Relationships Still Matter! :: by Don Twobears

I would have to guess that I have written at least 300 articles, thus far. I work hard to bring the Word of God into every day terms, words that will invoke a need to research the Word of God by each individual. I am by no means ridiculing or attacking anyone, because I know I am as much in fault to the Lord, as everyone else.

“But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away” (Isaiah 64:6 ).

It pains my heart to be so filthy before a God that gave up so much for someone so unworthy. Therefore I can say it is at a point such as this, where the Word of God is more relevant than at any other time. Given enough time here on earth many individuals will eventually come to this point in their lives where they truly recognize they are fallen and unworthy of anything truly good. There are some folks who will not, for any reason look at themselves and self-evaluate long enough to see thier own worthlessness (as compared to what the Lord says in the Bible). That, my friends, is an immense amount of arrogance to the Lord!

Who are the people that look at themselves in this manner and evaluate their lives in this way? Are these the people that others say have no backbone or are weak, or self-centered? I don’t think so! I believe these are the people who will search out the Lord, from seeing they are as unworthy as I am. I believe these are the people that will want to have something more definite to look forward to than this short life here on earth. I also believe that this self-evaluation bears a great deal of difficulty and pain for the individual. It is by no means an easy task.

From the time when we all are very young, we work to create relationships of varying kinds, mostly because we are created to be social creatures. I believe this is the point that I was talking about in the previous paragraph. We continually work at creating, maintaining and the furthering of relationships among others around us. I find that this begins with our mom and dads, as being the first of relationships, where we are dependant of each other, secure with each other—protected and nurtured. I then find it extremely odd that we often fail in relationships with others and this can be for many, many, reasons.

I do not feel it is odd that we consume a great deal of time in professing who we are, making our individual statements to the world on our worth of being here. In the beginning it comes from learning that if we cry long enough and loud enough, eventually someone will come and make us happy and content again. Later on, we begin to learn that this action works less and less, therefore we must adjust our approach to any problem or discomfort. We finally begin to see that at some point in time it will be required to take action for ourselves, rather than require someone else to intervene. Still as yet, there are times when someone else must…intervene for us, times when we cannot do a thing alone. Again, relationships are paramount in our lives. It would seem at this point in time, one would have better relationship skills. So why do relationships continually fail?

This is not rocket science my friends. Yet the requirements for a good relationship with anyone is seen as very complex and intricate. You would think by now we would all have a good understanding of relationships and how to progress together, so what is the problem?

Lets say, you become thirsty, yet you have nothing with you to drink, but your friend has a bottle of Kool-Aid. You ask your friend for a drink and they respond with, “No…it’s mine!” Well, the relationship has just digressed to an infantile stage. Then again, maybe you should have thought ahead and brought your own drink, right? Of course there is the possibility that the friend with the Kool-Aid will become resentful that you brought a bottle of Coca Cola and all he or she has is Kool-Aid. This is very basic in its concept, but you understand the complexity that can occur.

Many years ago, we were happy to share with friends. And yes I know, but mononucleosis (kissing disease) was passed more through sharing drinks, than kissing. In those days these pleasures of drink were few and far between, thus many of us older folk remember sharing the garden hose. This is the reason that so many relationships flourished back then, as compared to today. Not withstanding, the water bill was next to nothing back then, so on a hot day it was not only a pleasure to drink from the hose, it was also a fun way to cool off as well.

Today, everything is expensive and that includes the water bill and also the fact that science says drinking water from the hose is verboten (German for “forbidden”), and it’s because of bacteria. In my humble opinion, I really don’t care! There is nothing more enjoyable than a drink of water from the hose! Maybe it just a thing from my past, I don’t know for sure. Suffice it to say, I will continue to get that wonderful blast of cold, clean water…from the hose, especially on a hot day!

If I die from an old pleasure such as a cold drink of water from the hose…then so be it! I will die a happy and content man who remembers those days as a kid and sharing that old hose. We had relationships back then that were real and exciting and we learned to get along with others and we learned how to share and there has never been anything wrong with that. So what has happened in this day and time? Is it really just the cost of such a thing, or is there something else at work here, something we have forgotten, lost in time?

Back in the day (Yeah I know!), a gentleman would give up his seat to a lady or an elderly person. He would also hold a door for a lady. Today, you do something like that and you will probably recieve a verbal reprimand or nothing all! A young man back then, called older people, “Ma’am or Sir.” Today you get the “What’ll it be? Or Hey…you!” Or they call you by your first name, how rude indeed. Where has the respect for each other gone? Well, lets take a look around and see for ourselves.

Back then they used to talk with each other, politely to be sure. Today, everyone has a cell phone, iPad, iPod, laptop, thus they never consider the person sitting right beside them. We have isolated ourselves, we never think about the other person on the other end of the email. We are exclusively anonymous by choice! (The most fertile ground for: “It’s all about ME!”) And then we have the saying, “Well I got mine, you gotta get yours.” A crime takes place right in front of a person and you hear, “I didn’t want to get involved!” Has it never occurred to these individuals that they are already involved by simply being here on this planet? Technology is a good thing until it separates us…from each other.

So where have all the really great friends gone? Why are there so many divorces, single parent households, so much pain and misery everywhere? Our wonderful country is on its death bed, on Life Support and everyone is running around fighting to see who will get the chance to “pull the plug.” As I have said before, relationships are almost gone! Replaced by: “It’s all about ME! ME! ME!”

So as your “rights and freedoms” are removed right from under your nose, what are you doing about it? Nothing? As the Rapture and the Tribulation come so close, what are you thinking about? Are you concerned, is this something worth thinking about? If the Rapture takes place this afternoon will you go to be with the Lord? If you die today, where are you going to be, heaven or hell? Are you too lazy to care about any of this because to change it, requires you to get up and DO something about it.

Do you have any relationships? If you have a relationship with Jesus Christ…there will never be an END. If NOT, then that t three letter word: END, will be ALL you ever have for eternity! Why do you think we have cultivated “relationships” for so long a period of time. It’s because when we are together we are strong…to be together…under Jesus Christ…we are unstoppable! We are saved for eternity, for peace and harmony…but each of us…MUST…start somewhere! The best place to begin is on our knees in prayer…asking for the Lord to forgive our SIN and to dedicate our Lives to HIM!