Gog’s Evil Thought :: by Daymond Duck

Isaiah prophesied that war will break out between Syria and Israel at the end of the age. He said that Damascus, Syria will be destroyed forever in one night (Isa. 17:1-14). Damascus has been destroyed and rebuilt many times, but it has never ceased to exist as a city in one night because no army has ever had the ability to destroy it in one night. It will cease to exist as a city in one night in the future and it will take a very big bomb to do that.

Concerning this war, Isaiah used the phrase, “In that day” three times in chapter 17 (verses 4, 9 and 10). “In that day” is a Bible phrase that refers to the end of the age. This war will take place at the end of the age.

Ezekiel prophesied that a Russian leader will think an evil thought (Ezek. 38:10), assemble a group of allies and attack Israel in the latter years and latter days (Ezek. 38:8, 16). This war will take place after Israel has returned to the Promised Land and is dwelling safely (Ezek. 38:8).

Some say “dwelling safely” means after the Antichrist confirms the seven-year covenant with many for peace in the Middle East (Dan. 9:27). But it doesn’t have to mean that because Israel is dwelling safely now under the protection of God who will not allow her to be defeated (Amos 9:15).

Having said that, the Bible does not tell us which war will happen first: Syria and Israel or Russia and Israel. But based on the fact that none of the nations that share a border with Israel (the so-called inner circle of nations) are mentioned in Russia’s war with Israel (the so-called outer circle of nations) many prophecy writers, including myself, believe the war between Syria and Israel will happen first. Some even think Syria’s war with Israel could lead to Russia’s war with Israel.

As we follow the news, Russia is like a wounded bear. She has a controversy with Israel over some missiles she shipped to a facility near Damascus a few weeks ago. Israel believes those missiles were destined for transfer to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Russia says Israel attacked them. Residents near Damascus reported hearing about ten loud explosions. Russia demanded an explanation from Israel and sent a letter of protest to the United Nations.

Russia even posted a statement on the nation’s Foreign Ministry’s website that reads:

Moscow is gravely concerned about this dangerous turn of events, the circumstances of which require explanations. In any case, there is no doubt that the use of force in international affairs is unacceptable and deserves to be condemned.

Russia also has a controversy with the U.S. and EU over sanctions they have placed on Russia because of the bear’s annexation of Crimea. Those sanctions along with the plunge in oil prices have destroyed Russia’s already fragile economy.

So the bear is wounded and thinking about lashing out. And it has been reported that a French official is saying Russia has asked Hezbollah and possibly Syria to develop contingency plans for a war with Israel. The report says Russia hasn’t asked Hezbollah and Syria to attack Israel.

But Russia has asked them to be ready to attack Israel, if the U.S. and EU keep applying sanctions. Do you get the point? The Bible predicts a war between Syria and Israel at the end of the age and Russia has apparently asked Syria to develop contingency plans for a war with Israel.

I recently asked, “Is Mr. Putin Gog?” And I said, “I don’t think anyone knows.”  Is Gog’s “evil thought” possibly Russia telling Hezbollah and Syria to develop contingency plans for an attack on Israel? Most prophecy writers would probably say no, but we know it could lead up to it.

Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck