27 May 2019

What in the World is Going On? And Where is it All Leading?

Starting with the extreme weather…

Just as it was forecast, the US has endured severe weather over the past several days. Depending on where you live, you either saw snow, torrential rain, flash floods, tornadoes, or extreme heat. And it’s not over yet. There have been reports of over 100 tornadoes, and several people died from weather-related incidents. You can watch a wrap-up of some of the events at this link and read a wrap-up at this link.

A blistering, dangerous heat wave, which one expert calls a “death ridge,” is affecting the southeastern US with highs into the upper 90s to low 100s all the way from Alabama to Virginia. A few of the records that could be broken date back to the 1800s.

In Webber Falls, Oklahoma, the entire town was evacuated after high water levels caused two barges to break free from their moorings in the Arizona River. As was feared, the barges crashed into the dam, releasing their contents of fertilizer into the river. The dam didn’t break but the sunken barges are still pressing onto the structure of the dam, causing concern.

Thirteen states, mainly in the western U.S, received measurable snowfall early this week, an unusual occurrence for this time of year. In Colorado, several locations accumulated over a foot of snow, 18 to 20 inches in two locations, the highest snowfall totals recorded in Colorado by mid-day. Denver got a few inches but it was more May snow than they’d seen in 44 years; many trees were reported broken in the region. Colorado’s snowpack this year is five times heavier than last year. Several locations in South Dakota received over a foot of snow, and in one case over 2 feet of snow.

In Israel, an extreme heatwave began mid-week and is predicted to stay above 40 degrees C (104 F) in some parts of the country throughout the weekend. Already, thousands have been evacuated due to fires this week, not just the ones that the heathen from Gaza sparked with their incendiary balloons. PM Netanyahu reached out to other countries for help. Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Croatia are responding.

In Taiwan, heavy to extremely heavy rain warnings were in place in most of Taiwan on Monday. Warnings against debris flows were issued for 214 streams. The country’s Ministry of National Defense placed 39,000 soldiers on standby to help residents deal with potential disasters.

Great Earthquakes in Diverse Places (reporting those about 6.0)

A 6.3 shallow earthquake struck off the island of New Caldonia on May 19, which is off the coast of Australia.

A 6.1 earthquake occurred off the coast of Alaska on May 23.


Japan’s Meteorological Agency issued a warning over a possibility of volcanic Mount Hakone erupting. The step was taken after the number of volcanic earthquakes near the mountain increased. Mount Hakone last erupted around 3000 years ago.

Days of Lot Returned

Target stores not only offers LGBTQ+ clothing and accessories to adults and children in its “Take Pride” sections, but is donating to an organization that offers lesson plans for elementary school children on “gender-neutral” pronouns and terminology as part of the Common Core curriculum, and introduces gender ideology to third-graders. GLSEN partners with the UN and like-minded groups in Canada, China, Ireland, Israel, South Africa, and the UK. Coincidently, Target chief marketing officer Rick Gomez also serves on GLSEN’s board of directors. According to its website, “We accomplish our goals by working in hallways across the country — from Congress and the Dept of Education to schools and district offices in your community — to improve school climate and champion LGBT issues in K-12 education.”

Perverted Planned Parenthood launched a “No Judgment” chat box phone app geared at indoctrinating children towards early sex, abortion and gender confusion. They created a GIF to go along with it, emphasizing “anything goes.” The GIF states “You do you.” They gave the AI chat box the innocent-sounding name of Roo.

“Trans” activists are silencing science so they can claim it’s on their side, and Big Brother thought police go along with them.

In Taiwan, 526 same-sex couples registered for marriage on Friday, the first day same-sex marriage was legal in the country. The liberal-left media and others in the world call this equality. God calls it detestable – not just in the Old Testament law, but also in the New Testament. Brethren, where God has spoken, we dare not be silent but must speak out and warn others.

Iniquity Shall Abound

In Connecticut, 50 people were arrested as part of a massive undercover operation that resulted in the seizure of thousands of bags of heroin, also guns and cash. The investigation began in response to an increase in heroin overdoses and heroin-related deaths in the city of Waterbury.

