25 Dec 2023

On Leaving the World Behind

Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have become producers of movies, it seems. Former Secret Service agent and now national talk show host Dan Bongino tells that he believes the two are the actual producers of the dystopian film Leave the World Behind. –This, although the Netflix director of the production, Sam Esmail, claims the former president is only an advisor on the film.

Fact is, Leave the World Behind is the product of the Obamas’ Higher Grounds Productions company. The movie is an adaptation of Rumaan Alam’s 2020 novel of the same name, which Obama had included on his 2021 summer reading list.

The film, according to Bongino, portrays disasters of the direst sort. And director Sam Esmail says the movie is based largely on many personal notes from Barack Obama and his intimate knowledge of threats to America and the world.

Esmail said: “I am writing what I think is fiction, for the most part. I’m trying to keep it as true to life as possible, but I’m exaggerating and dramatizing. And to hear an ex-president say you’re off by a few details… I thought I was off by a lot! The fact that he said that scared the [expletive deleted] out of me.”

Bongino said that revelation by the director scared him, too. The movie itself wasn’t a great film, according to the former Secret Service agent who served in protection efforts for three presidents, including Obama. But that Obama told the director that the dire threats given in the fiction weren’t as bad as the ones that actually exist worries Bongino, a former agent who has a considerable degree of intimate knowledge of such presidential intelligence-gathering capability.

I haven’t watched the movie–that is, I haven’t listened to it (being blind). But I trust Bongino’s analysis and agree the threats to the peoples of the world at this time must be dire indeed.

Of course, all we have to do is to look around at all that’s going on, as those who “watch” like our Lord commands us to do, to know that the very existence of humankind would be very tenuous if not for the controlling and restraining hand of God.

The very title of the movie speaks of the lateness of the prophetic hour. The spirit of Antichrist, which has a profoundly growing presence in the world, seems to be foreshadowing the Beast’s coming regime. Leave the World Behind is quite a title, don’t you agree? That is, it is quite a title considering the nomenclature of our website, Rapture Ready, and the title of this weekly column, “Nearing Midnight.

The title of Obama’s film almost seems meant to mock the spectacularly successful Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. It’s like the producers are saying to those of us who don’t like the way developments are going to “get out of Dodge.”

Speaking of that well-worn phrase, a writer of note who regularly gives information about the grim developments that are engulfing the nation and world has weighed in on that very subject. That is, he delves into the wisdom of “getting out of Dodge” at this darkening time of human existence on planet Earth.

The writer presents information from a biblically prophetic perspective. I have no doubt he is a born-again believer in Jesus Christ and the Word of God. However, his interpretation is, I believe, far from accurate in the matter of eschatology so far as he seems to understand things, as we find in looking at his use of the phrase “get out of Dodge.” Here is a portion of that article.

So where will you be when things finally hit the fan?

During the past several years, we have seen a mass exodus of conservatives from blue states. For example, Fox News is reporting that 65 percent of those that have recently moved to the state of Idaho are Republicans, and only 12 percent are Democrats…

“Time is not on your side; flee the city NOW before the coming collapse!”…

Ultimately, if you were planning to relocate, you should have already done it by now.

But the good news is that conditions are still at least somewhat relatively stable as we approach the end of 2023.

So if you want to get out of Dodge, you can still do it.

In fact, for many of you, this may be your last chance.

But don’t wait too long because the clock is ticking.

At this point, most Americans can feel that something has gone horribly wrong. The warning signs are all around us, and conditions are getting worse with each passing day. (“Are You Prepared for the Coming Economic Collapse and the Next Great Depression? 12/11/23)

The writer warns that it is time to, in effect, do the same thing Obama’s movie title is suggesting. We should leave the world behind.

Of course, that title means, in total context, I presume, that people should work toward leaving the world as it is presently configured by making it better. Perhaps what is needed is a “Great Reset.” In fact, that is exactly what is meant by the film’s title and tenet.

