Oct 28, 2019

Year-End Donation Drive

For the past couple years, the quarterly donation drive has been a good reference point to reflect on the rapid disintegration of our nation. We have had a couple upturns over the past two years, but the vast majority of quarters have seen the moral standing go from bad to worse.

We are quickly headed to the point where there will be open warfare. Partisan political division and the resulting incivility have reached a low in America, with 67% believing that the nation is nearing civil war, according to a new national survey.

“The majority of Americans believe that we are two-thirds of the way to being on the edge of civil war. That to me is a very pessimistic place,” said Mo Elleithee, the executive director of Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service.

The political division is likely to make the upcoming 2020 presidential race the nastiest in modern history. The election is just over a year away, and it will be one of the most fateful votes in American history. If Trump wins, there will be chaos. If Trump loses, there will be an equal amount of bedlam.

It’s not just the political world that has suffered a moral meltdown. The Kellogg company has recently started an ad campaign that a few years ago could only be seen as a joke. The firm is partnering with Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) to bring all of its iconic cereals together in one box for the very first time – and to take a stand against bullying of people’s strange sexual practices.

Kellogg released a limited-edition variety pack that includes Corn Flakes, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Raisin Bran and Rice Krispies in the same box to celebrate Spirit Day, the largest anti-bullying campaign in the world and to support a “more accepting world for LGBTQ youth.”

It would have been just a few years back that the only time you would see such a queer idea for an advertisement would be a gag presentation at a company Christmas party. It’s stunning to have Kellogg say “we’re proud to support” the LGBTQ agenda. Anyone thinking of switching to a competitor like Post or Quaker Oats brand cereal needs to realize that nearly all companies share the same views.

The financial world also shows that we are headed for some type of calamity. Under the current rate of debt growth, America’s en route to $40 trillion national debt by 2028. The roadmap to get there from here has little to no resistance. At some point over the next eight years, the economy will fall into recession. The deficit will quickly jump to $2 trillion, and then the professionals in Washington D.C. will spring into action. They will add to the shortfall with more spending programs.

The $40 trillion level may come and go without consequence. Our ability to defy financial gravity for so long tells me that the divine judge is the only reason for the delay.

A couple months ago I decided to massively expand our ad program. The search world has become so hostile to Christian sites, it has become a necessity to draw new readers. I think my action was needed because we draw near to the end of all things. Either the Lord Jesus is going to come and take the Church home, or the left will take complete control of all things and Terry and I will be shipped off to a death camp. Since I increased our ad budget by 300%, I really, really think we are headed for some type of wrath. Since God has held things together for the past decade, I expect to hear a Trumpet blast long before there is a knock at my door from some government goons.

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them” (Romans 1:18-19, KJV).

There are three ways you can contribute to Rapture Ready: You can send a financial gift via our P.O. Box address, you can make a one-time donation, or there is a frequent option that allows you to make monthly donations. If you’re interested in signing up, find the input links on the Donation page. Donations can be sent to our P.O. Box at:

Rapture Ready
P.O. Box 969
Benton, AR 72018


 The Secret Service Question

Anytime this writer hears a theory from a source linked to a so-called conspiracy website or other such questionable source, the discernment antenna goes up. It’s kind of like Uncle Martin’s shiny metal antenna extending from the top of his head on that old TV program, My Favorite Martian starring Bill Bixby. Maybe some of you will remember that program…probably not. Nonetheless, that’s, figuratively speaking, what happened as I thought while preparing to compose this particular commentary. The antenna went up. I had to exercise extreme precaution in my cogitations. In fact, it’s getting more and more difficult to know the difference today between conspiracy theory and what’s actually happening.

Again, I just can’t get beyond what’s going on in the American political world in thinking on these “Nearing Midnight” commentaries. I believe within the deepest reaches of my spirit that the evil machinations we are witnessing involve the wrap-up of all that must be arranged in order to conclude this Age of Grace.

The rage against this president ratchets to a new level of national dementia with each news cycle. President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, along with those of Dr. Martin Luther King and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, brought about excruciatingly tight security measures. But despite the US Secret Service efforts, born of an almost paranoia about preventing future such murders, attempts on the lives of President Gerald Ford and President Ronald Reagan came close to being successful.

Security measures by the Secret Service have been made increasingly stringent since. The result is that there have been no serious assaults on succeeding presidents.

Quick and severe consequences for anyone making threats have been a big part of the security that assured such a record of safety for the nations’ chief executive. Prior to George W. Bush’s time in office, any mentions of threats against a president, no matter how mild, were met with instantaneous confrontation. However with Bush 43, there seemed a lack of concern. There was even a novel written about his assassination. A documentary-type film, as I recall, was in the news but never received Secret Service attention to any great extent.

His successor, Barack Obama, was pretty much free of threats of assassination. With President Donald Trump, everything has changed. The warnings have come from every quarter on the left of the political spectrum, threatening everything from blowing up the White House to decapitating Mr. Trump.

Those threats came from a woman rock star and from a Hollywood actress, as you might recall. Neither is in jail, or was even charged and brought to trial so far as I can determine. Their supporters (including many within the mainstream news media) defended those women as simply being artful in their descriptive objections to the illegitimacy of Donald Trump’s election in 2016.

The lack of clearly observable action by the Secret Service has, in my opinion, brought on a much higher level of danger to this president.

We can determine that elevated risk to Mr. Trump by things going on at the present. James O’Keefe, a journalist working undercover for Project VERITAS, released secret recordings of some interesting things going on behind closed doors at CNN, the TV cable network.

[O’Keefe] on Thursday released a third round of secretly recorded video clips documenting CNN’s political bias, this time [featuring] a death wish for President Trump and an admission that the network has sold itself to the devil.

The videos were recorded by former CNN satellite uplink technician Cary Poarch, who says he recently agreed to wear a hidden camera “to expose the bias” at the network.

Video released Thursday shows Mike Brevna, a floor manager at CNN, complaining about how much the network has changed over the years.

“When I got this job 13 years ago, CNN was nothing like this…. They sold themselves to the devil. It’s, it’s sad.” Brevna said.

Another segment shows CNN Field Production Supervisor Gerald Sisnette wishing for Trump’s death.

This is a story that’s not gonna go away,” Sisnette said.

“Oh, the Ukraine thing? Or just Trump in general?” Poarch asked.

“Trump in general. The only way this will go away is when he [Trump] dies. Hopefully soon,” Sisnette said. (“CNN Boss: We’ve sold ourselves to the devil,” WND, 10/17/19)

There has been no action, as far as I know, to this, an obvious threat proclaiming that the president of the United States must die. And this real threat-craziness, with no publicly observable pushback by Secret Service authorities, is why the lines get blurred between actual danger and conspiracy kookdom.

It was intimated on the Common Sense Show with host Dave Hodges that former FBI Director James Comey plans to spend the next thirteen months working to drive Donald Trump from the presidency. This, according to a New York Times piece written by Ryan Christopher Jones. The conspiracy-laden report indicated that Comey, former VP Joe Biden, and Republican Sen. Mitt Romney, issued “thinly veiled assassination threats” to Mr. Trump on the eve of his latest trip to Dallas.

The implication was proffered that during the most recent Democrat debate, Biden started to reveal plans to remove Trump from office because the needed action was so important. Then, the report said: “At that point, Biden muzzled himself. He [knew] he had stumbled in what has become typical for Biden since he is obviously suffering from cognitive decline.”

The piece, written just prior to Trump’s trip to Dallas, went on to declare: “And here are Hillary and Bill waiting in the wings for Donald Trump’s demise so Hillary can rightfully claim her throne as US President. If an attempt is made on President Trump, will we believe that the Clinton’s did not know?”

Jones wrote further: “I do not believe that Donald Trump will be assassinated in Dallas. However, there is no question in my mind that the President’s visit to the site of JFK’s murder is being used to send the President a very direct message. ‘Do what the globalists want, or else’.  Where the hell is the Secret Service?”

A good question indeed. Why hasn’t the United States Secret Service been more overtly and observably active in combating the vicious verbal threats against this president?

The answer likely would be: “That’s why it’s called the Secret Service.” And that’s a good answer, most likely. But it doesn’t make us feel any better.

It is almost certain that with all the hatred being ginned up by the mainstream news media, Hollywood types, and many of the Democrat Party against President Trump, someone–deranged or other–should have by now made an attempt on his life. We have no reports of that happening. So the Secret Service has, we should hope, been doing its job in…well…secret.

However, there is another “secret service” that I think is more responsible for this president remaining safe. Billy Graham wrote a book some years ago about this organization. Angels: God’s Secret Agents, I think was its title. Let us not stop praying according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, praying that these agents continue to do their job.

Let’s take solace in the fact that justice will ultimately be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him: But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God. (Ecclesiastes 8:11-13)
