Biblical Miracles of the New Testament :: By David E. Thompson

Miracles performed in the days of Jesus: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

(This does not include visions or prophetic revelations which are all miraculous.)

  1. All events surrounding Jesus’ birth.
  2. Jesus turns water into wine at Cana (John 2:1-11).
  3. Jesus heals the Nobleman’s son at Capernaum (John 4:46-54).
  4. Jesus causes first catch of fish on Sea of Galilee (Luke 5:1-11).
  5. Jesus delivers demon possessed man in synagogue in Capernaum (Mark 1:23-28; Luke 4:33-37).
  6. Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law in Capernaum (Matthew 8:14-15; Mark1:30-31; Luke 4:38-39).
  7. Jesus heals a leper in Galilee Matthew 8:2-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:12-15).
  8. Jesus heals the paralyzed man in Capernaum (Matthew 9:2-8; Mark 2:3-12; Luke 5:18-26).
  9. Jesus heals a crippled man at Bethesda in Jerusalem (John 5:1-9).
  10. Jesus heals a withered hand in Galilee ( Matthew 12:10-13; Mark 3:1-5; Luke 6:6-11).
  11. Jesus heals a centurion’s servant in Capernaum (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10).
  12. Jesus raises a widow’s son in Nain (Luke 7:11-17).
  13. Jesus speaks to a storm and calms it on Sea of Galilee (Matt. 8:23-27; Mark.4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25).
  14. Jesus heals demon possession at Gadara (Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke 8:26-39).
  15. Jesus heals a hemorrhaging woman in Capernaum (Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34; Luke 8:43-48).
  16. Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter in Capernaum (Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:22-43; Luke 8:41- 56).
  17. Jesus heals two blind men in Capernaum (Matthew 9:27-31).
  18. Jesus casts out a demon causing one to be speechless in Capernaum (Matthew 9:32-33).
  19. Jesus feeds 5000 near Bethsaida (Matthew 14:15-21; Mark 6:35-44; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:5-14).
  20. Jesus walks on water on Sea of Galilee (Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:47-51; John 6:16-21).
  21. Jesus heals the Syrophenician’s daughter in Phonecia (Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30).
  22. Jesus heals a deaf man with a speech impediment in Decapolis (Mark 7:31-37).
  23. Jesus feeds 4000 near Decapolis Matthew 15:32-39; Mark 8:1-9).
  24. Jesus heals a blind man at Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26).
  25. Jesus heals a demon possessed boy at Mt. Hermon ( Matt. 17:14-18; Mark 9:14-27; Luke 9:37-42).
  26. Jesus causes tax money to be found in a fish at Capernaum ( Matthew 17:24-27 ).
  27. Jesus heals a man born blind in Jerusalem (John 9:1-7 ).
  28. Jesus casts out a demon causing blindness & speechlessness in Galilee (Matt. 12:22; Luke 11:14).
  29. Jesus heals a crippled woman in Perea (Luke 13:11-17).
  30. Jesus heals a man with dropsy in Perea (Luke 14:1-6).
  31. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead in Bethany (John 11:38-44).
  32. Jesus cleanses the ten lepers in Samaria ( Luke 17:11-19).
  33. Jesus heals blind men & Bartimaeus in Jericho (Matt. 20:30-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43).
  34. Jesus pronounces a curse upon a fig tree at Jerusalem (Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:12-24).
  35. Jesus caused all of His captors to fall to the ground in the Garden (John 18:6).
  36. Jesus heals the severed ear of Malchus in Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:50-51).
  37. Jesus causes second catch of fish on Sea of Galilee (John 21:1-14).
  38. Jesus is raised from the dead Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20).

Miracles Performed in the Days of the Apostles in Acts

  1. A lame man is healed by Peter & John (Acts 3:2-8).
  2. Ananias and Sapphira drop dead for lying to Peter and the church (Acts 5:5, 10).
  3. Apostles delivered from prison (Acts 5:19).
  4. Apostles perform miracles (Acts 5:12, 16).
  5. Miracles performed by Peter (Acts 5:15).
  6. Miracles performed by Stephen (Acts 6:8).
  7. Miracles performed by Philip (Acts 8:6, 7, 13 ).
  8. Miracles performed by Paul (Acts 19:11-12).
  9. Philip is miraculously caught away (Acts 8:39).
  10. Paul, who was blinded, is healed by Ananias (Acts 9:17, 18).
  11. Peter healed Aeneas (Acts 9:33-34 ).
  12. Peter raises Dorcas from the dead (Acts 9:36, 41).
  13. Peter is miraculously delivered from prison (Acts 12:7, 11).
  14. Herod is struck down by God (Acts 12:23).
  15. Paul pronounces a blindness on Elymas (Acts 13:11).
  16. Paul miraculously heals a crippled man at Lystra (Acts 14:8, 10).
  17. Paul casts out an evil spirit at Philippi (Acts 16:18, 26).
  18. Paul & Silas are miraculously delivered in Philippi (Acts 16:18, 26 ).
  19. Paul brings Eutychus back from the dead (Acts 20:9-12 ).
  20. Paul is bitten by deadly viper that does him no harm (Acts 28:3-6).
  21. Paul heals the father of Publius in the island of Malta, probably his last miracle (Acts 28:8 ).
  22. A few apostolic examples of being able to speak in a foreign language, one previously did not learn of know (Acts 2:4, 11; 10:46; 19:6).

Miracles found in the Church Epistles

  1. In Romans there are none. Paul refers to those he did for preaching purposes (15:18-20).
  2. In I Corinthians there are none. Jews want signs (1:22); not all can do miracles (12:29).
  3. In II Corinthians there are none, but there is an allusion to some Paul did (II Corinthians 12:12).
  4. In Galatians there are none.
  5. In Ephesians there are none.
  6. In Philippians there are none.
  7. In Colossians there are none.
  8. In I Thessalonians there are none.
  9. In II Thessalonians there are none. Paul connects miracles to Satan (II Thessalonians 2:9).
  10. In I Timothy there are none.
  11. In II Timothy there are none.
  12. In Titus there are none.
  13. In Philemon there are none.
  14. In Hebrews there are none. Says miracles confirmed apostles’ salvation message (Heb. 2:3-4).
  15. In James there are none.
  16. In I Peter there are none.
  17. In II Peter there are none.
  18. In I John there are none.
  19. In II John there are none.
  20. In III John there are none.
  21. In Jude there are none.
  22. In the seven churches to Revelation there are none – Chapters 2-3.
  23. In the Tribulation of Revelation there are many – Chapters 6-19.


Pastor David E. Thompson is pastor/teacher at Texas Corners Bible Church in Kalamazoo,  Michigan with a nationally syndicated radio show reaching all across the United States. Pastor Thompson may be classified as a true systematic Bible expositor and communicator of God’s Word.  He carefully expounds books of the Bible in a way that is contextually, exegetically, grammatically, historically, and theologically accurate to the text and relevant to the time. He is also an very skilled in New Testament Greek.