An Irreplaceable Gift :: by Holly Carnine Spate

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” Jeremiah 1:5

LIFE. Almighty God, the creator of heaven and earth, breathed His breath into each of us. His breath is what keeps us breathing. His love is what keeps our hearts beating. His grace is what keeps us going. With grandeur, He peppers personalities with uniqueness. With unconditional and undeserving love, He has woven each of us perfectly. He proclaimed from the very beginning that life is good and calls all of His creation to glorify Him and to value what He has deemed valuable.

Psalm 139:13-16 paints a vivid picture highlighting the beauty of His most masterful of masterpieces:

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

Yes, life is precious and every detail is carefully crafted by the King of kings. Aside from one’s salvation in Christ, life itself is the most valuable gift the world and its people have been ever given. Every individual should be in awe in respect to what God has done. He Himself formed our features, set our personalities, bestowed upon us talents and gifts.

He made us each unique and in HIS image. Life, all life, is of worth and such an amazing and irreplaceable gift should never be taken for granted. It is to be celebrated, esteemed, cherished and preserved.

Yet, many view life through their own lens. A lens apart from the Creator, His plans, and the beauty of His miraculous creation. A lens smeared by selfishness and clouded in deceit. Many hearts have hardened and ungodly agendas have brought forth lies that have both choked and distorted all reason and any sense of moral obligation to the most innocent among us.

Our most precious of gifts, a blessing from the Creator, is no longer valuable in the eyes of many. As a result, life itself has become devalued and cheapened. Shockingly, one’s life is viewed by many as something disposable to be discarded without apology. Millions of innocent voices have been silenced and will never have the privilege to live their life this side of heaven because of this unimaginable atrocity. Our nation and many of its people have blood on their hands. God help us!

It should burden every soul and every voice should be compelled to shout in revolt against such ungodliness. It’s no wonder our world is in such dire distress and getting darker by the day. The minute society devalues life, the most valuable gift we have, is the very minute all depravity breaks loose, the moral fiber of society unravels, and nothing is deemed valuable anymore.

It is unconscionable that this has happened. It is beyond unfathomable to think that life has been reduced to mean nothing to so many. God will not forget the actions of a nation that allows such unthinkable depravity to take place. For those whose hearts have hardened, He will punish and for those whose lives were taken He will bring justice. Sin never escapes God’s attention and the sinner can never escape from the sight of the One who knows and sees all.

His purity and love for all creation will not allow Him to look the other way. His heart and investment in the care and concern of His creation is beautifully shown in Luke 12:7:

“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

His desire for His creation to be cherished, valued and celebrated will not be silenced. And for those who repent, He will bring unconditional love and forgiveness, washing them clean and providing peace through His incredible mercy and endless grace.

LIFE belongs to the Creator. It is not for us to play God and to decide the fate of another. He alone is to decide when one’s final breath on this earth will be the last. We must not stand silent but must stand up for those who cannot.

We must defend the most treasured and irreplaceable of gifts we’ve been given. We must esteem with the highest regard what God has deemed undeniably precious and worthy. We must always, without apology, choose life.