2023 Top Ten :: By Jan Markell

As each year winds down, I like to review and see how Bible prophecy was fulfilled or has elements of fulfillment throughout the year. I always have too many options to choose from—and maybe that is a nice dilemma. We’re in a countdown to the close of the Church Age. Here are my top ten selections for this year. Many selections have ties to “black Sabbath”–October 7:

1) The world decided that Israel became the international burdensome stone (Zech. 12:3). Whoever expected this new malady, Israel Derangement Syndrome, in their lifetime? We know that “the Time of Jacob’s Trouble” will be a time of Jew-hatred, but in the Church Age? And this is a hatred of a people based only on identity. A people group that has been a blessing to the world!

2) Israel now longs for peace like never before. She will fall for Mr. Fix-Its peace plan of Daniel 9:27. She just wants to get along with her neighbors, the Arab world, the Muslim world, and all her enemies. She has had 75 years of conflict, preceded by the Holocaust. But with centuries of demonic hatred thrown at her, the Antichrist will be stunning in his deceit of a nation longing for peace and security. He will overwhelm them in his efforts.

3) For a segment of society, love has grown cold. This is a Tribulation reference in Matthew 24, but we’re in a run-up to that. We’re watching large segments of society favor barbarians. Millions have sided with the butchers of Hamas! There are Facebook groups praising Hamas. College campuses know no shame. Jewish students are hiding in secluded areas. And much of the world, and parts of the church, shrug in indifference and seem to enjoy cursing Israel.

4) Gog & Magog further align as they unite against Israel. One periodical reports that “Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan wants to lead the Muslim world against Israel so his country can become a great power.” Russia has pledged to come to Iran’s rescue if Israel attacks. The three power players of Ezekiel 38-39 are Russia, Turkey, and Iran. They are aligning more every day and particularly in 2023.

5) The church is slipping further into apostasy. Many churches revealed theology that has encouraged them to remain silent during Israel’s greatest crisis since the Holocaust. Many openly sided with the so-called Palestinians. The silence of the shepherds has been staggering and devastating to many church members. Too many won’t deal with prophecy, current events, or Israel and won’t take a stand. It’s time to call out evil and to love what and who God loves. Too many churches refuse, and this year exposed them.

6) The Jews are coming home in greater numbers and are more open to the gospel. Since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, there has been a 149% increase in interest to return to Israel from Jewish French citizens and an 81% increase from North American Jews. The trauma of October 7 will leave deep scars on the nation and people forever. The crisis is driving the Jews to seek God like never before in history. Many are leaving secularism, mysticism, and more to call out to the God of the Bible.

7) Strong delusion (II Thess. 2) intensifies and abounds! The Biden Administration continues to give Iran billions. The White House expresses deep concern about Islamophobia, not anti-Semitism! Biden gives hundreds of thousands of dollars to mosques. We have seen young people praise Osama bin Laden in spite of the reality of radical Islam. The solution in the Middle East is a Palestinian state! Everywhere, evil is called good (Is. 5:20), and facts are irrelevant due to the delusions of our day. Only the righteous can see straight!

8) The intensified longing for a world leader as American leadership is weak and non-existent in the Executive Branch. Soon, world leaders will line up in Pied Piper-like fashion behind a man-with-a-plan who will guarantee peace and stability. He will exude global leadership. The world is ready due to America’s absence.

9) The intensification of perilous times (II Tim. 3), violence, and spirit of the Antichrist. We are warned of October 7 “copycat attacks” around the world! America’s southern border invites chaos. Rogue nations are threatening with nukes. World war seems inevitable. And the Tribulation has not even begun!

10) There is an explosion of global reprobate minds (Romans 1). Things have taken a dark turn unlike anything seen in modern times. The world has become unhinged on a greater level than WWII. People clearly have been “given over.” Up is down; black is white. Men can be women and vice versa. Israel is apartheid; Hamas are freedom fighters. Normal or Godly thinking does not come to these conclusions!

I could list 110 markers that reveal the hour is desperately late! You can’t tell the players without a printed program, and that would be the Bible—the most accurate chronicler of world events we could have ever been given! Jesus is coming—perhaps today!



The Silence of the Shepherds :: By By Jan Markell

It is true—the headlines, photos, and videos coming out of the current Mideast conflict are not seeker-sensitive. They won’t make church attendees feel good. Talking about the sensitive situation won’t fit into any church-growth strategy. It won’t encourage anyone to become purpose-driven. It could even create divisiveness.

So, I should not have been so thrown when I began to get e-mails from across the country stating variations of the following:

Jan, I was very dismayed that the church we attended did not even make mention of what was going on in Israel on Sunday, October 8. Nor did the topic arise on Wednesday night—though there were several mentions of the Houston Astros game . . . . .

No One Can Say They Didn’t Know

Has there not been wall-to-wall coverage on all media outlets, day and night, for days? Can anybody claim they didn’t know? There were demonstrations demanding that we should “gas the Jews.” The scenario could expand to a Mideast war. Some are saying World War III is at hand. We have evil at a new level on display.

And yet the silence of some shepherds is deafening!

Evangelical Foolishness

I checked the website of the largest evangelical organization—the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). Wouldn’t they have a banner headline calling on us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem? Actually, their banner was all about racial justice.

Scrolling down, they have a blurb in an article written that Israel should not act out of revenge and that they should support the dignity of all people affected. Note to the NAE: Terrorists have no dignity. They are evil. They are demonized.

Know What You Believe!

Are pastors, churches, and denominations silent because of their theology? Perhaps it doesn’t fit with the current scenario? Perhaps they believe the church is the new Israel (Replacement Theology). Perhaps they are Amillennial, and Israel is a bit inconvenient. This belief encompasses many Protestants and all Catholics.

Outfits like Bethel Church in Redding, CA, believe in Dominionism—that is, that the church will save the world and then they establish the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth. The literal restoration of Jerusalem is not important. The church supersedes the calling of Israel to be a light to the nations!

Silence in the Face of Evil is Evil!

But there is still human disaster and suffering at play here! Bonhoeffer said, “silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”  How can you be silent?

If every church in North America were to meet for special prayer, could an unspeakable disaster be averted?

Can we set aside theology and pray—from the pulpit—for the salvation of the Jews and Muslims? Don’t these esteemed church leaders know that is the only path to true peace? Many Jews and Muslims are secular and, thus, are open to the gospel.

You’re Grafted In!

May I remind all pastors and evangelical leaders that because of the Jews, we have our Bible, the prophets, the apostles, and our Messiah. In fact, “salvation is of the Jews.” (John 4:22) Gentiles are “grafted in” to the Jewish olive tree. (Romans 11:11-31)

This is an appeal to pastors to not keep silent. Help your flock understand that Christians are often the greatest friend Israel has. At the very least, instruct them on how to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” (Psalm 122:6). Do you know there is then promised a blessing: They shall prosper who love thee?

That sounds like church growth could happen as a blessing from God!

How odd of God to choose the Jews,
But not so odd as those who choose
The Jewish God, but spurn the Jews.

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