In the UK, the latest in thing to do is for those on the left to throw milkshakes at political leaders on the right. An attack on Nigel Farage was promoted by Burger King on Twitter. McDonald’s in the area of Farage’s visit to Scotland stopped selling milkshakes while he was there at the request of police, but Burger King posted that they’ll continue selling them and urged people to “have fun” with them. CBS News encouraged this to continue. CNN has a long history of calling for violent acts against political opponents. The View’s Joy Behar called for Republicans to be jailed for daring to support Trump. The Left claim to stand for “diversity” and “tolerance,” but in truth they are increasingly and openly calling for violence, including murder, against conservatives and Christians. Where is this leading?

Global Government Agendas

Decreasing the Population to Better Worship Nature

A study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health last year showed there is a 25% chance of girls becoming sterile after receiving the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. There is such a low risk of cancer from HPV, the risks far outweigh any benefits.

Abortion Promoters are becoming demonic

A Canadian Court of Appeals ruled that doctors must not only euthanize or refer, but also abort or refer, and provide any other controversial legal service that a patient might want or refer — their religious freedoms or moral consciences be damned.

In Colorado, a billboard along I-70 eastbound reads “Welcome to Colorado where you can get a safe, legal abortion.”

Good Place actress Jameela Jamil called Georgia’s recently signed heartbeat abortion law “inhumane” and revealed that terminating her pregnancy was the “best decision” she ever made.

In California, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors implemented a one-year travel ban to Alabama for county business in response to Alabama’s strict new abortion law.

Reports this week from Lifenews.com:

Hollywood actor Jim Carrey’s pro-abortion cartoon depicts Alabama’s Governor Kay Ivey as a distressed baby in the womb while a large tube sucks away her brain. “I think if you’re going to terminate a pregnancy, it should be done sometime before the fetus becomes governor of Alabama,” Carrey wrote on Twitter.

Homosexual candidate for president, Pete Buttigieg, defended abortions up to birth and called killing these babies an “American Freedom.

Candidates for president, Bernie Sanders (who wants Godless socialism) and Kirsten Gillibrand (who calls pro-lifers anti-Christian) want a national law legalizing abortion up to birth.

(Creepy Hands) candidate for president, Joe Biden, will force Christians to pay for abortions.

Democrat politician Brian Sims wrote a fundraising letter for Planned Parenthood and apologized to abortion supporters for making abortion activists look bad with his “behavior.” But he has not apologized to the pro-life women and teens he harassed repeatedly in his Philadelphia district, including calling for their addresses so they could be stalked.

Dumb Down the Students; Lower Their Will to Succeed

Studies show that in a number of Western countries, IQ scores are dropping notably.

David Coleman, the College Board president behind the recent decision to assign applicants an “adversity score,” is the same man who is considered the “architect” of Common Core, which has dumbed down the students in public schools and turned them into ‘weak and whiny liberal group-think robots’ who will be putty in the hands of the godless globalist goblins.

Surveillance Society

After it was discovered that Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, and T-Mobile were all selling your real-time location data to third-party companies, they pledged to stop. But later, Sprint, T-Mobile, and AT&T got caught continuing the practice. Do we trust them when they again said they’ve stopped?

Pitting Nation (Ethnic) Against (Ethnic) Nation

The chancellor of New York City schools, Richard Carranza, is accused of creating an environment hostile to white people.

Bringing Disorder to Western Borders

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement pilot of new rapid DNA testing at the border has found that nearly a third of those tested were not biologically related to the children they brought with them to gain asylum in the US.

The Trump administration has notified over 500,000 employers that some of their employees’ names don’t match their reported Social Security numbers, in a new move to crack down on illegal aliens.

A federal judge from California, Haywood Gilliam Jr, has blocked President Trump from building key sections of his border wall with money secured under his declaration of a national emergency – one spanning 46 miles in New Mexico and another covering 5 miles in Yuma, Arizona. Trump pledged to file an expedited appeal of the ruling.

