A Follow up to Shades of Gray :: By Donna Wasson

Dear readers, I want you to know I received approximately 300 emails in response to my article, “Shades of Gray” and I kept reading the following comments over and over:

“I thought I was the only one who felt this way.”

“I try to tell my family and friends that there isn’t much time left and they all look at me like I’m crazy!”

“I don’t go to church because none of them teach the Bible anymore. I just have worship in my home alone or with my family.”

“I can’t stand the increasing evil I see all around me and can’t wait until we are called home!”

“I’m having a hard time looking forward to the future. I’m not interested in making plans because it’s all so meaningless and seems like such a waste of time and energy.”

“I am praying so hard for my (unsaved loved ones). They just won’t listen and they tell me I’m going overboard. They don’t see what’s coming.”

“I thought I was just getting depressed!”

“What do you think will happen to my pets when I’m gone?”

It was actually a blessing for ME to see I’m not the only one who is feeling that tug in my heart! No, we’re not depressed at all. On the contrary, it appears our Father is spiritually and psychologically preparing His children to leave this place with no sense of regret or loss.

On the other hand, the anxiety in the general population of the world is very real and entirely warranted. They have every reason to fear the disasters they intuitively know are coming. How sad to watch the nightly news and see the confusion in their eyes as they try to make sense of the world unraveling around them. They have no hope…We must keep warning them until the moment of our departure.

As far as pets left behind are concerned, I’ve had a good talk with God about that. Really, I have. I reminded Him that He made the pets He gave me and He knows the special relationship I have with them. They are my buddies, as well as members of my family and they occupy a huge place in my heart!

His Word tells us that He provides food for His creatures and is even aware when a single little sparrow falls to the ground, so we can be sure He values His critters and understands our love for them. I told the Lord my fears for their well being when my family and I are taken home, and I asked Him to honor a very specific request…

I prayed when we are taken, that He would allow them to fall into a deep sleep so He can gently take their lives. I prayed they not experience even one instant of fear or pain or suffering and I trust Him to do this very simple thing for me. I am confident He will honor my plea because He has been faithful to answer other seemingly “unimportant” prayers I’ve asked of Him.

Like any loving Father, what concerns me concerns Him, so if you are worried about your precious pets, let God know and ask Him to do the same for you. And then together, we’ll trust Him to do it.

One last thing…You have been so sweet to email me your thoughts and comments on the various articles I write and I am truly honored. I read each one and until now, have been able to personally answer all of them. However, because I’m beginning to receive such a large number I can no longer do so, much to my sorrow!

Please know that I cherish all of your correspondence, good and bad, and enjoy reading what you have to say. However, if you don’t receive a reply, I want to assure you that I have indeed read your comment and appreciate the time you took to send it. I’m just physically unable to respond to each one of you.

My family still needs my attention and like you, I have an obligation to tend to their needs and spend time with them. I’m really looking forward to the day I’ll never have to spend time cleaning my house again! Hopefully my heavenly home will clean itself or an angel will be assigned to do it.

Wow…that really WILL be heaven!

You can reach the author at: bensmomi99@gmail.com