Rebellion in America :: Eric Edwards

“Now Korah, the son of Izhar, the son of Kohath, the son of Levi, with Dathan and Abiram, the sons of Eliab, and On, the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took men: and they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the congregation, called to the assembly, men of renown; and they assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and Jehovah is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the assembly of Jehovah?” (Numbers 16:1-3).

Rebellion against God has always brought awful repercussions.

Looking at Korah’s rebellion in Numbers 16 with the aftermath of that rebellion—should tell Americans that over His appointed rulers to protect His children.

“And the sons of Eliab: Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram. These are that Dathan and Abiram, who were called of the congregation, who strove against Moses and against Aaron in the company of Korah, when they strove against Jehovah, and the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed them up together with Korah, when that company died; what time the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men, and they became a sign” (Numbers 26:9-10)

It is sad to see demonstrations in American streets for an election that did not go the way the rebels thought it should. It is reported that many are paid demonstrators, many are from out of state, and many who are instate did not vote or even register to vote.

The Free Dictionary by Farlex (found online) gave this definition of rebellion:
An act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention.

God establishes authority and most Christians are aware of Paul’s thoughts on this matter.

Paul let us know more than once that we should accept authority because God put that authority in place to protect us.

Additionally, and surprisingly appropriate to our form of government, the same definition of rebellion explains the meaning of “left wing”: left-wing – Espousing radical or progressive political, social, or economic ideologies; favoring extensive political, social, or economic reform; socialistic; communistic.

This expression arose as the result of the French National Assembly of 1789 in which conservatives were seated in the right side, or wing, of the hall, moderates in the middle, and radical democrats and extremists in the left wing.

This seating arrangement persists in several contemporary legislatures including the British Commonwealth Assemblies where politicians with radical or socialistic views usually sit to the left of the presiding officer.

After World War II, and especially during the McCarthy era, left-wing usually implied that one was a Communist or a Communist sympathizer. The left-wing challenge over Europe is expected to unseat at least one member of the Labour Party National Executive Committee. (Times, September 5, 1972)

People or groups of people with left-wing philosophies are frequently called left wing, left-wingers, or the Left. The radical political activists in the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s were often called the New Left—in an attempt to dissociate them and their activities from intimations of Communist influence or complicity.

This could help explain the last eight years of Obama and Clinton policies and governing.

“But the Spirit saith expressly, that in later times some shall fall away from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, through the hypocrisy of men that speak lies, branded in their own conscience as with a hot iron…” (1 Timothy 4:1-4).