16 Oct 2023

As We See The Day Rapidly Approaching…


Self-described ‘Wizard’ running for school board seat endorsed by Pennsylvania Democrats.


Male crowned “Miss Portugal” is second man in the race for this year’s “Miss Universe” title.

Ad for eharmony Attempts to Normalize Sin. This online dating site’s commercial airs on channels families often watch, including prime viewing hours. It brainwashes children and adults by desensitizing them and convincing them homosexuality is natural when it’s unnatural and forbidden by Scripture.


Proposed amendment to Ohio Constitution would enshrine “right” to effectively unlimited abortion: partial-birth and dismemberment abortions, and allow abortionists to target disabled babies.


So-called ‘progressive’ Maryland: Over 200 schools have 5% or fewer students proficient in math. Education officials appear to be covering up failing test scores while robbing the younger generation of an education. It appears they care more about paychecks and bonuses than the future.

American Citizens Being Turned Away So NYC Hospital Can Give Health Care to Illegals.


In the US: Indoctrinated ‘Useful Idiot’ Anti-Zionist College Students Cheer Hamas Massacre of Israelis. Scenes of terrorists abducting children, killing whole families, beheading, desecrating dead bodies, etc., have invoked global outrage. Yet, several chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at places such as Brown University, University of Maryland, Tufts University, and University of California-Los Angeles described the attacks as “resistance” and “our right to liberate our homeland by any means necessary.”

31 student-run organizations at Harvard say Israel ‘entirely’ at fault for Hamas attacks.

Democratic Socialists of America (including ‘Squad’ House members, etc.) organized a rally in New York’s Times Square — stomping on and burning the Israeli flag — as Islamic terrorists in the Gaza Strip continued their horrific assault on Israelis.

UCLA students offered extra credit to attend anti-Israel pro-‘Palestinian’ ‘Emergency Teach-In’ hosted by gender studies professor.

Media Minions: MSNBC host defends Hamas terrorists, blames Israel.

Fairfax, Virginia, Muslim School Board member opposed moment of silence for victims of Hamas attacks. Also, in September 2021, she opposed a resolution honoring victims of the 9/11 attacks.


Afghanistan: hit by third 6.3 earthquake since October 7. More than 2,400 people lost their lives.


US must be ready for simultaneous wars with China, Russia, report says.

Hamas burned Israelis alive in ISIS fashion in Southern Israel, Netanyahu said. “We saw bound children shot in the head, people burned while still alive, and young people who were raped.”

Israel girds for ‘long war’ as death toll from Hamas attack passes 1,300.

Americans Killed By Hamas Rises to 27, Over a Dozen Captive, As US Arranges Evacuation Flights.

Israel Delays All-Out Assault on Gaza Amid Growing International Pressure, As Civilians Flee to South. The call for Gazans to evacuate still stands, but they’ll have longer than the initial 24 hours to get out.

Iran Helped Hamas Plot Israel Attack. Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land and sea incursions, the WSJ reported, citing its Hamas and Hezbollah sources.

Tensions Escalate in the Middle East Amidst Multi-front Attacks on Israel. The already-volatile situation escalated further this week with missiles targeting Israel from Lebanon and Syria, and Israel retaliating with strikes against these threats.

Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terrorist group, has repeatedly exchanged fire with Israel since the start of the war. The group has voiced strong support for Hamas, as has Iran. Hezbollah and Israel again exchanged fire on Saturday as Iran warned it may soon be “too late” to prevent the war with Hamas from becoming a wider regional conflict.

If Israel, Hezbollah and The U.S. All Do What They Say They Will Do, Prepare for The Hot Phase of World War III. Most people have no idea what is about to happen in the Middle East. The mainstream media is treating this crisis as simply a temporary conflict between Israel and Hamas that will eventually pass. But that isn’t what this is. This is the final conflict between Israel and Hamas, and it is going to spark a much wider war. After the atrocities Hamas has just committed, the Israelis have no choice.

Hezbollah’ Fully Prepared’ To Join Hamas in War with Israel. On Friday, Deputy Chief Naim Qassem emphasized Lebanon would join in the fight “when the time comes for action.”

Isaiah 17 fulfillment is closer than ever. Will Israel Soon Turn Damascus into A Pile of Rubble? As soon as Israel sends troops into Gaza, a chain of events will begin which no one will be able to control. Hezbollah is already mobilizing their forces and making preparations to join the fight. If that happens, Israel is going to hit back extremely hard. In fact, Israel has already warned Hezbollah that if it enters the war, the Israelis will “destroy Damascus”


The Unprecedented Events in Israel Are a Reminder for Christians to Get Ready for the Rapture. Complete peace on Earth won’t happen until the Lord returns, but Scripture still tells us to pray for Israel. There’s no prophecy that still needs to happen before the Rapture of the church. When we Christians see what’s stirring in Israel, it should remind us to get ready because we don’t know at what point that trumpet call could sound.

“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:22-25).