5 Oct 2020

The World is Falling Apart, But End-times Bible Prophecy is Coming Together

The following are just a few of the many prayer concerns. Check raptureready.com daily news for other concerns.


As expected, the unregenerate and reprobates are wishing the president diesHere are a few of the headlines reported by LifeNews.com.

  • “Hillary Clinton Campaign Spokesman on President Trump’s Coronavirus: Says ‘I Hope He Dies'”
    • CNN Gloats About President Trump Having COVID, Hopes It Hurts His Re-Election Campaign
    • McConnell Says Senate Moving Forward With Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation: “Full Steam Ahead”
    • Liberal Media Cheers Trump’s Coronavirus, Hopes Nancy Pelosi Becomes President
    • Hollywood Celebrities Hope President Trump Dies of COVID, Kathy Griffin Refuses to Pray

President Trump Thanks Americans Before Heading to Walter Reed Hospital: “I Appreciate It Very Much.”  President Trump and his wife Melania have both been diagnosed with coronavirus. White House press secretary Kayleigh MceNany called the move a “precautionary measure” and noted that he would continue to be working every day.

Project Veritas: Massive ballot-harvesting election fraud in Minneapolis — tied to Ilhan Omar. “It’s an open secret,” says Omar Jamal, both a member of the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office and the head of Somali Watchdog Group. “It’s already too big to stop,” Jamal adds in his interview with Project Veritas about the “massive, criminal voter fraud” in Minneapolis. PV shows a campaign worker for a local city councilman on video with a car full of absentee ballots bragging about his voter-fraud exploits, but James O’Keefe connects it all the way to Ilhan Omar.

Biden’s Texas Political Director accused of being involved in illegal ballot harvesting. Two private investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testified under oath that they have video evidence, documentation and witnesses to prove that Biden’s Texas Political Director Dallas Jones and his cohorts are currently hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots and ordering operatives to fill the ballots out for people illegally, including for dead people, homeless people, and nursing home residents, in the 2020 presidential election.


Coronavirus vaccine trial subjects report extreme exhaustion, shortness of breath, day-long headaches and violent shaking. Even mainstream media outlet CNBC.com is now reporting that vaccine trials conducted by Moderna and Pfizer are producing extreme side effects in trial subjects. High fever, body aches, bad headaches and exhaustion are just some of the symptoms five participants in two of the leading coronavirus vaccine trials say they felt after receiving the shots. Yet the claim is that the participants (aka guinea pigs) said it’s worth it.

Medical Journal Calls for Mandatory COVID Vaccine: “Non-Compliance Should Incur A Penalty.” A paper published in New England Journal of Medicine calls for mandating a coronavirus vaccine, and outlined strategies for how Americans could be FORCED to take it. The paper proclaims that “noncompliance should incur a penalty” and notes it should be a “relatively substantial” one. It suggests “employment suspension or stay-at-home orders” should be issued, but fines should be discouraged because they can be legally challenged and “may stoke distrust without improving uptake.”


Desert Locust situation update – 29 September 2020. While the Desert Locust situation continues to improve in Southwest Asia, it is deteriorating in parts of the Central Region due to swarm breeding in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia.


Pandemic Pallets – Grocery Store Chains Are Preparing For Global Food Shortages. The head of the UN World Food Program has repeatedly warned that we’d soon be facing “famines of biblical proportions.” We’ve already seen food riots in some parts of Africa, and it’s not too surprising that portions of Asia are really hurting right now. But a hunger “hunger crisis” has also erupted in Latin America. According to Bloomberg, “a resurgence of poverty is bringing a vicious wave of hunger in a region that was supposed to have mostly eradicated that kind of malnutrition decades ago.” We’re told that food shortages are becoming acute from Mexico City all the way to the southern tip of South America, and those that are the poorest are being hit the hardest.


California Wildfires Continue to Ravage; Devastating Damage to the State’s Wine Country. The statistics of the wildfire season in the western United States are grim: 7.4 million acres have been charred and 40 people have perished. And this year, California’s premier wine industry is also a victim.

The Diablo winds are coming. California fires could get even worse when they do. The fierce fires that have consumed Northern California over the past few weeks are devastating. But they could grow exponentially worse as powerful seasonal gusts known as Diablo winds kick up this month.

Category 4 Hurricane Marie to avoid Mexico and Hawaii But, AccuWeather meteorologists are pondering the possibility that some moisture from Marie might circulate toward the California coast from late next week to the second weekend of October. This would occur around the time of a potential pattern change that would bring much lower temperatures and perhaps some moisture from the North Pacific toward the West Coast. Although the rain is not expected until the second half of next week, it is still welcome news for beleaguered firefighters on the front lines fighting a number of large blazes that have scorched millions of acres across the West as well as those who are suffering from poor air quality.

At least 40 dead and 2 million tons of rice destroyed as Jigawa in Nigeria sees worst flood in 32 years. A quarter of the country’s projected harvest has been lost.

Storm Alex cuts power, closes beaches as it plows through Europe. Just offshore, Belle-Île, Brittany’s largest island, recorded a wind gust of 186 km/h (115 mph). This powerful wind gust was the strongest ever recorded by the station on Belle-Île.

Severe weather hits SE Europe, leaving at least 5 people dead. Severe weather affecting southeastern Europe over last weekend resulted in a significant drop in temperatures, strong winds, hail and high elevation snow, very heavy rain, floods, landslides, and dozens of waterspouts, of which some turned into damaging tornadoes. At least 5 people were killed in Italy, the worst affected country.

Paralyzing flash floods and damaging hail hits Istanbul, Turkey on Tuesday, September 29, resulting in paralyzing flash floods and damage.

