Who You Are to Me :: By Dennis Huebshman

Sometimes, when I go to YouTube, I get pleasantly surprised. This is one occasion where I listened to a new song and was just about overwhelmed. It’s a praise song that’s so much more. Rather than being like some of today’s 7-11 songs – same 7 words repeated 11 times over and over – this one honors, glorifies, praises, and puts love in our hearts for our Savior. (any emphasis mine)

First, it’s a song by Chris Tomlin, accompanied by a female trio, “Lady A.” The song was written by Tomlin, along with Charles Kelley, Hillary Scott, and Dave Haywood. Chris is from the East Texas area (my neighborhood). He is a contemporary artist who displays a real love for the Savior.

Just writing down the words of “Who You Are to Me” was like having a prayer session to tell the Savior my deepest and true feelings. He’s not just words on a page or an impersonal deity that demands we worship Him. He proved His love for us all when He was first here and has promised He would never leave us or desert us (Hebrews 13:5).

As a part of the Trinity that created this world (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), He could have set conditions for us to follow, which would not have caused Him to suffer. However, knowing God is righteous and just, and cannot accept anything short of perfection to cover our sins, Jesus became the propitiation for our sins (substitute). He was our “Spotless Sacrificial Lamb” that the Father required. He “willingly” came to be our Good Shepherd, who laid down His life for His sheep (John 10:11, 18). His one-time sacrifice was for all who would accept Him (John 10:16).

He led a sinless life here, even though He faced the same temptations we all come up against. In fact, He was personally tested by Satan after having fasted for 40 days in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13). However, Jesus was able to overcome Satan and did not give in to his tactics. Some may say that even though He became fully human, He was still God, and that’s how He resisted. According to Hebrews 2:9; “But we see Him, who for a little while, was made lower than the angels (a human), namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the Grace of God, He might taste death for everyone.”

Jesus is able to say He personally knows our feelings and emotions. He experienced anger with the religious leaders, sadness at the death of a friend, and real pain and suffering throughout the whole crucifixion process. Yes, He knew He was still God (John 19:30), but He was submissive to the Father’s will in order for His sacrifice to count. That is why God sees His Son in us when we confess our sins and ask His forgiveness. It’s also why anyone who does not receive and accept Jesus, cannot be forgiven by the Father.

Please consider the words of this marvelous song, and I hope you get closer in your relationship with the Savior. If you haven’t accepted His precious gift of eternal life with Him, today would be a good day to start.

(1) Some people think You’re distant, just some words on a page. That You’re nothing more than fables, handed down along the way. But I’ve seen You part the waters when no one else could pull me from the deep. That’s Who You Are to Me.

Some people think You just live in Cathedrals made of stone, but I know You live inside my heart; I know that it’s Your home. And I’ve seen You in a sunset, and in the eyes of a stranger on the street. That’s Who You Are to Me.

(ref) You’re Amazing; Faithful; Love’s open door. When I’m empty, You fill me with hunger for more. Of Your mercies, Your goodness, Lord, You’re the air that I breathe. That’s Who You Are to Me!

(2) Sometimes I have my doubts; I’m sure everybody does. And I wonder when I stumble, am I still worthy of Your love. I know that I get stronger when I’m talking to You down on my knees. You’re Everything I Need. (ref)

You’re forever, Holy, You’re the Lamb who is Worthy; my Forgiveness; my Healer; the Messiah; my Redeemer.

You are greater, higher, over it all; in Your presence, Jesus, I stand in awe. Lord, You’re the air that I breathe; That’s Who You Are to Me.

God loves us (John 3:16-18; Romans 5:8), and He wants everyone to come to repentance and be saved (2 Peter 3:9). Jesus Paid It All; All to Him we owe. He loved us all the way to a cruel cross, death, burial, and glorious resurrection on the third day – for us! His gift is available for the asking, but don’t try to buy or earn it. The key word is “gift.” He wants you to repent and turn away from habitual sin. Once you have Jesus as Savior, the Holy Spirit will be in you. At the instant of the “Rapture,” you will be taken up to meet Jesus in the air, and never feel pain or loss again. Your new forever body and new mindset will be designed to live forever in the presence of our Father, His Son, the Holy Spirit, and all true believers from all time.

Just a note: we are closer to the Rapture than could have ever been possible at any time in earth’s history. After the rebirth of Israel on May 14, 1948, the end-time clock started ticking. All prophecies that needed to be fulfilled prior to the Rapture taking place have been done. Jesus said we would not know the day or hour, and we are just waiting for the call (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17.) Some have said they would call out to be saved when they hear the Trumpet of God and the shout from the archangel. However, “Twinkling of an eye” has been calculated at considerably less than one second. Asking for His forgiveness takes just a bit longer than that. Go to Romans 10:9-13, and you will see what needs to be done. As stated, today (right now) would not be too soon to call out to Him.

The alternative is to be cast into a terrible Hell – The Lake of Fire – which was originally designed for Satan and his demons (Matthew 25:41). There is no other option. Don’t listen to Satan’s lies that there’s plenty of time, or there are many ways to Heaven without Jesus. Our Savior could return at any minute now. Be Ready; Be Saved. And yes, God really did say!

Maranatha! (Come, Lord Jesus!)
