Much Devastation and Deviation: Preparation for the Tribulation
Extreme Weather
In the US, severe storms unleashed high winds and very large hail in the south-central region on Wednesday.
Make sure to head indoors as soon as thunder is heard or the sky appears threatening. Just last week, two teenagers were killed by a lightning strike while fishing in western Pennsylvania. The risk of new and worsening flooding problems will be high given how much rain has fallen over the area this week. On Wednesday night, over 4 inches of rain fell in Philadelphia in around three hours, creating major flooding problems in the city and its suburbs. There was a report of more than one dozen cars trapped in floodwaters on Interstate 295 in New Jersey. Flash flooding, road closures and water rescues were also reported across Ohio due to slow-moving downpours.
A fast-moving line of severe storms known as a derecho stretched from the Midwest to the South Carolina coastline (a 1,000-mile path), leaving three people dead and more than 350 damage reports in its wake. The extreme weather phenomena started in central Nebraska in the predawn hours on Friday and traveled all the way to Charleston by Saturday morning. More than 14 states felt the impact of the storm. In Nashville, Tennessee, the storms toppled tents in downtown that were set up for the Gay Pride festival events this weekend.
Devastation for Midwest US farmers. From Michael Snyder of the website End of the American Dream June 18: The wettest 12 months in all of U.S. history was followed by the second wettest May on record; for some parts of the Midwest, the month of June will be even worse. Some portions of Ohio and Indiana have gotten 10 more inches of rain since Friday (June 14), and more rain is literally falling on the Midwest as I write this article. When I describe what we’ve witnessed as “torrential rain of Biblical proportions,” I’m not exaggerating even a little bit.
In the US, this year’s corn crop has been absolutely decimated by nonstop rain. And farmer’s say the situation is far worse than the USDA estimates. Also read Todd Strandberg’s sobering Nearing Midnight Update this weekend, “Food Production: God is Closing the Window.”
In Europe, a vicious heat wave this coming week could produce all-time highs in multiple European cities. This heat wave – which will be unusually strong for so early in the summer – will gin up some of the hottest June temperatures ever recorded in western and northern Europe. Unseasonable warmth has prevailed across much of Europe this month. Heat waves are especially dangerous when they occur early in the summer, before people have had time to adapt to the seasonal heat. These articles blame climate change caused by humans and cows, since the mainstream weather stations are also leftist- influenced.
In Syria, wildfires are being blamed for an explosion that rocked an ammunition depot in a military zone in Damascus last Saturday. Between extreme temperatures and ISIS, large fields of wheat and crops have been burned this season.
In Argentina etc: Some are blaming storms for the massive power blackout that left most of Argentina in the dark (44 million people). The blackout also extended to Uruguay which is connected to Argentina’s power grid, and to limited parts of Chile and Paraguay to bring the total to 48 million. The power outage was described as unprecedented. Heavy coastal storms over the weekend in Argentina are being blamed for damaging power lines, disrupting electricity flow from dams to the power grid. There are also accusations of corruption, mismanagement and lack of maintenance.
In southeast France, farmers are counting the costs from lost harvests last Sunday after a fierce storm battered the region with hail the size of ping-pong balls, decimating orchards and vineyards just as the summer season was kicking into high gear.
In China, rescuers evacuated people trapped in floodwaters after torrential rains lashed several provinces.
In India since late May, the country has had one of the hottest and longest heat waves in its recorded history, causing many deaths and cases of illness. It was reported this week that the city of Chennai is in crisis after its four main water reservoirs ran completely dry due to severe drought. “Only rain can save Chennai from this situation,” an official said. On Saturday, India Today reported that heavy rainfall is giving some relief, which was expected to continue over the next 48 hours.
It appears the monsoon has finally arrived in India, late this year. This is the slowest advance of the monsoon in over a decade. Despite the southwest monsoon commencing around Chennai, the season will likely end drier than normal with rainfall around 90% of what typically falls. Any rainfall in the coming weeks will likely not be heavy enough to significantly improve drought conditions.
Great Earthquakes
In China, the toll from a strong 5.8 earthquake on June 17 killed 13 people and injured 199.
In Japan, a 6.4 earthquake on June 19 injured at least 26 people, including one seriously.
A 7.2 earthquake struck off the coast of New Zealand on June 15. This was followed by numerous others that occurred daily from 16th through the 19th, ranging from 5.2 to 6.4.
A moderate earthquake hit western France on June 21, felt as far as Bordeaux in the south and Normandy in the north. No damage has been reported. It prompted concern in several regions because “so many people felt it.” Most sites reported it as a 5.1.
Oil disaster
In Pennsylvania, a massive fire at Philadelphia Energy Solutions Inc’s oil refinery on Friday damaged the largest U.S. East Coast plant to the point that it could remain shut for an extended period. Similar fires have shut refineries for months or years. The 150-year-old oil refining complex processes 335,000 barrels of crude oil daily. The refinery turns the crude into gasoline, jet fuel, propane, home heating oil and other products. It was the second blaze at the refinery this month, following a June 10 fire.
In an interview, the producer of the VAXXED documentary, Del Bigtree, explains the dangers to children of (today’s overdoing of) vaccines, the lies by the media, and much more.
Ebola fears are worsening after over 300,000 people have fled the Congo since early June supposedly because of ethnic clashes. A number of them are coming into US! They come by plane to South America, then head to the US/Mexican border. Recently, 500 African migrants were found walking in Texas. Officials have dropped off dozens of Congolese migrants in San Antonio and asked for translators to “make our guests feel welcome.” 200 to 300 more were said to be coming to that city.
See Videos –When asked about how they got here, they’re not forthcoming and get agitated upon questioning. Some were seen with rolls of hundred-dollar bills. When spotted, they quickly put them back in their pockets. Many arrivals have been bused to Portland, Maine, on the opposite side of the US. And 100 are in Buffalo, New York, seeking asylum.
The current Ebola outbreak has continued to spread relentlessly since it began in August 2018 in the Congo, infecting over 2,000 and killing at least 1,400. And, in recent days, it reached Uganda. The problem when dealing with these people is their lack of trust and their beliefs. Health workers have been attacked, even killed. Belief that witchcraft can heal them and also kissing the dead bodies contributes to the spread of this disease. The Ebola virus lives for an unknown period of time after a victim’s death. Some say up to 50% of victims catch Ebola at funerals.
Are we seeing “weaponized immigration” designed by the deep state to destabilize the US and cull the human population? There is no regard for the health and safety of the public as we continue and purposely admit unscreened immigrants who are carrying diseases, in some cases, deadly diseases. The globalists are more and more openly saying what the Georgia Guidestones’ 10 commands state, that 5/6 of the human population needs to go in order to better preserve nature (aka worship their mother earth nature goddess).
From Investment Watch: Hugo Chavez was one of the most evil socialist dictators ever. Nicolas Maduro. Maduro ran the country the exact same way. Things got much worse. The people eat from garbage dumps and are forced to drink sewage water. In an oil-rich country, there is no gas for cars. I agree with something the evil socialist dictator said: “New Yorkers have to eat garbage too.” America’s inner cities- run 100% by Democrats- are rotting cesspools of misery. They are third world hellholes. What Maduro missed was that the reason those cities resemble Venezuela is because the policies in place are socialist- just like Venezuela.
There is a reported increase in the diagnosis of Valley Fever (caused by breathing in a fungus from soil that is stirred up). It’s supposedly hitting California farmworkers hard and worrying researchers. Of course, like everything else they can think of, the media is blaming man-made “climate change.”
Billions of midges that smell like rotting fish showed up in the New Orleans area, blanketing car windshields, littering the ground and making people miserable. They arrived in such large numbers due to the heavily polluted and “full of fertilizer water” of Lake Pontchartrain. The more polluted the water, the better for these midges. Ed Freytag, Senior Entomologist at New Orleans Mosquito, Termite and Rodent Control, suggested maybe there was a broken sewer pipe making the water extra polluted and causing the midges to breed.
Communist utopia? Cuba is rationing all meat and other consumer goods; and the government is encouraging residents to eat the hutia, a giant rodent endemic to the island nation.
Something wicked is going on in the Dominican Republic. The number of deaths of American tourists has now reached double digits. Healthy people have been dying this past year from what appear to be heart attacks or becoming violently ill after staying in a cluster of resorts on the island nation. 54 Jimmy Buffet fans from the US recently became violently ill during a group trip down to the Dominican Republic.
Animal Die-off
Scientists are puzzled by a disturbing trend in the waters along four Gulf Coast states. Almost 300 dead and dying dolphins have washed ashore since February.
Last Days Return to Days of Noah and Lot
Hollywood is punishing VidAngel for filtering videos for people who don’t want to see the smut these heathens put in their movies. VidAngel was handed a $62 million bill, payable to Disney, Fox, and Warner Bros. While the company appeals, let’s puzzle over what Disney could possibly do with more control and money.
The disgraced Vice President of Disney, Michael Laney has been convicted and sentenced to over six years in prison on multiple counts of sexually abusing children.
In Alaska, a Satanic Temple member who won the right to open a regional government meeting declared “Hail Satan” during her first invocation, prompting about a dozen officials and attendees to walk out. 40 people protested outside.
Left-wing pop diva Madonna said in an interview this week that there’s something “sexual” about seeing Jesus Christ “practically naked” hanging on the cross. She also believes Jesus would approve of abortion.
The United States is again ranked as one of the worst countries in the world for human sex trafficking. According to a recently released report by the State Department, the top three nations of origin for victims of human trafficking in 2018 were the United States, Mexico and the Philippines.
Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking, said, “There are tremendous numbers of kids…sold as sex slaves today in America…50 to 60% of them coming out of the foster care industry.” This assertion is confirmed by the State Department’s report, which found that children in foster care, homeless youth, undocumented immigrant children and those with substance abuse problems were especially at risk to fall into the human trafficking trap.
In Ohio, the board of directors of an Amish Mennonite-run charity, rocked by revelations that one of its workers sexually abused dozens of boys in Haiti, has placed two of its top officials — Paul Weaver and Eli Weaver — on leave pending an investigation as they have acknowledged that they allowed a confessed pedophile to return to Haiti, where he then continued to serially rape young boys. The serial child rapist is currently free after fleeing back to the US, but the organization believes he should be sent back to Haiti to face up to his crimes.
Nine-year-old Keegan goes by Kween-Kee-Kee when he dresses in drag and dances onstage. He has adult drag queen males mentoring him. Mainstream media reports this as a positive thing. ABC news says Kween Kee Kee promotes a message of love. Reuters says Kee Kee is teaching educators about queer youth and says “educators who for centuries have divided students into boys and girls are now figuring out better ways to address students who are nonbinary, gender fluid and gender nonconforming, in addition to transgender kids, whose gender identity differs from the one they were assigned at birth.” His parents say their Christian community outside Austin, Texas, is very accepting.
In Pennsylvania, The Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard facility regularly hosts tours for Boy Scout troops and other organizations, but the Christian scouting organization of Trail Life boys were told they could not participate due to concerns that the organization was not pro-LGBT.
California lawmakers want to force pastors to embrace the LGBT ideology. Assembly Concurrent Resolution 99 calls on “counselors, pastors, religious workers, educators” and institutions with “great moral influence” to stop perpetuating the idea that something is wrong with LGBT identities or sexual behavior. The proposed resolution also condemns attempts to change unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion as “unethical,” “harmful.” Right now it’s nonbinding, but that doesn’t mean it will stay that way. “What we find over and over again across America is that before they put a bill in and pass a law, they frequently pass a resolution.”
A Baptist pastor was arrested after refusing to move across the street from the Spokane, Washington Public Library while exercising his free speech against a ‘Drag Queen Story Hour.’ The event had a significant militaristic police presence, including camouflaged snipers positioned atop the roof to oversee the large crowd that stood both for and against the men dressed like women reading stories to children. The supporters of this abomination were allowed to be on the library side, but those protesting against it had to stay across the street.
A tech company made a disturbing statement during the left-centric “Pride Month.” For Snapchat, the LGBTQ might also include pedophiles. In the campaign for “Love Has No Labels” held by Snapchat, one of the options was a “Love Has No Age” filter. While this filter appears to be defunct as of June 3, conservatives on Twitter pointed out the option over the weekend of June 1-2. Snapchat has a reputation for enabling pedophiles on the app. Fortune reported in 2017 that the disappearing messages that are Snapchat’s trademark make it easy for child pornographers to exploit their victims. 41 percent of underage victims were targeted through Snapchat in 2016.
