The Dangers of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
The COVID-19 virus has been an absolute disaster on all levels. In 15 months’ time, the world has spent $7 trillion on the virus, millions of businesses have been destroyed, and scores of millions of people have become addicted to lockdown handouts.
A month ago, I pitched my N95 mask into the trash, and I was regretting having 8 unused masks in my utility room. Now that the Delta version of the virus is infecting growing numbers of people, the mask mandate may soon be back.
Another mandate that has me much more concerned is the growing requirement for people to get a COVID-19 Vaccine. The Biden administration got the ball rolling by ordering all federal workers to get vaccinated or face weekly covid tests. At first, a few big tech companies joined the mandate bandwagon. Within a few days, dozens of companies are now requiring workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
The union, which represents over 220,000 postal workers, released a statement saying that while it will encourage postal workers to get vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, it is “not the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations for the employees we represent.”
Critics of the measure argue that the three vaccines currently available in the United States have not yet received full approval from the Food and Drug Administration, pending the safety and efficacy results of the ongoing phase-three trials.
Vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are currently being administered in the United States under emergency use authorization (EUA), meaning that vaccine manufacturers aren’t held liable for any injury, including death that their COVID-19 vaccine may cause.
Social media sites don’t want anyone to question the vaccine. Twitter’s action against political commentator Dave Rubin is an example of how these companies are now dispensing with any pretense in actively barring criticism of government policies and viewpoints.
Rubin was locked out under the common “misinformation” claim by Twitter. However, his tweet was an opinion based on demonstrably true facts. One can certainly disagree with the conclusion, but this is an example of core political speech being curtailed by a company with a long history of biased censorship.
In his tweet, Rubin stated:
“They want a federal vaccine mandate for vaccines, which are clearly not working as promised just weeks ago. People are getting and transmitting Covid despite vax. Plus, now they’re prepping us for booster shots. A sane society would take a pause. We do not live in a sane society.”
If they had been honest and forthright about the vaccines, more people would be willing to get one.
The ruling caste sees us as idiots, unable and unworthy to make simple decisions for ourselves. We must be guided, nudged, or intimidated, if necessary, into making the right choice. And we do not deserve explanations because the last thing our elite wants is accountability.
One of the biggest problems with COVID-19 is the left’s unwillingness to prevent illegal aliens from bringing the virus into the country. Fully vaccinated Canadians can’t come to America. American citizens in Mexico can’t come back unless they are tested. But in 2020, 2.3 million illegals were allowed to invade the nation.
When Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order that restricts the transport of infected illegal immigrants Biden has released into the general population, the Department of Justice sued the state of Texas.
“The Biden Administration is knowingly admitting hundreds of thousands of unauthorized migrants, many of whom the federal government knows full well have COVID-19,” Abbott said in response to the DOJ suit.
The third mandate to arise from the COVID-19 pandemic is the requirement to have documentation to prove you had your vaccine. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has officially announced plans to implement his first-in-the-US policy requiring proof of COVID vaccination in order to participate in indoor activities like dining indoors and going to the gym.
It would be far better that the whole nation agreed to get the vaccine than to allow our rights to be taken away from us. Once our nation turns into a full dictatorship, anti-vaxxers will get their shot at gunpoint.
With 4.2 billion doses having been given out, there doesn’t seem to be any large-scale side effects with the current crop of vaccines. What I’m worried about is booster shots or people who had the Johnson & Johnson vaccine taking the Pfizer shot. Oops, we lost a few million people from booster shot 3, but the other 99.9% of the population is safe from variant E, F, G, H…
Because all this COVID-19 nonsense is a perfect setup for the rollout of the Mark of The Beast, I don’t foresee any vaccine problems. When the 666 mark comes, people will automatically line up to receive something that will condemn them to hell.
“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb” (Revelation 14:9-10).
Infinite Inheritance
Have you ever thought of suddenly, through some twist of destiny, finding yourself the possessor of a fortune? What would you do if you had the financial means to spend large amounts of money in any way you wanted?