The writer who uses the title “Get Out of Dodge” in his article, on the other hand, I believe, means that in order to try to avoid being caught up in the dangers and evil of the coming Antichrist regime, we should find, as we say in the South, fraidy holes in which to hide. That’s a bit simplistic, and perhaps even unfair or disrespectful, to refer to the writer’s efforts in such a way. Certainly, he is an excellent writer and even a good reporter of world events as they might pertain to God’s Word with regard to the way things are shaping for the Tribulation.

But he is against any thought of a pre-Tribulation Rapture of believers. As a matter of fact, he has written an entire book against that view—and is totally misguided as to how we as believers should be preparing at this critical hour as we are nearing midnight of the Tribulation era. We should not be looking at “getting out of Dodge” in terms of trying to move somewhere in order to not get caught, punished, and/or killed by the Antichrist and his forces of evil when his regime comes to power.

We are told by our Lord what we are to do. He said:

“And when you see all these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your head, for your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28).

Further, Jesus Christ told John to write the following:

“Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Revelation 3:10).

We who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ—in His death, burial, and resurrection and on His being our Savior from sin’s dread sway—are to be following the Apostle Paul’s Holy Spirit-given directive:

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).

Believers are not to fearfully look for Antichrist and his satanic regime of terror. We are to “occupy”work to spread God’s Word of salvation while we anticipate the Lord Jesus Christ’s call to us from the clouds of Glory. We are not to strive to get out but rather to look for and trust our Blessed Hope–the Lord Jesus—to rescue us from the time of God’s wrath and judgment that is about to come against the anti-God rebels who will be, sadly, because of their own choice, left behind to face that man of sin.

Here again is how to make the right decision –the decision God wants everyone to make in order to bring them into His eternal heavenly family.

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9–10).


The Lord’s Reward for Watchers

Those of us eagerly anticipating Jesus’ appearing have much in common with Simeon and Anna. Luke 2:22-38 records their remarkable faith as they greeted Joseph and Mary when the couple presented Jesus at the temple shortly after His birth. Anna and Simeon recognized the baby as the promised Messiah, the One spoken of in the prophetic texts of Scripture.

They were well-advanced in years. With Simeon, it’s implied by his words about not seeing death before he would see the “Lord Christ.” The text tells us that Anna was eighty-four. However, these seasoned saints knew Scripture and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, recognized Jesus as the fulfillment of many scriptural prophecies.

Their examples provide much encouragement for us today as we await meeting Jesus in the air.

  1. The Lord rewarded their belief in prophecy. Both Simeon and Anna believed the prophetic message of Isaiah 9:6 with its familiar words, “For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given.” While most of their contemporaries looked for a conquering King as the Messiah, they understood that He would first come as a baby.

Simeon displayed remarkable insight when he spoke these words to Mary, “and a sword will pierce through your own soul also” (Luke 1:35). With the help of the Holy Spirit, he saw the Messiah in the words of Zechariah 12:10. Even the disciples had difficulty believing that the Messiah would suffer and die, but Simeon saw it in the words of Scripture.

The Lord rewarded their faith by recording it forever on the pages of Scripture. Today, two thousand years later, we still read about their God-given faith and insight.

Someday, the Lord will reward our belief in the prophecies that apply to the expectation of our Savior’s appearing. We will meet Jesus in the air, and He will take us to where He now dwells in Heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; John 14:2-3; Colossians 3:4). And there will be a crown especially for those of us who love “his appearing” (2 Timothy 4:8).

  1. They allowed the Holy Spirit to speak to them through the words of Scripture. Even though the Holy Spirit would not come to indwell believers until Pentecost, He was clearly active in these dear saints. He told Simeon that he would see the Christ before he died (2:26).

Under the Spirit’s guidance, they allowed the words of Scripture to speak for themselves rather than change the meaning to fit their beliefs. They expected the Messiah to arrive as a baby, and Simeon spoke of His suffering.

Like Simeon and Anna, we base our joyous expectation of Jesus’ imminent appearing on the words of the New Testament. The Holy Spirit within us aids our understanding of what we read on the pages of our Bibles. We accept what we read and do not spiritualize the words to mean something other than the authors intended.

