Every Day Is Christmas :: By Holly Spate

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11).

As another holiday season begins, give yourself permission to simply stop, slow down, and pause. Be intentionally mindful of the reason this beautiful season is celebrated. Reflect and remember all you have because of all you were given that one blessed night. Stop and focus on the One who gave His all so that you could have all.

For now, set aside the Christmas lists, presents, party planning and programs and simply take time to let your heart and mind focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Focus on the miracle…the blessed hope…the babe in a manger… the Savior of the world!

Now, let yourself imagine what that night must have been like over 2,000 years ago.

Can you hear the rustling of the hay and the sounds of the animals? Can you smell the night air? Can you picture Mary and Joseph settling into the humble stable nestled in the busy little town of Bethlehem, tired from a long, dusty journey? Can you imagine the anticipation on their faces while joyfully awaiting the arrival of their precious son…a child they’ve waited to meet face-to-face and hold in their arms since they received the wonderful news of His coming?

And as you look above, a star shining so amazingly bright, it lights up the whole night sky. On the distant hillside you notice figures…shepherds pacing to and fro, attending to their flocks. Then, suddenly, it happens. The gentle cry of a baby boy emerges…the birth of not just any son, but God’s only Son.

Within moments, the heavens open around you to an awe-inspiring majestic, joyous praise. Like nothing your eyes have beheld before, you see beautiful and bright angels announcing the news in unison saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” The greatest gift has arrived! The greatest gift the world has ever or will ever receive has come… Jesus, the Savior of the world!

Can you envision it all?

How amazing! How breathtaking! Redemption for all has come to the world!

Now, stop and turn your attention to another miraculous moment unfolding at the same time. Can you imagine what God himself must have felt? Everything about that night…every detail…every plan was orchestrated by Him. The pleasure He must have had watching it all unfold. His love letter to the world, wrapped in unconditional love and placed in a humble manger.

He did it for YOU.

He did it for all of us.

His unconditional love, a love without limits or boundaries provided a bridge…a bridge back to Him. His remarkable gift brought gifts of hope, grace, mercy, peace, joy and salvation, giving all a chance for relationship, redemption, and a heavenly eternity forever with Him.

A plan set in motion from the beginning. A plan to save us from ourselves and reconcile us to Himself. And as God watched, He knew what lay ahead…what had to be done…what His Son would endure on the cross. He knew what this sacrificial gift would bring and at what cost.

That night… those moments… that event… were all expressions of Almighty God’s love on full display. It’s what Christmas is all about.

As you prepare this Christmas, let your focus be to focus on the true meaning of the season as you realize all you have because of all He gave.

And never forget…

For a Christian, every day is Christmas because of the greatest gift given one night over 2,000 years ago.
