28 Mar 2022

A Multitude of Malevolent Minions Making Mayhem

Remember: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah” (Psalm 46:1-3).


NBC Today Show Caught Softening Features of Transgender Swimmer to Make Him Look More Feminine. If you don’t think there is a conspiracy to force the transgender agenda and lifestyle, you are quite deceived because there absolutely is. The NBC ‘Today Show’ has been credibly accused of using image-altering software to make biological male William ‘Lia’ Thomas appear to be more feminine. “Watch how giddy NBC’s ‘Today’ show is about this biological male crushing the competition at the NCAA D1 women’s swimming and diving championships. Disgusting!

“Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22).

Why is Adidas cheerfully celebrating the destruction of women’s sport? It’s the largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe and the second largest in the world after Nike. In its latest US-based television commercial, Adidas features trans volleyball player and activist Tiffany Abreu as he competes on a woman’s team and dominates the game with his vastly stronger physical male body. Ironically, Adidas is now advocating for men on women’s teams. Adidas has chosen to ignore logic, science, and common sense when it comes to the physical differences between male and female athletes.

“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire” (Jude 1:7).

Disney’s Pixar Retaliates Against Conservatives, Will Put Disgusting Scene Back in Kids’ Movie. As Disney corporation continues to be buffeted by internal attacks by LGBTQ employees, Disney-owned Pixar announced it was restoring an “overtly gay” kissing scene in its upcoming Buzz Lightyear film.

Disney Announces Plans to Oppose Texas Order That Criminalizes Sex Change Surgeries on Children. A group of companies has already come out in favor of trans surgeries and hormone treatments on children, including Apple, Macy’s, Ikea, and Google. An ad signed by over 60 businesses insists this “discrimination is bad for business.” The ad goes on to say, “The recent attempt to criminalize a parent for helping their transgender child access medically necessary, age-appropriate healthcare in Texas goes against the values of our companies.”

Angry parent reads sexually charged passage from high school library book to school board in order to make a point that the book’s content is inappropriate for students. BUT… a board member cut her off, saying children could be listening since the meeting is streamed online. “Don’t you find the irony in that?” the parent shot back. “You’re saying exactly what I’m telling you! You’re giving it to our children! I would never give this to my children!”

Child Porn Offender Sentenced to Just 3 Months Continued Searching Pictures of Children After Release. At this week’s Supreme Court hearings, US Senator Josh Hawley questioned Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson about her statements in US v. Hawkins, where she sentenced a child porn offender to just three months instead of the recommended eight to 10 years. After his release, he continued seeking out “sexually arousing” images of young children.

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:6).


Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson has a constitutional problem. Case in point: On the issue of abortion, Jackson helped defend what isn’t in the Constitution — barbaric late-term partial-birth abortion. And she ignored what is in the Constitution — free speech rights for pro-life Americans.

US OB/GYN association opposes using ‘baby’ to describe the preborn. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists wants people to use sanitized language when discussing deliberate killing of innocent life.

Psalm 139:13, 16 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb…. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”


At Least 24 People Shot Including Children at Arkansas Car Show; May be Gang-Related. One person died. Six children were among the injured.

Heinous murder in New Orleans: 4 juveniles linked to woman’s carjacking, dragging death. The teens are accused of carjacking 73-year-old Linda Frickey in broad daylight, dragging her over a block while she was entangled in her seat belt’s strap until her arm was detached from her body and she bled to death. The killers are 17-year-old John Honore and three 15-year-old girls: Briniyah Baker, Marquel Curtis, and Lenyra Theophile. The teens are booked with second-degree murder.

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis – A Message for Us All. There can be little doubt in anyone’s mind that for the past two years, we’ve been living through unprecedented revelation of the evil that has permeated sections of our societies, and many of us have realized the real battle is between good and evil. The likes of Klaus Schwab and many others who follow his lead are making all sorts of deals with the devil. The Screwtape Letters provides warning to those who strive for or support evil while at the same time encouraging those who strive for good – the devil devours his own. Once he’s had his way with them, he disposes of them with callous and casual indifference.


Biden is more than a blunderer – His stalled Nuclear Pact is evil. Biden egregiously outsourced America’s security to its arch-enemy and Iran’s firm ally, Vlad Putin. Biden kneecapped so-called “dirty” energy and let other countries sell America theirs. He threw open the Mexican border, winking at all to come across. He dusted off a nuclear pact over which both sides had cheated their pants off. Two of those acts put America at risk. The final act puts the world at risk.

Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered with Ukrainian Researchers’ Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds from Obama’s Defense Dept. Biden’s son was instrumental in funding a firm conducting pathogen and anthrax research in Ukrainian biolabs.

Biden Bunch, etc., and Corruption in Ukraine. Is this why we’re being drawn into World War 3? Yes, Putin is a dictator and a tyrant, but things are not always as they seem, especially in these traitorous last of the last days before Christ’s return. The globalist elite have their own reasons for provoking a war, and there are many puppets doing their bidding. < Click on this link.

Barr says suppressing Hunter Biden laptop story ‘definitely made an impact on the election.’ The former Attorney General commented on the Hunter Biden laptop story that has finally been realized as authentic by the liberal media. Barr doesn’t believe voter fraud affected the election. Instead, he argued dozens of former intelligence officials casting doubt on the laptop revelations (by baselessly suggesting Russian involvement) “probably affected the outcome.” I don’t agree with his theory. Yes, there may have been some Democrats who wouldn’t have voted for Biden had they realized the lies and cover-up. But the reality is that, sadly, Democrat voters are completely deceived to have voted for a dementia-addled, perverted candidate. They’ve lost their ability to reason and need prayer. And I completely disagree with Barr’s opinion that voter fraud didn’t occur.

We must pray for those who’ve been “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (Ephesians 4:14).

Mainstream Media Malpractice: Major Media Outlet Struggles to Explain Suppression of Hunter Biden Story. The Washington Post put forth a lame excuse for mainstream media’s suppression of that news story. The mainstream press is not a habitually skeptical institution. Rather, it is treacherous, and its aims are utterly transparent to those who have the ability to reason in these last days.

UN Joins World Bank to Fund Taliban Terrorist Regime in Afghanistan. The UN Security Council voted Thursday to expand support and financial aid in Afghanistan – despite the country being controlled by the Islamist Taliban terrorist group. Despite stipulations being put on aid that Afghanistan must develop Western values, reports have surfaced of a return of public executions, torture of those branded as opposition, and a resurgence of the severe oppression of women and Sharia Law in Afghanistan.

China Sent Agents to Violently Harass, Stalk, and Spy on US Residents. China’s intimidation and bullying tactics are reaching far beyond its own border and seem to know no limit. Recently, it’s been discovered how some Chinese spies have been acting in the US, even tampering in the American political system.

All Hell Will Break Loose for Humanity; the cause began before the Ukraine war or Covid. We’re now at the end of an era of economic and moral decadence in a debt-infested world built on false values, fake money, and abysmal leadership. The buildup of a massive debt mountain has given the Western world false comfort based on false values. As we reach the final stages, the debt curve has been explosive since 2019. In history, when there’s undue economic pressure, starting wars is popular and often felt necessary; it’s convenient to blame the war for the increasing debts. What will hit the world in the coming years will lead to tremendous suffering.

Catastrophic Scenario for Diesel Emerging According to World’s Biggest Energy Traders. From Zero Hedge: While the world has been obsessively focused on crude oil and gasoline, we alerted readers to a far more dire scenario playing out in diesel, a source of energy absolutely critical in keeping the “just in time” world running on time. Now our warning is echoed by the heads of one of the largest commodity trading houses and the biggest independent oil trader. The corporate leaders estimated that as much as 3 million barrels of oil and its products a day could be lost from Russia as a result of sanctions, in line with previous estimates, and warned that global markets face a squeeze on diesel with Europe most at risk of a “systemic” shortage. Without diesel, not only will traffic in Europe grind to a halt but much if not all US truck-based logistical support and supply chains will soon be paralyzed. The consequences for the global economy will be dire.


100 Migrants from 10 Countries Apprehended in Single Arizona Border Crossing earlier this week.

House Republicans Introduce Resolution to Remove Kamala Harris from Role as Border Czar. “Instead of working for the American people, Kamala Harris has worked against us by ignoring her responsibilities as Border Czar. Rather than doing her job, Harris sits back and watches as illegal immigration skyrockets, countless people at home and abroad are victimized by drug and human trafficking, and CBP officers are left without resources or support from the Biden Administration. Make no mistake – Harris’ approach is by design, and she must be stopped.”


Military Doctor Attests She was Ordered to Cover Up Wave of Injuries Following COVID Vaccine Regime. Dr. Theresa Long said while testifying in court that she and two other medical professionals found a spike in cancer cases, neurological disorders, and miscarriages after the vaccine mandate went into place. She and the others who made these shocking discoveries were ordered to keep quiet.

CDC’s ‘sloppiness’ in ‘misclassifying’ COVID deaths. Last week, the CDC updated its public data on COVID deaths, decreasing the number of pediatric deaths by over 20%. Citing an “error in CDC’s algorithm,” a footnote dated March 14 says over 70,000 deaths have been removed across all age ranges. Of the latest CDC data blunder, Dr. Scott Jensen, candidate for governor and pediatric doctor, emphasized the “corrupt” nature of these reports.

