15 May 2023



Texas Mall Shooting. The man who fatally shot 8 people and wounded others at a mall on May 7 before being killed has been emphasized by some liberal media as belonging to a neo-Nazi white supremacist group. Yet, he was Hispanic. The reality is he subscribed to a “mishmash” of ideologies, including being against women and racial minorities.

Florida Man who left Neo-Nazism for Islam then murdered his two roommates for insulting his new religion, was sentenced this week in court. America is suffering from a pandemic of people who lack rational thinking skills.

California: Mayhem in Oakland as Soros-Backed Dem DA fails to enforce law and order. There have been similar occurrences recently in cities like Baltimore and Chicago, where groups of young people wreak havoc on city streets. Stay out of the Dem cities.

Missouri: Soros-Backed Dem Attorney Refuses to Charge Shooting Suspect. DA Kimberly Gardner claims “lack of evidence.” This despite Amber Booker and another suspect being seen on video holding guns and firing at a street party May 6 that left two injured. During her tenure, St. Louis homicide rates have reached a 50-year high, and fewer offenses are prosecuted.


Godless, Nature-Worshiping Global Warming Religion and their dark agenda of a totalitarian government that will enslave the masses.

> ‘Net Zero’ Grid Batteries Alone Would Bankrupt America. Their net-zero agenda is not clean, green, affordable, ecological, or sustainable.

>Dutch government to seize up to HALF the country’s farmland. The war on farmers in the Netherlands and beyond under the pretext of “nitrogen” and “climate change” is actually a war on the food supply, freedom, and humanity itself, as land is handed over to organizations controlled by global elites.

>Scientific American magazine article refers to UN’s forecasting that dozens of countries’ populations will be reducing by 2050 as “good news,” that “we should all be celebrating population decline.”

Wokeism begins with devaluing scripture. Turn away from so-called Christian pastors who move the church away from its foundation upon the Word of God. Also see The need to keep the masses afraid is behind elite embrace of wokeism and censorship. Wokeism is basically a religion, a false one, of course. News media and social media elites took Wokeism from a marginal cult into being the dominant ideology of every major institution, from NBC and the CDC to the AMA and the CIA.

I ran across a September article in Baptist News Global, of all places, in which the writer defended drag queen story hour for children. Susan M. Shaw is a professor of women, gender, and sexuality studies at Oregon State University. She is also an ordained Baptist minister and holds degrees from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She said, “In God’s community, we are all welcome to live as our authentic selves, neither male nor female, male and female.”

Minnesota: Catholic University of St. Thomas allows biological males who identify as women to share living spaces with females. It’s done discreetly in order to avoid upsetting parents. Transgender students can qualify for lower room rates and ‘in demand’ rooms. The university also offers a Queer Straight Alliance, a “Lavender Graduation Celebration,” and training for faculty on how to “work toward a more LGBTQ+-inclusive community.” The university is one of the largest Catholic colleges in the nation, with over 9,000 students and eight campuses.

UK’s first ‘three-parent’ baby born using DNA replacement technology.

Islam’s takeover and terrorism: In Vienna, Austria, a fourth knife attack occurred within 48 hours by Syrian migrants aka terrorists.


Nationwide Campaign to Deplatform and Harass Christians. That can mean having their social media accounts “deplatformed,” and also mean being “de-banked” by financial institutions. JPMorgan Chase has done this to quite a few Christian organizations. Many others have also shut down accounts of outspoken Christian groups and individuals.


Target releases latest ‘Pride’ collection for babies on up, including children’s books promoting the LGBTQIA etc. agenda.

‘Trans kids’ prescribed MORE anti-psychotic meds after beginning gender transition than before. A 2021 study of military youth revealed that not only were minors with severe mental illness allowed to embark upon experimental medical sex changes, but also prescriptions for anti-psychotic drugs actually increased after hormonal interventions were initiated.

Massachusetts: 12-year-old sent home for wearing ‘there are only 2 genders’ T-shirt confronts school board. No students complained to him about being upset over the shirt, and some said they agreed with him and wanted a shirt as well. But this doesn’t fit the agenda of the liberal-left education system.

They’re still messing with baker, Jack Phillips: Jack Phillips Appeals’ Gender Transition’ Cake Case to Colorado Supreme Court. Earlier this year, the Colorado Court of Appeals ruled that Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop is required to make cakes celebrating “gender transitions.”

Kansas City, Missouri, which has 5th Largest Murder Rate, Declares it’s a “Transgender Sanctuary City.” Shouldn’t the city first offer sanctuary to the people already living there from being murdered? And yet the sanctuary cities like Chicago or New York City tend to be phenomenally dangerous places. It’s almost like the more dangerous a Democrat hellhole is, the more likely it is to declare itself a sanctuary.

The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) recommended using “wimmin” in place of the word “women” since the latter contains the word “men.” Feminists prefer the non-standard spelling to avoid the word ending in ‘-men.

Lengthy list of Hellywood celebrities joined LGBTQ groups for worldwide broadcast of ‘Drag Isn’t Dangerous’ Telethon on May 7 that raised over half a million dollars for the cause of perversion. Charlize Theron said she’d “F… up anyone who messes with” drag queens. Marcia Gay Harden proudly announced that all her children “are queer.” Jesse Eisenberg said “demonization of drag culture has been greatly upsetting and completely shocking to me.” Queen lead singer Adam Lambert said anti-grooming laws are aimed at stopping drag shows from bringing “joy” and “light to the world.”