Then, when the daydream fades, you are back to business as usual, and it sure isn’t big business in terms of dollars to spend. Lightning in the sense of being struck by sudden riches just isn’t in your future. The return to reality moves you back into the realm of things as they are—having to deal with the ups and downs of life—the pains, problems, debt, and all the rest.
The return to earth might evoke several responses. You might be bitter, trying to live an upright life while seeing those who are living hedonistic lifestyles having wealth, multiple luxuriant dwellings in exotic parts of the world, etc. The thought might be that just isn’t fair, and that’s the end of this particular daydream. Or, the conviction might burn a bit into your spirit, scolding mildly that you should be content with the fact that you have enough to get through the day just ahead—while many are much less fortunate than yourself. Or you might have the sort of temperament that simply laughs at the foolishness of such trips into fantasy, then once again put your shoulder to the wheel, or whatever task that you confront.
Even in America, the most materially blessed nation of human history, life, particularly during these seemingly insane times, can present a bleak future. That is, it can be considered a bleak future to believers who know and acknowledge the evil times in which we find ourselves.
We, of all people on this self-destructing planet, however, should recognize this time of evil is essential to the fulfillment of God’s prophetic Word. But the majority of believers–each and every one a child of God—either don’t have a clue of what the reprobate thinking and actions of this wicked generation mean for the future, or else go about not even aware that such a condition exists.
The pulpits are all too often silent on the wickedness. Those in the pews are immersed for the most part in society-saturated cares that obscure the evil of their circumstance. Thus spiritual discernment is either inhibited or completely obliterated.
Every child of God should be fully mindful of the future that awaits. For if we can truly grasp what’s ahead, our self-centeredness in immersing ourselves in the cares of our troubled lives would absolutely fade under Heaven’s enlightenment.
That is because we have within us the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Godhead whom the Lord Jesus sent to indwell us upon His ascension. The Holy Spirit Inspired Paul, the great apostle, to write the following:
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8 14–18)
If we could only understand the above message as deeply as desires our Heavenly Father, whom we have a right to call Abba (equivalent of the most intimate term, “Daddy,” in the Hebrew), we would be totally sold out to accomplishing our Daddy’s holy will while representing Him here on earth.
Do you understand the meaning of these words from the heart of our Father? If you believe in Jesus Christ—God’s grace gift to anyone who will accept that unfathomable sacrifice on Calvary’s cross—you are forever in Abba’s family. Not only that, you are as closely related to your heavenly “Daddy” as is our Savior—our Big Brother (who, in some eternal sense, is also the Bridegroom to the Church).
One great preacher of the past explains a bit further.
Yet, further, to illustrate the full meaning of the joint heirship-suppose, after the via had been proved and acknowledged to be right, it shall be found in winding up the affairs of the testator, that nothing is left to distribute-suppose, after all this boast and talk about being heirs, the property should be nil, or there should even be found a debt against the estate-what then? Why, my brethren, if we get nothing, Christ gets nothing; if there should for us, there is no heaven for Christ. If there should be no thrones for us, there would be no throne for him; if the promise should utterly fail of fulfillment to the least of the joint heritors, it must also fail of accomplishment to our Lord Jesus Christ himself. Be the property much or little, we are co-heirs; if there be infinite treasures, Christ hath them, and we have them; but if there be no treasure whatever, and faith should end in disappointment, and hope in despair, the calamity which impoverishes us must also impoverish our great co-heir. When we are poor, and in eternity have no shelter; when we in the next world shall find no heaven and no bliss,-then, wandering as outcast orphans, we shall see our Elder Brother an outcast orphan too; if we be portionless and penniless, the Firstborn among many brethren must be portionless and penniless also, for with him we stand or we fall…
Poor prodigal sinner, may our Father bring thee home, for there is an inheritance even for thee. “Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved.”
(“Joint Heirs with Christ,” July 28, 1861, Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, England)
Our inheritance is infinite. All that belongs to Jesus belongs to us. And we could inherit it all at any second, as we live in these times during which all the signals of the Second Coming of our Lord are in view. Now that is indeed a reason to praise Him! And it is why we should get our minds and spiritual hearts upon the work before us at this critical time so near His appearing. Let us put aside frivolous things in our ever-increasing effort to bring many to so great salvation!