Some Things Never Die :: By Jan Markell

(Note from Jan: I wanted to write a current article on Israel and her impending war with Iran, but then the good folks at “Harbinger’s Daily” resurrected an older article of mine. Since the topic is Israel, I share this instead. Its message is still urgent. Look up the online newspaper (, as they feature many of your favorite writers and teachers! And please, won’t you “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”? (Ps. 122:6). As prophesied in Zechariah 12, the world is abandoning her one by one.

As I state in my book, Trapped in Hitler’s Hell, quoting Dr. Natan Kellermann, there is something unprecedented about the European Holocaust. For the first time in the bloodstained history of the human race, a decision was birthed in a modern state, in the midst of a civilized continent, to track down, register, mark, isolate, dispossess, humiliate, concentrate, transport, and murder every single person of an ethnic group as defined by the perpetrators.

This was targeted at an ethnic group who so generously contributed to the culture of the world; to a people who have borne the brunt of enmity towards them because they dared to be different and dared to insist on their difference.

Six million Jews were killed in Europe and replaced with 20 million Muslims. They burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent. They destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world.

They Knew but Did Not Act

In 2017, Benjamin Netanyahu made the accurate and stunning statement that the Allies knew all that was going on and did very little. He stated, “If the powers in 1942 had acted against the death camps — and all that was needed was repeated bombing of the camps — had they acted then, they could have saved 4 million Jews and millions of other people.”

He continued, “The powers knew, and they did not act. When terrible crimes were being committed against the Jews, when our brothers and sisters were being sent to the furnaces, the powers knew and did not act.”

Can you imagine? Talk about a chronicle of apathy.

He stated three causes for the organized slaughter — widespread anti-Semitism, global indifference, and the weakness of the Jewish people in the Diaspora.

It Wouldn’t Warrant Our Resources!

Entire books were written about the Roosevelt Administration and their apathy towards the suffering. FDR had been in office just one week when the first concentration camp was opened — Dachau. He knew plenty but didn’t seem to care. Yes, many U.S. Presidential administrations have made serious mistakes with their policy towards Israel and the Jews, but none so grievous as FDR and his cronies, who had hardened hearts beyond comprehension.

The idea of bombing the railroad tracks into the camps was brought to the attention of Roosevelt’s State Department. Their response was this: “Such an operation would, in any case, be of such doubtful efficacy that it would not warrant the use of our resources.”

Translate that: The Jews are not worth our time and resources.

Then Came a Modern-Day Cyrus!

It is not an overstatement to say that the nation of Israel might not have been re-born had FDR been President in 1948. On the other hand, President Harry Truman cast the first U.N. vote for the right of the nation to be re-born out of the ashes of the Holocaust. He also relaxed immigration laws to allow Jewish victims of WWII into the U.S. In 1946, he sent a delegation to tour the refugee camps in Europe and realized these Jews needed a home. He was a modern-day Cyrus!

On December 17, 1942, the Allies issued a proclamation condemning the ‘extermination’ of the Jewish people in Europe and declared that they would punish the perpetrators. Why not go a step further and put an end to the carnage, or at least slow the destruction, by bombing the railroads into the camps?

The utter shock of senior Allied commanders who liberated camps at the end of the war may indicate that this understanding was somewhat limited. Gen. Eisenhower had his troops take pictures of the liberated camps, admitting that few would believe the severity of the Holocaust without this evidence.

Mankind’s sinful, fallen nature prevented the rescue of up to four million Jews and many other non-Jews who were in the camps. World leaders looked the other way as early as 1942. They even knew about the gas being used in the gas chambers.

It Could Never Happen Again! Really?

Today, similar apathy exists concerning the slaughter of Christians around the world, particularly in parts of Africa. Not even our pulpits address this. It is a second holocaust that world leaders can’t seem to be bothered with.

I realize World War II is now considered ancient history — an era from long ago that has slipped from the memory of many. Surely, they said, it could never happen again. Really?

But anti-Semitism never dies. Satan is obsessed with exterminating God’s covenant people because they are the key to the last days, and the last days spell Satan’s doom.