County leaders in Maryland are catching heat after they replaced the POW/MIA flag with a gay pride flag at the veteran’s memorial plaza.
The Democrat-controlled House voted to block President Trump’s move to restrict transgender men and women from military service.
The student government at the University of Arkansas has drawn up the “Menstrual Equality Act.” Following in the footsteps of such institutes of “higher” learning such as Washington State University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cornell University, and Syracuse University, they’re demanding menstrual products be placed in men’s rooms forthwith. And of course, at the taxpayer’s dime.
The inmates are running the asylum. If you are a heterosexual (so-named cisgendered) person who only wishes to date heterosexual (cisgendered) people, then shame on you for dehumanizing transgenders and the non-binary, according to a recent article published in Psychology Today. [Cisgendered: of, relating to, or being a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth].
In Iceland, temporary rainbows have been painted in various locations for gay pride celebrations in August every year and then removed afterward. Now, they’re going to paint a permanent gay pride rainbow in the city’s center.
In Scotland, a teacher kicked a student out of his class after the student insisted there were only two genders, male and female. Video captured by the student on a smartphone shows the teacher lecturing him outside the classroom for not being “inclusive.”
Israel blocked access last Monday to about 1,700 websites displaying pedophile pictures and videos, the Justice Ministry said. The action was taken by the state prosecutor following a joint operation by the cyber-crime department, police and Interpol. In May, Interpol said it had broken up an international network of pedophiles connected to the dark web.
An Ontario, Canada, couple is taking a school to court for teaching their 6-year-old girl gender fluidity, causing her distress, worrying she might not be female. During a 1st grade class at Devonshire Community Public School, a teacher presented a YouTube video on gender called “He, She, and They?!?—Gender: Queer Kid Stuff #2” which was part of the lesson plan that day.
In Mexico, 7-year-old Rámon was beaten to death by his lesbian mother and her girlfriend. His body was full of bruises, old scars, cigarette burns, and the marks “made by some large object.” The boy was determined to have been “beaten with a belt, a chair, a whip and even a hammer. In addition to the blows, they left him without food for days.” Before the assault that took the child’s life, Rámon was reportedly abused by the two women when he would refuse to wear girls’ clothing. The child’s grandmother attempted to gain custody of the child because of the abuse, but she was unsuccessful.
Apostasy and Doctrines of Demons
A Jesuit high school in Indiana will no longer be recognized as Catholic by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis because it refuses to fire a teacher who’s in a same-sex marriage.
In Cincinnati, Ohio, at Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church, drag queen Sparkle Leigh brought LGBT storytime to the church for gay pride month. The whole congregation, young and old, clapped.
Destruction of the Family
There is a father absence crisis in America. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 19.7 million children, more than 1 in 4, live without a father in the home. Consequently, there is a “father factor” in nearly all of the societal ills facing America today. Research shows when a child is raised in a father-absent home, he or she is affected negatively in a number of ways. Read at this link.
No Value of Human Life
The Chinese regime is killing prisoners of conscience and carving out their organs for transplant, sometimes while they’re still alive. The independent people’s tribunal said there was clear evidence that forced organ harvesting has taken place in China for years “on a significant scale.” Here is an interview of a medical student who witnessed one of them. One whistleblower said, “The organs removed from a living human being fetch a much higher price than from a dead body. After the live organ removal, some were still alive and breathing, but some of their bodies were directly thrown into the crematory oven. No trace of their bodies is left.”
A British judge has authorized doctors to perform an abortion on a 22-weeks pregnant woman with developmental disabilities (who is in the universal healthcare system), despite her objections and her mother’s willingness to raise the child herself.
In New York, tucked away in a $92.5 billion budget, agreed to with a handshake deal between Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson last week was an agreement to make New York City the first city in the country to fund abortion services.
Democrats in Rhode Island have legalized abortions up until the point of birth in the state.
42 elected prosecutors signed a statement refusing to enforce new abortion restrictions.
Republican senators are demanding a Dept of Justice update on the supposed investigation launched in 2017 of Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby body parts. Undercover videos have shown that is exactly what they do. Why has there not been an update on this?
