28 Jun 2021


Greed and Avarice

Miami apartment building collapse; a tragedy that could have been averted. At 1:30 a.m. on Thursday, two sections of a 12-story oceanfront apartment building collapsed, turning as many as 55 units into rubble below. Four people are known dead, and 159 people are missing. A report from the 1990s showed a gradual sinking of the land, but Professor Shimon Wdowinski clarified that land subsidence alone would not likely have caused the building’s collapse. Structural issues had been reported along with water damage in recent years. The owner had been sued more than once and had even been accused of being a slum lord.


The Great “Mega-Drought” of 2021 by Todd Strandberg. “Judging from 2020 and 2021, it now appears we are going to have multi disasters for any given future year. Since the tribulation hour will likely have monthly disasters, the rapture must be very near.”

90 percent of U.S. West is in drought for the first time in Drought Monitor’s history.

Doctors warn of burns from asphalt as heat wave hits US West. A high-pressure system this week caused triple-digit temps in Las Vegas and Phoenix. Heat warnings stretched from California to Montana and Wyoming, where predicted highs were expected to shatter records. Excessive heat warnings were forecast to last through the weekend for those states. High temps were made worse by the lack of a break in the weather, which forecasters called a “rare, dangerous and deadly” event.

Historic heat wave blasts Northwest as wildfire risks soar. The Pacific Northwest sweltered Friday and braced for even hotter weather through the weekend as a historic heat wave hit Washington and Oregon, with temps in many areas expected to top out up to 30 degrees above normal. Concerns mounted about wildfire risk in a region already experiencing crippling and extended drought.

Tropical Storm Dolores killed at least three people in Mexico last weekend.

Offshore Storm Enrique becomes hurricane, threatens parts of southwestern Mexico with life-threatening flash flooding and mudslides over the coming days.

Tropical Storm Claudette blamed for at least 14 deaths. Claudette regained tropical storm status and headed out to sea from the North Carolina coast Monday, less than two days after the system was blamed for the deaths of 14 people in Alabama, including nine children who died in a highway crash. About 50 homes were destroyed.

Tornado tears through suburban Chicago, U.S. on June 20. 6 people were injured, one critically. A dozen homes suffered extensive damage.

Rare, deadly tornado leaves devastation behind in Czech Republic. A deadly severe weather outbreak on Friday generated what could be the most powerful tornado in recorded history of the country. Five people are known dead, hundreds injured, and thousands of homes damaged. The tornado outbreak was part of a bigger severe weather outbreak that occurred across southeastern Germany, into central Poland and the Czech Republic.

Deadly tornado leaves path of destruction in Auckland, New Zealand on June 19, killing one person. Around 62 houses have been deemed uninhabitable.

Destructive storms brought giant hail, tornado and flooding to parts of France on June 21. Reuters dubbed the storm’s aftermath as France’s “darkest day.” An 18-year-old is missing. 44,000 lightning strikes were recorded. Fire services attended to 400 emergency calls. More storms were forecast.

In Canada, one person was killed and two injured on June 21 after a severe thunderstorm produced a tornado just outside of Montreal. The damaging weather unfolded in a matter of seconds. The storm left a trail of destruction as it swept over the town.

Northeast China rivers reach historic levels amid persistent heavy rain since last week.


Mexico hit by 242 small earthquake tremors; could be a new volcano forming. The tremors occurred between May 1-June 8. The increased activity has scientists believing something larger is happening. A similar phenomenon occurred in the same place in 1997, 1999, and 2006. All of this suggests that there is seismic unrest beneath the surface, near Mexico City.


Northern Virginia Library (Fairfax) Invites Preschoolers, Babies and Toddlers to Drag Queen Story Hour to Celebrate Pride Month. Demo-crats reign in Northern Virginia. The Fairfax Republican Party slammed the library for inviting young children to Drag Story Hour, rightfully calling it OUTRAGEOUS.

Parents enraged as Planned Parenthood school flyer promotes sex to minors as young as 11. The flyer says it’s not a crime if you’re 11 and have sex with someone 2 years older or less, 12 to 13 and have sex with someone 3 years older or less, or 14 or 15 and have sex with someone 4 years older or less. If you’re 14 and older, you don’t need parent permission to get treated for STDs or HIV. You’re allowed to get a prescription for birth control without parent permission. You don’t need parent permission to get an abortion at any age. The flyer also explained how students could obtain condoms at any age without parent permission.

CENSORSHIP! Book Review on The Harm of Gender Dysphoria Removed. A favorable review on Science-Based Medicine about “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters” was removed after it received considerable backlash on social media.

Hungary bans ‘promotion’ of homosexuality and transgenderism to under-18s amid protests. Thousands took to the streets in protest, carrying LGBT flags and shouting, “We are here!”

Does First Transgender Olympian Signal Death Knell of Female Sport? “Laurel” Hubbard will be the first transgender athlete to compete at the Tokyo Olympic Games. But consequences of this decision for female athletes and women in general will be devastating and long-lasting.

Trans Female BMX Athlete Representing the US Threatens to Burn American Flag on Podium if She Wins at Olympics This Summer. BMX Freestyle rider Chelsea Wolfe, who qualified as an alternate to represent the U.S. at this year’s summer Olympics in Tokyo, said last year that her goal was to win an Olympic medal “so I can burn a US flag on the podium.”

Department of Veterans Affairs to Pay for Sex Changes… While Over 35,000 Veterans Remain Homeless.


Puerto Rican Couple Yanked from Their Car and Shot by Mob of Black Men in Chicago. A man was killed, and a woman was critically injured, yet there has been silence in the media. The attack occurred following the city’s 43rd Annual Puerto Rican People’s Day Parade. In the video, a mob is seen surrounding the driver’s side door of the vehicle, which was flying the Puerto Rican flag.


2 Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

Watch: Mayor Suspends Pledge of Allegiance at Meeting. Attendees Recite It Anyway. Good for them!

Great Reset Morality: Euthanization of the Inessentials. Genocide or Slavery? What do the elites plan for us? This is the first installment of several that are available on the site.

Reading, Writing, and Ratting Each Other Out. We’ve heard about the illiberal education college students receive. Less known is how some of the more devious, unconstitutional policies in America’s colleges/universities are migrating down to K-12 level. Example: The bias response team encourages students/staff to file reports about perceived “bias incidents” through the school’s website. Creating the expectation that authority figures can or should adjudicate all interpersonal disputes isn’t just denying children the opportunity to develop better interpersonal skills; it’s a slippery slope to big government.

School District in Missouri Says to Create Fake Curriculum to Send Parents After Complaints of Indoctrination. The real curriculum focuses on topics like activism and so-called white privilege.

Gov. DeSantis signs bills requiring Florida. schools to teach horrors of communism and totalitarian ideologies. Generations of students everywhere have already been indoctrinated by useful idiots to also be useful idiots in the Marxist-Socialist-Communist agenda.

As Congress Obsesses Over 6-Hour so-called January 6 ‘Revolution,’ Hundreds Are Slaughtered Each Month in Democrat-Run Cities Across the US. Mayors see few options for regaining control.

Jesus said this about the very last days that would indicate His soon return, “Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:12).

Who’s Really Killing American Democracy? If we can’t even agree on which heroes and holidays are to be celebrated together, doesn’t that tell us something about whether we’re really any longer one country and one people?

Voter Fraud Factory: Complete Breakdown of Georgia Election Systems. A Fulton County Georgia election official admitted chain of custody documents legally required per state law are missing from the 2020 election. Corrupt Georgia Sec. of State, Brad Raffensperger, is ultimately responsible.

Biden strikes out in multiple courts, media mostly silent. When President Trump took office, he sustained some setbacks in courts. This prompted “legal and media experts” to declare “that a war on the rule of law existed.” Biden has suffered a significant number of court losses, and it’s suddenly not a big deal now.

Deliberate Border Disorder

Biden dumping young illegal migrants around U.S. without notice. Also read the article at the link below. Mexico’s ruthless drug cartels use migrants posing as minors; they use minors as decoys to smuggle their members into the US; they make even more money by charging thousands of dollars to a family to bring their child here. Mexican drug cartels using kids as decoys, etc.

Nation (Ethnic) Against Nation (Ethnic): Deliberate Marxist Agenda

Mandatory Critical Race Theory (CRT) training materials for one of Iowa’s largest school districts classifies “Make America Great Again” as a form of ‘white supremacy.’ Hundreds of staff have been forced to take this training.