And apathy never dies, either. Millions perished because of that deadly combination.

Today, we are seeing more lawlessness and the spirit of the Antichrist as millions demonstrate for Hamas and “Palestine” and against Israel and the Jews. Not much has changed since 1938. And a lawless U.S. government is pro-Iran in spite of their cries of “death to America.”

The last days are upon us where up is down, black is white, and evil is good. And you are here for such a time as this to be salt and light.

We Are Under Siege Like Never Before :: By Jan Markell

You might be wondering, what is being besieged? Our borders? Yes. Common sense values? For sure. How about proper theology? Absolutely. We are besieged like never before but, then, this was predicted! There would be a vast “falling away” from the faith (2 Thessalonians 2).

But I think that this issue goes deeper. Let me explain.

I have watched Bible prophecy attacked, scorned, mocked, criticized, and improperly taught for a lot of years. There has been overwhelming confusion about the last days. Again, that is predicted, so no surprise (II Peter 3:3–7).

In many denominations, it is taught egregiously wrong. Too many churches have all the end-time glory going towards the church (Dominion Theology).

Others say that all prophecy happened in 70 AD (Preterism). Who knew? We missed it! We need to look at eschatology in a rear-view mirror! What strange theology!

A significant number teach that believers go through the Tribulation, even though we are promised to be spared from the wrath to come (I Thessalonians 1:10Revelation 3:10).

Preterist Gary DeMar accused me of holding a “hysteria conference” some years ago. Dr. Ron Rhodes and Dr. Mark Hitchcock—two of the most respected prophecy teachers to date—were going to lead my audience into error and confusion.

We are accused of “checking out.” Because we’re going to be taken out, we don’t run for office or try to make a difference in our confused world. Nothing could be further from the truth! The fact that time is short spurs us to share the gospel.

Author Joel Richardson scolds pastors who are not preparing their flock to meet the Antichrist, even though there is not one Bible reference about believers preparing for anything other than the “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13).

And even though the writers of the Bible and the early church fathers taught about the Rapture of the church, we are lectured regularly that this theology was founded by John Nelson Darby in 1830! This misrepresentation is almost the most maddening!

What’s worse, he got it from some visionary woman—very troubled—named Margaret McDonald. This theological silliness will likely never go away! I wish these folks would read their Bibles and see the truth.

Just as tragic are the many denominations and pulpits that are totally silent on the glorious news that the King is coming! People write to my ministry telling me that they have visited “every prospective church in town,” and not one will address eschatology! For that matter, most won’t address current events, Israel, politics, and other issues of relevance either.

Students of Bible prophecy, then, must tap into ministries and pastors who WILL discuss the topic and that we are in a race towards the end of the Church Age with its accompanying signs of the times. Somebody get excited about these signs, please!

Here is a revealing e-mail from Terry:

“Recently my pastor announced his series on Matthew. I was front and center, waiting for his exposition of Matthew 24. Surely, now he would address prophecy!

Sadly, he promptly announced that ‘prophecy conferences’ will instill fear and confusion, so stay away! His handling of Matthew 24 revealed a safe, ear-tickling style and explanation of each verse. His closing comment was as you said, Jan. There are no stunning events today; there is nothing new here. Nothing new at all. Time to move on.

His conclusion: “Anything going on today has always been going on.”

If I had just $1 for every similar e-mail, letter and call, I would be living in a mansion in Malibu.

To add insult to injury, churches like this marginalized Israel during her second Holocaust on October 7, 2023. They did not bring the tragedy up in a church service, a prayer meeting, a newsletter, or even a time of announcements! It’s like it never happened!

I could go on and on, but you get the point. Bible prophecy is under siege. So, I was beyond overjoyed to learn that Dr. Ron Rhodes has a new book on this very topic: Bible Prophecy Under Siege: Responding Biblically to Confusion About the End Times. And he covers all the bases—and I am so glad he spelled out all the arguments under one cover.

He handles it in an easy-to-understand manner and certainly does not imply that those who are waiting for His appearing are a part of any Rapture Rescue Cult!

Find the book wherever Christian books are sold.