Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs!
Under the circumstances, I thought it appropriate to begin with Nation Against Nation:
Hal Lindsey noted in his Oct. 5 report (link provided in this article) that almost every nation on Earth is divided against itself: Ethnic versus ethnic, race versus race, women versus men, globalists versus nationalists. This is exactly what Jesus warned us would happen in the last days just prior to His return (Matthew 24:7). More on this in the “Global government agenda” section.
Extreme weather: In Japan, four people were reported killed and about 200 were reported injured by Typhoon Trami. The storm caused widespread disruption. Typhoon Trami toppled the huge statue of Kannon Sama known to Buddhists as the goddess of mercy, to whom those come who are affected by dangers caused by water, fire or weapons. Part of feeling compassion for others is to warn them about idolatry (Psalm 115:4-8) and point them in the right direction (Acts 4:12) to the only One who can save their eternal souls.
For the first time in 13 years, Earth fueled two Category-5-equivalent storms Tuesday on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean basin: Hurricane Walaka and Super Typhoon Kong Rey. Walaka is now a tropical storm and, as of this writing, it is headed toward Alaska. Kong Rey moved through Okinawa, Japan’s main island, bringing heavy rain. It is now a tropical storm headed for North and South Korea as of this writing, already causing heavy rain. Afterwards, it is supposed to head back toward Japan.
A storm system has a 70% chance of becoming Tropical Storm Michael in the coming days. A strike along the Gulf Coast could come as early as Tuesday night, but Wednesday is more likely. Alabama, Mississippi and the Florida panhandled will get the worst of the wind and rain, according to Jeff Masters of Weather Underground.
Tropical Storm Leslie is still churning in the Atlantic, causing rough seas at the beaches of the US East Coast, Atlantic Canada and Bermuda. It could possibly affect the Azores by next weekend or impact the Canary Islands off the west coast of Africa late in the week.
An early-season winter storm descended on Calgary, Canada, on Tuesday, the heaviest single-day snowfall since 1981. It set a new October snow record.
Earthquakes: In Indonesia, the death toll from an earthquake and tsunami that devastated part of the island of Sulawesi has risen to over 1,600, with hundreds still missing. 25 foreign countries and four international organizations have provided assistance. Israel sent an expert disaster team there.
Volcanoes: A volcano erupted on Wednesday on the same central Indonesian island struck last week by a powerful earthquake and tsunami, and authorities warned planes about volcanic ash in the air. Mount Soputan on Sulawesi Island spewed a massive column of ash more than 6,000 meters into the sky.
Plague: In Florida, for the first time in decades, the red tide outbreak is plaguing both the Gulf and Atlantic coasts at once. The Gulf Coast has taken most of the brunt of the toxic algae outbreak all summer long, but this week it showed up on South Florida’s Atlantic beaches. Tons of sea animals have been left dead in this outbreak.
Hurricane Florence led to the hatching of billions of mega mosquitoes called gallnippers. They’re so big, they’ve been mistaken for wasps. These mosquitos are aggressive and have a painful bite.
In California, an outbreak of flea-borne typhus that affects humans has hit downtown Los Angeles.
African swine fever is spreading in Europe and Asia. The virus reached China this summer and Western Europe for the first time in a separate simultaneous outbreak, leaving officials worried. Humans are suspected to have caused the recent spread to Belgium, where eight cases were confirmed as of September 25, according to the World Organization for Animal Health.
Famine: War-torn Yemen is experiencing the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. 18 million (out of a population of 22 million) are hungry and homeless. Liberal colleges and news medianites don’t seem to notice that President Trump is leading the world in aiding this Muslim nation. Ahmed Charai, an expert on Morocco and North Africa, said President Trump’s timely action is preventing a death toll possibly equal to World War II.