Orwellian Society

Dinesh D’Souza Says the FBI Is A ‘Grave Threat to Our National Security.’ The FBI has proven itself to be the weapon of choice for the Deep State. It’s sad we cannot trust this agency anymore, but then again, it’s always had a checkered past. Shady business has been embedded in the FBI from its very inception.

YouTube Takes Down Videos Exposing Human Rights Violations in China.

Globalist Goblins

Late-Stage Globalism. Matt Taibbi recently posed the question “Why has ‘Ivermectin’ become a dirty word?” He cites Dr. Pierre Kory in his testimony to a US Senate Committee hearing on medical responses to COVID in Dec 2020. Kory was referring to an existing medicine that was already FDA approved that he was describing as a “wonder drug” in treating COVID; that drug was Ivermectin. YouTube removed the video of this exchange. They later suspended the account of the US senator who invited Dr. Kory to speak. (Kory also appeared on Brett Weinstein’s show; they took down that as well).

Now with the pandemic and all this talk about a Great Reset and the New Normal because of a virus that was made more infectious in a Chinese lab funded by US technocrats, this is all beginning to look like “too much, too soon.” It may turn out that there is a saturation level of manufactured narrative that the public can be led to believe or tolerate, and beyond that point it all begins to look like hyperreality. Not only do fewer people believe it anymore, more of them are done with even pretending to believe it. With too many things that were presented to us as truthful information over the last year turning out to be wrong or a lie, and almost everything that was dismissed as “already debunked conspiracy theory” turning out to have more substance, we may be crossing that point now.


Dead giant murder hornet in Washington State is the first found in the US this year. The world’s largest hornet is a threat to honeybees that are needed to pollinate crops. They attack hives, destroying them in mere hours, decapitating bees. It’s suspected they traveled on cargo ships from Asia.

Food Additive in Starbursts, Sour Patch Kids, Skittles, Jello, Little Debbie snacks +3,000 Others No Longer Considered Safe. A study by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) deemed that the additive titanium dioxide may cause cell mutations and damage DNA after reviewing hundreds of studies. Petco banned pet foods containing it in 2019. The EFSA is currently reviewing the safety of all food additives.

Federal Health Officials Investigate Origins of Rare Multi-State Tuberculosis Outbreak in patients who have recently undergone spinal surgery. The product used during the surgery was FiberCel Fiber Viable Bone Matrix, a biocompatible compound developed from human bone tissue.

A New Epidemic Of “Black Fungus” (Mucormycosis) Is Attacking Thousands as It Sweeps Across India. Cases are significantly on the rise since the Covid outbreak. People with diabetes and those with suppressed immune systems are especially vulnerable. The rise in cases is being attributed to Covid treatments. From Wikipedia: Corticosteroids are commonly used in the treatment of COVID and reduce damage caused by the body’s own immune system during a coronavirus infection. They are immunosuppressant and increase blood sugar levels in both diabetics and non-diabetic patients. It is thought that both these effects may contribute to cases of mucormycosis.


New Study Links Ivermectin to “Large Reductions” In COVID Deaths. A recent pre-print review based on peer-reviewed studies has found that using antiparasitic drug ivermectin could lead to “large reductions” in COVID deaths, and its use could have a “significant impact” on the pandemic globally.

Athlete who recovered from COVID has health ruined after second dose of Pfizer vaccine triggers myocarditis. He’d already had Covid, but followed CDC recommendations to get the vaccine anyway. After the second dose, “My son feels like he’s having a heart attack 24/7,” Greyson Follmer’s mother said. “He now has high blood pressure, severe chest pains, back pain, elevated kidney levels, hypothyroidism, inflamed lymph nodes in different areas of his body, and he can’t work or exercise.”

13-year-old boy found dead after second Pfizer shot. He died of heart inflammation.

As Cases of Heart Inflammation After COVID Vaccination Go into The Thousands, CDC Safety Group Forced to Admit Link with Myocarditis and Jab. There’ve been over 1,200 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis mostly in those 30 and under who received Pfizer’s or Moderna’s Covid vaccine, according to a series of slide presentations published for a meeting of the CDC and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. It occurs mostly after the second dose.

Reported severe side effects are said to be small in number when compared to how many receive the vaccine. That’s little comfort to those who’ve had severe side effects or had loved ones die from them.

