Turning to the Knowledge of Christ… :: By Lucie Kirouac

Turning to the Knowledge of Christ or Holding on to Secular Views! :: By Lucie Kirouac

In today’s world, many feel fed up with the Christianity they grow up with.  Sometimes, “unanswered questions” and lack of love in the church can easily lead to disappointment and even a sense of betrayal.  Little by little, faith is whittled away until one day we wake up and realize we don’t much believe anymore.  It’s a very sad place to be in!

Despite our deserts or moments of doubt, we must persevere in trusting God and his plans for our lives.  Many Christians have died for their faith over the centuries; others have been persecuted or martyred, but they remained on the narrow path out of love for Christ.  To honor their Saviour was more important than their own lives.

If we have an intimate and sincere relationship with Christ as we discover him through his Word, the Bible, he protects us from heresies, lies, apostasy and Satan’s attacks.  He grants us his discernment and wisdom if we ask for them—which we really need.

It’s really tragic that well-intended Christians, regardless of their calls, mislead those who yearn to find the truth, needing answers to their “existential questions,” the meaning of life and their purpose on earth!

Suffering is a two-edged sword.  It either makes people turn to God, the Creator of the universe and mankind, or to secular humanistic values which destroy so many lives.

As true children of God, we must be prepared and willing to share the hope found in Christ for people to gain the stability and sound mind God longs to give anyone eager to find the truth.

Followers of Christ also go through valleys, so their understanding and compassion is felt and genuine for the lost.  God’s love is so powerful, it can completely change lives with his promise to forever live in his company in his glorious dwelling: Heaven!

As human beings, we make mistakes because we still live in a perishable body of sin.  Jesus understands what we’re made of.  He gets that life on earth can be tough and can bring our way overwhelming trials, and at times—despair!  When faced with such issues, there are only two options available: to remain close to our Saviour and best friend, or go back to our old life and secular-humanistic views we used to cling to.

Many modern Christians are decidedly uncomfortable with the reality of Satan and the biblical accounts of Jesus Christ’s encounters with “deranged spirits” called “demons.”  Sooner or later, we must come to terms with the truthfulness of Christ’s personal witness.  He paid our “death penalty” to offer us eternal life.  If you haven’t met Jesus Christ yet and still live without his forgiveness, you automatically belong to Satan!  What a horrific state to be in!

Jesus had to die for you in order to deliver you from your very worst enemy, Satan himself!  He doesn’t want you to turn to Christ… and he will do his very best to keep you from running to him.  Do you want to remain in his bondage, or get set free by the power of Christ and go live immediately in his presence the moment your body dies?  Our souls are eternal and were made to live with our Creator.

I’ve known many Christians and pastors who departed from the faith and have shamed the Lord.  He doesn’t want any human being to perish, but “out of love” he can’t force anyone to turn to him!  That so many intelligent and capable individuals rely on their abilities and competences to choose their own destiny is the worst mistake they will ever make!  It’s a good thing that our status in society doesn’t matter to the Lord.  He looks at the heart!

My point in this article is that no matter how long you’ve known the Lord (if), and you decide to leave Christ behind to go back to your old lifestyle, you do yourself no favor!  You expose yourself to Satan’s attacks; and believe me, he’s good at trying to destroy all those who are in Christ!  The Lord won’t force you to follow him, but he can discipline you not only for your own well-being but to prevent you from damaging his reputation and denying his Word!

He’s a loving God, but we must fear his justice too!  He can become a fierce enemy if you antagonize him!  Get a Bible and read the many accounts testifying of that fact.

The Bible is clear that the “knowledge” of God is the most valuable knowledge a human being can possess, but simply being aware of his existence isn’t sufficient.  It requires an intimate relationship with Christ, and “it must be received by him.”

Psalm 19:2 tells us that God’s creation reveals his “knowledge” and glory.  Apart from God, we’re flawed; and without love, we’re nothing (1 Corinthians 13:2).  The knowledge that man possesses tends to make him “proud.” It puffs up and leads to foolishness!

In the Old Testament of the Bible, Solomon declares that the pursuit of knowledge “for its own sake” without seeking God is foolishness!  He applied himself to the “understanding of wisdom,” but he “learned that this too is a chasing after the wind.  For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief” (Ecclesiastes 1:17-18).

Worldly knowledge is false and is opposed to the truth.  Paul urges us to “turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith” (1 Timothy 6:20-21).

Human knowledge is opposed to God and has no value.

In John 8:32, Jesus told his disciples that they will know the truth which will set them free.

Hosea 4:6 makes it clear that people are “destroyed for lack of knowledge.”  That’s why it’s so dangerous.  Israel has often rejected God and his will, and they faced his wrath!

Psalm 41:1 “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt; they do abominable deeds. There is no one who does good.”

If you abandon Jesus Christ, 1 John 2:4 mentions this: “Whoever says ‘I know him’ but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”

“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sin is left” (Hebrews 10:26).

That verse is talking about a “deliberate, premeditated” rejection of Christ – turning your back on him.  Salvation isn’t involved here, because a child of God cannot lose his salvation.  If you go through the “motions” of walking as a Christian without surrendering your life to Christ as your Saviour for whatever reason, what can Christ do for you?  Why should he accept you in his eternal presence if you refuse him?

Realize that there are only two destinations after death:  Eternal life with Christ or without him, which is called “hell” forever!  That’s certainly not where he wants you!

I plead with you to run to God’s arms of love and mercy, for he longs to deliver you from Satan and transfer you into his marvelous kingdom, glory and love where nothing from your earthly and sorrowful life will be remembered!

Why should you be “indifferent” to such an amazing grace?

Lucie who cares!  luciekirouac@videotron.ca