Persecution of Christians: In Canada, Alberta’s deputy education minister is demanding that faith-based schools remove religious content from their policies or face defunding and removal of accreditation. Examples of what is considered objectionable language include: the declaration that “men and women were created in the image of God, after His likeness, and therefore have transcendent, intrinsic worth;” the stated goal of “developing godly attitudes toward marriage and the family;” reference to “the unchangeable and infallible truth of the Word of God;” and affirmation that men and women are “equal in dignity and worth” but have “distinct and complementary roles.”
Prophecy News Watch was taken over by hackers, who proceeded to send obscene posts to followers’ newsfeeds. The page was not able to be recovered; therefore, after 10 years with 400,000 followers, they have to start over. They hope you will “like” and follow their new page, and they have tips for changing your settings so that you’ll actually see their posts in your newsfeed, as Facebook has a tendency to not show or bury many Christian/Conservative posts. Their new Facebook page can be found by clicking on this link.
Human Rights groups report that the Turkish military launched airstrikes against seven predominantly Christian villages in northern Iraq last month.
Persecution of Jews: The anti-Israel Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has called on the EU to cancel a program to bring together young Israelis and “Palestinians” in December.
Moving toward a melded, false world religion: The Hindu spiritual practice of yoga wasn’t officially permitted for decades in Saudi Arabia where all non-Muslim worship is banned. But Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman vows an “open, moderate Islam,” and recognized yoga as a sport in his liberalization drive.
Depraved days: In England, at Bewsey Lodge Primary School, a video published by the BBC shows 6-year-old school children being instructed to write gay love letters.
In the US, over 50 Colleges are endorsing the first ever holiday Of Zieselves, Xerselves, Eirselves. It’s called International Pronouns Day (Oct. 17) to “make asking, sharing, and respecting a person’s chosen personal pronoun commonplace.”
A Brooklyn, New York-based company sells heels in men’s sizes 5-14. “Whether a customer is male, trans, or non-binary, the mission of Syro is to promote femininity and encourage a fluid sense of style.” “We get emails where kids are saying how grateful they are to discover us, which is really heartwarming,” Han (designer) said. “They tell us that they’re wearing them to prom, or to a wedding. Those spaces are so gender-confirming so it’s nice to provide them a way to express themselves and challenge norms.”
Protestors of Franklin Graham’s Festival of Hope in Blackpool, England, pointed to Graham’s stance against same-sex marriage and his calling homosexuality a sin. The city’s 518-foot-tall Blackpool Tower was lit up in rainbow colors and displayed a rainbow flag to show the city’s solidarity with LGBTs. Present was a 12-foot-tall mannequin dubbed “Big Jesus” which is owned by the LGBT-affirming congregation, Liberty Church. The Big Jesus figure wore a rainbow sash and held rainbow-colored balloons.
Thirteen states are now investigating alleged sexual abuse linked to the Catholic church. Florida is the 13th. The attorney general said, “Any priest that would exploit a position of power and trust to abuse a child is a disgrace to the church and a threat to society.”
Lawlessness: In Florence, South Carolina, police officers arrived at a home to interview 28-year-old Seth Hopkins regarding sexual abuse of a foster child in the home. They were caught off-guard by his father, 74-year-old Fred Hopkins, who prides himself on being a competitive rifle marksman. By the time the standoff was over, seven police officers had been shot. One died and some of the others are still in serious condition as of this writing.
Fred Hopkins is a disbarred lawyer and has a history with the law. Hopkins was taken into custody after the standoff and has been charged with murder. The son, Seth, has been charged with criminal sexual abuse of a minor. Police believe there are more victims.
A gunman is targeting victims in a Chicago neighborhood. He’s murdered two men two days apart this week. Police released a photo, but the man is all in black with his face covered. The only clue they have is that he walks with his feet pointing outward like a duck. Police don’t know a motive. One victim was a young Jewish man murdered during the Jewish holiday, and the other is an elderly gay man who was out walking his dog.
William Clyde Allen III has been arrested by authorities in connection with castor beans, the component of deadly ricin detected in mail that was sent to government officials. Ricin was detected in two envelopes sent to the Pentagon; top military officials were the intended targets. Another suspicious envelope was sent to President Trump along with two to Ted Cruz’s campaign headquarters. Allen has a history with law enforcement, including child sex abuse and aggravated assault. Allen served in the navy, but records show his rank was reduced months before his discharge.
