Ten Potent Proofs for the Pretribulation Rapture :: By Lee Brainard

Book review by Terry James

While recently attending the Prophecy Watchers Conference in Colorado Springs, at which he and I were speakers, my friend Lee Brainard and I discussed his book. I’ve since looked at it in depth and concluded that it is one of the best treatments of the pretrib Rapture I’ve read.

Most Christians today don’t have a solid foundation in the Bible’s teaching on the subject, even if they attend churches that professedly believe in it. They haven’t been systematically taught the various arguments that can be made for a pretribulation Rapture. When they do wade into the debate regarding the event’s timing, they’re likely to hear more assertions, cliches, and sound bites than well-framed arguments. This lack of foundation leaves them susceptible to preachers with strong personalities and well-framed erroneous arguments. Hence, as we have painfully witnessed, multitudes have embraced the pre-wrath and post-Tribulation Rapture in the past couple of decades.

This book is designed to help remedy this lack of foundation. In fewer than 120 pages, the author has presented ten distinct arguments for the pretribulation Rapture in compact form. Distilled a little further, their essence can be presented in the following six points–the gist of which Lee presents here in brief.

The economy argument. God returns to Israel during the tribulation, and the evident economy during the tribulation is the Mosaic economy. Therefore, the church cannot be on earth during the seventieth week. God cannot have two honored economies or two honored temples at the same time.

The timeline argument. We see the representatives of the church in heaven in the fourth and fifth chapters of Revelation prior to the opening of the first seal (the antichrist) in the sixth chapter. Therefore, the church is not on earth during the tribulation. We also see other timeline indicators which present a rapture prior to the second coming. For instance, the rapture is presented as the morning star of the day of the Lord, while the second coming is presented as the sunrise of the day of the Lord.

The distinction between the rapture and the second coming. There are numerous distinctions between the rapture and the second coming. For instance, the church is taken to heaven at the rapture, while she descends from heaven with the Lord at the second coming. Other distinctions include: the saints taken vs. the saints left, the bride vs. the guests, and the apantesis vs. the parousia.

The relative normality argument. The coming of the Son of man will be like an unexpected thief in the night and will catch the world unaware and unwatching. This does not fit the second coming. The whole world knows it is coming, and they prepare for it, even gathering the armies of the world at the right time and place—Armageddon. But the rapture fits the thief-in-the-night scenario perfectly. The world will be going about their normal business, oblivious to the dawning of the day of the Lord on the horizon, and they will be shocked out of their obliviousness by the vanishing of the church and the first wave of judgments.

The deliverance from wrath argument. The church, as the body and bride of Christ, cannot see the wrath of God that will be poured out on earth at the end of the age. This time of wrath is synonymous with the tribulation. Evidence is provided that the word tribulation is used for the wrath of God, and the concept of wrath is used for Israel in the tribulation.

The nature argument. The seals differ from the normal course of troubles during this age both qualitatively and quantitatively. The seals mark the Lord’s return to theocratic government from the providential government that has prevailed throughout the church age. The seals are vastly worse in degree than anything that mankind has experienced during the course of this age. The fourth seal alone brings twenty times the death toll of World War II. The first seal, the rise and reign of the antichrist, is expressly identified as the day of the Lord (the dawning of it) in 2 Thessalonians 2. It is a great delusion sent upon mankind as a judgment for their unbelief of the light they were already given. It is retributive judgment, albeit mingled with grace.

Taken together, these arguments present a rock-solid case for a rapture prior to the tribulation (that is, prior to the seventieth week). The church must be removed before the first seal is opened and the antichrist is revealed. The church must be removed before the Lord returns to dealing with national Israel during the seventieth week. The church must be removed before the world is bombarded with the seal visitations, which vastly outstrip anything mankind has experienced in the church age. As we read in Revelation 3:10, according to my paraphrase, “Because you have patiently suffered with me in the church age, I will remove you from the planet before the tribulation, which shall come upon the entire planet, to try those whose focus is only earthly.”


For believers who are Rapture ready, this is indeed an exciting volume to consider while we eagerly await that shout from Heaven’s clouds of Glory: “Come up here!” (Revelation 4:1).

