Mr. Kerry’s False Hope :: by Daymond Duck

“What is the greatest problem in the Middle East?” If you were a multi-millionaire with a degree from Yale University and another degree from Boston College Law School with an annual salary—close to $200,000, and you worked for the President of the United States, and you supervised about 12,000 people, and you had years of government experience, do you think you could come close to the right answer?

Would your answer be the greatest problem in the Middle East is the Islamic State? They have attacked Iraq, Syria, and the Kurds; threatened Israel, Saudi Arabia and Jordan; captured cities, robbed banks, burned churches; raped women and young girls; beheaded people, crucified people, buried people alive; sold women and children into slavery; forced people to pay for protection and starved people to death. They have practiced ethnic cleansing, religious cleansing, forced women into second class citizenship and more.

Would your answer be the greatest problem in the Middle East is the civil war in Syria? As of September 2014, the death toll surpassed 200,000 people. Nine and one-half million people have been forcefully displaced. Three million people have fled the country. Hundreds of thousands live in the squalor of cold tents and go to bed hungry.

Thousands have been tortured, thousands have disappeared, thousands of women have been raped, many men and women have been chained naked to walls and beds, many don’t have enough food or medicine. Chemical weapons have been used and one UN official, Paulo Sergio Pinhero, said, “I have run out of words to depict the gravity of the crimes depicted inside Syria.”

Would your answer be the greatest problem in the Middle East is Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons? Iran calls Israel a one-bomb nation because Iran believes one nuclear bomb is all that is needed to wipe Israel off the map. Iran says if we can make a nuclear bomb, will use it on Israel (and some say Saudi Arabia too).

Israel says she won’t let Iran get a nuclear bomb; Israel budgeted money two years in a row for a war with Iran; Israel increased her military spending to upgrade her air force in 2015. Russia says an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities would be considered an attack on Moscow, it would heighten the prospect of WW III, and it could lead to the use of nuclear weapons.

Would your answer be the greatest problem in the Middle East is the religious conflict the different groups of Muslims: Sunnis against Alawites; Sunnis against Shiites; Sunnis against Kurds; Sunnis against Yazidis, etc? The civil war in Syria is a war between the majority Sunni population and the minority Alawite population. The Islamic State’s war with Iraq is primarily a war between Sunnis and Shiites, but the Sunnis are also killing the Yazidis and Kurds.

You see, every one of these Muslim sects believes their sect is the only true sect and every one of them believes all of the other sects are pagans. All of them believe they have a religious responsibility to kill pagans and they believe the sect that follows the true Islamic religion will be the last one standing. So even though all of them have people that kill Christians, Jews and others it is a fact that Muslims kill more Muslims than anyone else.

More could be said, but it is time to get to the point. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was recently asked about the greatest problem in the Middle East and according to him it is not the Islamic State, Syria’s civil war, Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons or the religious conflict between Muslims. Mr. Kerry believes the greatest problem in the Middle East is the conflict between Israel and the PA. He even seems to believe that all of the problems in the Middle East can be solved if Israel will just agree to a peace treaty on the PA’s terms.

This is the real Jayvee team in action. Mr. Kerry actually believes the conflict between Israel and the PA is worse than the 200,000 killed in Syria, the nine and one-half million displaced there; the Islamic State beheadings, slavery, rape of women, killing of children; the Russian threat of WW III and the use of nuclear weapons; the multitudes killed in the Islamic religious wars, etc. It is incredible, but he believes that all of these wars, killings, murders, rapes and starvations are directly related to Israel’s refusal to sign a peace treaty on the PA’s terms despite the fact that the roots of these conflicts precede the existence of Israel and the PA.

According to what I have read, Mr. Kerry is probably worth somewhere between 200 and 300 million dollars and his wife Teresa is probably worth somewhere between 165 million and 3.2 billion dollars. So Mr. Kerry doesn’t need a refund on his education at Yale or the Boston College Law School, but his total lack of common sense and his incredible inability to understand the situation indicates that he wasted his money.

His false hope that all of the problems in the Middle East can be solved by forcing Israel to accept a peace treaty on the PA’s terms is misguided. If that treaty gets confirmed while Mr. Kerry is still alive, he will probably shout “peace and safety.” But when those famous words are shouted the problems in the Middle East will make the current situation seem like child’s play.

Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck