Three Days of Darkness :: By April Kelcy

Because of my emergency management career, a friend recently wrote me to ask about the purportedly prophetic claims circulating on the internet about a coming “three days of gross darkness.” She was wanting to know not only how seriously to take these claims, but also how to upgrade her emergency preparedness for such an event.

While the Bible instructs us to be prudent, and it’s prudent to prepare for emergencies and disasters, it’s also important for believers to stay in tune with Truth, and not to give in to fear. While admittedly I’ve not done deep research into the claims she cited, here is my response, based merely on what I know of scripture and my observations about our times:

  • A cloud of darkness IS already attempting to take over the earth and has been for a long time. However, there is NO darkness in Christ, so the darkness is representative of the demonic (1 John 1:5).
  • As the world continues to drunkenly stagger toward the time of the tribulation, men’s hearts will grow cold. If you need evidence of cold hearts, consider that the governors of at least two states have spoken to promote infanticide, or actually blocked attempts to prevent it. How anyone could withhold care from a baby born alive, or to allow it to be killed outside the womb is horrifying. And even more horrifying is the attempt by some lawmakers in Ohio to allow special exceptions so that more black babies will be killed in the womb. Yet we were told these times would come. In fact, scripture clearly indicates that it is God who will bring a spirit of delusion on those who have so hardened their hearts that there’s no turning back. We are in that time (2 Thessalonians 2:11).
  • Most of the Old Testament Biblical references to three days of darkness are a metaphor for the three days in the tomb before the Resurrection. They represent a world without the saving work of Christ and being forever separated from God.
  • Many of the most easily found references to current warnings about three days of darkness appear to me to completely misunderstand the differences between things that will happen before the rapture and those that will happen later and are in the tribulation.
  • I do not believe these warnings would be related to anything like an EMP attack or grid failure, because the consequences of either would last much longer than a mere three days. These things could happen in our world, but anyone claiming they might be an explanation for coming darkness of only three days doesn’t know what they’re talking about, so they are essentially lying. And we know who is identified in the Word as the father of lies. We don’t need to listen to the enemy. The purposes of the demonic are to create fear, because fear is oppositional to faith.
  • God’s work is always redemptive in purpose and nature. If He allows darkness to literally fall on us before the rapture, He will still provide light to those who believe. Why? Because He inhabits each true believer, and thus HIS light (in whom there is no darkness) will still shine. Furthermore, it not only will still shine, but it will appear brighter against the darkness than against the present light of day (John 1:4-5; Ephesians 5:8).
  • He gave Israelites light many times, including the pillar of fire by night. Fire of the Holy Spirit?! There are classic scriptures like Isaiah 9:2 – not just any light, but a GREAT light! And the same Light is given to His beloveds when Zechariah blesses the infant John the Baptist: “And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways, to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins, through the tender mercy of our God, when the day shall dawn upon us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:76-79). And He has promised to be with us always, until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).

I cannot say what God will or will not allow in the days to come. That’s His decision, and His alone.  However, I am suspicious of things that convey fear that is not based in Holy fear of the Lord Himself.

If you have been involved in the abortion industry or have had an abortion, please read the Luke passage quoted above in bullet #7 again. You can access the forgiveness He offers through His “tender mercy.” If you presently sit in the shadow of death, it is the only way to peace.

Thankfully, if we are in Christ, the former things have passed away, and we are under the cover of His outstretched arms. I do believe we are nearing the time of the rapture, and I do believe the rapture will either precede or be simultaneous with the beginning of the tribulation. This opinion is not based on what the major prophetic writers and speakers have to say, although I’ve considered most of those views and conflicting views over time. My opinion is based on my own personal study of the scriptures at some length.

This is not to say we will escape all of the birth pangs that will assail the world in the run-up to the rapture and following events. There are several distinct phases to labor pains. Birth pangs in early labor are irregular. They also vary in intensity and duration. Active labor is a time when the pangs become very regular, the intensity continues to grow, and the intervals between the contractions shorten over and over again. The final stage is called “transition,” and it is fast, incredibly intense, and is an unstoppable force. The baby WILL be born. And so, it is also a picture of us, as we separate from this world system – like leaving the womb – and sever the silver cord – like an umbilical cord – and will be freed to take our first deep breaths of the pure air of Heaven.

Believers, please do not fear the darkness. Fear the Lord. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10).

April Kelcy

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