  1. They didn’t adhere to the popular beliefs of their day. Simeon and Anna didn’t look for the Messiah to come and immediately rescue Israel from Roman bondage as many of their contemporaries did. They looked for a baby, and Simeon warned Mary concerning the sword that would someday pierce her Son (Zechariah 12:10), saying that it would also do the same to her soul (Luke 2:35).

Although they didn’t follow the popular views of their day regarding Jesus’ first appearance as a King, they nonetheless believed the prophecies concerning a future restoration for the nation of Israel. Simeon, who saw Jesus’ suffering in Scripture, also mentioned a future “glory” for God’s chosen “people Israel” (Luke 2:32). Anna proclaimed the Messiah’s birth to “all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem” (Luke 2:38).

As watchers, we live during a time when the most popular views of end- time events exclude Jesus’ appearing to take us home to glory as well as His thousand-year reign over the nations. The most popular view of our day teaches that the church will triumph over the evil and lawlessness of our day and bring in the Millennium with Jesus returning after the reign of the church.

Another false view that’s prominent today states that Jesus’ Second Coming occurred in AD 70, at which time He fulfilled most biblical prophecy relating to the future.

It’s my observation that many of the saints who reject these errant views and expectantly look for Jesus’ appearing are mature in years (AKA old), just as were Anna and Simeon. A substantial number of us grew up in churches where the pastors preached about Bible prophecy and laid a solid biblical foundation for our understanding of its prophecies. Just like the pair from long ago, the Holy Spirit has used our comprehension of biblical prophecy to infuse joyous hope into our souls in spite of the perilous times in which we live.

Although we do not have a certain promise that we will not die before the Rapture, similar to that of Simeon, we possess a reasonable expectation of being alive when Jesus appears. As the shadow of the Tribulation grows darker by the day, we recognize that He may come for us at any moment.



24 Dec 2023

A Rigged-System From Top To Bottom: George Orwell Meets Lewis Carroll
Just the other day, New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a remarkable statement. “Before this trial even began, the judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump did engage in years of significant financial fraud,” James boasted publicly. This is associated with just one of Donald Trump’s absurd legal cases. Let what this laughable, biased prosecutor said sink in for a moment. She admitted that the honorable judge had “ruled in our favor” before the case had gone to trial.

The “Control System” Is Collapsing – ‘The Great Taking’ Looms As Globalism’s Last Gasp
A new book has exploded on the alternative / conspiracy / fringe landscape over the past few weeks – I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense. “It is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. .. when the debt super-cycle culminates in its ultimate blow up; the trap will be sprung, and actual ownership over all these companies and assets will be subsumed by the clearing houses. An infinitesimal cadre of elites will effectively own everything, and the masses of the world will be reduced to serfdom..

House Judiciary Seeks Documents From Jack Smith Over Trump Cases
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and House Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance Chairman Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) have demanded documents from special counsel Jack Smith seeking information about his investigation of former President Donald Trump, and threatening a subpoena if the Department of Justice (DOJ) continues to ignore similar requests they submitted earlier this year.

22-Year-Old Quits Her Job For ‘Tradwife’ Lifestyle, Embraces 1940s—Has Words For Couples Today
Mrs. Lewis, now 22, has embraced the role of a “tradwife” (traditional wife), a neo-retro lifestyle trend adopted by some conservative newlywed women that has garnered a following on social media. She and her husband, Andrew Lewis, 28, embrace this choice, living together on a farm they purchased in Missouri.

Nikki Haley Says ‘Pro-Hamas Countries’ Should Take in Palestinians Fleeing Gaza
Nikki Haley said on Thursday that Egypt as well as “pro-Hamas countries” Qatar, Iran, and Turkey should take in Palestinians fleeing the war in Gaza. “They should be going to the Rafah gate and Egypt [should] take them,” Haley a Republican, said in an interview with ABC News when asked where fleeing Gazans should go.

The Middle East is under a three-linked conflict – opinion
Since October 7, most media coverage has tended to regard the Gaza war as the central arena, and the other two fronts as subsidiary to it. This perspective needs to be revised. Three linked conflicts are currently under way in the Middle East. These are: Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza, the lower intensity battle under way between Israel and Hezbollah in the north, and the Houthis’ maritime campaign in support of Hamas against international shipping in the Red Sea/Gulf of Aden area.