Global government agenda: A new film entitled “The Creepy Line” highlights the disturbing discoveries of Robert Epstein, senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, who has devoted the past five years investigating online manipulation, surveillance and censorship. Google and Facebook’s access to the public’s most private and personal data threatens the electoral process and free speech and endangers human autonomy. “Humanity will survive, but it won’t be free,” says Epstein, a liberal who favored Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election but who now has become a champion in exposing the bias and censorship of opinions on the right side of the political spectrum.
Computer scientists featured in the film warn that only a breakup of these powerful tech firms can keep self-government and freedom alive. That’s how serious he sees the problem. Epstein warned that all of Google’s software and services are surveillance tools and outlined how consumers can protect themselves and their children from data manipulation.
Adopting the current comprehensive migration pact currently under discussion in the United Nations would be the worst possible step when it comes to tackling the challenge of migration, Peter Szijjarto, the foreign minister, said at a session of the UN General Assembly in New York. It would erase all borders and ram Islamic migrants down countries’ throats whether they support it or not. President Trump is willing to take true refugees in up to 30,000 with a vetting process in place. But the UN and EU globalists want them to arrive en masse without proper vetting. And look what has happened in Europe.
Globalist German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned President Trump against “destroying” the United Nations. Trump warns nations against globalism, while the liberal elite promote it. The best thing Trump can do for the US is to leave the United (Netherworld) Nations. Hopefully, he can hold off globalism until we are raptured out of this corrupted world.
In a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a pair of Norwegian researchers studied test results from over 730,000 young men and found that IQ scores were dropping by 7 points per generation. A recent British study corroborated those results. They can blame whatever they like but, as I’ve said before, Soviet defector Yuri Besmenov warned us of this sinister Communist plot to take down Western nations. They duped people in the academic world whom the plotters referred to as “useful idiots.” These Marxists, Socialists and Communists had already influenced 3 generations by 1984. And they’re still at it. Besmenov would still be warning us if he hadn’t died under suspicious circumstances.
Leftists in the US have bought into this “useful idiot” global agenda hook, line and sinker. Here’s a trick that was pulled on them, and they fell for it: To highlight alleged intellectual bias in university ‘grievance studies’ programs, 3 scholars wrote 20 absurd papers; 7 were accepted to top publications. The term “Femi-Nazi” became all too accurate when academic hoaxers submitted portions of Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” rewritten through a feminist lens to a leading peer-reviewed feminist journal. The satirical paper was accepted this past academic year for publication by Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work. And the kicker is that the scholars who wrote these papers are liberals themselves, but believe that things have gone too far left. And they proved it.
President Trump is right. With Stocks at all-time highs and unemployment at 50-year lows, the Fed’s interest rate increases show a far-left liberal bias. The only Fed Funds Rate increases since 2015 were after President Trump was elected President. The Fed have increased the Fed Funds Rate now seven times.
The American Thinker posted a good article titled The Democrats and Keyser Soze. In the movie “The Usual Suspects,” Keyser Soze said, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.” That is, he feigns weakness, innocence, and vulnerability, even as he exercises wickedness, power, and control. The trouble for Democrats in recent days is that their disguise has become transparent. Read more at this link.
California governor Jerry Brown has signed into law a bill (SB 282) that allows any person to “aid, advise, and encourage” suicide.
The California libleft and its governor gave the President a huge middle finger when they decided to become a sanctuary state. The whole state would be an illegal alien haven. It showed just how far the left have lurched on immigration, on policy in general, and their global agenda—their “Imagine” world. Gov. Brown signed it into law last year, but now a California judge ruled that it’s an unconstitutional law.
The FBI is refusing to declassify 37 pages of materials related to the Uranium One deal (selling of US’ uranium to Russia). The documents are believed to contain information regarding then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s involvement, as well as the Obama administration’s knowledge of the controversial deal.
