6 Mar 2023


“But if our gospel be hid [veiled], it is hid [veiled] to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

In These Last Days of Noah and Lot Returned

New School Assignment Workbook in middle and high schools is filled with hundreds of pages of sexual assignments. Parents don’t know because assignments don’t go home.

Hershey stands by campaign featuring ‘transgender’ on chocolate bars.

Transgender hormones linked to ‘substantially’ higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Also see Transgender drugs and surgeries are atrocities, not ‘care.’ This woke gender ideology is taught to kids as young as elementary school; it’s going to become the norm if we don’t speak out loudly.

Missouri: Christian college asks Supreme Court to stop Biden’s trans dorm directive that requires schools to allow male students to be housed in women-only dormitories or use the girls’ showers.

Vermont: Christian High School Withdraws from State Tournament Rather Than Compete Against Team with Trans Player.

In Cali-fornica: LA’s Soros Democrat DA Suspends Prosecutor for ‘Misgendering’ Child Molester Accused of Murder. Shea Shanna began identifying as female (Hannah) after his arrest. Gascon’s office refused to prosecute him as an adult for molesting a 10-year-old girl 2 weeks before turning 18. Now 26, he was sentenced to 2 years in a juvenile facility for girls for this crime because of his age when he committed it. Also, he was accused of sexually molesting a 4-year-old girl at a library in 2013 but wasn’t prosecuted. He murdered a man in 2019. Last year, in jailhouse phone calls, he gloated over the light punishment and that he won’t have to register as a sex offender. He made explicit remarks about this victim that are unfit to print. He laughed about choosing his new name, Hannah.

Current ‘Jesus Revolution’ craze sweeping America is paving the way for inclusion and acceptance of LGBTQIA+ in the churches. And it preaches a gospel based on experience and emotions instead of the sound preaching of the gospel.

Africa: Kenyan Supreme Court blindsides pro-family country with ruling allowing LGBT organizations.

Abortion Abomination and Lack of Respect for Human Life

12 Democrat states file lawsuit against FDA to protect access to abortion drugs.

In Minnesota: So-called Christian Minister Says “Your Faith is Too Small” if You Don’t Support Expansive Abortion Access. T. Michael Rock, co-pastor of Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ in Minnesota, said at a pro-abortion rally, “If you’re going to think that religion somehow says we need to restrict access because of God, then your god is way too small.”

Paris Hilton says she’s frozen 20 boys via IVF and will go through the process again, hoping for a girl.

Apostasy and Doctrines of Demons

Pope claims Vatican II was ‘renewal’ of the Church ‘in tune with the signs of the times.’ Francis said, “I am so committed to the Council because that event was actually a visit of God to His Church.” He said the Council “rejuvenates the Church,” turning it into a “mother always moving forward.” This article comes from a Catholic website that is against the ‘errors’ of Pope Francis. Yes, Francis is a deceiver and is leading the world to a one-world unbiblical religion. However, the Catholic religion itself is full of unbiblical doctrines.

UK researchers experiment with solar geoengineering system with acronym SATAN. It stands for ‘Stratospheric Aerosol Transport and Nucleation.

Iniquity (Lawlessness; Wickedness) Shall Abound

Epstein-linked Clinton aide’s suspicious death ruled suicide despite extension cord around his neck attached to a tree, and shot in chest with no gun found at the scene.

Democrat-run Minneapolis staffing ‘crisis’ spreads as workers shot at, assaulted. There are far fewer police than 3 years ago; the problem has spread to every department in the city.

New Video Game. Headline: “Sacrifice Your Friends to Demons in Social Survival Horror Deceit 2.” Infected players seek to tear down the veil of reality by activating Blood Altars.

South Carolina: 7-year-old kindergartener brought large knife to school; wanted to stab teachers and students in the heart; said he learned how from watching the movie “Chucky.”

Texas: Mother stabbed her 5 children, killing 3, after Child Protective Services visit.

Georgia: Man, 35, and 15-year-old gang member arrested for shooting that injured 9 kids ages 5 to 17.

Pennsylvania: Chick-fil-A Had to Make New Rule Due to Out-of-Control Teens. Under 16 must now be accompanied by an adult. There’s a litany of problems on days students aren’t in school and come to the restaurant without parents.

Last Days Traitors

Plan to Wreck America. The globalist elite hate Christians and patriots, which they see as obstacles to a borderless one-world government. They want to replace our idealism with feelings of shame; erase our past, collective values, heritage, commitment to personal freedom, and the idea of America itself. The destruction is carried out behind the cover of seemingly random events that spread chaos, exacerbate political divisions, increase public mayhem, and clear the way for violent government restructuring.