“Government Is Not Being Transparent”: mRNA Technology Inventor Deviates from CDC, Sounds Alarm on Risks of COVID-19 Vaccines. Dr. Robert Malone, a licensed physician and inventor of mRNA technology, sounded the alarm on potential risks of experimental “vaccines” on young people, and Big Tech punished him for it with censorship. Malone said he sent ‘manuscripts’ months ago to the FDA claiming the spike protein used in the COVID-19 vaccine posed a health risk.

Hundreds of Indonesian health workers get COVID despite having been vaccinated; dozens in hospital. They were vaccinated with Sinovac.

Anxious 5-year-olds ‘suffering panic attacks’ over socializing after lockdown. Leading private therapists said they were taking twice the usual level of calls from worried parents and had to turn away patients or impose waiting lists for the first time. The publication writes that an extra 1.5 million children and young people will need mental health support “as a direct impact of the pandemic” during the next three to five years.


Facebook removed Geoffrey Grider’s comment using Proverbs 20:1 attached to a link of his personal testimony of salvation in Jesus Christ. They said it violated ‘community standards.’ The scripture states: “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.”

THE COMING GREAT DECEPTION—PART 25: The VORG (Vatican Observatory Research Group) Disputes Divine Creation, Expresses Faith In ET. The Jesuit scientists have bought into the divided-truth concept by relegating their faith to the upper story of nonreason while depositing secular, naturalistic science in the lower-story fact realm. This creates serious problems. When religious claims are hoisted into the upper story, they are not only immune from rational criticism, they can hold contradictions with the lower story. Post Vatican II theology thrives on this divide. For example, the division allows Vatican II era Catholics to advocate inclusivism. They celebrated Pope John Paul II leading a prayer vigil alongside witch doctors, shaman, yogis, Buddhists, Muslims and others without offering a single criticism of their beliefs. Unfortunately, all liberal theology is predicated on the divided-truth concept, and the nonbelieving world is completely in its grip.

Nature Worship

Biden’s Bureau of Land Management Nominee Pushed Population Control, Defined American Children as ‘Environmental Hazard” in her 1992 graduate thesis titled “Into the Heart of the Beast.” Tracy Stone-Manning produced a magazine ad for her thesis that called a shirtless American baby an “environmental hazard.” “When we have children, the planet feels it more. Do the truly smart thing. Stop at one or two kids,” she wrote in her thesis. Multiple high-ranking Republican senators have called for her nomination to be revoked following reporting of her involvement in a 1989 “eco-terrorism” case that led to the conviction of her former roommate and friend.

Demonic Delusion

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Ephesians 6:10-12).

Report finds UFOs may be security risk, have no ‘single explanation.’ A long-awaited US government report on UFO sightings released Friday was largely inconclusive, describing the more than 140 strange objects seen by military personnel across the nation as a threat to flight safety and possibly national security, but adding that there was no “single explanation” for their appearance.


Antisemitic content has become widespread on social media; synagogues, Jewish institutions and anyone easily identifiable as a Jew have become prime targetsUnprecedented uptick in antisemitism in the US is forcing even the most ardent American Jews to reconsider whether the future that awaits them is as prosperous and safe as they thought it would be.


Russia’s deputy foreign minister warns Russia will directly bomb HMS Defender if it sails too close to Crimea again. Sergey Ryabkov warned against NATO taking ‘provocative steps.’ He vowed that Russia will bomb any ships who ‘violate the state borders of the Russian federation.’ HMS Defender sailed within the 12-mile zone of Crimea which Russia claims but the West does not recognize.

Drone attack said to target US forces in Iraq. The drone attack is the latest use of drones, which pro-Iranian militias have increasingly displayed at military parades. Drone attacks on US forces in Iraq have been rapidly increasing over the last months. There are believed to have been 45 attacks this year on US forces in Iraq, and around seven of them have involved drones.

Hamas, modern day’s barbaric Nazi force. Despite the ceasefire following 11-day’s notorious rocket attacks on Israel, ‘Palestinian’ ISIS Hamas seems to be determined in never ending its barbaric attacks on targets inside Israel. The Jewish community in Israel and the world should actively consider ceasing business relations with those Hamas darling nations in the world and economically punish them not recognizing the existence of the State of Israel.


“This second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour: Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men” (2 Peter 3:1-7).

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve…. but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).


Last Modified on June 26, 2021
This entry was posted in Prayer Center
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