Ten Potent Proofs for the Pretribulation Rapture

Author: Lee Brainard

Publisher: Soothkeep Press

ISBN: 979-8-9873081-3-4

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Book Review God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity…Explained :: By David Cogburn

God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained – Conversational Style

Book review by Terry James

Dave’s book is not a new title, but it is new in the sense that it presents greatly expanded Bible truth and helps for Christian living from the original volume. My endorsement for that first edition reads as follows.

Dave Cogburn’s book, God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained, is a volume I believe is most timely.

By that I mean that this generation, faced by challenges of every sort, from cultural confusion to technological temptations, needs to be turned back toward God’s prescription for living life as it should be lived.

The author has spoken in simple, entertaining style, yet in firm terminology that gives wise direction to the young in particular. But it is a book for all who want to understand how to have an intimate, personal relationship with God now and forever.

I give it a thumbs-up in every sense.

This just-released edition warrants even more effusive praise. I’m most pleased to give it great applause –and recommend it highly to you, the reader.

The title of this book, God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained – Conversational Style is exactly that. This book, in its new format, summarizes God’s plan in an easy-to-read manner (a relaxed, conversational style) and will help you understand it from the beginning of creation to when the human race is over and everyone is living in eternity with God or separated from God. It reduces God’s plan for humankind from a one-year Bible reading plan to a three-to-four-hour “enlightening” reading plan.

The only thing that truly matters for every human being is eternity, and all of God’s plan is about how to know Him and spend it with Him.

I find Dave’s book superbly unique. It is written for everyone, from people with no Bible knowledge to those with some Bible knowledge—and even biblical scholars will learn things most have never considered before, such as why God created the universe.

Dave Cogburn says there is a definitive reason with which he has never seen anyone disagree. And he goes on to make his case in fine fashion. He says also that most people are aware of what the Rapture is but are unaware of the hidden “STORY” behind it. This story alone, he says, is God’s masterpiece on how His whole plan for humankind will unfold. It is, he declares further, the most awe-inspiring story in the Bible, which culminates with God’s greatest miraculous event in human history. It is, Dave says, “time” for Christianity, and even the world, to marvel at its revelation.

The author also shows the piece de resistance biblical truth most of Christianity “stays away from.”

He relates that God created human beings perfect, but knowing we would sin against Him from the very beginning and be born with a sin nature is the greatest thing God has ever done or will ever do in all of eternity. At the end, the author lets you, the reader, prove that great truth!

This book will help you understand not only what God has done in His plan, but, more importantly, why He has done it that way. It answers life’s most important questions, such as: Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Why did God create us in the first place? What is the real meaning of being created in God’s image?” It is the “secret” to everything in God’s plan.

Many of you suspect we are living in the end times just before the Rapture, followed by the Tribulation and Jesus’ Second Coming. Dave Cogburn shows why it is our generation that should experience that return, and how close we are to it.

The author looks deeply into God’s plan for His domain in Heaven, eternity, and the universe and finds that it consists of a lot more than the obvious. He presents that Heaven has a transitional destiny many people aren’t aware of. Eternity, he says, is a lot more than most people think. Its revelation makes manifest how you will never look at sin in the same way again. Understanding why God created the universe and how He uses it in His plan helps bring a new perspective to its existence.

Dave hopes to help the reader learn how these three areas of God’s domain are a paradigm shift.

Today, we live in a society that seeks instant gratification, instant information, and instant knowledge. Prepare your eyes, your mind, and possibly even your heart to experience God’s biblical truth in a way that “embraces” that expectation.

This book is a short journey filled with wondrous biblical intrigue that can ignite a new understanding and enthusiasm to learn what God’s plan is all about. Welcome to God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained – Conversational Style.

I still give it a thumbs-up in every sense. No. Make that two thumbs up!

God’s Plan for Heaven, Eternity, & the Universe Explained – Conversational Style

Author: Dave Cogburn

Order below:

God’s Plan For Heaven, Eternity And The Universe Explained: CONVERSATIONAL STYLE: Cogburn, David: 9798325090042: Amazon.com: Books