In Phoenix, Arizona, an illegal immigrant, Carlos Jacinto Cobos-Perez, has been arrested and charged after allegedly impregnating an 11-year old girl.

In Texas, an illegal immigrant from Kenya, Billy Chemirmir, is charged with at least a dozen deaths of elderly women, and has caused police to reopen investigations into 750 other deaths not previously ruled as homicides. In the ten years he’s lived in Texas, he’s used his healthcare experience to his advantage and also has posed as a maintenance worker to gain entrance into homes of elderly women.

How did an Islamist terrorist with a known history of war crimes during Somalia’s civil war end up in Canada and then the US driving for Lyft and Uber in Virginia? Yusuf Abdi Ali drove for Uber for 18 months, beginning in August 2017. Stories about Mr. Ali, who lives in Springfield, Va., circulated for years before he was taken on as an independent contractor for Lyft and Uber. A documentary by CBC News in 1992 highlighted allegations that he had “executed, tortured and maimed countless people” during Somalia’s civil war.

In France, video showed hundreds of undocumented immigrants calling themselves “Black Vests” storming a French airport and occupying an entire terminal, demanding to meet with the country’s prime minister. “France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.


Hidalgo County, Texas, is ground zero for the most illegal aliens coming in among all places along the southwestern border. It is also experiencing an outbreak of mumps, with 46 reported cases countywide since March, an unprecedented number for any US county.

Rat-infested mountains of rotting garbage are continuing to pile up in Los Angeles. One disease expert said it’s worse than third-world country slums. It attracts rats that can carry fleas and spread diseases like typhus. One study found that Los Angeles is the second most rat-infested city in the country, with New York lagging behind in third place, but Chicago coming out on top with a first-place finish, all Democrat-run cities.

In war-ravaged Yemen, food aid is being diverted by corrupt and uncooperative officials in Houthi-held areas, where millions are believed to be on the verge of famine. Efforts to reach people in need are being repeatedly blocked.

Mankind Will Be Traitorous

Democrats claim they want election security, but they’re actually involved in a massive power grab and will not stop until they get their way. They’re banking on most Americans having not read H.R. 1, which they market as an election security bill, but which actually reduces our ability to detect and deter fraud.

The Nevada Senate approved upending the Electoral College, sending the legislation to the Democrat governor where it is expected to be signed. Democrats and leftist groups cheered the vote. If this were to go into effect nationwide as the Dem leaders would love for it to, then just a few large states could decide who becomes president regardless of the rest of the nation’s vote. California, for instance, would wield much power in deciding who is president.

Mark Levin, author of Unfreedom of the Press, described Silicon Valley’s dominant “progressive” ideology as hostile to America’s Declaration of Independence and Constitution, offering his analysis of political and partisan censorship deployed by technology companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter ….“Why do I think that Silicon Valley is conducting itself the way that it does?” asked Levin, “Because this is the way the progressive left works. They do not tolerate diversity. They do not tolerate independent thinkers. They do not tolerate anyone who opposes their view.” “Remember, progressivism is about a very destructive ideology that runs counter to the Declaration of Independence. We talk about natural rights. We talk about unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They reject this.”

Attorney General William Barr appears to be highly suspicious that wrongdoing occurred at the highest level in the events leading to the Trump campaign probe. Barr promised to find out “exactly what happened.” He also called Pelosi’s claim that he lied “laughable” and part of the “political circus.”

The Deep State Traitorous Swamp is in panic mode. President Trump will begin declassifying ‘Russiagate’ documents in the next few days. Among those will be the so-called “Bucket Five” – documents which were originally presented to the Gang of Eight in 2016, which included everything the FBI and DOJ used against Trump campaign aide Carter Page – including the FISA surveillance application and its underlying exculpatory intelligence documents which the FISA court may have never seen.

