Rapture Ready Radio

A compelling look at current events, Bible Prophecy and apologetics with interviews of well-known authors and prominent leaders from around the world. Host, Jan Markell founded Olive Tree Ministries in the 80s to teach believers how to be watchmen on the wall and understand the times from a biblical perspective. She is the author of 8 books and has produced a dozen DVDs. Her popular radio program is hearing on over 800 radio stations across North America. She hosts the largest Bible prophecy conference in America.

Listen to many Live Christian Radio Stations including Eternity Ready Radio and on-demand music. There are Bible Prophecy Podcasts! There is music about the Rapture! There are Radio Programs from David Jeremiah and other well known pastors! Listen to Christian music in different styles from the 70s to today! Eternity Ready provides Christian Media to encourage your faith. Visit www.eternityreadyradio.com for more show information.