A Day Almost Forgotten :: by Grant Phillips

Of the major holidays we celebrate at the end of the year, Thanksgiving Day is given the least attention. Some of the other holidays during this period have developed into pure and simple self-gratification events; even Thanksgiving Day has done so to a point. Have we actually become so self-centered?

From Halloween through New Year’s Day, we have become a people who dote on our own pleasures. We honor hobgoblins, witches, wizards, turkeys, and Santa, but are weak in giving thanks and remembering the Son of God. It’s all about give me candy, stuff me with turkey and dressing, give me sports and load me down with presents.

The true celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been placed so far on the back burner it has almost been swallowed up and forgotten. Notice how early in the year the decorations are seen in the stores for Halloween and Christmas.

We most certainly are a nation of greedy, self-centered and commercialized people. Retailers and wholesalers just cannot get enough money, and shoppers do not use good sense. We are spoiled to the core, and demonstrate little appreciation for the things that really matter.

Yes, Thanksgiving Day is the day almost forgotten among the five special days at the latter part of the year. Even with what little attention remains for this special day, are we truly thankful for the many blessings God has provided us? I’m sure some people are, but as a whole, we are not. Even as this holiday flies by with so little fanfare, most are more concerned with the meal, parades and ballgames.

I often wonder how many Christian households will even ask God’s blessings upon the food (It’s called “grace” or “the blessing” for those unfamiliar with those terms by the way.) that the ladies have spent hours in preparing. These dear women start the day before and continue early Thanksgiving Day morning to provide a special meal for their families, which will be devoured within minutes. Afterwards, men with protruding bellies and loosened belts will waddle over to their easy chairs in preparation for the college bowl games, while the ladies, who must be worn out, clean up. (I realize this doesn’t fit every household. It is just a general picture, so don’t get excited.)

Most of us have so much to be thankful for. But many people, even in this great country, cannot identify with the scenario in the previous paragraph.

Should we feel guilty if we enjoy the food, parades, and/or ballgames? Now of course not, but they should not be the main attraction. I’m sure that many grateful people, Christians and non-Christians, will enjoy this special day next week with these pleasures, but still ponder on the numerous blessings they have. Christians especially, should definitely thank our Lord for all that He has provided.

Do enjoy the frills of Thanksgiving Day, but be thankful, and don’t be timid in expressing, that the God of the Bible loves us and has made the way possible, through His Son, to spend eternity with Him.

One’s family means so much. They are the closet to you on this earth, and sometimes they get the least positive attention. Appreciate them and show it.

At least for one day block out the negatives of life and look for the blessings even if you have to look hard. Even if you do not know God, He has blessed us all with air to breathe, water to drink, a heart that beats, and a mind that can know Him.

Yes, there are many things we can be thankful for, if we just stop long enough and think about it. So let us not skip over this day, but give it its due, and not allow it to just be forgotten among all the pandemonium at this time of year.


Grant Phillips