‘Woke regime’ teaming up with ‘enemies’ of US.

Study Reveals America’s Top ‘Dirtiest’ Cities Are Run by Democrats.

Biden Regime Allegedly Shutting Down Gun Stores for Minor Clerical Errors.

Upper ranks of Big Tech swarming with ex-CIA and FBI. Evidence is mounting that they’re deliberately placed to control public information. Tech giants such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google are essentially “agents of the national security state.”

China’s communist regime’s concerted effort to undermine and replace US by turning Americans against one another.

In Israel: Netanyahu says opposition leader Lapid is generating anarchy, attempting to bring down the government.

And the Deliberate Border Disorder

Republican reps call for Biden DHS to contain northern border crisis. US-Canadian border’s Swanton sector, which covers parts of New York and Vermont, has recently seen a nearly 900% increase in migrant encounters.

Law firm investigator alleges Mexican drug cartel bought off Arizona officials, Democrat and Republican. This was brought before the Senate, which claimed lack of evidence. Also see Politicians in US Corrupted By Drug Cartel Money Laundering Scheme and Election Theft. “We’re seeing the money laundering in about 20 states.” The money funneled from false house deeds in midwestern states goes back to Arizona to politicians and election officials.

House Judiciary Committee held hearing on border crisis in Yuma, Arizona. No Democrats attended. Open borders are central to the left’s agenda of “fundamentally transforming America,” no matter the costs to taxpayers and damage to the American people.

Plague, Pestilence, and the Planned-demic

CDC warns of rising threat of drug-resistant bacteria. Shigellosis typically affects young children, but it’s seeing this and more resistant infections in adults, including men who have sex with men, people with HIV, the homeless, and international travelers. There are limited treatments for these strains.

Pro-Vaccine Italy Changes Its Tune, Exposes Massive Vaccine Damage (Video). The show spotlights uptick in shingles and sudden onset of leukemia due to the vaccine. The common thread is disruption of the immune system. The vaccines seem to “reprogram” immune functions, increasing risk of infection, cancers, tumors, and various autoimmune disorders.

Canada: Former paramedic, who was forced to resign due to unlawful mandates, said former colleagues are seeing a rise in infant deaths since Christmas. He spoke of sudden deaths due to myocarditis and long-term effects that kill. Months ago, Health Canada approved vaccines for children as young as six months of age.

Chinese Virologist Says Release of COVID Was Intentional. Dr. Li Meng Yan was interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Fox News about her claims that the Chinese government had intentionally constructed and released the COVID virus.

Recent WEF gathering at Davos pushed global treaty for vaccine passports, never-ending shots.

Economic and Food Insecurity

Bankruptcies Soar as America’s Absurd Debt Bubble Begins to Implode.

In Great Britain, greenhouses shut down due to high energy costs, thus anticipating what’s likely to happen in other European countries soon. Agriculture is being strangled, and fresh produce has to be rationed.

Weather Events

At least 10 people (update 12) killed March 2-3 in severe weather outbreak across multiple southern US states. Also see More Snow Ahead in West as Severe Storm Moves Northeast.

Tornadoes left destruction in US southern Plains Feb 26 in Kansas, Oklahoma, and especially Texas.

California: Over 100 inches (250 cm) of snowfall traps residents inside homes; state of emergency in 13 counties. It could take up to 7-10 days to dig out affected mountain communities. There is fear of avalanches, and more snowfall was said to be on the way for the weekend.

Tropical Cyclone Kevin lashes Vanuatu a day after Tropical Cyclone Judy. The president declared a state of emergency.

Malaysia: Floods submerge towns and villages, forcing mass evacuations. The country is experiencing its 6th episode of continuous heavy rain from the monsoon season that began in November and may continue until April.

Deadly Earthquakes and Other Disasters

Ohio: “We’re Dying Slowly”: East Palestine Residents Report Bizarre Health Issues After Train Derailment’s controlled chemical burn. A lawsuit claims Norfolk Southern ‘went rogue’ when deciding 3 days after the derailment to blow up 5 train cars containing deadly vinyl chloride. Also see Over 43,000 Aquatic Animals were killed in the 5-mile span of waterway. Also see Forestry workers find animals dying at alarming rates in parks following train derailment. Also see Air in East Palestine is toxic: ‘higher than normal’ concentrations of nine potentially harmful chemicals – despite EPA ruling train derailment danger zone ‘safe.’

Another Train Derailment: Train Carrying 30,000 Gallons of Propane Derails Near Florida Airport. The tank that carries the propane is on its side, but officials claim it’s not leaking.

Greece: Two trains collided, killing at least 38 and injuring 72. The country has had a poor track record of railway safety. Reportedly, Greece has the highest overall fatality rate.

Bible prophecy says earthquakes far worse than Turkey/Syria are coming. Jesus warned of last days earthquakes, etc., spreading worldwide that would precede His Second Coming. 19 of the 20 biggest quakes have occurred since 1900. The world now experiences some 20,000 earthquakes a year.

Living As Normal in the Shadow of Impending Catastrophe. Jesus spoke of the days leading up to His return as like the days of Noah and Lot and warned of other “birth pangs” that will grow and be almost unbearable during the tribulation. Those in Christ will be raptured by then, but we’re already experiencing beginnings of these “birth pangs.” An entire generation has been trained to disregard everything about Jesus or the Bible. But we must keep speaking the truth.

Massive Landslide in China Kills 6 Mine Workers, Traps Dozens More.

Looming National Security Crisis in the US

71% of Americans age 17-24 Aren’t Eligible for the Military. Main causes: inadequate education, criminality, and obesity.

Islam’s Evils

Turkey: Islamist Sex with Children Is Fine; Condemning It Is an Offense. As the Turkish government’s topmost religious authority under Erdoğan, Diyanet is giving permission for an illegal act under the pretext of Islamic law: no obstacle for adoptive parents to marry and consummate the marriage with the adopted children who survived the earthquake.

Islamic Terrorism in Israel

Terrorists fired on three occasions at Israeli vehicles on Monday, killing a dual American-Israeli man, and then set the cars on fire.

Two brothers murdered Feb 26. Hamas terrorists claimed the attack.

Hamas says death penalty for terrorists will ‘open the gates of hell’ against Israel.

Hezbollah proxies have established dozens of terrorist cells in Syria along Israel’s border on the Golan Heights. This “military terrorist infrastructure was built by Hezbollah with Iranian-Syrian cooperation.

Islam’s Influence Over Western Nations

In the US: Virginia (Muslim Democrat) Fairfax County School Board member calls US WWII Battle in Iwo Jima’ evil.’ Abrar Omeish previously delivered a left-wing speech at a high school commencement, warning students they were entering an unfair capitalist world.

In the UK: Councillor Akef Akbar Leads Intimidation Campaign Against Students, One Severely Autistic, After Slight Damage to Quran Copy. Students ages 10-14, despite no malicious intent found, were suspended from a West Yorkshire school. The children were also bombarded with death threats. The school’s decision came after pressure from Akef Akbar and the Islamic community involving intimidation, demands, and death threats. Islam intends to force the world to submit to their ideology.

Hatred of Jews and Israel in the US

New York Times’ libelous narratives are actively encouraging hatred of Israel.

New York City to name Harlem block after anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader.

Biden Betrays Israel. UN Security Council voted to condemn Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria, claiming “Israeli settlement activities are dangerously imperiling the viability of the two-State solution based on 1967 lines.” The two-state solution is a fantasy. It makes no sense to create another failed Islamist terrorist state in the Middle East. ‘Palestinian’ militants aren’t interested in a piece of Israel; they demand all of Israel “from the river to the sea.”

Wars and Rumors of Wars

North Korea threatens war with US if military drills with South Korea continue in/around Korean Peninsula.

Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39 News

Russia may send fighter jets to Iran. US national security spokesperson said Iran also seeks to purchase other military vehicles, etc. “There is growing defense cooperation between Iran and Russia, and it’s not only certainly going to make things in Ukraine more difficult, but it could certainly make the security situation in the Middle East more difficult,” he said.

Israeli Rocket Attack Targeted Where Iranian Officials Were Meeting in Damascus Feb 19 to advance drone or missile development by Iran’s proxies. The building was located in a heavily guarded area where several Iranian security agencies are located.

US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy said Iran could make enough fissile for a nuclear bomb in “about 12 days.”


“Come my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation is past. For behold, the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; the earth will also disclose her blood, and will no more cover her slain” (Isaiah 26:20-21). “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions [μοναί – places to stay/abide, dwelling places]: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:1-3). “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:9).

“Nevertheless when it [people’s hearts] shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:16-17). “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Whither [where] the forerunner is for us entered, even [namely] Jesus…” (Hebrews 6:19). “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory” (Ephesians 1:13-14).