The Love of Many Waxing Cold :: By Candy Austin

First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Candy, and I am a Sister in Christ who has been a supporter of the RR site for the past 4 to 5 years. I have gleaned so much information from all my fellow brothers’ and sisters’ articles over the years. I would much rather give my time and attention to information from this site than from any secular News source because the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. In secular News there is little to no fear of the LORD; therefore, there is little to no wisdom. I also love reading Todd’s and Terry’s weekly Nearing Midnight updates. Again, I glean so much knowledge and wisdom from their insights.

It was put on my heart to talk about this End-Time Phenomenon of “The Love of Many Waxing Cold.” Never in my life have I experienced this so strongly than in these Last Days… or, more accurately, since 2012.

Let me start with our Homeless Ministry Partner, Brother Scott. I asked him this past Saturday about the principles of tithing (does all of it have to go to the local church or can we divide the percentage up between the local church and various ministries that we get spiritually fed from?). He replied, basically saying that we have freedom in Christ and are no longer under the Law. Also, regarding the poor and homeless, there is a ‘Principle of Sowing and Reaping.’ There are so many verses in Proverbs/Scripture about helping the poor. He also shared that when we give generously to GOD and HIS Work, HE blesses us with HIS Provision for our lives.

I agree. We have been immensely blessed in the Provision area, but at the same time, we have been in a non-stop, brutal, emotional, heart-wrenching storm of sorts in our circumstances for several years now. It all started in 2012 when our oldest decided to rebel and run off at the end of her Senior year in high school to marry her atheist boyfriend. She became very defiant, disrespectful, even malicious, spiteful, and slanderous. To this day on her social media, we are dubbed a ‘Southern Baptist Bigoted Family’ because of our views on gay marriage/LGBTQ community. She claims to be a ‘Heterosexual Christian Woman’ but has marched in several gay pride parades with her atheist husband and also marches for abortion and other unbiblical causes.

Since 2012, not only did our oldest become a Prodigal, not only was our family falling apart, but we pretty much lost every relative in the slanderous process as well. Basically, to them, I am the worst mother on the planet. Out of spite, our oldest got married without us on Father’s Day weekend 2013. To add salt to our already wounded hearts, she had my husband’s brother walk her down the aisle. Not one person cared enough to hear our side of the situation; not my sister, not my husband’s brother or sister, not any relative or family member.

In our minds, if all it took was some gossip and slander to lose these relationships, then did we really lose anything? Were they really family after all? We realized then that the love of many has truly waxed cold like never before. That is when Bible Prophecy started to come to life for us.

See, I understand the principle of what Brother Scott said about sowing and reaping, but I also understand there is a difference between that and Persecution. (Definition of Persecution: hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs. Synonyms: oppression, victimization, maltreatment, ill treatment, mistreatment, abuse, ill usage, discrimination, punishment, torment, torture.) Sowing and reaping sounds a lot like the saying, ‘What goes around comes around,’ but I have come to learn that it does not apply to Persecution. Persecution is unmerited mistreatment. It is when you are repaid evil for good. Have you ever done so much for someone only to be repaid with ungratefulness, lousiness, or evil? That, brothers and sisters, is Persecution.

Not to name specifics, but we have helped various family members with money, loans, giving of furniture, helped one out of an abusive marriage, helped them get a job, visited them in hospitals, threw baby showers and birthday parties for them, cleaned their houses, and the list goes on. Not one family member returned any of the favors. Sadly, the same people we have helped have since 2012 ostracized us, rejected us, and are to this day persecuting us. I believe it boils down to a Spiritual Battle because most of them are not Christians, most of them do not go to church; in fact, some of them have become wiccan, some atheist. So, we know it is a Spiritual Battle, and it is not really us they are rejecting; it is JESUS.

As if the nightmare could not get worse… In the past year, ‘my Sunshine,’ our youngest, our baby decided to follow suit to our oldest and has become a Prodigal also. After falling in love with an atheist at work, she started coming home all hours of the night, started drinking, then decided she needed to move out when coming home all hours of the night was not acceptable. Within a month or two of moving out, she stopped going to church, started to turn her back on GOD, her Faith, her Christian friends, and now us as well. It has been almost a year since we have had any real communication with her. Needless to say… the brutal, emotional, heart-wrenching storm rages on.

We invite Godly Intercessory Praying on behalf of our girls who are soon to be 21 and 26 years old. Our oldest moved nearly 3k miles away last November, without telling us, to Seattle, Washington. We have stopped looking at our girls’ social media pages because it has become too painful to see their lifestyles and words. The devil has hurt us so much through those we love the most. Our prayer is for our girls and their atheist husband and boyfriend to come to a true saving knowledge of CHRIST before it is too late. We know we are running out of time, and that is why we pray daily for their repentance.

Just know, if you are going through a similar battle, that we have an Adversary – namely Satan the devil. (Definition of Adversary: one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute. Synonyms: opponent, rival, enemy, foe, nemesis, antagonist, combatant.) The Bible calls him the accuser of the brethren, god of this world, wicked one, Deceiver, Father of Lies, Tempter, etc. Know that it is not your fault if people hate you when you know that there is no validation to their hatred, that people will hate you if you are a Follower of CHRIST, and that you will be persecuted.

“Yea, and all that will live godly in CHRIST JESUS shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12).

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you” (John 15:18).

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:10).

If I can end with something… anything… the take away is this: I am grateful for the persecution, for it has brought me and my husband so much closer to CHRIST. We have purified our lives and are living for HIM now more than ever.

Bible Prophecy has that purifying effect… it readies us for JESUS’ imminent return; it loosens our grip on this temporary world; it sharpens our focus on what truly matters!

To that, we say MARANATHA!!! Come Quickly, LORD JESUS.


*Ambassador For Christ in All I Do

*YouTube Channel: All For Christ (Sign Language/Voice Ministry)

*Instagram: ambassadorforchrist07

*Occupation: Former Sign Language Interpreter//Highest Calling of Wife, Mother, & Keeper of the Home