Socialism, the plan Bernie Sanders is pushing, continues to show, as it always has, that it is a terrible failure and results in corrupt dictatorships. Nearly 150 years after electricity came to South Africa, the country is in the dark. Blackouts can strike at any time; then lights, hot water and even major industries vanish into the darkness. At the center is Eskom, South Africa’s state-owned power company. The socialist relic has had many scandals, but its dysfunction reached epic proportions under the ANC, African National Congress. Key figures in the ANC, including Nelson Mandela, were members of South Africa’s Communist party. Under ANC rule, Eskom suffered massive thefts. Earlier this year, a government investigations unit tried to track down $9.6 billion in stolen Eskom funds.

Hatred of All Who Name the Name of Christ

Democrat homosexual candidate for president, Pete Buttigieg, equated radical Shia Islam and the Islamic ideology behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks with what he calls Christian “extremists” – you know, the ones who believe the word of God means what it says and says what it means, which he obviously does not believe.

The Jerusalem studios of Daystar were completely destroyed during an arson attack. It would seem that Islamic terrorism is to blame, especially considering it’s during Ramadan. (Sadly however, there are very few sheep and many wolves on the Daystar channel just like at TBN…and in many places in these last days of apostasy. But all Islamists know is that they call themselves Christian, and that’s enough to burn them down.)

As further evidence of Communist China’s continuing persecution of Christians, a pastor’s sermon was edited by government officials who required him to remove the sentence “God made Heaven and Earth and created everything,” and also demanded that he include more Chinese and pro-Communist Party references.

Hatred of the Jews, God’s Chosen Covenant People

From drip irrigation to hardier seeds, Israeli innovations help fill hungry bellies everywhere, particularly in the developing world. God said Israel would be a blessing to the nations, and it has been. Yet Israel is hated by much of the world. It’s really hatred of God.

The Qatar-funded Arab Al Jazeera news network published a video questioning the Holocaust and implying that Jews have benefited from it. Then, when Western media caught them and published translations, Twitter agreed to censor the westerners’ translated versions, invoking Al Jazeera’s copyright.

Several fires were sparked in Israel by Gazan heathen who sent balloon-borne incendiary devices over the security fence.

In France, the last of the remaining Jews living in a Paris suburb were brutally beaten and robbed in their own home where there has been a series of home invasions by Muslims targeting Jews. Seine-Saint-Denis is increasingly a Muslim no-go zone, once home to a thriving Jewish community.

A large number of people turned out for a rally in New York, calling for removal of Illhan Omar from office for her hate-filled remarks against Israel and her support of Hamas as they fired rockets into Israel. The defenders of Omar were a small group of indoctrinated leftist millennials and a fringe group of Hasidic Jews. This group of Jews don’t believe the state of Israel should exist until the arrival of the Messiah when they’re all believers in God. They fail to realize that God brought the Jews back to their land in unbelief in these last days. It will be God’s supernatural act in destroying the Russian-Arab invaders in Ezekiel 38-39 that turns Israel back to Him. And by the Tribulation’s end, they’ll realize their Messiah is Jesus, and a remnant will be saved.

Islamic Terrorism

ISIS terrorists released three new posters calling for lone wolf attacks on London and New York.

Islamization of the Nations

A campaign launched by Coca-Cola Norway aimed at celebrating the Islamic holy month of Ramadan has sparked accusations of political correctness gone mad, with some even threatening to protest the move by drinking Pepsi. Coca-Cola is known to roll out Ramadan campaigns in Muslim-majority nations, but this is the first time the company has marked the Islamic month of fasting in Norway, where an estimated 5.7 percent of the country’s 5.2 million inhabitants are Muslim. The campaign features the iconic Coca-Cola logo adorned with a crescent moon, an important symbol in Islam. The marketing manager for Coca-Cola Norway told Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet that the company wanted to take a firm stance on the importance of celebrating diversity. DIVERSITY? When does Coca-Cola ever celebrate Christianity? Never.

In Maryland, parents of Caleigh Wood are taking their case to the Supreme Court, having failed in the lower courts. Caleigh was given a failing grade for refusing to do an assignment that promoted Islam. Her attorney said, “Under the guise of teaching history or social studies, public schools across America are promoting the religion of Islam in ways that would never be tolerated for Christianity or any other religion. Prompted by zealous Islamic activism, schools are bending over backwards to promote Islam while at the same time denigrating Christianity.

Thanks to a liberal judge, John Walker Lindh, the ‘American Taliban’ is being released from prison. Lindh says he plans on spreading the word about Islamic jihad.

The RCC’s Cardinal Raymond Burke spoke out about Muslim immigration to Western nations. He noted that “Islam by its definition believes itself to be destined to rule the world, coming in large numbers to countries.” He continued, “You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see what’s happened, for instance, in Europe, in countries like France and Germany and also here in Italy. And it’s also happening in the United States.”

Burke cited a book called No Go Zones which, he said, “records places in the United States where, in fact, Muslim immigrants have set up their own legal order.” “In other words, they resist the legitimate authority of the state,” he continued. “So to be opposed to large-scale Muslim immigration is … a responsible exercise of one’s patriotism,” he said.

In Indonesia, after their candidate lost the presidential election, Islamic groups called for “constitutional jihad” against President Widodo who was re-elected. Riots ensued in which six people were killed and 200 injured.

There Will Be Wars and Rumors of Wars

Last Sunday a rocket fell near the US embassy in Iraq. The attack came two weeks after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Iraqi leaders that if they failed to keep in check Iran-backed militias which are expanding their power in Iraq, the US would respond with force.

President Trump approved the Pentagon’s plan to send more troops to the Middle East amid rising tensions with Iran. Fewer than 1,000 new troops are actually deploying, and about 600 soldiers who are already deployed will be extended.

Iran is building a border crossing between Iraq and Syria, new satellite images have revealed, raising concerns that it could expedite transfer of weapons from Iran to terrorist groups like Hezbollah.

The United States sees signs that the Syrian government may again be using chemical weapons, including an alleged chlorine attack on Sunday in northwest Syria. The State Dept warned that Washington and its allies would respond “quickly and appropriately” if this were proven.

Ahead of the announcement of the US Middle East “peace” plan, the Jordanian press, including the government daily Al-Rai, published scathing articles against Israel that contain calls for a new “Palestinian” intifada in the West Bank in order to thwart this deal, among other goals.

US fighter jets intercepted Russian nuclear-capable bombers and fighter jets two days in a row off the coast of Alaska this week; it was the fifth intercept of Russian aircraft this year.

Promoting So-Called Peace and Safety

The United Arab Emirates on Wednesday said it welcomed a June 25 to 26 “Peace to Prosperity” economic workshop hosted in Bahrain in cooperation with the United States.

Apostasy and Doctrines of Demons

At Baylor University, a private Christian college in Waco, Texas, Dan Freemyer – pastor of missional engagement at Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth, which calls itself “fully affirming of women in lay and professional ministry roles and fully inclusive of LGBTQ+ persons” – denounced “straight white men” and “Fossil Fuels” in the commencement benediction prayer, and received a rousing cheer from students.

On Monday, three Muslim members of Congress hosted a Muslim iftar at the US Capitol (the meal that breaks the fast at sundown each day of the Muslim month of Ramadan), attended by about 100 guests from various religious backgrounds. During the event, Ocasio-Cortez, a professing Catholic, talked about attending Friday prayers at mosques in her district. She said Christian and Muslim prayers “all go to the same place.  A lie.

Eurovision 2019’s “Dare to Dream” is a nightmare. The Eurovision Song Contest 2019 was held in Tel Aviv, Israel, this year since the country is chosen according to where the performer who won the contest the year before hails from. There were plenty of occultic symbols to go around when Madonna closed out the show with a devilish performance disguised as bringing on a new-age enlightenment after the apocalypse. This performance and its meaning is discussed at this link.

In Conclusion

Excerpt from Isaiah 59:

“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear… None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity… Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace….”

Excerpt from 1 Thessalonians 5:

“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief….For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ…The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”


Last Modified on May 26, 2019
This entry was posted in Prayer Center
Bookmark this article 27 May 2019