100,000 people stranded as highest rainfall in 60 years hits Rangpur, Bangladesh. Extremely heavy rainfall hit the city of Rangpur over last weekend, paralyzing normal life across the city and stranding more than 100,000 people. In just 12 hours, the city registered more rainfall than in the entire month of September.

Snow Falls near Rome as Italy suffers its Coldest September Temperatures in 50 years. Over last weekend, Italy suffered a sudden and dramatic drop in temperature. The mercury plunged by between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius across the country … The bone-chilling cold, originating from the Arctic, also delivered heavy early-season snow to places that rarely get snow this early.


Over Half of Americans believe second civil war is coming and are prepping for unrest. A shocking new poll — part of the “Back to Normal Barometer” survey — reveals that OVER HALF (62%) of respondents believe America is heading towards a second Civil War. According to the poll, 52% of those respondents are prepping for it by stockpiling food and other essentials. Even moderates believe major unrest is coming. Rich Thau, president of one of the firms associated with the poll (Engagious), said “this is the single most frightening poll result I’ve ever been associated with.”

Another Horrific Chicago Weekend: 5-Year Old Girl Stabbed, 49 People Shot. It’s just par for the course in Democrat-run Chicago. How can anyone think that the political party that can’t properly run major cities can actually lead this country? Anyone who thinks so is deluded.


Criminal Charges For Expressing Biblical Views On Homosexuality? From Jonathan Van Maren: Back in May, I wrote a column on the ongoing persecution of Finnish politician Päivi Räsänen, who has been consistently targeted over the past several years by LGBT activists for her outspoken advocacy of biblical sexual ethics. Since I interviewed her last, she has been interrogated by Finnish police yet again–simply for articulating her Christian beliefs in public. The aim of the LGBT activists is to silence voices that defend the system of two biological sexes and marriage as a union between man and wife… It is unfortunate how uncritically the ideology of sexual diversity and LGBT activism has been supported and endorsed even by churches.


Satanic Imagery and Curses Against Trump appear of Twitter after diagnosis. Response to President Trump’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis went a step beyond the malicious Friday morning, as strange accounts flooded the social media announcement with Satanic imagery and apparent curses.

After Death of pro-abortionist Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a self-described attorney and mother turns to the Satanic Temple for abortion support. A shocking personal account in the HuffPost describes the first person account of a self-described “attorney and mother who cares about civil rights” who, in the wake of the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (who was pro-abortion), turned to the Satanic Temple, comparing the worship of the devil to Judaism and sects of Christianity. The bulk of Smith’s choice to turn to the Satanic Temple was based on her abortion advocacy.

Deliberately Demonic-looking Teacher of Ages Six and Up in France. A schoolteacher whose body, face and tongue are covered in tattoos and who has had the whites of his eyes surgically turned black was prevented from teaching at a kindergarten after a parent complained he scared their child. But the teacher, Sylvain Helaine, 35, still teaches children from the age of six and up.

Video shows woman having ‘Exorcist-style’ meltdown on flight. Wild video shows a passenger on a Michigan-bound plane appearing to have a full-blown meltdown — climbing on top of seats and unleashing a slew of expletives in an incident some viewers likened to “The Exorcist.”

Chinese textbook rewrites Bible, claims Jesus stoned woman to death. A communist textbook that’s being used in Chinese schools falsifies the biblical account found in John 8:3-11. The textbook claims that Jesus murdered the woman who was found in adultery and said He, too, is a sinner.


The Kurt Beathard Story Exemplifies BLM’s Successful Attack on Christianity And Football. Beathard, a college football coach who publicly proclaims his Christian faith, arrived at his office one morning and discovered a “Black Lives Matter” sign taped to the door. He removed the sign and replaced it with a sign that read “All Lives Matter to Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.” He lost his job over it.

How a Biden presidency would unleash Christian persecution. Christians must register to vote, and vote in huge numbers this November to forestall a Democrat takeover of our Country and serious erosion, if not annihilation of our Religious Liberty.

Virginia Forces Christian Ministries to Adopt ‘Government Ideology’ (extreme pro-LGBT and pro-abortion policies) or Pay $100K. Virginia has been taken over by the Demo Party, and they’ve wasted no time in their destructive agenda. Anti-religious bigotry seems on the rise, with Demo-crats adopting extreme pro-LGBT and pro-abortion policies and legacy media outlets reporting Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s mainstream Christian beliefs as some sort of extreme religious insanity. But in reality, the insanity is in defying God, as this world will find out in the soon-coming Tribulation.

“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God… For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul” (Hebrews 10:31, 37-39).


Netanyahu: Preemptive strike against Iran still an option. Prime Minister Netanyahu warned that Israel has not ruled out a preliminary strike against Iran. He said, “A preventive strike is a difficult thing to do – I know that if Iran wants to base itself in the North, we are ready to fight them. This is a direct lesson of the Yom Kippur War.”


Amazon Promotes New Pay By Palm – Another Precursor to the Mark of the Beast? Many Christians are concerned that acceptance of such technology is conditioning people for when the actual ‘mark of the beast” is implemented. What starts as voluntary can easily become mandatory. Whereas tech itself may be neutral, in the hands of the wrong person, it could be extremely dangerous.  Imagine today’s technology in the hands of Hitler. It remains to be seen if the mark will be digital tattoos, microchips under the skin or some other form of biometric payment using the hand; but there’s no denying that our generation appears to be the first in history to have the technology to fulfill this prophecy.


Military-style Marshall Plan needed to combat climate change, says Prince Charles. “At this late stage I can see no other way forward but to call for a Marshall-like plan for nature, people and planet,” Charles said in a video recorded for the launch of a week of virtual climate change events in New York.

These globalists will have their way in the Tribulation; the Antichrist will rule over a global government and end up demanding worship.

“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thessalonians 2:7-12).