2022 reports of myocarditis after COVID shots reach almost half of 2021 total in just 2 months. CDC researchers admitted ‘under-reporting is more likely’ of adverse events to VAERS than over-reporting.

Louisville health department leader Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage, who oversaw COVID vaccine distribution, has died “suddenly and unexpectedly.” The cause of her death was not released.

Biden’s New COVID Coordinator, Dr. Ashish Jha, Wants Vaccine Passports; Claims ‘We Aren’t Anywhere Near the End of This Pandemic.’ Dr. Jha has also praised Fauci as his personal “role model.”


At least 54 tornadoes impacted South & Midwest US. The tornado terror kicked off on Monday in Texas, where many of the tornadoes moved through. An elderly woman died, and more than 26 people were injured from the storms across the state. Tuesday’s severe weather outbreak farther east included Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. At least one person was killed and several injured when a large tornado moved through eastern New Orleans.

Severe weather possible next week in some of the same areas hit hard this week. NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center predicts severe storms on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Chinese Boeing jet crashes in mountains with 132 on board, no sign of survivors.


Mid-Atlantic island girds for feared quake, volcano eruption. Authorities on a Portuguese island in the North Atlantic are preparing for possible evacuation of local people, as six straight days of minor temblors stoke fears of a possible major earthquake or volcanic eruption. Airlines are increasing the number of flights into and out of Sao Jorge, where around 8,300 people live, for people who prefer to leave now. Officials in the island municipality of Velas, the epicenter of over 2,000 minor earthquakes since March 19, are taking elderly people, who might have difficulty in quickly evacuating, to another part of the island as a precautionary measure.


4 Israelis killed, 2 wounded in ramming and stabbing attack by terrorist at Beersheba mall before being killed by armed civilians. Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an, was a terror convict who backed Islamic State (ISIS). The former school teacher from the Israeli Bedouin town of Hura was imprisoned in 2016 for trying to recruit others to join the jihadist group. The Hamas terror group praised the stabbing attack, saying it “salutes the executor of the heroic operation in occupied Beersheba.” The attack comes amid a string of attacks in Jerusalem and the West Bank. On Sunday, two officers were hurt in a suspected stabbing attack, and on Saturday, an Israeli man was stabbed while out jogging. Earlier this month, there were several attacks in Jerusalem’s Old City and in a nearby West Bank town.

Migrants Have Desecrated Over 2,000 Churches Just in Greece. A report by Greece’s Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs says there were 2,339 incidents of church desecrations in the country between 2015-2020 when Greece, seen as Europe’s eastern gateway, was flooded with migrants from the Islamic world.

Sheikh Kamal al-Khatib, incites terrorism against Israelis by Arabs who live in Israel; claims Islam will rule the world. The Deputy Commander of the Northern Faction of the Islamic Movement in Israel said in an article on a popular Arabic language website, “All signs point to a new stage in history in which the Islamic nation will once again re-lead humanity.”


Military Convoy Carrying Up To 6 Nuclear Warheads Spotted on the Move in Europe as Ukraine War Rages On. A military convoy carrying up to six nuclear warheads was spotted late last week moving through Scotland, which comes as war between Russia and Ukraine rages on, and Russian President Vladimir Putin has put his nuclear forces on high alert following his invasion.

US to send up to 2,200 troops to Australia as China tensions build. They’ll train with the Australian Defense Force to prepare for potential conflict/crises in the region. The development followed jabs from both sides over the Ukraine War and its relation to China’s ongoing Taiwan dispute.

China and Solomon Islands Draft Secret Security Pact, Raising Alarm in the Pacific. A leaked document has revealed that China and the Solomon Islands are close to signing a security agreement that could open the door to Chinese troops and naval warships flowing into a Pacific Island nation that played a pivotal role in World War II.

Mass Graves Identified in Syria Could Hold Evidence of War Crimes. New York Times, collaborating with a Syrian survivors NGO, published a detailed report on mass graves in Syria, predicting that information in the report might be used as evidence of serious war crimes. Throughout Syria’s 11-year civil war, human rights groups and government defectors have documented widespread killing of civilians by security forces as they sought to stamp out any opposition to the dictatorship of Assad.

Netanyahu warns a nuclear Iran ‘can take the entire world hostage.’ Israel’s former prime minister said Iran would use nuclear capabilities to launch conventional and unconventional threats alike, and he slammed the US democrats in power for ‘kowtowing’ to the ‘predatory, rogue theocratic regime.’