As Leftists continue to lose political power in America due to elections (President Trump) and Supreme Court nominations (Brett Kavanaugh), their activists are becoming more militant and extremist. Now, left-wing groups are openly discussing mass executions and planned murders of prominent conservatives, using Twitter to promote the attacks.
After Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday as Supreme Court Justice, leftists (no doubt paid Soros shills) yelled and banged on the doors of the Supreme Court and tried to get inside. They also tried to get inside the Capitol building. One man wearing a tee shirt that said, “This is what a feminist looks like,” was so angry that his eyes bugged out and spit came out of his mouth. See the 4th video at this link.
Capitol Police arrested 27-year-old Jackson Cosko of DC for “allegedly posting private, identifying information (doxxing) about one or more US Senators.” Cosko worked for Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Dem Senator Maggie Hassan and retired Dem Senator Barbara Boxer. Many Republicans on the Senate Judiciary had their home addresses and phone numbers published on their Wikipedia pages shortly after Lindsey Graham went off on Senate Democrats for destroying Kavanaugh’s life in order to derail his confirmation.
Cosko, a “cyber-security graduate student,” is charged with making Public Restricted Personal Info, Witness Tampering, Threats in Interstate Communications, Unauthorized Access of a Gov’t Computer, 2nd Degree Burglary & Unlawful Entry.
President Trump warned Republican senators not to be intimidated by Soros-backed anti-Kavanaugh protestors. He said, “The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love! #Troublemakers.”
Republican Sen. John Kennedy from Louisiana had harsh words for his Democrat colleagues – for trying to destroy Brett Kavanaugh for partisan purposes – during his appearance this week on Tucker Carlson Tonight. He said, “I think there are some Democrats in good faith but I think for some of their colleagues, it isn’t about searching for the truth; it’s about winning…It doesn’t matter who gets destroyed,” Kennedy stated. “These are people, I’m not going to name names but I’m not sure they have a soul. I don’t think their mother breastfed them; I think they went right to raw meat.”
Following the new low established by USA Today castigating Brett Kavanaugh erroneously as a potential pedophile who should stay away from children, the Illinois Times published a wickedly evil cartoon that mocks the judge’s 10-year-old daughter’s prayer. Leaving no earth unscorched in the campaign to destroy this man, Chris Britt at the Illinois Times published this grotesque cartoon. Ironically, Chris Britt is also a children’s book author.
Four dentists from California who faced rape charges for the alleged assault of a woman at the Wynn Las Vegas in July had all charges dismissed in court Monday when video proved their innocence. It is important to keep a critical eye, as some will use the MeToo movement for selfish motives. Innocent until proven guilty should continue to be one of our country’s bedrock principles.
Rachel Mitchell, the sex-crimes prosecutor who questioned Dr. Christine Blasey Ford last week, wrote in a memo that there were inconsistencies in Ford’s testimony and that– given the information at hand– she would not bring criminal charges against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. She identified Ford’s case as an example of “he said, she said,” and said her case is “even weaker than that.”
Christine Blasey Ford’s former boyfriend, whose name was redacted in the declaration, said Ford neither mentioned Kavanaugh nor mentioned she was a victim of sexual misconduct during the time they were dating from 1992 to 1998. He said he saw Ford going to great lengths to help a woman he believed was her “lifelong best friend” prepare for a potential polygraph test. He added that the woman, Monica McLean, had been interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s office. Christine Blasey Ford is a psychology professor. She published a 2008 article on self-hypnosis used to retrieve and “create artificial situations.”
This past Friday (Oct. 5), Hal Lindsey put the Kavanaugh-Ford debacle into perspective. It is a must watch! He discusses it from the 6:15 mark to the 17:54 mark. He explains the suspiciously quick lie detector test with generic questions (which Ford lied about afterward, saying it was long and she told her life story). He also exposes the delay tactics used by Feinstein and her cohorts.
Here the video of Hal’s report at this link. Here is his written summary at this link.