IDF jet assassinates Hamas leader, troops eliminate terrorists in Gaza
IDF fighter jet assassinates Hamas leader Hassan Atresh (watch)

Pentagon confirms: Vessel attacked off coast of India was hit by a drone fired from Iran
The chemical tanker, the Chem Pluto, was described as having Israel links, due to the fact that it was leased from a European company that is partially and indirectly owned by an Israeli businessman. A chemical tanker which was struck on Saturday off the coast of India was targeted “by a one-way attack drone fired from Iran,”

Obama pressured Harvard not to fire its president after antisemitism hearing
Another scandal has plagued Claudine Gay since the antisemitism hearings regarding dozens of allegations of plagiarism, including in her doctoral thesis. “It sounded like people were being asked to close ranks to keep the broader administration stable — including its composition.”

Israeli communities bordering West Bank fear new Oct. 7 terror massacre
The residents of Bat Hefer, a town located in the Hefer Valley near the West Bank city of Tulkarm, say they have heard sounds of explosions and digging under their homes, leading to fears that terrorists are digging attack tunnels. Gadi Ohayon expressed his concerns about the security situation. “The situation is really not good,” Ohayon said. “We live in a constant state of insecurity; the settlement is targeted with direct and indirect fire almost every day.

US: Iranian regime is ‘deeply involved’ in coordinating Houthi Red Sea terror attacks against international vessels
“Iranian support throughout the Gaza crisis has enabled the Houthis to launch attacks against Israel and maritime targets, though Iran has often deferred operational decision-making authority to the Houthis,” Watson stated. She revealed that, for more than 8 years, Tehran has been transferring advanced weapons systems to the Houthis in Yemen,

Day 78 – IDF sets trap, kills dozens Hamas terrorists during mopping up operations in northern Gaza
During the weekend, the Israeli forces continued mopping up operations in the northern Gaza Strip while deepening operations in the Strip’s central and southern parts. Residents of the al-Bureij area in the central Gaza Strip were called to move south by the IDF, as the Israeli army is expected to intensify its operations in the southern areas after largely securing the fighting hotspots in Gaza City. The IDF has declared it has almost totally secured the northern Gaza Strip

Magnitude 3.4 earthquake hits Huntington Beach, rattling nerves
A magnitude 3.4 earthquake hit underneath Huntington Beach on Friday night, rattling some nerves. The earthquake struck at 9:52 p.m., with an epicenter just east of Newland Elementary School. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, there was light shaking at the epicenter as defined by the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale, with the shaking intense enough to be felt indoors by many — feeling perhaps like a heavy truck striking a building.

U of M professor: ‘I hope you seek to dismantle the United States’
At a recent event called “From Minnesota to Palestine,” left-wing activists and two University of Minnesota professors organized a panel discussion in which participants advocated for the destruction of the United States, Israel, and other nations around the world. “I hope that you seek to dismantle the United States,” said Melanie Yazzie, a University of Minnesota professor who teaches “Indigenous feminism,” “Marxism,” “settler colonialism,” and “queer Indigenous studies.”

Biden’s 4 Worst Wastes of 2023
Americans are strongly dissatisfied with the direction of the country and the economy. According to Gallup, just 19% of the public is satisfied with how things are going, compared with 80% who aren’t. Incredibly, consumer sentiment is lower now than it was during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020. It’s easy to see why.

IDF asks Egypt to evacuate its forces from Rafah border area – report
The IDF had allegedly informed Egypt of its intention to occupy the Rafah border area and asked Egyptian soldiers to evacuate the area, Arab media reported. The report also claimed that the IDF emphasized to Egypt that they would not be responsible for the safety of their forces during the attempt to control the Rafah border area. It even emphasized that the military operation in the area will continue whether Egypt agrees or rejects it.

Most in US will experience Christmas without snow this year
Millions of Americans will feel above-average temperatures for Christmas and much of next week as a large ridge of high pressure sets up over the central U.S., spreading December warmth throughout most of the Lower 48…some cities will be 50 degrees warmer this Christmas than last.