IRGC chief threatens Israel and US with Iranian missiles. Iran’s enemies have an “expiration date,” Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps leader Maj.-Gen. Hossein Salami said. He said Israel will have to “endure the bitter taste of missiles if it is not careful,” while claiming Washington’s “strategy of strong, aggressive sanctions” has strengthened the IRGC “in every way.” “We have entered a new era…. The sun has set on the evil powers,” he said, referring to the West and, in particular, Israel and the US. He said the Islamic revolution has “accelerated the erosion and decay of Western civilizations. It was reported last week that the US is considering removing the IRGC from its foreign terrorist organization blacklist in return for Iranian assurances on de-escalation in the Middle East.


Severe Drought & “Dust Bowl Conditions” Threaten to Create a Disastrous Winter Wheat Harvest in The US Food prices in the US have already been soaring; now we’re on track for a horrible winter wheat harvest. This comes at a time when war on the other side of the globe is going to greatly reduce wheat exports from Russia and Ukraine. Over the last 12 months, the price of wheat has already risen 69%; now this crisis threatens to go to an entirely new level. The writer of the article said, “In all my years of writing, I have never seen anything like this, and I am deeply concerned about what the months ahead will bring.”

UN expert warns of global famine, urges end to Russia aggression. UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Michael Fakhri, said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused profound rates of hunger in the country, raises the risk of higher rates of hunger in Russia, and may cause a global surge in malnutrition and famine. He issues the following statement: “For the last three years, global rates of hunger and famine have been on the rise. With the Russian invasion, we are now facing the risk of imminent famine and starvation in more places around the world.

Israel Appears to be Heeding Joseph’s Advice; Stocks Up on Wheat for Upcoming Famine. “We face challenges to our food security at the time being because of the worrying developments in Ukraine,” noted Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli in a statement on Thursday. “The State of Israel must safeguard its food security by strengthening our domestic agriculture. Taking steps to get the grain and fodder that Israeli agriculture relies on, the nation will quickly ensure that we maintain Israeli food security despite changes worldwide.” The UN also warned of global food shortages. David Beasley, the UN World Food Programme’s executive director, warned that the Ukraine conflict could spark a refugee crisis worse than any before and a global food crisis in a combination. He described it as “hell.”

Hunger/famine is prophesied for the Tribulation, likely as a result of preceding prophesied global war. From Thomas Ice: “Two important characteristics of the first part of the tribulation will be the occurrence of famines… which will likely follow a time of global wars between nations and kingdoms.”

Don’t let this bad news and more cause you to fear. We brethren in Christ know what is prophesied in the Bible to occur, and we are promised that Christ will call us up to escape the coming wrath. What we need to do while we wait is to spread the Gospel and pray for those who are lost to turn to Christ.


Biden Calls for America to Be the One to Bring in the New World Order. He said, “Now is the time when things are shifting, and there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. We’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”

The coming Antichrist will end up leading that ‘new world order’: “… And power was given him [the Antichrist] over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Revelation 13:7b).


Beyond chilling: Big government’s control of finances. No matter how much money the government pulls in, it’s never enough, so the government has come up with a new plan to make it even easier for its agents to seize Americans’ bank accounts. Make way for the digital dollar…. It is how the government operates: giving us tools to make our lives “easier” while, in the process, making it easier for government to track, control, and punish the citizenry. This shift to a digital currency is a global trend. Over 100 other countries are considering introducing their own digital currencies. Digital currency provides government and its corporate partners with a mode of commerce that can easily be monitored, tracked, tabulated, mined for data, hacked, hijacked, and confiscated when convenient. A cashless society plays right into the hands of the government (and its corporate partners). Economist Steve Forbes called this war on cash “an ugly power grab by Big Government.”

The world is being primed for the mark of the Beast. “And he [the False Prophet] causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast [the Antichrist], or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:15-17).


The Giant: A Preview of Revelation 13? “Awaken the Giant in You,” the website declares. The promotional material from the Giant Company calls its creation “the world’s tallest moving statue”—an ambitious project that combines art, amusement, virtual-reality robotics, and artificial intelligence. Each Giant will stand over 10 stories high and are programmable and capable of speaking, singing, and moving their heads and arms. They also shape-shift, assuming the forms of people.

The Giant Company hopes to install 21 colossal statues (or “billboards,” as the company claims they can be used). It remains to be seen what others will do with the technology the company has harnessed. Two things we do know: (1) What once seemed far-fetched stands at our doorstep today, and (2) the Bible is never wrong. To those who know Scripture, The Giant probably conjures up visions of a future “giant,” one the Antichrist will authorize when he rules the world during the seven-year Tribulation:

“And he [the False Prophet] deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast [Antichrist], telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast. He [the False Prophet] was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed” (Rev. 13:14-15).


Brethren, do not fear!

“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).


An excellent article by Geri Ungurean at this link outlines the simple plan of salvation.

Last Modified on March 27, 2022
This entry was posted in Prayer Center
Bookmark this article 28 Mar 2022