Christians – It’s Time to Put On the Armor! :: by Holly Carnine Spate

Now that the election’s over, many will find themselves wanting to rest and fall into a complacent state. Unfortunately, that kind of approach is both naive and dangerous. In God’s army we are always called to act.

Never forget, the war is still raging. There are those still making plans in defiance, plans that are being laid out as we speak. Many will continue inciting violence rather than peace. Many will try to change rules and traditions. They will continue their plans unaware that they are being used as pawns in a game they don’t know is being played.

There are those in our nation and world who either blindly refuse to see or are truly confused, uninformed and unaware of what’s really happening. They believe what they’re told without question—never seeking truth on their own, thus further helping the cause of an agenda they know nothing about.

Their emotions are what drive them, while reason and logic take a back seat. They are being manipulated and don’t even realize it.

And then, there are the main players. Those who know exactly what is going on, who are making the plans and actively participating. Their hatred toward everything good and godly is evident and is what motivates them to both act and  persevere in their pursuits.

They come together to meet in secret places behind closed doors, blinded by their                 own pride, acting as their own gods. They play to the uninformed hoping their many distractions will enable them to further their plans against them. They are hell-bent on seeing their agenda come to fruition and foisted upon all the world.

Yes, there are those chomping at the bit to bring their own version of utopia in a New World Order. They have plotted and schemed behind the scenes for years and have manipulated by every human means possible. In their arrogance they failed to notice one main factor….you can’t, no matter how wise or clever you believe yourself to be, outwit or conquer God Almighty.

Satan’s been trying to win that battle since he fell from heaven, and he has not been able to crack the code and get the keys to the kingdom. And, thank God, he never will!

Psalm 37:12-13 states, “The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.”

Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

As Christians, we must always remember who we are fighting. Ephesians 6:12 makes it clear, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil  in the heavenly realms.”

Remember, this is a spiritual battle and we can’t be prepared if we’re not spiritually prepared. If we’re not clinging tightly to God day-by-day, praying without ceasing, listening to His voice and living out His Word, we will not be ready to stand against the opposition that comes our way.

Ephesians 6:10-11 states, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Fellow believers, it’s time to suit up and put on the full armor of God! No one in true battle can shed half their weapons, sit on the sidelines and expect to win. We can’t put God on the bench six days out of the week and then dust off our Bibles on Sunday morning, and be truly ready for what’s ahead. In so doing we give a foothold to the enemy.

We must consistently keep God first in our hearts and minds and make Him priority.

We’re summoned in 1 Timothy 6:12 to “Fight the good fight of the faith.”

We must forge ahead. We cannot cease praying. We cannot put down our spiritual weapons, give up, or go home. We cannot shy away from striving toward godly pursuits or proclaiming the only message that brings true hope.

There is a day coming when our world will be darker than it is now. Revelation describes this event in detail, but thankfully God will be on the throne then just as he is now and has always been. Remarkably, Satan still thinks he can win. He’s not giving up and those who are being used by him to carry out his plans are not giving up.

We, as sons and daughters of the King of kings are not to give up. As long as we are living on this earth, we’re called to keep fighting. And as long as the devil is roaming the earth he will continue to wreak havoc on the world. 1 Peter 5:8 informs us: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

John 10:10 describes Satan’s agenda, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy” The verse goes on to describe Jesus’ agenda: “ I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

God promises through all our battles that He will be with us. We should be comforted by Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Deuteronomy 3:22 says, “Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you.”

The clock is ticking. Every day we’re that much closer to the day God calls us home. We need to be on the move and about our Father’s business. We need to reach out to the lost and hurting and point them to the Savior. We need to expose the darkness and those who call good evil and evil good. We must show love to the sinner, but fight against the sin.

Remember the words of our Savior, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first” (John 15:18).

Now, here’s the best news: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Look up friends, God is coming soon! Let’s fight this battle together because we have a King that’s worthy of the fight, of our allegiance, and our praise. Let’s shine the light and share the hope the world so desperately needs. Let’s get prepared to fight evil with good.

Christians everywhere…It’s time to put on the armor!