Apr 19, 2021

New Absurdity in Racism: “Dear God, Please Help Me Hate White People”

I should probably give consideration to changing Nearing Midnight to “This Week in Craziness.” Last week I wrote about a gay rapper selling 666 shoes and giving Satan a lap dance. This week we have a prayer book called “A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal.” In the book, a black woman asks God to help her hate white people.

One prayer, called “Prayer of a Weary Black Woman,” by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes, a theology professor at Mercer University, starts out:

“Dear God, Please help me to hate White people. Or at least to want to hate them… I want to stop caring about their misguided, racist souls, to stop believing that they can be better, that they can stop being racist.”

I am just shocked how this dingbat professor doesn’t have a grasp of how she is bastardizing the basic teachings of Jesus Christ. The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey doesn’t contain this level of vile hatred.

She goes on:

“Lord, if it be your will, harden my heart. Stop me from striving to see the best in people. Stop me from being hopeful that White people can do and be better. Let me imagine them instead as white-hooded robes standing in front of burning crosses. Let me see them as hopelessly unrepentant, reprobate bigots who have blasphemed the Holy Spirit and who need to be handed over to the evil one.”

“Grant me a Get Out of Judgment Free Card if I make White people the exception to your commandment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.”

This book is a best seller on Amazon, ranked #305 at the time I’m writing. It is ranked #1 in Christian Meditation. The book is also available at Target— a store that banned a book that gave voice to transgender people who regretted their decisions to transition.

There is a growing mindset in the black community that past injustice grants them the right to hate other races. Many think that they’re incapable of being racist because they don’t have the power.

The vast majority of recent attacks on Asian people are done by black thugs. The liberal media and law enforcement just ignore the problem. If the Asians had been attacked by Nazi skinheads, they would be universally called out.

The press is so fixated on blaming white people for our nation’s problems, they quickly drop any news story where a non-white is the shooter in a mass murder incident. They’ve been milking the Jan 6 invasion of the Capitol Hill Building for the past three months because it was mostly a bunch of white supporters of Donald Trump.

The liberal media went into overdrive when there was a “second attack” on Capitol Hill. When it was found out that the driver of the car that killed a police officer was a Louis Farrakhan follower, the press killed the story within a day.

The Derek Chauvin trial has become a ticking time bomb. The media has played this up so much as a referendum on racial justice that if he’s acquitted of charges involving George Floyd’s death, there will be a new round of rioting.

The craziest part about the fixation with racism is that it is a distraction from the massive black-on-black murder rate. There was a shooting at a Knoxville, Tennessee, high school that left one person dead. Four other members of that same high school have been murdered in the last few months, and there were 10 other murders within a mile of the school. The left’s only suggested answer to the problem is to defund the police.

The racial strife I worry the most about is the growing rift between blacks and Jews. Because God said He would bring all Jews back to Israel, I think anti-Semitism will be the driving force. Muslim hatred of Jews in Europe is rapidly working to fulfill this prophecy, and America will likely be next.

The left is already talking about Jews in ways that heap them in with whites. When asked about the people who don’t understand why some teachers don’t want to return to in-person teaching, Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, targeted her response at Jews:

“American Jews are now part of the ownership class. Jews were immigrants from somewhere else… Both economic opportunity through the labor movement and an educational opportunity through public education were key for Jews to go from the working class to the ownership class.”

“What I hear when I hear that question is that those who are in the ownership class now want to take that ladder of opportunity away from those who do not have it.”

The Jews are now the oppressors, which reminds me of how things played out in a certain European country in the 1930s. In this case, persecution of Jews will unfold much faster because the attackers will think they are doing God’s work.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).


Restrainer as Covert Operative?

Seeing all the wickedness proliferating exponentially and knowing the subterranean evil that is unseen, we might throw up our collective hands. “What hope is there?” might be a seemingly legitimate question. It looks forever more like Satan has already reached his goals of turning everything upside down, of thwarting all efforts to stand in his wicked, lawless way.

We’ve gone over all of the cultural and societal rot—all the perversion that has seemingly permeated every aspect of life. Even children—little children—are now, for example, targets of the devilish minions, both human and supernatural, that have public school officials and many courts agreeing that parents can’t intervene with their very young kids being inculcated, or even transgendered. This seems to be perhaps the last or most satanically insane accomplishment that is taking place as this generation approaches the Tribulation era.

Yet there is doubtless much more to come, and there seems no opposition to what we fear will eventuate. And the avalanche of absolute evil, it appears, will arrive sooner rather than later.

Like in recent commentaries, we point again to the world building toward war—war that, it is almost certain, if it comes to full fruition, will result in nuclear annihilation for most, if not all of the planet’s population.

