The Intentional Agenda :: By Steve Schmutzer

So let me get this straight…

Salvador Ramos, an 18-year-old boy, lived with his grandmother. He liked to cross-dress and wear eyeliner, at least enough to take selfies and post them on social media.

Somewhere along the line, this kid – this newbie to adulthood – acquired sufficient resources to purchase two brand new Daniel Defense AR15 rifles, plus 375 rounds of 5.56 ammo, optics, and some tactical body plates. He pulled all that off without a driver’s license. That’s roughly $5,000.00 right there – a heckova’ dent in his fast-food income as a Wendy’s worker.

The multiple signs of dysfunction in his life were very clear. He was well-known as someone who had found pleasure in cutting his own face, who’d shot BB guns at random people, and had egged cars. He’d told his co-workers that he was going to buy the weapons that he did, and he’d often lashed out violently against his family, his friends, and strangers. He had photos taken of himself fighting with others in a local park.

He had posted his violent intentions on social media. He’d stated three times on Facebook that he was going to ‘shoot an elementary school.’

And he did.

When Ramos walked into Robb Elementary School on May 24 with his guns, the school resource officers confronted him, but they did not fire any shots or stop his advance. Instead, they allowed him to enter a classroom armed as he was, and to barricade himself in. In the hour or so that Ramos was in the school, frantic parents implored the police that were outside the building to do something about the shooter inside.

And the police did nothing.

In fact, it’s much worse than that. The police not only didn’t do anything, but they told the parents they needed to stand down too. Some brave parents didn’t accept the instruction. They got past impotent law enforcement, jumped the school’s fences, entered the building, and rescued their own children anyway.

The entire calamity is a lengthy list of failures and dysfunctions – for Salvador Ramos, AND for the people and systems around him. The warning signs were many, and the system’s botches were just as profound. The result is 19 kids and two adults died. Seventeen others were wounded.

“But – but… uh, we need more gun control,” the left snivels. “We HAVE TO repeal the 2nd Amendment!” their leadership is shrieking.

Never waste a crisis. That’s the liberal playbook. It’s predictable, purposeful, and pathetic.

Capitalize on peoples’ raw emotions.  Take advantage of their lack of sound judgment. That’s the left’s modus operandi.

Not only does the left completely miss the mark of what happened in Uvalde, Texas – and why things came down the way they did – but here’s the truth: they don’t WANT to know! The facts of the situation don’t fit the left’s preferred narrative as conveniently as fiction does.

Schools are gun-free zones, and they have been for a long time. Ramos knew the odds were in his favor in a place like that. The teachers weren’t “packing” anything, and the school officers weren’t stopping anyone. To top it all off, his friends and co-workers weren’t talking, the background checks weren’t filtering, his family wasn’t intervening, intelligence wasn’t discovering, and mental health wasn’t reacting.

“It’s the guns’ fault!” Yeah, right – – whatever.

Excuse me while I barf.

What’s prodigiously apparent at this point is liberals will say and do WHATEVER needs to be said and done to advance their chaos-fueled socialist agenda.

The libs have made it very clear already that they want to abort babies up to – and after – birth! But in the wake of this Texas crisis, they holler about the tragedy of these 19 kids dying. They’re right – it IS tragic! But the left has zero credibility to speak of it.

Let’s just cut to the chase here. The left wants to take away guns because they don’t want a society that is armed and capable of resisting their tyrannical agenda. All over the world, where citizens have been disarmed, ruthless tyranny follows. The left desperately wants that to happen here in America.

If the liberals REALLY cared about keeping our kids safe, they’d encourage the teachers to conceal-carry. They’d promote armed law enforcement at schools rather than trying to defund the police. They’d support kids having the asset of armed security the same way their own leaders do.

They’d discontinue the “gun-free” zone thing for schools altogether – – and they’d backtrack on their pro-abortion stance.

That’s what they’d do if they REALLY cared about keeping kids safe. But they really don’t.

For libs, the kids are just tools – – a means to an end, a way to reinforce whatever message the left most wants to advance. Here was what Barack Hussein Obama, the original Divider-in-Chief, tweeted after Salvador Ramos did his despicable deed:

“As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer. His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him.”

George Floyd has absolutely nothing to do with the tragedy in Uvalde. Nada. Not a thing. Obama is gaslighting the rank-and-file radicals on the left to get upset and to take to the streets.

Don’t let a crisis go to waste – remember? Do and say whatever is opportunistic to serve the ‘almighty agenda.’

What is that agenda?  The left’s agenda is one-world rule. To achieve this, they must make America a whimpering participant on the globalist stage. They cannot permit this nation to be strong – or ‘great.’ Any leader who wishes to put America on a sensible course must be viciously attacked.

From their viewpoint, America must be weakened.  Therefore, all efforts must be expended to push America into being at war with itself. The flames of civil unrest must be fanned; blame racism for everything bad that happens.

Dissolve the nation’s borders. Stop building the wall. The country must be permitted to be overrun with illegal immigrants who will stress the system and introduce crime, disease, unprecedented drug use, and threats of terror. Blame everyone but yourself for the obvious problems that have been created.

Don’t forget the economy. Wreck it! Plentiful energy resources must be shut off.  Gas prices must hit record heights. Policies to encourage record inflation must be hammered through the halls of DC.

Food shortages must be strategically planned. That includes limiting the supply of baby formula. Unfounded fears and unscientific notions about ‘pandemics’ must be stoked. American weakness must be projected on the world stage – that encourages rogue nations to act out and create further global chaos.

