Thank You, Lord, For Your Blessings On Me :: By Dennis Huebshman

Thank You, Lord, For Your Blessings On Me
Jeff and Sheri Easter released a song in 2008 called “Thank You, Lord, for Your Blessings on me,” looking at 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Always rejoice; constantly pray; in everything, give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (any emphasis mine.) The song was originally written by James Easter, Jeff’s father.

The lyrics are not complicated, yet the message is a full-blown sermon. From the very first time I heard this song, it inspired me to take a closer look inside myself, and be grateful for what I have. In my younger days, it seemed as if I could never be satisfied. There was always something else I would crave, even though the Father had always taken care of my needs.

Being older helps me see things in a different perspective; however, songs such as this give more insight as to what’s really important and what is not. The first stanza is:

While the world looks upon me as I struggle along,
They say I’ve got nothing, but they are so wrong.
In my heart I’m rejoicing; how I wish they could see.
Thank You, Lord, for Your Blessings on me.

Chorus: There’s a roof up above me;
I’ve a good place to sleep.
There’s food on my table and shoes on my feet.
You gave me Your love, Lord, and a fine family;
Thank You, Lord, for Your Blessings on me.”

2nd Stanza: I know I’m not wealthy;
These clothes, they’re not new.
I don’t have much money but, Lord, I Have You.
And that’s all that matters, though the world may not see.
Thank You, Lord, For Your Blessings on Me.

(chorus again)

The materialism in this world today is overwhelming. We just have to have the latest, the newest, the biggest, the most, and about every other “greed” there is. We’re gauged in the secular world by the vehicle we drive, or how fancy our home is, or if we have expensive clothes, or where we work. It doesn’t matter that we’re probably up to our ears in debt, just so long as our “presentation” is proper.

I am reminded that the Creator of this world, our Lord of Lords and King of Kings, appeared to us first as a helpless baby, born in a manger among farm animals. His parents weren’t fashionably rich but were of the common class, even though both were direct descendants of King David.

Joseph was a carpenter, which was an honorable profession, but he had to work hard to provide for a growing family such as he had. Besides Jesus, there were James, Joses (Joseph), Simon and Judas, as well as more than one sister (Matthew 13:55-56). We are never told all the “riches” our Messiah could have had, but instead He made do with very few “possessions” on this earth.

This song pulls that into perspective, if we really listen. It is available on YouTube.

In the past, I was able to see Jeff and Sheri both on stage and off. At one time, I volunteered at a radio station that featured Southern Gospel music on the weekends, and was able to be at numerous Gospel concerts and meet many of the performers. The Easters and their family are the same, whether performing for the Lord, or off-stage in public. No one has to guess if they’re believers or not. They have had some “bumps” in the road, but it’s obvious they put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus.

There’s a testimonial video on the web by James Easter, explaining how the song came to be. James says he had been in prison at an early age, and the first time he even heard about Jesus was from a visiting preacher. He said he didn’t want to accept Jesus while in prison, but vowed to do so as soon as he was out. When he was released, James said he went to the first church he came across and, at the end of the service, gave his life to the Lord. When he got home to his simple house, he noticed all the “fine things” the neighbors had. He says he realized he was fortunate and “rich” just to have the Lord. He started thinking of all he did have because of Jesus, and wrote them down. Later, it was put into song form and was recorded by his son, Jeff.

Going back to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, his “rejoicing” is in the first stanza. The whole song is a “constant prayer” to the Lord, and he gives thanks for just about everything in his life.

How many people complain because they don’t have some material thing, yet there’s people with no permanent roof overhead? Some have no bed to sleep in, or even shoes to wear. Many do not even know where their next meal will come from. There is one thing we do have that cannot be taken away from us: the Love of the Lord (John 16:33). Jesus never said we would have a life of ease after we have accepted Him; but remember, even He was persecuted and put to death while He was here. He did say He would never leave or forsake us (Matthew 28:20/Hebrews 13:5).

Where is He now? He is in the eternal Heaven preparing a home for all who will accept Him (John 14:1-3), and he will turn no one away. To have loved ones that share our faith in the Lord is a blessing that outshines any worldly possession. Knowing Jesus loves me, and will forgive my sins, makes me one of the richest persons on this planet. Every material thing I have is owned by the Father, who has given them to me to use. None of it will leave this earth when I do go to meet my Savior. When the song says, “I don’t have much money but, Lord, I have You,” therein lies my total wealth.

All true believers have this same treasure available to them. When the Rapture occurs, whether we have died or are still alive, we will “rise up” to meet Jesus in the air and be given imperishable, immortal bodies. All of our needs will be taken care of forever. There will be no more pain, suffering, hate, envy, destructive pride, death or temptation to sin ever again. We will be like Jesus as far as our attitudes and love for each other. All He asks is for us to truly accept Him and the sacrifice He made for us. That is really very little to ask considering the price He paid at Calvary. We will not ever remember what we “didn’t have” on this earth as we will have everything with Jesus.

We have all sinned (Romans 3:23), but He will forgive. He will turn no one away, but will not force anyone to accept Him either. It’s totally your free-will choice. How can anyone turn down eternity with the Savior? The only other option is to be in the Lake of Fire with Satan and his demons forever.

Sadly, Matthew 7:13-14 tells us Jesus knows there will be few that will accept Him on that narrow path. He died for everyone, but there will be those who will want the things of this earth, and not consider their eternal destiny. We’re told that the path that leads to destruction is wide, and there will be many on it.

Be one of those who keeps their eyes on the Savior, and be able to say, along with me, “Thank You, Lord, for Your Blessings on me.”