Some good news: A federal appeals court ruled that President Trump can partially defund planned Parenthood while the abortion business’ lawsuit against his administration’s new rules moves forward. This will cut almost $60 million in taxpayer funding.
More good news: The city of Waskom, Texas, has become the first in the nation to ban abortion, declaring itself a “sanctuary city for the unborn.” Also, Missouri won’t renew Planned Parenthood’s license to perform abortions.
In Dallas, Texas, ex-infantryman Brian Isaack Clyde, wearing tactical gear, opened fire outside a courthouse before exchanging gunfire with law enforcement, who shot and killed him. No one else was injured. I managed to check out his Facebook page before it was taken down, and it was a bit strange. He appeared in at least one post to be either on drugs or seeing things. He spoke of his TV moving by itself.
In England, two men were rushed to hospital after suffering burns following an acid attack in London.
Traitors by the Ton
“Hands on your very young daughters” Joe Biden, Democrat president wannabe, suggested starting a “physical revolution” to deal with Republicans.
Bernie Sanders, president wannabe, reaffirmed that illegal immigrants would be covered under his vision for universal government-run health care.
Former Colorado governor and 2020 Democrat presidential candidate John Hickenlooper, said the 11 million illegal immigrants in the US should be given US visas immediately.
In Colorado, newly elected far-left Denver City Council member Candi CdeBaca has stated that she is “excited to usher” in communism “by any means necessary.”
During a recent ruling by the campaign finance board which resulted in a fine for Muslim Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a new detail emerged that showed that Ilhan Omar filed a joint tax return with her current husband while being legally married to a man who is alleged to be her brother (whom it is claimed she married to facilitate his US obtaining citizenship status). There are also allegations that she misused campaign funds.
The Left is intent on changing red states to blue states, even changing laws to make it happen. The illegal alien population has boomed in at least three red states won by President Trump in the 2016 presidential election, new analysis reveals.
House GOP leadership is now convinced FBI Director Christopher Wray is not cooperating with William Barr and John Durham’s investigation into the origins of Spygate, and is burying documents.
“The failing New York Times did a story claiming that the US is substantially increasing Cyber Attacks on Russia. This is a virtual act of Treason by a once great paper so desperate for a story, any story, even if it’s bad for our country. Anything goes with our Corrupt News Media today. They will do, or say, whatever it takes, with not even the slightest thought of consequence! These are true cowards and without doubt, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!”
Leftist Indoctrination of Students
A high school in San Francisco will spend a LOT of money to remove a George Washington mural due to the traumatizing of indoctrinated millennials. They’re deciding whether to paint over the mural for $600,000, hide it behind paneling for $875,000, or hide it behind curtains for $300,000. How do they come up with such figures?! This state’s money could be better spent to remove feces, drug needles and piled up garbage as well as eradicating rats and fleas that are causing typhus. But no matter.
Islamization of the Nations
A poor Christian family in Pakistan is calling for justice after their teenaged daughter was kidnapped at gunpoint and raped by five Muslims. 28 Christian girls are known to have become victims of abduction, torture, sexual harassment, rape, forced conversion and forced marriages in Pakistan from November 2018 to June 2019. The number is higher since families of victims usually avoid getting help from biased police officials who support cruel and influential culprits. Hindu girls are also victims.
A video shows a crowd in the Islamic Republic of Iran cheering as a woman was dragged across a road and beaten. Her crime? Dancing and not wearing the Islamic hijab required by law for any female older than 13, “Meanwhile, Leftist feminists in the West are donning the hijab, the symbol of oppression against which these Iranian women are rebelling.”
In the US, a Muslim convert and ISIS supporter, Wesley Dallas Ayers, 27, planted three bombs, including one disguised as a teddy bear, in places around South Carolina.
Also in the US, a 21-year-old Pittsburgh resident and Syrian “refugee,” Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, was arrested and charged with attempting to provide material support and resources to ISIS, and distributing information relating to an explosive, destructive device, or weapon of mass destruction in relation to a plan to attack a church.