Undercover video: Biologically male inmates who claim to be women and transfer into women’s prisons are purposefully impregnating female accomplices to scam the system. The inmates’ ulterior motive is then to sue the US government, and taxpayers are on the hook for it.

FDA updates rules allowing more gay and bisexual men to donate blood. According to amended standards, most homosexual and bisexual men in a committed relationship with another man will no longer be required to refrain from sex in order to give blood.


Abortion Champion: The Biden regime has secured its place as the most forceful defender of murder in the nation’s history.


Biden claims that at his age, he ‘knows more than the vast majority of people,’ and declares himself a top candidate in US History.

Exposing Cult-Like Marxist Brainwashing in American Universities (Video).

Weaponization of the Federal Government. The intelligence community, along with law enforcement agencies, DOJ, and others at the highest levels have been working to weaponize their agencies against the American people and certainly for political gain. Former CIA Director Brennan, one of 51 intelligence officials who falsely suggested Hunter Biden’s laptop could be Russian disinformation, spoke to a House subcommittee Thursday as the panel investigates the origin of the “spies who lie” missive.

America First Legal released internal DHS documents revealing the government is funding trainings intended to target conservative Americans.

Shocking Facts About WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The director-general of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-influenced World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is not a medical doctor and is a member of a Marxist-Leninist Ethiopian political party that analysts have listed as a perpetrator of terrorism.


The media’s lies get innocent people killed and may incite more anti-white violence than ever. Twitter was used in the past to incite anti-white hatred, but under Musk, it’s countering hate hoaxes and disinformation. But the bought-and-paid-for media minions will never admit that.


Texas deploys special border force to defend the border against anticipated migrant surge when Title 42 ends. which Gov. Greg Abbott warned will cause a “catastrophic disaster.”

INVASION: As Title 42 ends, Biden admits border ‘chaotic,’ but lying that ‘we’re doing all we can’ to protect Americans. Nothing but lies and alibis from the Dem regime. By letting 5.7 million illegals enter the US since he usurped the Oval Office, Biden has opened floodgates to terrorists, drug runners, and human traffickers. With millions illegally pouring into US, the risk of Middle East terrorists exploiting the border chaos is rising. A federal judge imposed a two-week restraining order on the Biden administration policy, which would see migrants released on “parole with conditions.”


‘Bolshevik’Bernie Sanders (who is a Jew but is against his own people) steps in to help antisemite Rashida Tlaib hold anti-Israel event in Capitol.


Americans are suffering sharply higher levels of financial anxiety.

UK food price inflation at 46-year high.


Lead and Cadmium is in dark chocolate, some above so-called safety levels.

CDC investigating possible monkeypox resurgence amid dozens of new cases nationwide, less than a month after officials had hailed the weekly pace of new infections slowing to zero nationwide. Of 13 newly confirmed or probable cases in Chicago, nine were among fully vaccinated men. Four disclosed recently traveling outside Chicago: to New York City, New Orleans, and Mexico.


US: Oklahoma farmers say wheat crop is worst in decades.

Canada: 100 wildfires ignited last week in Alberta, and as of Friday, 73 are still burning, with 20 out of control. Also, 7 wildfires are burning outside the forest protection areas. Hot, dry weather along with powerful winds are anticipated in the days ahead, elevating wildfire risk. Over 16,000 people remain displaced, down from 31,000.

Russia: Devastating wildfires claim lives and property. At least 21 people are dead, and over 5,000 buildings have burned to the ground.

Congo: Severe floods and landslides; over 420 fatalities and 5,000 missing, with more rain forecast.

New Zealand: State of emergency in Auckland following heavy rainfall and flooding.

China: Nearly 500,000 in Jiangxi province affected by heavy rains; estimated 520 million yuan ($75.2 million) in direct economic losses.


Escalation: Israel kills sixth militant Islamic Jihad leader in a week. Israel’s Operation Shield and Arrow began on May 9, “striking Islamic Jihad targets” in Gaza after a wave of rockets were fired towards cities in Israel, including Jerusalem, in the past month. Israel said the militant group had been planning attacks. Since the first strikes, Islamic Jihad has fired close to 1,000 rockets into Israel. But of course, Israel gets condemned for the escalation rather than the perpetrators that are intent on wiping Israel off the map. One person was killed in Israel this week and five injured when a rocket struck a residential building.

One of the now-dead terror chiefs said, “Our only role is Jihad, blowing up all Zionist entity cities.” Al-Bahtini called for Jihad against Israel, praised “martyrdom” for Allah, vowed to educate ‘Palestinian’ children to “hate the Zionist entity,” and urged to “blow up all of this Zionist entity’s cities.” Al-Bahtini also stressed that “negotiations” are not an option.

Netanyahu said Israel is ready for multi-front war against Iran and terror proxies. “It’s clear that 95% of Israel’s security problems come from Iran,” he said. “We are dealing with an attempt by Iran to start a multi-front campaign against us. I instructed the IDF and security forces to be prepared for this fight.”


See Jude 1-25 and Romans 1:18-32.