Thanks be to the Creator of all that is—to the very Word of God, we, as believers in Jesus Christ for salvation can be assured. This world is on a controlled demolition schedule—like one of those huge, ancient hotels that must be brought down so something new and beautiful can be constructed in its place. This is exactly what is happening, in prophetic terms.

The world and all we see happening of a deleterious nature, as my friend Jan Markell has stated, isn’t the world falling apart. It is all falling into place.

Perhaps that was a paraphrase of Jan’s comment, but you get the gist. The Lord is in charge of this demolition—or at least he is in complete control of how He long ago foretold how things would fall into place so a new, beautiful, Heaven-directed earth construction can take place.

Our commentary’s title is “Restrainer as Covert Operative?” By this, I ask if God the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead (Trinity), is acting as an unseen agent in keeping this satanically driven demolition of the world’s infrastructures a controlled such action. Is He keeping it from crumbling to complete rubble through His supernatural engineering? That is, is God still acting as restrainer, as promised?

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he [the Restrainer or Holy Spirit] who now lattés Restrains evil] will let [Restrain evil], until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. (2 Thessalonians 2:7–8) 

We who understand Bible prophecy through the prism of the pre-Tribulation view believe this means that the Holy Spirit will hold back, or “restrain” evil until He withdraws in that restraining of evil office. This will happen when the Rapture occurs. At that electrifying, “twinkling-of-an-eye” moment, those whom He indwells, believers of the Church Age (Age of Grace), will be called by Christ into Heaven. It is then that the demolition of the earth and its evil, humanistic, systems will crash totally to rubble. God’s wrath and judgment will fall like it did on Sodom and Gomorrah in Lot’s day.

So fear not, believers. God is in full control of the demolition you and I are witnessing. He is indeed acting as a covert (undercover) operative in all of this cesspool of evil that the globalists elite—the minions (powers and principalities) of Ephesians 6:12—are perpetrating. How can we be sure? By understanding that the Lord neither slumbers nor sleeps. This is observable by examining how He has kept the matter of the Iranian nuclear weapons development under complete control.

We’ve explored several times how Bible prophecy predicts that the mountainous area currently being used to work on Iran’s nuclear designs will be destroyed. In the Elam prophecy, it is foretold that it will become uninhabitable. This, to me at least, portends a nuclear strike, or nuclear radiation escaping as a result of an attack.

This hasn’t happened despite great tensions we’ve all seen in the news. President Trump put in place many options to hold back Iran’s deadly intentions to produce weapons that would eliminate the hated Jewish state. President Biden has, tacitly, given the Ayatollahs permission to resume their development—which they say are for peaceful use only. This is an attempted deception that even Mr. Biden’s administration State Department people certainly know is a lie.

This, of course, is to the great consternation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his IDF generals. The following news excerpt frames this angst.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will never allow Iran to develop “nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of eliminating Israel” during a joint press conference with visiting U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in Jerusalem on Monday.

“My policy as prime minister of Israel is clear. I will never allow Iran the nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of eliminating Israel. And Israel will continue to defend itself against Iran’s aggression and terrorism,” said Netanyahu. (“Netanyahu to Austin: Israel Will Not Allow Iran to Carry Out Goal of Nuclear Genocide,” The Jewish Press—JewishPress.com,  JNS News Service, April 12, 2021)

The prime minister has stated on many occasions that the IDF will use all means necessary to keep Iran from having a nuclear weapon. Nuclear action would seem necessary, if the laboratories within the Bushehr Mountains are to be destroyed. But, I believe that God the Holy Spirit, as a covert operative, has given Israel the means to at least delay the more devastating and possibly prophesied nuclear strike option. The Restrainer is at work!

Iranian media reported an electrical problem at the Natanz, the country’s main uranium enrichment facility.

Natanz: new centrifuges in contravention of deal

“The incident caused no casualties or contamination,” Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said, adding that “electricity was affected at the Natanz facility.”

The incident comes one day after President Hassan Rouhani inaugurated a chain of 164 advanced 164 IR-6 uranium enrichment centrifuges at the site in a televised event commemorating Iran’s National Day of Nuclear Technology. (“Iran’s main nuclear site mysteriously suffers power outage right after advanced centrifuges go online,” by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Israel News Mid East,  April 11,2021)

It has been determined by the experts in such things that it was without doubt a cyber attack by Israeli covert forces. So Iran’s design on eliminating Israel is again thwarted—at least delayed. It is God’s staying hand at work!

Believers, be assured. God remains busy behind the scenes. Despite election cheating and all the other evil that looks to be winning in Satan’s end-times quest, the Restrainer will continue to restrain until Christ calls His own to be with Him.