“We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). The article at this link is a must read in its entirety, but here is a small part of it: “I wonder if someone came forward and said that Nancy Pelosi sexually abused them when they were a minor but they can’t remember where, or when, how they got there, how they got home, and everyone they said was a witness denied it … do you think the Congressional Ethics Committee would investigate it? Would the ABCCBSNBCPBSCNNMSNBC Cartel do wall-to-wall panel discussion about the validity of the claims?”
“The natural man cannot receive the things of God for they’re foolishness to him. The mockery of the late-night political hacks masquerading as comedians or of the not even close to being funny Democrat shills haunting SNL reminds us that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.” (Keep your eyes on Christ).
Wars and rumors of wars: Isaiah 17 & Ezekiel 38-39 news. As we know from last days Bible prophecy, the end goal of the Russian-Arab offensive in Syria is to capture Israel’s Golan Heights. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem just pledged in his address to the UN General Assembly that Syria will take the Golan Heights from Israel after Syrian regime forces have retaken areas opposite the Israeli border during a recent Russian-backed offensive. God will show the invaders who is in charge in a supernaturally spectacular way! It is coming and it will be done, says the Lord God.
Israel will use its F-35I stealth fighter against Islamic forces in Syria if and when the situation requires. The decision comes after Syria began receiving on Tuesday its new S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system.
UN NATO ambassador Kay Hutchison warned that Washington would “take out” an intermediate-range cruise missile system known as the 9M729 if Russia doesn’t stop development of a cruise missile that is banned under the Cold War treaty… “At that point we would then be looking at a capability to take out a missile that could hit any of our countries in Europe and hit America in Alaska.”
The Iranian Navy boasted that it possesses airships capable of carrying out the swiftest missile strikes in the world against enemy targets.
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard showed reckless behavior by firing its ballistic missiles over Iraq into Syria, giving no warning to air traffic in Iraq in order to accomplish their mission, claiming to be targeting ISIS. But their slogans yelled of “death to America,” “death to Israel” and “death to al-Saud” point to a much further goal. The message shows Iran feels that it can target Israel, the US or Saudi Arabia. It is practicing by using its missiles on ISIS and Kurdish opposition groups.
Kings of the East. China is developing a satellite with a powerful laser for anti-submarine warfare. It’s researchers hope will be able to pinpoint a target as far as 500 meters below the ocean’s surface. One researcher, Song Xiaoquan, said if the team can develop the satellite as planned, it will make the upper layer of the sea “more or less transparent” and “change almost everything.” China canceled an October security meeting with U.S. Secretary of Defense Mattis.
A U.S. warship sailed near islands claimed by China in the South China Sea this week at a time of tense relations between the two countries. A Chinese warship forced the destroyer to change course in the South China Sea by sailing close to it in an “unsafe and unprofessional” manner.
Japan’s largest warship sailed into Sri Lanka’s Colombo harbor last weekend. This marks Japan’s highest profile in a diplomatic battle with China for influence along the region’s significant commercial sea lanes.
Dividing God’s land for “peace” never works. For six months, Gazans have gathered along the fence between the Gaza Strip and Israel for often violent daylight demonstrations against Israel. But in recent weeks they’ve used a new tactic: “night confusion units.” Young Gazan men bang drums and chant songs, while others attach flammable devices to balloons. Just this past Friday, violent clashes erupted along the Gaza border with Israel as 20,000 protesters gathered along the security fence. So much for Israel’s giving away Gaza for peace. That could have been their “state,” but they’ve proven what they would do with another one.
So-called “Palestinian” President Mahmoud Abbas (aka PLO terrorist) told the UN General Assembly that there would be no peace without an independent Palestinian state, with East Jerusalem as its capital, including holy sites.
“Palestinian” leaders defiantly declared they won’t end payments to terrorists and their families despite international pressure. Abbas made a similar statement in July, saying, “By Allah, even if we have only a penny left it will only be spent on the families of the Martyrs and the prisoners, and only afterwards will it be spent on the rest of the people,” he said. Shows how much he cares for his own people. Out of the other side of his mouth, he’s supposedly given Hamas 30 days to turn Gaza back over to the PA aka PLO or face the consequences of defunding.