And perhaps – above all – attack those who see the light.  Especially those MAGA folks.  Don’t let them gain any political power.  They clearly have the answers to the problems, so cheat any way you have to in order to keep them from office. Ridicule and censor those who point out what you’ve obviously done.

Say instead that it’s the MAGA folks that are the REAL problem. It’s the parents in the MAGA crowd we need to be concerned about – the ones who stand against depraved school curriculums, who don’t want boys in the girls’ bathroom, and who don’t want their 3rd-grade kids to be told they are transgenders.

Yeah – it’s those kinds of salt-of-the-earth law-abiding folks who are the REAL terrorists.  Right?


I’m not going to exercise my fingers anymore stating the patently obvious. Anyone with two ounces of common sense knows the right is not the problem. It’s the left that is depraved, murderous, upside down, demented, foolish, illogical, comedic, incompetent, dysfunctional, deceptive, and shameful.

In short – – the left is evil.  They get their marching orders from the Prince of Darkness. We need to call it like it is.

Jesus warned in Matthew 24:4-8 that His followers needed to be wary of mounting deception as human history winds down. Furthermore, they needed to be alert for rising international conflicts and a surge in racial and civil discord.

Famines and pandemics were events Jesus cautioned about too. In our times, we can see His warning includes those threats to public health and the food system which are strategically planned.

Make no mistake – the left is leaning heavily into a Marxist template. It’s what defines many of them. The rest of their ranks who will not speak out against their fellow-blues are basically complicit with these depravities too.

Jesus told us to keep our eyes open, to properly discern the times, and to understand what’s happening and why.  He said this because we can and we should. In fact, we must.

It’s clear – as we do these things – that the left of today is the prototype population of those who will follow the antichrist and support his one-world tyrannical agenda. They embrace evil, and it shows.

No question about it.




A Biblical View of the End Times: Study Series :: By Steve Schmutzer


Unlike all the articles about Biblical prophecy and Christian living I’ve written over the years, this is a bit of a personal communication. I’m going to encourage you to do something.

I want you to be part of this very important 52-week study series in northern Colorado starting April 3rd on “A Biblical View of the End Times.” There is more info in the accompanying graphic you see here.

Please – – forward this to others of your network that live within the northern Colorado region. Invite them to come too. That is important. Chances are good we will be recording the series and making it available online. Stay tuned on that.

How did this all come about? It was about ten years ago that I sat down with a friend for a frank discussion about several end times matters. I was dismayed to learn he no longer believed in some of the most basic prophetic teachings in God’s Word. He’d changed. His views had become warped by errant doctrines sweeping the church then – and now!

At that time, I found I could not properly defend the things my heart believed – the things I KNEW the Bible taught. I went home, burdened by his apostasies and my own inadequacies.

Fast forward from then to now. I have become deeply invested into learning all I can about Biblical prophecy. It has become a serious passion of mine. I’ve written numerous articles on these issues, and I’ve taught them in depth. Along the way, I’ve been privileged to develop solid relationships with some renowned scholars in this field of study.

For 14 years, I have faithfully taught a large class at the church I attend. It started with roughly 15 people. It grew very well, and at its peak, it had around 130 people registered. A few weeks ago, I concluded a very lengthy study in the book of Daniel with that class, and we all collectively discussed next steps.

I shared with the class my concern that the church is so underfed and unaware when it comes to Biblical prophecy – yet these important themes constitute more than one quarter of God’s Word. I explained my vision to develop a year-long study series which comprehensively addresses the full range of issues pertaining to Biblical prophecy. I was humbled to receive strong excitement and support from my class.

That brings me to the information you see here in this post. There’s been a lot of work getting things to this point – and there have been the natural delays which always accompany every great endeavor. I’m grateful to those who have assisted me and who will continue to be an active part of this vision moving forward.

When it comes to the study of Biblical prophecy, one needs to properly understand the relevant themes and doctrines which wind their way through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. To do this, one must first embrace a sound approach to Biblical interpretation. When this is done, truth becomes clear – in the same way that confusion takes root when one mishandles Scripture. When a responsible approach to studying God’s Word is adhered to, the Bible affirms itself over and over.

God’s Word reinforces that one cannot responsibly emphasize the full person and work of Jesus Christ by just focusing on His First Coming. Far too many churches do this today. But – for every prophecy in the Old Testament about Jesus Christ’s First Coming, there are eight about His Second Coming. Christ’s return also comprises one of every five verses in the New Testament.

If we dilute, discount, or dismiss the prophetic issues surrounding Christ’s Second Coming, then we’ve not really embraced the complete ‘testimony of Jesus’ (Rev. 19:10). We’re missing a large chunk of vital Biblical content that’s been put there for our benefit.

Many people today have questions about rapidly unfolding events taking place on the world stage. They see the chaos. They feel and fear the changes taking place. A lot of folks are unsure what to believe, and they imagine things that are not true. Just look at all the input and feedback on prophetic matters that you can find online. It’s a veritable mosh-pit of opinions.

The Bible – properly studied – has the answers. It explains what’s happening now and where it’s all going. That’s what this important lesson series is all about.

I wish to conclude by repeating my personal invitation to you. I WANT you to be part of this! I will go so far as to tell you that you need to be! These are very pivotal times we live in; it’s a matter of our own well-being to understand them as God’s Word declares them to us.

All this said – I am not suggesting you leave whatever fellowship you are part of to attend this series. I am hopeful that you can find a way to be part of both.

OK – enough said. Please help us get the word out there about this class series. Again, I encourage you to forward this post to others, and let them know what’s coming.

Thank you for letting me share.