In Nigeria, children (ages not yet known) were used as suicide bombers in a triple attack in Borno last Monday. At least 30 people were killed and 40 injured in the attack. Boko Haram is determined to create an Islamic state and has waged a violent campaign of kidnappings and murders in Nigeria. At least 27,000 lives have been lost and about two million people have been forced to flee their homes in the conflict. Three days previous, an armed gang killed at least 34 people in Zamfara.
The sects of Muslims don’t even get along with each other. Sunni is against Shiite, and vice versa. In Iraq, suicide bombers targeted a Shiite mosque in Baghdad, killing two people. Sounds like Sunni ISIS terrorists. They’ve been lighting fires in Iraq and destroying Iraq’s bumper crop of wheat and barley also.
Hatred of Christianity
In England, three churches in London suffered arson attacks in just two days, with each door being marked with satanic pentagrams and the number 666.
In Wisconsin, when Alvin Dupree, pastor of a local church who also serves on the Board of Education, was invited to deliver the commencement address at North High School, it should not have surprised anyone when he mentioned his relationship with Jesus Christ and ended his remarks with a hearty “God bless!” But the Freedom From Religion Foundation claims it received a number of complaints and it is demanding the pastor be banned from speaking at graduations or any other public ceremony. They’re demanding that he be censured or reprimanded and removed from the board if necessary.
Some good news: The US Supreme Court has ruled that a concrete cross honoring World War One soldiers can remain on state land, reversing a lower court decision. The American Humanist Association had sued to remove the Bladensburg, Maryland, monument, saying it was an unlawful endorsement of Christianity. But the top court said the 94-year-old cross was a “historical landmark,” and destroying it would be disrespectful.
Hatred of God’s Covenant People, Israel
In Berlin, Germany, a 23-year-old Jewish-American tourist was attacked by a group that was harassing him. The incident comes just days after an attack on a 20-year-old man who was wearing a Jewish kippah in Berlin.
The Malaysian prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, is one of the worst anti-Semites. He has made remark after remark and shown the world how vile of an anti-Semite he really is. Yet, when he derided the Jewish people at Cambridge Union debate society in England, they laughed along as he smirked. What’s the official religion in Malaysia? Islam. Ever wonder why Malaysia and other countries who are against the only one true God have so many disasters and problems? No need to wonder.
Surveillance Society
From the website: Google Chrome has become surveillance software. Our latest privacy experiment found Chrome ushered more than 11,000 tracker cookies into our browser — in a single week. Time to switch. Firefox is better; they automatically blocked these tracker cookies.
In Hong Kong, despite the bill that would extradite what it calls “dissidents” to mainland China being suspended, protestors again took to the streets last weekend stronger than before (2 million), demanding the release of prisoners. Although only 10% of the population is Christian, church groups quickly rallied after being alarmed by reports of police brutality to make a safe haven for protesters as the government said it had to crack down on “organized riots.” They started singing, “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord.” The song caught on and had a calming effect, showing police that the protest is peaceful. Thousands surrounded police headquarters one day this week to protest, still fearful that this extradition bill will be implemented.
Border Disorder
We’ve already discussed the border disorder involving migrants coming here from the Congo.
ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is set to begin raids with court-ordered removals of illegal immigrants in 10 cities beginning Sunday.
Drugs Coming into Our Ports
In Pennsylvania, federal agents seized 15,500 kilos of cocaine, over 16.5 tons, with a street value of $1 billion at a South Philadelphia Port.
Climate Change: Ruse for Global Governance
In Germany, the Green party has proposed a full ban on all industrial farming as part of efforts to fight “climate change.” The deceived and deceiving ones blame cow flatulence, saying it’s dangerous to the environment.
In Ireland, drivers will be forced off the roads and the population packed into “higher density” cities under a long-awaited climate plan which will ‘revolutionize’ people’s lifestyle and behaviors, according to local media. Huge tax hikes, as well as bans and red tape outlined in the plan, will pave the way to a so-claimed “vibrant” Ireland of zero carbon emissions by 2050 according to the government, which last year committed to boost the country’s 4.7 million-strong population by a further million with mass migration.