Islam’s global agenda and its consequences: ISIS-backed terror plots globally have increased 63% during the past two years and include those organized by teenagers, as well as “refugees” and “asylum seekers.” The US has emerged as the top target, with 30% of recent plots centering on America. ISIS-backed terrorists have attempted to launch at least 73 attacks on the US since 2017. President Trump has good reason for wanting to limit the number of “refugees” permitted into the US from known terrorist countries.
In an ironic twist of fate, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) staffers received death threats and fled from Gaza into Israel for their lives. UNRWA’s leadership has been supportive of the Hamas-inspired (along with other militant Islamist groups) so-called March of Return.
In France, groups of young migrant gangs in the city of Mulhouse clashed with police, using guerrilla-style tactics against the officers, which included laying traps and attacking them. Attacks on police and other emergency services workers have become more and more common across France.
On the Greek island of Lesbos, according to Deutsche Welle reporters, a terrorist organization that claims to be linked with ISIS dominates Moria’s refugee camp. One migrant states, “They were hunting Kurds here, and threatened one man to cut his throat. We saved him in the last moment, after telling them he is not a Kurd but an Arab. I left Syria to escape ISIS, but it seems that the same rules exist here. I escaped death, and death followed me here.” They say, “If you are not Muslim, I can rape you.”
In the Netherlands, shocking video footage and a report from the Dutch organization “Klap uit de school,” show that numerous Dutch children are forced to bow to Islam. “Dutch children are instructed by the imam to kneel and to pray” which is “not an innocent ritual but part of the Islamic strategy of conquest.” The video footage at the above link originates from 2016-2018; and especially at the end it becomes clear that many schools visit mosques – places where unbelievers are called dogs and where there are calls for jihad.
The Netherlands is rapidly waking up from a multicultural dream dominated by Islam. A poll showed that a proposal of Geert Wilders to ban Islamic expressions from the public space was widely supported by the public.
In Sweden over the last five years, violence among students in primary and secondary schools has more than doubled. So far this year, they’ve received 544 reports of violent incidents. In some places, schools have been forced to close due to school staff losing control of students’ violence. The violence varies from smashed up classrooms to robbery, stabbings and murder, and it is carried out by students against other students and teachers. This violence comes particularly from criminal migrant gangs.
Sign from God? On the sixth day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), a group of Jews praying on the Mount of Olives witnessed a strange mist rising up out of the ground on the Temple Mount, enshrouding the holy site and obscuring the base of the Muslim Dome of the Rock. The mist remained for approximately half an hour, remaining close to the ground and confined to the Temple Mount Compound.
The Feast of Tabernacles represents to the Jews a time of renewed fellowship with God, remembering His sheltering provision and care for them as they traveled in the desert surrounded by clouds of Glory. During Jesus’ ministry on Earth, it was on the last day of this Feast that He cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37–39).
The 7 Jewish feasts are “shadows of things to come but the substance is of Christ.” Just as the spring feasts were fulfilled in Christ, the fall feasts will be fulfilled in Christ. The Feast of Tabernacles will be fulfilled when Christ returns to “tabernacle” (dwell on Earth) during His 1,000-year Millennial reign.
Pray for Brett Kavanaugh’s and his family’s protection, brethren…continually. Pray for President Trump to be able to hold off the evil global government (that we know is coming) until after the rapture. The US is the last nation standing in the way of the satanic plan. Other Western nations are well on their way down that sinister path.
Satan’s deceived and deceiving pawns will not stop fighting for their global and godless “Imagine” so-called utopia. Pray for people to wake up to the sinister agenda described in Revelation 13. Many will be left behind after the rapture to face that horrible time due to their allowing themselves to be deceived. As watchmen and women on the wall, it is our duty to warn them, and spread the saving gospel of Christ while we can.
“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof” (Romans 13:11-14).