believes we should be.

He longs to guide and comfort us. He alone can produce in each of us the fruit of His Spirit:

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22, 23).

With our finite minds, we attempt to bring God down to our own level and we project on Him our warped perceptions of who we are, what He should allow us to do and base our decisions on what we think His will should be for us. We must then suffer the consequences of our wrong doings. We should acknowledge that He knows us so much better than ourselves and that His plans for our lives are perfect.

If there is one important fact to keep in mind, it’s that the Spirit along with His Word wants to bring about APPROPRIATE emotions in our inner-beings based on TRUTH to avoid out-of-control wrong feelings. By themselves, emotions are not unbiblical. They are INDICATIONS of what is in our hearts.

“The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45)

Our entire life should be guided by the Lord and His Word and our prayers should be said with the acceptance of His will as being the best thing for us. My greatest desire is that you will turn to Jesus Christ to receive forgiveness of your sins, invite Him into your heart not only to be your Savior but also the Lord of your life. Becoming a child of His, will assure you a glorious eternity in His presence!

Hell exists and the Creator of the universe came to make a way for you and me to escape it. Is there GREATER LOVE THAN THAT?

Go abide in His love, now, while there is still time to avoid the impending judgments that He is about to send on His earth. He is a God of love but also a God of rightness. He is the one, our only true shelter in this world…not Man!

Lucie who cares! (Write to me – écrivez-moi.)