EU leaders, hoping for the bloc to lead the fight against so-called global warming by agreeing on Thursday to go carbon neutral by 2050, engaged in last-ditch diplomacy to ease fears among central and eastern states that doing so could cost jobs. Momentum has built swiftly around the goal, with a majority of the bloc’s 28 members signing up to it in recent days, hoping to lead by example at U.N. climate talks in September. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on the bloc to aim for a 55% cut. But doubts remain even among nations in favor of the 2050 goal over how to pay for the economic shift to low-carbon technology in big employment sectors such as transport, farming and building and remain competitive.
From Technocracy News: Here is an extensive collection of articles debunking global warming and man-made climate change, by experts and scientists around the world. This collection is worth saving for the next time you are challenged for facts and authoritative sources.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
President Trump approved military strikes against Iran in retaliation for the deliberate (even Iran admitted this) downing of a US surveillance drone, but called off the attacks at the last minute after being told it would cost an estimated 150 Iranian military lives. Targets had included Iranian radar and missile batteries. Six oil tankers in the Gulf have been damaged by explosions in the past six weeks, and Thursday’s downing of the US drone was the second in a week.
At least 1,000 more US troops headed to the Middle East. The US also released new photos showing Iranian involvement in the June 13 attack on two oil tankers. Patience with Iran’s aggression is wearing thin.
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman warned that Saudi Arabia “will not hesitate to deal with any threat,” after accusing Iran of responsibility for attacks on yet more oil tankers near the strategic Strait of Hormuz.
An ominous new document (deleted soon afterward) was released by the Pentagon called ‘Nuclear Operations,’ and suggests military chiefs could once again use the weapons of mass destruction to “restore strategic stability.”
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami said Iran has powerful ballistic missiles capable of attacking U.S. aircraft carriers in the region, and claimed they are difficult to intercept and hit with other missiles.
In Iraq, after years of war and drought, this season’s bumper crop of wheat and barley finally looked promising. But ISIS is blamed for starting the fires that have them burning. Since the harvest began in April, crop fires have raged; and the government, battered by years of war and corruption, has few resources to counter a new hit-and-run insurgency.
In Israel, fire damage to agricultural land, etc., near its border with Gaza continues due to incendiary balloon terrorism that shows no signs of slowing down – despite $25 million dollars in Qatari aid being transferred to the enclave, which Hamas will no doubt use for terrorism against Israel instead of using it for their own people. Dozens of fires were started in the nearby Israeli communities last weekend. It is continuing this weekend as well with attempts to breach the border fence with Israel.
Last year, Israel’s Agriculture Ministry even urged farmers in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip to harvest their wheat crops early because of the fear that burning kites sent from Gaza will destroy them.
Demonic Delusion Promoting Continues
Kansas Citians had their eyes to the sky Thursday evening, trying to get a glimpse of two mysterious white, spherical objects floating over the city. The National Weather Service of Kansas City brought attention to the matter and posted a photo to Twitter, adding it had “no explanation” for the small orbs. Others are saying they’re just high-altitude balloons.
The Purple and Scarlet One-World Religion Pusher
Pope Francis, the pusher of global government, global “interfaith” religion (aka all paths lead to God), the global warming hoax, and open borders, is now calling for a new Catholic theological curriculum that pushes brotherhood with Islam to students.
Revelation 13 One-World Economy Moving Closer
Facebook’s new cryptocurrency named Libra launched globally on June 18th. The original name of Libra? GlobalCoin.
When Dave Merrick was an atheist college student, he had an experience that turned him to Christ. He speaks of hearing back in 1975 of what came to be several years later, which he believes initiated the roots of the Mark of the Beast system as well as how it’s “progressed” from there. Read about it in his article “The Bible Keeps Happening All Around Us” at this link.
CEO Brian Moynihan spoke of embracing digital transactions, saying, “We want a cashless society.” In a survey conducted in 2018, just 13% of Swedes reported using cash. The country’s retailers predicted by 2025 they’d stop accepting cash. Some Swedes had a microchip inserted into their hands as a convenient way of paying, NPR Opens a New Window. reported.
The extreme weather and fires from terrorism have devastated much agricultural land. We can see how the following will be the case in the Tribulation:
“When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, ‘Come!’ I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, ‘Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” (Revelation 6:5-6).
The way is also obviously being paved for the mark of the beast that will be implemented in the middle of the 7-year Tribulation. “And he causeth all…to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast (Antichrist), or the number of his name” (Rev 13:16-17).