Germany To Permanently Deploy Troops for First Time Since World War II
A new agreement between Germany and Lithuania will lead to German troops’ first permanent foreign deployment since World War II.

Top secret Chinese spaceplane is releasing strong signals over North America – months after US shot down China’s spy balloon that collected intelligence from military sites
A top secret Chinese spaceplane that launched into orbit last week is sending strong signals over North America. The craft – dubbed Shenlong after a spirit dragon from Chinese mythology – has released six mysterious objects after reaching the Earth’s orbit for the third time in three years.

Cuba quietly authorizes euthanasia
Cuba on Friday became the second country in Latin America and the Caribbean to authorize euthanasia, following Colombia.

Ablechild on Mass Killings: More Likely Related to Big Pharma than to Guns
AbleChild reports that going after the gun manufacturers after mass killings is not the answer.  What needs to be looked into is the psychiatric drugs involved.

Inside the doomsday bunkers Mark Zuckerberg and billionaires are building
Mark Zuckerberg is building a 5,000 square-foot doomsday bunker in his sprawling Hawaii compound. Surprising? Not really. He’s far from the only billionaire living in fear of what they all call ‘The Event’.

Radical Liberal Arts Professor at University of Minnesota Calls to “Decolonize” and “Dismantle” US
Melanie Yazzie, a professor at the University of Minnesota, called for the U.S. to be ‘decolonized’ during a pro-Palestine event earlier this month. The professor and other far-left speakers who are anti-capitalists spoke on stage at the university during a “teach-in” with the group Red Nation.

Sharia Australia: Al Madina Dawah Centre’s Calls for Death of Non-Muslims Ignored While Covid Mandate Violators Imprisoned 
The Al Madina Dawah Centre’s relentless Islamic sermons advocating violent jihad unmask a deep societal denial, exposing Islam not as a religion of peace, but a cunningly disguised political ideology aggressively pushing its extremist agenda under the cloak of religious freedom.

New World Order: Pope Francis’ Lieutenant blasphemes Jesus Christ
Pope Francis’ silence on the recent blasphemy of the Lord Jesus Christ by one of his close confidants is an advance of the New World Order within the Catholic Church. Father Antonio Spadaro S.J., one of Pope Francis’ close friends and advisers, recently blasphemed Jesus Christ, calling Him “stymied and callous” and “indifferent.”

Experts Warn – WEF’s Net Zero Goals Will Kill 4 Billion People
The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its fellow unelected globalist leaders are pushing for governments around the world to phase out fossil fuels. Leading experts have spoken out against their plans and are warning the public that the WEF’s “Net Zero” goal to eliminate fossil fuels will result in the deaths of over four billion people or more.

WEF’s deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda 
“Working together, restoring trust” was the theme of the 52nd annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) held in 2022. Ironically, during this meeting, GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis verified WEF’s deep involvement in a nefarious LGBT agenda.

Author of Study Used to Vilify Unvaxed Had Ties to Pfizer
A new peer-reviewed study re-examined the mathematical models used to justify policies that barred unvaccinated people from public venues. The study conducted by researchers Joseph Hickey, Ph.D., and Denis Rancourt, Ph.D., found the models were not only based on the application of flawed mathematical risk models,” but also that the author of a key study, David Fisman, had ties to Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers.

DEADLY SECRETS EXPOSED: Unvaccinated accounted for just 5% of COVID-19 Deaths between Jan & May 2023 & over 90% of Deaths were among the 3x & 4x Vaccinated 
A report quietly published by the UK Government confirms the COVID-19 injections are far from effective because the unvaccinated population has accounted for just 5% of COVID-19 deaths in England since the beginning of 2023, while the 3 and 4 times vaccinated population has accounted for 95% of COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated, with the vast majority of those deaths being recorded among the 4x vaccinated.

INVASION: Illegals Near NYC’s Floyd Bennett Field Going Door to Door Begging for Money, Food 
Illegals being housed at a tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field in NYC are going door to door in the neighboring community begging for cash, food, and clothes.