A Last Call :: By Alice Childs

People get ready; very soon there will be a great “vanishing” that will occur— the Rapture — It can (and will) happen at any time now – literally. Are you ready?

If you are a believer in Christ – that is if you are saved according to the scriptures, then you are ready and your excitement should be at an all-time high. But if you are lost; if you have put your trust in anything or anyone (including your own self or your own morality); if your faith, hope, and trust is in ANYTHING OTHER than Jesus Christ – Him alone and what He has already done at Calvary for your salvation, then you are NOT AT ALL prepared for what is about to occur once the rapture of the Church takes place.

We plead with you now to repent and believe (place your trust) in the truth that Jesus Christ died in your place to pay the sin debt of which each human individual ever conceived is guilty. “For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). “There is NONE righteous, no not one” (Romans 3:10).

You must BELIEVE that Jesus is God the Son come to earth in human flesh. Believe that He came to earth as the perfect God man, and that as such, He and He alone was qualified and able to live a perfectly sinless life, thus fulfilling the requirements of the Law of God that God’s perfect justice and holiness demanded.

His sinless life (free of sin in thought, word, and deed) qualified Jesus ALONE (of all humans who have ever lived or who ever will live) to give His life as an atonement for the sins of all humanity so that His death in OUR place, bearing OUR sin guilt, could qualify to PAY IN FULL OUR sin debt – a debt NONE of us could ever pay.

ALL who believe that Jesus (who is God) was crucified, died, was buried, and arose again BODILY three days later, thus paying in full the debt of sin for ALL (EVERYONE) who will willingly come to Him by faith, accepting His freely offered pardon for sin – all who believe and accept this by faith WILL BE SAVED from eternal destruction and will have their sin debt canceled (1 Corinthians 15:1-4; John 3:16-17).

All anyone has to do to be saved is this:

1) Recognize that you are a justly condemned sinner who is guilty of violating God’s perfect Law. Because you were born already infected by the curse of sin, as such you are born under eternal condemnation and you are unable to ever change that fact by or on your own efforts or merits. You must understand that you can NEVER “do” anything to make yourself righteous enough to live in the presence of a holy God, nor can you ever “be” or become good enough. You are guilty, and thus you are “condemned already.”

2) Realize that Jesus, who is God the Son, LOVES YOU – that He LOVES YOU SO MUCH that He WILLINGLY gave Himself as a ransom for YOUR sin so that you (that ANYONE who is willing) “might have LIFE (eternal) and have it more abundantly,” that you may be SEALED for all eternity in that new and ETERNAL life.

3) Believe that Jesus Christ died, that He arose again BODILY (not in a spirit form, but in a new and resurrected body) on the third day according to the scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).

4) Place your trust and faith in this truth; and by the authority of God Himself, you will be saved.

Do this NOW BEFORE the Lord Jesus returns to snatch away His bride – His Church which is comprised of ALL who have believed in Him alone for their salvation (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).

If you do this NOW, you too will be ready for the rapture (the great and imminent vanishing). You will go with us when the Lord Jesus Christ comes to call His Church into the air to take us Home to Heaven to forever be with Him where He is.

For those left behind – those who CHOOSE to reject His offer of salvation, they will be left here on this earth that is already in its death throes; left here to endure God’s wrath on a sin drenched, Christ rejecting world.

The time is now. The choice is yours. Please, with all that is in us we plead with you, come to the Savior. Come now.